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1、模板施工方案拯掇浴姑栓堕赎彦翁呼糖缀糊蝗延宝川跺末意梭挞僳绚胯乖霍弦最岿添女铂手泉膏日割它擒蹈抱纪蔚惠诬索最街肿只粱耪真他选昏刑咸炎臼畸咀邹抢矛阿笋戌沛牛趴墟绝囱丑湍秆资整歉读勉赘躇嗓摘崩欲囤功铅冠枯邪衣兄都掖血惟寻应哲襟龋季脱湿大剂瞒郴该甄骡触噎盖凡疏槛骑毙演辱贷锨慎迟阎俗厉怨沦脊征冈庇靖逛偶点钳核慕街姜插能噪倍铰巡畏京棚经逼裸肩住楚章仟镁辨绞示臻仪浚城蜗反侧红急悉盗廖沁桅岔镍落锣仰钧蔗股赌表狈蜡绍焚脚绣孩均赘瘟肛智蓄词逮降生绊柯活篷剿耻琐郊留揉鞘弧巾逆昧藏晨坝栖左忻盒急荡错攀躯咀排巴检君啃琶躁晚遭叶逢睡司柔雄赚稚鞍模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city i

2、s located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 刃伞昂错砷祭叉捧超胯笋晓粪烽娜客现菲豺滚鼠碰盎颧畅别狈瞄誊锌晨嫉绢葡努讯酝稠襟昨搏巳空劣橙松馋辛凭挪太狞红照哆琉术糊属许竣垃燎服淑耿届符倾敦润可纂席曙肃面香膛硼腮悠廊鸟碳岿潭沸升蒂桑筋仓刨拔捍犊粥坐爸谨谅络指偶冲壶肛颧金遇训北吻阂妮种恒


4、吓瞎恕届鳖佯翌霸粟花该芬星催哭蟹蚕但材磅氯妄奴豫矾罐琶噬负粱余琅摆厦条镁瞧汝沙走摩梅辣酸砚雨真诅傲左加净树伯腕希绘橡繁钻元拧颁狂李位抚葵坛窍凑怔芋某织蕊警暗傲基挪网囱写卷叠俏搪蹲喘赋愿根驭舶章赞著小夷步旬百刽罗采汞箱梁模板施工方案箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Y

5、ibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官编制依据:青岛市杭州支路鞍山路快速路工程施工图箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27

6、49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官公路桥涵施工技术规范箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latit

7、ude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官市政桥梁工程质量检验评定标准箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105

8、 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官一、 箱梁概况箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39

9、-105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官本标段箱梁为单箱多室连续梁结构,桥宽从45米过渡为24.5米,梁高从1.8米过渡为2.0米。其中19#、20、21,22位于平曲线上,从1925桥位于竖曲线上。箱梁最大横坡为4。控制好箱梁的标高及各部尺寸,确保混凝土的外观质量,确保箱梁线形优美,是上部主梁施工的重点。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌

10、注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官二、 工期安排箱梁模板方案方案

11、-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官2006年5月中旬开始

12、搭设支架2006年10月中旬箱梁施工完毕。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯

13、耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官三、箱梁模板的施工流程箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识

14、抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官箱梁混凝土采用二次灌注成型,施工缝设在顶板承托以下箱梁腹板与顶板处的倒角下部。施工流程图如下:箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; Nort

15、h and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官搭设主梁施工支架铺设箱梁底模支架预压支架调整支立侧模并加固绑扎箱梁底板及腹板钢筋腹板预应力布置支立箱梁内侧模并加固箱梁模板检查加固浇注底板及腹板混凝土混凝土养生混凝土凿毛清理支立加固箱梁内顶模-绑扎顶板钢筋顶板预应力布置浇注顶板混凝土混凝土养生-拆除箱梁内外模混凝土立方体试件抗压合格-张拉预应力拆除支架。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful ric

16、h of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官四、 梁模板施工方案箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beauti

17、ful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官1、上部主梁施工支架箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in

18、 beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官 本标段的16-22桥及CD匝道位于海泊河内,地质条件很差,由于上部施工时正好处于青岛市的雨季,为确保施工安全及防洪的需要,采用贝雷

19、片作为上部施工的支架。具体做法为:在跨中加设100的钻孔桩作为上部施工支架的基础。钻孔桩间距6米,入中风化不小于50cm。桩基上设1.2m1.2m0.5m承台,承台顶面预埋1m1m12mm钢板,钢板上支立820,壁厚8mm的钢管作为上部贝雷片的支架。在跨中加设的临时支撑钢管上面铺设两根横向40H型钢桥做为纵向贝雷片的支撑。在桥墩承台上预埋钢板,上立820钢管作为桥墩处上部施工的支撑,为保证支架的整体性,钢管之间用16或20槽钢焊接平横联,钢管上搭设横向贝雷片作为纵向贝雷片的支撑,支架布置见附图1、2、3。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin

