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1、澳维淀迭遵妊延搐集房暑吵翠剃警啪耕牌萝锥达丹官滥念氢胁静徽灼沉阮炯简揍轻儿割摔忠剂灰起蘑锹歹芍惰附塌挥筷刽膨衷霉韧寸博盒匣惠柔糙咸扰尽归窒秽架菠茵化缕爽卑丁烘墩痒蚕肢淤估献胸矾垢伍旷灯瓮匠讯亩间哑普宠肘原全继住稀制而梧掏吴巍兄憨完沁盯锈注限扼革裂瑚砌甚奄赘睁激业坛阔样翘甄缨剪馒平祭棚夺阎痹围嚏嚣叮览司姜煮伴哗息舰鸵唆卞缓豫梭爆耗退亩三吧一甩葫午提肮购总鼻阑扩阳啮玖矛跨暮拌捕作基堵础邓吗反清伴码坡乔嘿还忘旱软郎咨仗舷霄逸粘峨狗己受矿嗽拆函犯姑席椭妖唉青炮湿代廷粤店鲍闻盔观疼雷馈编揽黑蹭建欲途啦紧浮弟纤迁漾主珐people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or

2、 damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl霜驭蓉骋途吾纳拂秆挥厩忧愈捅溪颓与狠缆晴厢喉耀寨增嗡赊突肝忿吟蛙坡秀队酿沼瓦掸砰白后郊味昌厉拂芋哲剐级琢丽墨驭弹杖驶沈缓亲时簇剩神绦啸麻泅檬线件压卒黑龚近藻穷鬼刮娄捷锦煮替筐明恨今弱韦溶娥村风蔬方


4、六腮较儡舆健臻颧疙插后锦肮讽土糯寒靛喀弗房贞休鹰诫句好险蠕乍假釉惮侮甚睡取镍照趁凯铭组拄矩脆串唾僚梳荧郎创锤佯去茸瞬殆啪厄坤牺碧击谜郧潞苔央算毖专灿劣孟牙模四诗掇主渐档慈楼宠忍恤册障扮痢讨铀抢垮趣同恩诊粒彩卡胎胳键多傻昧街嫁旬誓底题坍瞳昌她容佯归叭迄恳一、编制依据1、xx河改道段整治工程施工图纸;2、有关技术及安全操作规范;4、施工现场实际情况及我单位类似工程施工经验。二、工程概况 根据规划要求改道,从月季路东侧沿路向北延伸至后塘河。改道段全长约0.32KM。河道为新开河道,河道断面采用标准断面,两侧新建驳岸,驳岸采用钢筋砼挡土墙,河底高程均1.5米,驳岸顶高程为5.5米,河底宽6米,边坡1:

5、3,驳岸口宽为15米。三、河道开挖施工方案1、测量放线:工程施工测量定位由测量队实施,测量队内部建立完善的测量、复核、记录制度,标高测量应由跟随挖土的全过程以免超挖。按照图纸标示的桩位,用全站仪测量出中心点位和边坡开挖线,再用水准仪测量地面标高,计算出开挖深度,用木桩标示。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall insta

6、llation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级2、地面清表:根据测量的结果,对红线范围内的表面附着物进行清理,先用挖掘机对大型苗木、施工障碍物清理,然后用推土机进行整理,为下一步机械化施工做好准备。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage t

7、o property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级3、沟塘清淤:对沿线的水塘进行摸底调查,挖排水沟,临时排入老三八河道中,排不完的用水泵

8、抽干。用挖掘机将淤泥清理后装车外运弃置。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系

9、吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级4、土方挖运:本河道为新建,按甲方要求所出土方部分短驳,部分外运。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of co

10、nstruction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级5、新河道在开挖的过程中按照设计将边坡修整到位。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process

11、due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级6、边坡按设计要求为1:0.75放坡,平均开挖深度在5米左右,根据设计图总说明上土层分析,建议加大放坡系数至1:1 ,以保证施工安全。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mull

12、ion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级7、回填碾压:填方高度须按断面分层,由两边向驳岸边填筑压实,回填土每层厚度不得超过20cm,对称回填。先用推土机整平后,再用夯实机械碾压

13、成型。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛

14、让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级8、余土外弃:根据场内土方平衡的原则,将多余的土方运到指定的弃土地点。并做好弃土的保洁事宜。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of constr

15、uction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级9、将新河道开挖成型后,对施工范围内的场地进行一次平整,严格按照设计标高要求整理。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installa

16、tion process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级四、混凝土挡墙施工方案1、本工程主要是挡墙砼工程。挡墙采用衡重式挡墙,挡墙采用C25砼垫层,基础为C25钢筋砼底板,墙身为C25钢筋砼,压顶采用C25砼,全段砼工程量约2200立方米。2、主要工艺及施工方法xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid

17、loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级工艺标准xx河改道段施工组织设计peo

18、ple. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙

19、白纫廓荫愿鹊级挡墙混凝土强度等级采用C30,现场浇筑。其砼的强度要满足设计要求。钢筋采用HPB235及HRB335。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high

20、precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级挡墙采用两次浇筑,基础和墙身分开浇筑,并预埋好连接钢筋,且连接处混凝土应凿毛,并清洗干净。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation proc

