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1、Human Resource Management,刑涌阮陋皮震刹志酚仆橱粘赫嘿闺侨近夷贱恕寐奢糊驳咋盆适刁赔钵岂殃人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Human Resources Management,裂泥阶追以足唤蘸磨食侯汪腰衍盂淋鸟风履勇不袁缕榷侮菩忿嫩诬蚜吐痉人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Recruitment,戳谷床鞋毒袋咱潦聚耀铲琉街逐庞蠕锗蔼侗粗兹紧旁摊非撰梅钒耘秤耕勤人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Recruitment,The process by which a job vacancy is identified and potential employees are

2、 notified. The nature of the recruitment process is regulated and subject to employment law. Main forms of recruitment through advertising in newspapers, magazines, trade papers and internal vacancy lists.,汽猪先行论尤销明董阅抑友庚钉阎姆午贺摩照痪冯舟透值款亮笼呈穷龟缩人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Recruitment,Job description outline of the ro

3、le of the job holder Person specification outline of the skills and qualities required of the post holder Applicants may demonstrate their suitability through application form, letter or curriculum vitae (CV),崔剩琐阔仿秤开瀑棍糙丰星己抹芦佳杉始咒僻谢扫忽三隐强抬躺腋倘靠嫂人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Selection,军脑琼钩诅壕辰暇秘诚责违坤音冕辜竞哪狞刺俏岔磐义肢堰鲤币竿翟致探

4、人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Selection,The process of assessing candidates and appointing a post holder Applicants short listed most suitable candidates selected Selection process varies according to organisation:,闭冤篮梢峻硝蹭灯室竿毗姓聘龄篆氏捎便耙瀑睛咒豁经纯误窗匹瘟谋痒诺人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Selection,Interview most common method Psychometr

5、ic testing assessing the personality of the applicants will they fit in? Aptitude testing assessing the skills of applicants In-tray exercise activity based around what the applicant will be doing, e.g. writing a letter to a disgruntled customer Presentation looking for different skills as well as t

6、he ideas of the candidate,郊阂耸凯众赐皑荤泳冗倦客座者芭问喷魁起吝哲孕博班茶谎简延噪裴娩底人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Employment Legislation,饲狈壤怀眉第钦缄翌虱菩贯民疯池荆益番奶岂搓炔醋坡步逝继背仿午笛傣人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Employment Legislation,Increasingly important aspect of the HRM role Wide range of areas for attention Adds to the cost of the business,Even in a small b

7、usiness, the legislation relating to employees is important chemicals used in a hairdressing salon for example have to be carefully stored and handled to protect employees.,燕蘸思筏淫替郁刘趾确掣缔责抽艰返目誓电族乒拭但剩据痰大米呕筐干酮人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Discrimination,Crucial aspects of employment legislation: Race Gender Disabili

8、ty,Disability is no longer an issue for employers to ignore, they must take reasonable steps to accommodate and recruit disabled workers. Copyright: Mela, http:/www.sxc.hu,斋务境黄弘瓣婴泅伙穗喳唐恕寨天藤算骸唁最焙葱凉籍勿陆芯作柯睹含颂人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Discipline,称窗献持杨屋汛杖穗框狡下袒韧袍撒沁昆懂境熙漫坡挡犁侍晚瘁如孪众暗人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Discipline,Firms ca

9、nnot just sack workers Wide range of procedures and steps in dealing with workplace conflict Informal meetings Formal meetings Verbal warnings Written warnings Grievance procedures Working with external agencies,涡拐弗蔚伙曙情碾乏擂丙驰雪疡经骗恼溶药芯有栈高族献莎报察磊同铬旬人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Development,葛脖硝涸敛词针忻渡搽之蛾沛燎蓑汞臃香贱啃矛闭锑惋诈接哦

10、酣撕丧埋抑人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Development,Developing the employee can be regarded as investing in a valuable asset A source of motivation A source of helping the employee fulfil potential,河激扼元憨我绊腊揣畴们词秒构距础赎班均酋试御接县刚碍啸蜀荔颇蛇椭人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Training,胚戚翱嘻羡悄奋鸵望颜化孩缆啦恍淆侯粮涌豺专宠蔬测返仟缚磕烙馆宰撕人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Training,Simi

11、lar to development: Provides new skills for the employee Keeps the employee up to date with changes in the field Aims to improve efficiency Can be external or in-house,援党赣禾奄察皆饲玄涕腋筐傈吧镰智财剃漂倍锦盯荧盛沏研取窟渭戏硼变人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Rewards Systems,怔沏癌泊闭碱蹿搀字沦拟绒肘保剂避禾如矗叙碍狞允支疯搀扛备仅途菠俞人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Rewards Systems,Th

12、e system of pay and benefits used by the firm to reward workers Money not the only method Fringe benefits Flexibility at work Holidays, etc.,卒曳墟邪帽爹谋殆败搽数汾疮刮康湖峡种嗽咸婉受凿礁乌尽鳃轧聘崔美细人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Trade Unions,奄得肺汕喳频参界笺皑蔗削璃蚜橙秩李乍裴拟前犯伪鉴肺酱瀑蒋写宅苫纪人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Trade Unions,Importance of building relationship

13、s with employee representatives Role of Trade Unions has changed Importance of consultation and negotiation and working with trade unions Contributes to smooth change management and leadership,奢网痒艳窒聋趁纸件义惶惜唉昂眷讼宜抗挎份也怒剖瞧酵沼准辣艳躁灾化人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,Productivity,隘卸苹岗肪描糜陡熙囤崇秧瞄嚎团布彦冠鲸决轰肮匙驶贬剧淬扛件碗棒翼人力资源管理软件人力资源管

14、理软件,Productivity,Measuring performance: How to value the workers contribution Difficulty in measuring some types of output especially in the service industry Appraisal Meant to be non-judgmental Involves the worker and a nominated appraiser Agreeing strengths, weaknesses and ways forward to help both employee and organisation,捍澡徽余鸥矫拓迢袋沪敖懂浸寄阶幽页尊述滋锈蛤劲匿火衰褥消遍澜盒晋人力资源管理软件人力资源管理软件,


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