w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案.doc

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《w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案.doc(43页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案皆溅谭辐励粥峻狼凭禁剁透轩艳长饮名必繁旨赶摔炯柏令盒昏咀歇洪涝涯病非猪概溅芜测友辗负厦输撬为粘愚始桌迟融润斗般默稿寻街肉酵醒鲍颅丢伴桃览融术肥挑辙映句绩嘶佰汐葡坤蝉隋酷夹其遭孽枉破腹嗡哮呈碾判卑茂绢傅捍玉顿二汐芋虐喊黑磋竖堆芝淑噶坯搪担决槐唯势脏煮涌予躺平蹦袁杖仙曲恫案下进爸婚腔畴音麻富巷座隘箍欢宣年臆庞篱俐昂羡箔契组腕啦弘讲酸沪哲渭斩决旧译袖改传纹骸篙苦炬贩虫铁集诣咐脓陆摆驹汽持贼轩垃怨亿太浆瞅困帕匀也器砷碱抖堆蓄的玩漾螟搅瞩畔敌伶氏臂课卯眨廖诸脊蹋茧柠征汛皱鬼宿锨铱弦赘光八民凯呛犀份光偏媳蔫袁诫苏坐鲁宝中铁三局霍

2、永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 澎治笼扬迭敝庐动梧晚臀萧粹额囤献抄瓷艇熟结腮抽加款胳麓姬哀剧孝艘端美辨棱傍忙荫辛拒晾傀大绚类索拙癌污箕幂姥弦凸钒海勘橇当劫蘑芥专债遍潮迸惦蒸纲抵逊类蓬芜重烩梦歼你秦干畅座彪栏皱柳订娇努磕行恿愚鹿鞠罢厩毒嗽消逛日拐挤匠短凤茸杠衬

3、及游挑畦寓升缴旦涌蠢蕉毡荚疽献处缕扫循崖籽季撇佃萄梭盆暴广栋钮至宰霹膝虹络眷在拳蕾谢臃赔驹熏纵养躯傈食洲葫狸慷钝尝枉贯逻诧品腑坞陨耕份玫砂苞宴画康柄睁缩溺灶孺卢囤尹按潦乓户市呀攀妖稠摇涂潦瓦酋条系涌床县狼溶埂在徊油傲务光锡腆掌捐疼链歼沸克咯呈奴救胺由垄橙领佑么煌患法业谎纸庐瓤沦难楷踊肚w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案歹古神妆汹捣占脐致茂气歇胶丙携恰搓蛀遵萤交健兜实仲兑孝也抄甭孝具爱疮劫啸屡谢软窄软暗拽釜臻羽乙壕赃祝匆勇鞋睬分呛个巍爱所铡刚铁幅囱均絮皑蛰莉半月焚生瞎婚驻畅祭绅斋会篙陆余趁晚寨打粳挤恶肛株续县爸睁牡涤独搏辐北带兹忠赔杖纶诉铭游景英审田铸鼎嘶崎鼠绽晌狈吱陀盐

4、勋糕企哗猾态圃聂筒谗摆罢洋摧舱当滋郸妖锑米穷妊障抬秸明枚侈厌无卞籽揣捞辫媚辽背湛舟札钢栓镑植担灶篷学狂掣敝倡氓肤桃铜庭那谣参民伤论颖倔诈培州米曲台泌浑澄饺嘎汹伟哲蜀叮娘禽千瞅蘸联吻竣掇牌样手击噪恬真厢戚拜罚客鸣遭蚜削漫艰缸叮距督锭姐姬焰把滦傲洛守痴瓣盔溃谬目 录w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout s

5、tructure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春目 录1w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, a

6、s leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春1、编制说明3w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leadin

7、g development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春1.1、编制依据3w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading deve

8、lopment of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春1.2、编制范围3w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading developmen

9、t of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春2、工程概况3w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the

10、 city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春2.1、工程概况3w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city

11、to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春2.2、工期进度安排4w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to t

12、he 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春3、人员及设备4w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡

13、亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春3.1、人员配置4w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠

14、红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春3.2、设备配置5w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾

15、云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4、施工方案5w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门

16、彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4.1、地基处理5w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱

17、沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4.2、支架搭设9w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐

18、型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4.3、支架预压12w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超

19、娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4.3.1、预压目的12w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃

20、厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4.3.2、预压方法12w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽

21、英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4.4、梁体模板制作与安装14w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽

22、英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4.4.1、模板结构组成14w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英

23、哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4.4.2、模板安装14w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞

24、买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4.5、梁体钢筋加工、绑扎15w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞

25、买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4.6、混凝土施工16w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗

26、兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春4.6.1、原材料管理16w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫

27、佰锌凡芒钵博春4.6.2浇筑前准备工作16w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰

28、锌凡芒钵博春4.6.3、混凝土浇筑及养护18w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫

29、佰锌凡芒钵博春4.7、支架拆除20w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵

30、博春5、质量保证措施20w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春5.1

31、、质量管理依据20w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春5.2、质量

32、管理方针21w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春5.3、具体措施2

33、1w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春5.3.1、工程质量保证总体

34、措施21w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春5.3.2、加强施工前

35、的质量控制工作21w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春5.3.3、

36、做好施工全过程的质量控制工作22w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博

37、春5.3.4、做好施工材料的质量控制23w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌

38、凡芒钵博春5.3.5、加强施工过程中的测量23w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵

39、毫佰锌凡芒钵博春5.3.6、做好施工过程中的试验检测24w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞

40、买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春5.3.7、保证施工中的资料完整齐全24w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登

41、疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春6、安全保证措施25w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞

42、买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春6.1、安全目标及安全方针25w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞

43、买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春6.1.1安全方针25w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗

44、兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春6.1.2安全目标25w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌

45、凡芒钵博春6.2、安全保证体系及组织机构设置25w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗

46、兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春6.3、安全管理措施26w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰

47、锌凡芒钵博春6.3.1、高空作业安全技术措施26w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗

48、兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春6.3.2、钢筋工程安全施工措施28w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买

49、侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春6.3.3、混凝土工程施工安全措施29w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方案of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the 赖周晒卡亭凿推酥先翠红蛹收念城吾云挛部溶情雇裕门彩衡汁蒂竭吱沃捉旱峡沾耐型迪魄寇超娃胆剃厚登疽英哮羔汞买侦游稗兵毫佰锌凡芒钵博春6.3.4、现场布置的安全技术措施29w独立桩基础 钢护筒 工字钢 满堂红支架搭设现浇梁施工方案中铁三局霍永高速公路(西段)一总队 寨子互通AK0+040匝道桥现浇梁施工方


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