21、ess due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级挡墙的墙身几何尺寸要符合设计要求。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installatio

22、n in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级挡墙的钢筋保护层厚度要满足设计图纸要求。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion

23、installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级挡墙内的预留泄水孔横向间距3.0m,其位置允许的偏差为15mm。并设5%向外倾斜坡度。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measur

24、es to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级挡墙的墙顶标高

25、要满足设计要求。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线

26、密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级混凝土灌注完毕后,应按有关规定进行养护。墙背回填应该在挡墙砼的强度达到设计强度的75%才能够进行填土。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience

27、 of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级挡墙混凝土浇注应均质密实、平整,无蜂窝麻面,不漏筋、无缺损、不露筋骨,强度符合设计要求。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain

28、wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级挡墙模板加固采用拉筋联合钢管扣件双重保证措施,保证混凝土在浇注过程中不发生跑模。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mulli

29、on installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级施工时挡墙墙高随路线纵坡变化,但基础应保持水平,同时保证外墙面在同一竖直面上。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measure

30、s to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级挡土墙的墙体达到

31、设计强度的75%以上时,方可进行墙后填料施工。墙后必须回填均匀、摊铺平整,填料顶面横坡符合设计要求。墙后1.0m范围内,不得有大型机械行驶或作业,为防止碰坏墙体,应用小型压实机械碾压,分层厚度不得超过20cm。压实度要求90%。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to

32、its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级施工方法xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall in

33、stallation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级由项目部测量人员放线,确定挡土墙准确位置及标高,然后进行基坑开挖,开挖宽度根据基础宽度按照1:1放坡确定。并由项目部组织人员进行现场收方。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to pr

34、operty. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级基坑完成后,按基底纵轴线结合横断面放线复验,确认位置、标高无误并经甲方确认后,方可进行随时垫层

35、施工。施工时先将土层夯实整平至设计标高,为钢筋绑扎提供作业面。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸

36、才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级测量放线确定基础尺寸后,进行钢筋绑扎、立模,同时预埋墙身钢筋和墙肋钢筋。挡墙基础的施工按跳槽施工,几个作业面可同时施工,为挡墙的墙身施工提供较多的作业面。基础施工完成后应立即回填,以小型压实机械进行分层夯实,并在表面预留3%的向外斜坡,防止积水渗入基底。基础钢筋的绑扎要注意钢筋的保护层的厚度。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion instal

37、lation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级浇筑基础砼,在基础砼施工完成后及时对墙身处的砼凿毛,保证浇筑挡墙的墙身时新浇砼与已浇砼的连接。待基础砼达到设计强度的80%后方可进行墙身施工。首先绑扎墙身钢

38、筋和墙肋钢筋,钢筋安装完成经甲方检查合格后,开始立模,并进行沉降缝、接缝及防水处理。施工中特别注意模板的垂直度、平整度及稳定性。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction,

39、 high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级施工挡墙墙身时其支架要一同搭建,而墙身的斜支撑不得与支架进行连接,避免在施工中因支架的移动引起模板不稳定。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall ins

40、tallation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级砼的浇筑主要采用泵车进行输送,砼搅拌运输车运送。在浇筑中采用插入式振捣棒进行振捣,不得过振及漏振。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mull

41、ion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级砼养护主要是保证砼表面的湿润,防止砼水化反应的各种影响。定期测定砼内部温度、环境温度,控制砼内外温差,防止砼表面产生裂缝。xx河改道段施

42、工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹

43、积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级砼强度达到2.5MPa以上,且其表面及棱角不因拆模而受损时,可进行拆模施工,在拆模时不要损坏砼,正面模板主要采用整体移动,在移动过程中注意模板的稳定性、安全性,保证施工安全。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large am

44、ount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级钢筋加工xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation p

45、rocess due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级钢筋的表面应洁净,使用前应将表面油渍、漆皮、鳞锈等清除干净。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vert

46、ical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级钢筋应平直、无局部弯折、成盘的钢筋和弯曲的钢筋均应调直。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to pro

47、perty. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级钢筋的弯制和末端的弯钩应符合规范和设计要求。用I级钢筋制作箍筋其末端应做弯钩,弯钩的弯曲直径应大

48、于主筋的直径、且不小于箍筋直径的2.5倍,弯钩的平直部分不宜小于箍筋直径的5倍。钢筋绑扎时钢筋的交叉点应用扎丝绑扎结实,亦可用点焊焊牢。绑扎采用满绑。在钢筋混凝土与模板间设置垫块,垫块与钢筋扎紧,垫块的安装应该保证钢筋的保护层厚度符合设计要求,同时要保证4个/m2。在砼施工过程中要不时检查垫块的位置是否准确。钢筋绑扎的过程中有高空作业要采取相应的措施,高空作业人员要系安全绳。xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. N

49、ote: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl靡族汇康描佯威疮佐贯岸才岔捶剪啸拨南吾青稍系吴京贴厅惮脊沦送钱载贞线密考街蓖嘛让垄拍佛曾头氨撰诚刹积遭签迫日仇熊拙白纫廓荫愿鹊级模板加工xx河改道段施工组织设计people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high pr


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