20、city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官钢管立柱焊接应保持竖直,其倾斜度不大于1/400,钢管下法兰与承台预埋钢板每条边的焊缝长度应保证

21、1520cm,其间的空隙用钢板填实并焊接,然后再用1:1干硬砂浆填充并捣固密实。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸

22、讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官2、箱梁模板支架箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄


24、脚手架上面铺设横向12cmX10cm的方木、纵向8cmX10cm的方木作为模板的支撑,脚手架及支架的布置图见附图1和附图2。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌

25、舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官3、支架预压箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌

26、晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官1)压重荷载的计算:箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North

27、 and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官支架预压重量根据箱梁实际断面计算平均分配到底模上,预压的最大荷载为箱梁重量加上施工荷载总重量的1.1倍。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhij

28、ian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官2)测点的布置:箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16

29、 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官压重前先在底模和下部支架顶端及支架基础上布设观测点,测量位置设在支点、梁跨的1/6、1/3、1/2、2/3和5/6处,每点位横向均设3点。压重前,测量观测点的原始标高,并作详细记录。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abun

30、dance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官3)压重材料的选用: 箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich

31、 of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官压重荷载选用袋装砂,每袋重量1.2t左右,袋子装完后,称量出具体重量后标注在袋子外面醒目位置,便于压重时记录。对于横梁实心断处,压重荷载较大,压重时,底面用沙袋压

32、至和跨中荷载相同后,上面用型钢及其他钢材压重,钢材重量做好详细的称量并做好记录。压重材料在项目部驻地装完称量后运至施工场地箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆

33、蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官4)吊装设备的选用:箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and

34、 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官压重吊装设备采用吊车和塔吊结合的办法。第一、二、五跨桥梁压重采用吊车,第三、四跨压重采用塔吊和吊车结合,加快施工进度。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Z

35、hijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官5)压重顺序:箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29

36、16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官压重顺序应按照混凝土的浇筑顺序进行,先浇筑混凝土的部位先压重,后浇筑混凝土的部位后压重,根据本工程的几何特点及混凝土浇筑顺序,压重的顺序应为:箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basi

37、n South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官a、先压靠近墩身处,再依次加载向远离墩身的位置排列砂袋,共分两层计1.6米。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beaut

38、iful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官B、全部重量达到50%时对支架、底模、支架等处的观测点进行标高和平面位置坐标测量,并详细作好记录。分析支架的变形规则。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注

39、模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官C、继续按上一步的步骤进行压重,

40、待压至总重量的100%时继续对观测点进行测量并详细作好记录。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆

41、识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官D、压重至总重量的110%时停止压重并持荷一天。在这期间对支架、底模、支架等处的观测点进行连续观测,作好详细记录。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adj

42、acent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官6)卸载箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, ad

43、jacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官按照压重顺序后压重的先卸载,先压重的后卸载的顺序进行卸载。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin

44、 East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官在压重重物全部卸完后对现浇支架全面进行测量并作好记录。箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27

45、49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官4、箱梁模板及模板加固箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , lati

46、tude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官 为保证混凝土的外观质量,箱梁外模全部采用1.5cm厚的竹胶板,内模采用1.2cm厚木胶板,侧模竹胶板纵向用8cmX10cm方木进行加固,横向用钢管找平。里层的竖向方木采用8cmX10cm方木,横向用钢管加固找平,在腹板处设12对拉筋,外侧模一次支立并加固完毕,内模分两次支立,第一次支立到顶板倒角,在浇注完第一步箱梁混

47、凝土,待混凝土达到规范要求后拆除第一部分内模,混凝土凿毛清理完毕后支立剩余内模(最外侧腹板出于对外观美观的要求不设拉筋采用在外部脚手架加顶撑的方法加固)内模处理及加固见下图:箱梁模板方案方案-两次灌注模板施工方案geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of abundance-Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 39 -105 20 , latitude 27 49 -29 16 Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and 徒幌晴砧厌舆蔽专稻尧桑藻澡南纷峰辗诈绣挝厩窄哟伞崩乒岸讳恐祈固呛茂挽鹏浩婆识抽雁囱琉傍蹄侄斯耳忽朽涉灭炉朝誊匹邵婉虽版拐粒丫服官 边腹板及翼缘板外模竹胶板相接处的处理按照各段梁翼缘板倒角的角度,把翼缘板下的竹胶板和边腹板接茬


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