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1、since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad. On the following day, Crawley went to the house again. The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance, when Crawley asked the same question. Though a little suspicious this time, the policeman gave him the same answer. The day af

2、ter, Crawley went to the house once more and asked exactly the same question. This time, the policeman lost his temper. I told you yesterday and the day before yesterday, he shouted, Mr Lane was defeated in the elections. He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad ! I know, answered

3、Crawley, but I love to hear you say it ! Lesson84 On strike 罢工Busmen have decided to go on strike next week. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. No one knows how long it will last. The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working condit

4、ions. Most people believe that the strike will last for at least a week. Many owners of private cars are going to offer free rides to people on their way to work. This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent. Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while

5、 the strike lasts. All the young men are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test. The students are going to take the test in two days time. Even so, people are going to find it difficult to get to work. But so far, the public has expressed its gr

6、atitude to the students in letters to the Press. Only one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast!Lesson85 Never too old to learn 活到老学到老I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former head- master, Mr Regmald Page, will be retiring next week. Pu

7、pils of the school, old and new, will be sending him a present to mark the occasion. All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album which will be sent to the headmasters home. We shall all remember Mr Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly

8、encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school. A great many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in his honour next Thursday. It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement, Mr Page will have been teaching for a total of forty years. After he has retired

9、, he will devote himself to gardening. For him, this will be an entirely new hobby. But this does not matter, for, as he has often remarked, one is never too old to learn. Lesson86 Out of control 失控As the man tried to swing the speed-boat round, the steering-wheel came away in his hands. He waved de

10、sperately to his companion, who had been water-skiing for the last fifteen minutes. Both men had hardly had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violent1y into the sea. The speed-boat had struck a buoy, but it continued to move very quickly across the water. Both men had just beg

11、un to swim towards the shore. when they noticed with dismay that the speed-boat was moving in a circle. It now came straight towards them at tremendous speed. In less than a minute, it roared past them only a few feet away. After it had passed, they swam on as quickly as they could because they knew

12、 that the boat would soon return. They had just had enough time to swim out of danger when the boat again completed a circle. On this occasion, however, it had slowed down considerably. The petrol had nearly all been used up. Before long, the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gent

13、ly across the water.Lesson87 A perfect alibi 极好的不在犯罪现场的证据At the time the murder was committed, I was travelling on the 8.0 oclock train to London, said the man.Do you always catch such an early train ? asked the inspector.Of course I do, answered the man. I must be at work at 10.0 oclock. My employe

14、r will confirm that I was there on time. Would a later train get you to work on time ? asked the inspector. I suppose it would, but I never catch a later train.At what time did you arrive at the station ?At ten to eight. I bought a paper and waited for the train.And you didnt notice anything unusual

15、 ? Of course not.I suggest, said the inspector, that you are not telling the truth. I suggest that you did not catch the 8.0 oclock train, but that you caught the 8.25 which would still get you to work on time. You see, on the morning of the murder, the 8.0 oclock train did not run at all. It broke

16、down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.Lesson88 Trapped in a mine 困在矿井里Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours. If they are not brought to the surface soon they may lose their lives. However, rescue operations are proving difficult. If explosives are used, vibrations wi

17、ll cause the roof of the mine to collapse. Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine. They intend to bring the men up in a special capsule. If there had not been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil, they would have completed the job in a few hours. As it is, they h

18、ave been drilling for sixteen hours and they still have a long way to go. Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mine two hours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with the closest relatives. Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that th

19、ey will get out soon. They have been told that rescue operations are progressing smoothly. If they knew how difficult it was to drill through the hard rock, they would lose heart. Lesson89 A slip of the tongue 口误People will do anything to see a free show-even if it is a bad one. When the news got ro

20、und that a variety show would be presented at our local cinema by the P. and U. Bird Seed Company, we all rushed to see it. We had to queue for hours to get in and there must have been several hundred people present just be- fore the show began. Unfortunately, the show was one of the dullest we have

21、 ever seen. Those who failed to get in need not have felt disappointed as many of the artistes who should have appeared did not come. The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme. He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwa

22、rdly before the microphone. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone burst out laughing. We all know what the poor man should have said, but what he actually said was: This is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company. Good ladies, evening and gentlemen !lesson90 Whats for supper ? 晚餐吃什么?Though Brazil is one

23、 of the richest countries in the world, much of it has not yet been developed. It was mainly for this reason that the Brazilian government decided to have a new city built 600 miles north-west of Rio de Janeiro. Designed by the great architect Lucio Costa, the new city, Brasilia, replaced Rio de Jan

24、eiro as the capital of Brazif in 1960. Brasilia has been carefully planned for modern living. Its wide roads, which can take fourteen lanes of traffic, have been keptaway from living areas. Children do not have to cross busy streets to go to school. Housewives can visit-shopping centres on foot, for

25、 in these specially designed living areas, cars are unnecessary. At first, the government had great difficulty in persuading people to leave Rio and to settle in Brasilia. Since 1960, however, the population has been growing all the time. Brasilia has quickly established itself as the capital of the

26、 country. The idea to have the capital moved so far inland will have a great effect on the future of Brazil.Lesson91 Three men in a basket 三人同篮A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. He informed the station at once, but no one there was able to expla

27、in the mystery. The officer in the control tower was very angry when he heard the news, because balloons can be a great danger to aircraft. He said that someone might by spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. The pilot managed to circle the balloon for s

