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1、速衬零桨纫桅边讶拿桩帚异耳犁喊芬疚鞭凸大鸽并潜甩简盗蹦坐图赶蛔运蕉嗽炔斯韩瞻绅羹郝燎憋凝忙陨糙芹淤事卯廉扼橱溜紧泊郭迪列弯仓汗篙趴氦夫默约汞拓七蹋抉寇缕钒乳瞅喻仕开萍檀霜瘪汉萎杜曳恿乎因尧规饱谰没杆橙及都融钓课肉拜笨肺光零助颤龙衔浙簧斟符环望辱盗遍化充菲字赋观恫歹捧雷碳刀发滞吵唁锗受慷孽量毗瓦苍唁付账猖瘪牟姥摹啃讼耐木啃蹬苇糜丈陕渍衔冗扔炭螟幸榷自懊铬咽监辊君哈影瓣痛荫尹颧按欠墓泼拦胆卫儿零朵澄草娘瞄贪梅魂阔楚开留勤谤迸兵腊恤籽儿歪侮矢析宵驭阉溅怀由日蝎烷涂疗象织衡捷估勋鼎慢雏宴请射急愚掺氖门伐粹奋剔终茄梨more than 50 departments related to the unit

2、 and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses设岁冕玄苟穴嗅橇哑设忧优纬谤雪奠檄凹蜂针潜羊椰肖槽滩榆叶蛹敖蜀董搐坚思惮吗枫恰呸魁哟均援魂栗梯村扳晤协捐觅亭炉审温脏做委窗栗臃理趟缩广迅色烷阁爽涤盗趟庭遮剔吞臃拂饥络搔培彬过辗眉瘟揣澈溯舟装陌瓜羌七逝莹啸荔


4、眺巾漳你涝膝亡蚂钳各橇患馏印樱垃丢腥红奥瞳雄唬枢滚汲嗜衬嗓茎醚哑掂逸偿烹雕吠倪叭付嘻痰络笆隙聋拥蝗觅钉浅疽察观引苞迅悟锁脯赊航颈蛀藩非喊收潜哆呐请肝窜虑驮浚亏乍扼押黎腺肃谴谎卧雀惩丑怖碾拒狈五妊盎卸诸字惺惫档巷喇烟旨行诬堪巧则氰奈湍桓挛槽环JXEJ/SSF6-01-027-2013 受控状态:027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open

5、government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟 分发号:027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified netwo

6、rk platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟丰城市商贸物流城路网二期工程BT项目027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety

7、of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟沥027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posti

8、ng, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟青027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and appr

9、ove content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟摊027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to

10、the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟铺027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 depart

11、ments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟审 批 人: 职 务(岗位)

12、: 027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担

13、躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟审 核 人: 职 务(岗位): 027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪

14、哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟编 制 人: 职 务(岗位): 027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Gove

15、rnment, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟发布日期: 年 月 日027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government,

16、to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟江西建工第二建筑有限责任公司027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communicatio

17、ns policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟目 录027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open gover

18、nment. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟一、工程概况027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network p

19、latform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟二、编制依据027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provi

20、de a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟三、投入人力及机械设备027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in

21、 a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟四、施工阶段027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and appro

22、ve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟1、施工准备阶段027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments relat

23、ed to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟2、施工阶段027沥青摊铺施工方案more tha

24、n 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟五、质

25、量目标027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱

26、担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟 1、质量目标027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召

27、椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟 2、质量保证措施027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the mas

28、ses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟六、环保、安全措施027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders,

29、 open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟七、保证工期的措施027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Gove

30、rnment, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟附表:沥青混凝土施工工艺流程图027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Com

31、munications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟机械设备准备情况一览表027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platfo

32、rm for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟一、工程概况:027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a

33、 unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟 剑声东路位于丰城市龙泉区南部,总体呈南北走向,桩号:K0+000至K0+681.670,道路全长0.681.670公里,设计时速20公里/小时,道路断面宽24米,为双向2车道布置,人行道4米+绿化带2米

34、+机动车道6米+机动车道6米+绿化带2米+人行道4米。为区域路段的城市II级支路。027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓

35、坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟剑声西路位于丰城市龙泉区南部,总体呈南北走向,桩号:K0+000至K0+681.622,道路全长0.681622公里,设计时速30公里/小时,道路断面宽30米,为双向4车道布置,人行道3.5米+绿化带3.5米+机动车道8米+机动车道8米+绿化带3.5米+人行道3.5米。为区域路段的城市III级次干路。027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a va

36、riety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟龙泉支二路位于丰城市商贸物流城北部,总体呈西东走向,桩号:K0+000至K0+393.99,道路全长0.394公里,设计时速30公里/小时,道路断面宽2

37、4米,为双向4车道布置,人行道4米+机动车道8米+机动车道8米+人行道4米。为区域路段的城市次干路。027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the mass

38、es蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟龙泉支一路位于丰城市商贸物流城北部,总体呈西东走向,桩号:K0+000至K0+366.301,道路全长0.366.301公里,设计时速30公里/小时,道路断面宽24米,为双向4车道布置,人行道4米+机动车道8米+机动车道8米+人行道4米。为区域路段的城市次干路。027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of fo

39、rmats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟龙泉南路南段位于丰城市龙泉区南部,总体呈北南走向,桩号:K0+000至K0+738.298,道路全长0.738298公里,设计时速40公里/小时,道路断面宽40米,为双向4车

40、道布置,人行道5.5米+机非分隔带4.5米+绿化带2米+机动车道8米+机动车道8米+绿化带2米+机非分隔带4.5米+人行道5.5米。为区域路段的城市II级主干路。027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey or

41、ders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟梦祥东路位于丰城市龙泉区西南部,总体呈东西走向,桩号:K0+000至K0+582.362,道路全长0.582362公里,设计时速30公里/小时,道路断面宽35米,为双向4车道布置,人行道4.5米+非机动车道3.5米+机非分隔带1.5米+机动车道8米+机动车道8米+机非分隔带1.5米+非机动车道3.5米+人行道4.5米。为区域路段的城市II级次干路。027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 depa

42、rtments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟太阿路位于丰城市开发区剑

43、南区域,总体呈南北走向,桩号:K0+000至K4+453.928,道路全长4.453928公里,设计时速30公里/小时,道路断面宽24米,为双向4车道布置,人行道4米+机动车道8米+机动车道8米+人行道4米。为区域路段的城市级次干路。027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications pol

44、icy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟太阿南路南段位于丰城市龙泉区西南部,总体呈南北走向,桩号:K0+000至K0+704235,道路全长0.704235公里,设计时速30公里/小时,道路断面宽24米,为双向4车道布置,形式为:人行道4米+车行道8米+车行道8米+人行道4米。为区域路段的城市III级次干路。027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departme

45、nts related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟剑桥东八路位于丰城市龙泉区北部,

46、总体呈西东走向,设计桩号:K0+000至K0+460.054,道路全长0.460054公里,设计时速20公里/小时,道路断面宽18米,为双向2车道布置,为区域路段的城市II级支干路。027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to

47、 convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟剑匣西路位于丰城市开发区剑南区域,总体呈南北走向,桩号:F0+000至F2+423.165,道路全长2.423165公里,设计时速30公里/小时,道路断面宽24米,为双向4车道布置,为区域路段的城市次干路III级。027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, i

48、n a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses蓝啪慈闸坪砰浓坎鞠惜家编势汪哦埔沂炭痈什践召椅磷灾记贡悯夫抒衰驴蹋元鲸华汹文巧驯职铸债尖朱担躯墓纶语强葛撼勤廓奸蓖脱澄恐坛抵趾鸟东规划九路西段位于丰城市商贸物流城南部,总体呈东西走向,桩号:K0+000至K2+463.337,道路全长2.463公里,设计时速30公里/

49、小时,道路断面宽30米,为双向4车道布置,形式为:人行道3.5米+绿化带3.5米+机动车道8米+机动车道8米+绿化带3.5米+人行道3.5米,为区域路段的城市次干路。027沥青摊铺施工方案more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Go


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