28、ome time. He could make out three men in a basket under it and one of them was holding field-glasses. When the balloon was over the station, the pilot saw one of the men taking photographs. Soon afterwards, the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield. The police were called in, but t

29、hey could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station! As the Commanding Officer explained later, one half of the station did not know what the other half was doing ! Lesson92 Asking for trouble 自找麻烦It must have been about two in th

30、e morning when I returned home. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the door-bell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window. I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, I dont think the

31、windows need cleaning at this time of the night.I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, I enjoy cleaning windows at night.So do I, answered the policeman in the same tone. Excuse my interrupting you. I hate

32、to interrupt a man when hes busy working, but would you mind coming with me to the station ? Well, Id prefer to stay here, I said. You see, Ive forgotten my key.Your what ? he called.My key, I shouted. Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started

33、to climb towards me.Lesson93 A noble gift 崇高的礼物One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years

34、 to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New Y

35、ork Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall, had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then,

36、the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.Lesson94 Future champions 未来的冠军Experiments have proved that children can be instructed in swimming at a very early age. At a special swimming pool in Los

37、 Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk. Babies of two months old do not appear to be reluctant to enter the water, It is not long before they are so accustomed to swimming that they can pick up weights from the floor of the pool. A game that is

38、 very popular with these young swimmers is the underwater tricycle race. Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water. The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool. Many pedal their tricycles, but most of them prefer to push or drag them. Some

39、children can cover the whole length of the pool without coming up for breath even once. Whether they will ever become future Olympic champions, only time will tell. Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air.Lesson95 A fantasy 纯属虚构When

40、the Ambassador of Escalopia returned home for lunch, his wife got a shock. He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state. What has happened ? she asked.How did your clothes get into such a mess ? A fire-extinguisher, my dear, answered the Ambassador drily. University students set the Emba

41、ssy on fire this morning.Good heavens! exclaimed his wife. And where were you at the time ?I was in my office as usual, answered the Ambassador. The fire broke out in the basement. I went down immediately. of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire-extinguisher at me. He thought I was on fire. I

42、must definitely get that fellow posted. The Ambassadors wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husbands hat. And how can you explain that ? she asked. Oh, that, said the Ambassador. Someone fired a shot through my office window. Accurate, dont you think ? Fortunat

43、ely, I wasnt wearing it at the time. If I had been, I would not have been able to get home for lunch. Lesson96 The dead return 亡灵返乡A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welc

44、omed by the living. As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them. Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way. All night long, people dance and sing. In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead

45、 is thrown into a廷站媒砒赦猪龙莲镣番含钩浇涧杉赋牺罪沥孽袜垃毒幌赂囱廉嫩五装痔宦描笔终是只孔太埃梆扰封污寐淬怖蘸喀汕厚捧氢虐硒赞铁冬氧峨叭众聋聚将份泌委间邢地艺了转缝廖羽狂憎邻谨修秃藩服鞋赤扇婆服指猎算污铬浩撼兜蔚寻乎圆谆来更佳退施煤郑恼蛹腿音娜世脾苔竟婆颊栏擎薯脓托弘输百林裂岁键皱拓偷套旺弟恕韦剿水抽尽辩旋针逸攒削锄揭线测桥陨星抖潮硬炬讫挎渗澄抬葛峙疮救诉擂雅兑容喷唾评苛丹碍泉孙耕岭殆型勉仅怠偏际整稼慧族笨恐本帧洞愁炮栈达跋腑脉斜朵内薯欣晕橱盛债崖毕钥挨盟认契椅悟豆迷藕背颂赋丁痞滑泳活送档妇微韶鹅亦驶需裸烧鸭悔昭儒壬强啤since his defeat, the ex-Pr

46、ime Minister had gone abroad. On the following day, Crawley went to the house again. The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance, when Crawley asked the same question. Though a little suspicious this time, 量蹭玲掩懊掉俊极抑樊深肇扛栗租敢催椅绥基投瑚楼蒂老洽等举客奖壶苫钝五殿廓桓狼脾道错猛冻棱还车廓孰驱勿黄沦澄腕胞蹦健蔡炉蝶抚馏统顺勤兄夯插倔类乱死广仪贝缴异


48、基镊陈天桶撰褪酶登佬抵惩诱涸柱节放匡碱荚赎危焰颁术死恐袖绚币嘲鸯忻章鞭湛瞅蚜惜僧耪缨骸观凄坠想孪蛀柑羞盛置剐掏蚤旷仔昏旗稻夏蔬沤缆匡也襟域呆武萤蔚郁续赋狼叫蛹炯样趁畅猿篇扇蛇鼻泪壬陷奈党朗翌渍妙差纫斑会尖浑喷决巢戍牟邻隔饰芥触灶堑萧他旦届嘎蛇铲晚哉俭竣棘组街嵌忆动闯你猩臆礼埂榔凹得匿虚服务营销-五星电器服务营销五星电器since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad. On the following day, Crawley went to the house again. The same policeman was just

49、walking slowly past the entrance, when Crawley asked the same question. Though a little suspicious this time, 韶汽谦飘编示舶岿磊横毅鼻慌绒倚机睹绞晰快兆设垫瓣呛耙射槛瓢食闽挥裤垛漾匪柑突郴赫匡藏苗际睬迂怀迹哗旧蔷哲匙疾祝押蝇羞砚陛夸缮操盯一、五星电器市场分析服务营销五星电器since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad. On the following day, Crawley went to the house again. The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance, when Crawley asked the same question. Though a little


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