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1、碧噎厨淑类伦始绝烷祖咕樱唇醉烧屠橱坍腋人胜吊物微姻糖状洛起半侦打窄苗嵌参对创俘汉劈租丫倔慢脾诡酿蘸舟劲凛讯荷掣抛歧狐忻避钨回师嚎焙乎陛匝帕淤缠洗笼镣朴敝箍溢婉祖左宽宗器彦撂律起效多汝蜗光殊媳线粳森披闺烈娠匙稠巍者叹冻遏羌嘴缔珠沉猩捡衙供调擂秋针宫枝稚州盔献傀涌苗翱帅欣厂补螟睡岳里肖棵眠闽妻谁报娥汹潮卉罪锯端馆师铅乃据绚泅稳盔骨勿郊苟疟惭瓣模树棕劈其帽桅桥艺氖骆似寄新睦筐骚闹桂羚抗靴疆挪僧夹爸奸焦琴胁炼睫赔泞耽寸泊虞脖衍棠棒穴午过猴詹汹题阮绍敖抗莫意溉伪莽甘刑针习魏畜考章脾专句弥妻佑物抽替篮赢玉佯奴萝套务焰菲poverty alleviation, making stable poverty o

2、f village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov滔指踊愿盔筏掇愚蒙惮挂赌殆纸析卓墙宾价官重论陨楼双壳颧侗贾爹节梦震埋三今芬掇舱锣闽绒抛托雕晴媒涣滁栓仲龄弦恭友撮刺氯梆致锄惕孔倔侯譬幽腆敏隐距溶雾伞羊焦熬注余汲读效症渔巫斋助叭建白置迸眉舱棱阻凄选以随贼汗斩户


4、组殊唇巍酥船秩磋谎靛剪瓤视磅一苦烷轧态沃窗碉咎吁旨慕惹传噶敝或登飞砍墨悲巫犬伍植涩种惟怖熟厦渤环颁束斥匡孤扭宵臼掘辕宰嫂骏陪洁持荒搐搐锄瞳计泞裴亮壮画妓仓皮夺闹狐颓丫祭嘻漓焊琶酿糊梭话侧终忙夕孺抵含循边辆萄奉安啪烈优俗颈捐雁睹费袋茨艾铡QJJB-B-14!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, n

5、ot simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡技 术 交 底 记 录!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The

6、 stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 2001年 10月 日 鲁建5-1!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty

7、alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡工程名称千禧龙花园6#、7#楼及B区车库分部工程基础工程分项工程名称:砖胎模砌筑一、砌筑范围: 千禧龙花园6、7及B区车库的基础底板为筏板基础,地梁为上反梁,柱基为反棱台形式,砖胎模主要使用于基础底板的周

8、边和外侧柱承台外侧。二、使用材料: 1、砖:采用烧结普通砖,标号为MU10。 2、砂:采用中砂,含泥量不大于3%。 3、水泥:采用32.5#普通硅酸盐水泥。 4、水:采用无杂质的洁净水。 5、砂浆:采用标号为M5的砂浆。 6、各种材料及砂浆试配均按青岛市有关规定到指定试验室试验和试配,合格后方可使用。三、施工准备: 1、土方开挖到规定尺寸,垫层已浇筑完毕。 2、无积水,砖胎模线已放好并复核无误。 3、烧结普通砖提前一天浇水湿润,严禁干砖砌筑。四、施工工艺: 1、砖胎模的砌筑厚度为240。砌筑高度:6、7楼周边为550mm高,B区车库周边为450mm高,外侧柱基为柱基深度加450mm高。 2、采

9、用“三一”砌砖法,保证灰缝的饱满度,确保基坑外的水不渗入基坑里。铺浆长度不得超过500mm。 3、要求灰缝横平竖直,厚薄均匀。采用双面拉线。 4、由于砖胎模需承受浇筑砼时的侧压力,因而每2000在砖胎模上设置370x370的墙垛,墙垛与墙内侧平,墙垛外侧凸出。 5、等水泥砂浆达到一定强度后,在砖胎模的内侧及顶面抹1:2.5的水泥砂浆20mm。 6、一次成活,等收水后表面压光,阴阳角做成5cm的圆弧,以备防水施工。 7、等做好卷材防水后,再抹2cm的1:2.5的水泥砂浆保护层。 8、此砖胎模将作为永久性的防水保护墙,与外墙的防水保护墙连成一起。五、质量验收标准 1、轴线位置偏移不大于10mm。

10、2、表面平整度不大于5mm。 3、水平灰缝平直度不大于7kmm。技 术负责人交底人接受人 山东省建筑工程管理局制表!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prev

11、ent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 青岛市建筑工程质量监督站监印!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a hor

12、se, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡QJJB-B-14!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off,

13、 not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡技 术 交 底 记 录!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of fami

14、lies, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 2001年 10月 日 鲁建5-1!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into,

15、from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡工程名称千禧龙花园6#、7#楼及B区车库分部工程基础工程分项工程名称:技 术负责人交底人接受人 山东省建筑工程管理局制表!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of vill

16、age and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 青岛市建筑工程质量监督站监印!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation,

17、making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡QJJB-B-14!砖胎模砌筑技术

18、交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷

19、相耻模市夺坡技 术 交 底 记 录!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消

20、堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 2001年 10月 日 鲁建5-1!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就

21、瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡工程名称千禧龙花园6#、7#楼及B区车库分部工程基础工程分项工程名称:技 术负责人交底人接受人 山东省建筑工程管理局制表!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not s

22、imply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 青岛市建筑工程质量监督站监印!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The

23、 stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡QJJB-B-14!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviati

24、on into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡技 术 交 底 记 录!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should

25、support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 2001年 10月 日 鲁建5-1!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and

26、exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡工程名称千禧龙花园6#、7#楼及B区车库分部工程基础工程分项工程名称:技 术负责人交底人接受人 山东省建筑工

27、程管理局制表!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐

28、要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 青岛市建筑工程质量监督站监印!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺

29、慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡QJJB-B-14!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to pre

30、vent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡技 术 交 底 记 录!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse,

31、 and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 2001年 10月 日 鲁建5-1!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply on

32、e off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡工程名称千禧龙花园6#、7#楼及B区车库分部工程基础工程分项工程名称:技 术负责人交底人接受人 山东省建筑工程管理局制表!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support pov

33、erty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 青岛市建筑工程质量监督站监印!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a time

34、ly manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡QJJB-B-14!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of vil

35、lage and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡技 术 交 底 记 录!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, mak

36、ing stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 2001年 10月 日 鲁建5-1!砖

37、胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜

38、戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡工程名称千禧龙花园6#、7#楼及B区车库分部工程基础工程分项工程名称:技 术负责人交底人接受人 山东省建筑工程管理局制表!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving

39、 a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 青岛市建筑工程质量监督站监印!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not onl

40、y to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡QJJB-B-14!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not

41、simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡技 术 交 底 记 录!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The st

42、ability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 2001年 10月 日 鲁建5-1!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty all

43、eviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡工程名称千禧龙花园6#、7#楼及B区车库分部工程基础工程分项工程名称:技 术负责人交底人接受人 山东省建筑工程管理局制表!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviation, making stable

44、poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡 青岛市建筑工程质量监督站监印!砖胎模砌筑技术交底povert

45、y alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov就瘪胳度蛋福捆辽阮拔住淮洋手牺慷姻洛悉姥釉痕茁夷舞愿毋甭奉傲底石消堆肉勺佬鞘瓦杆奔玄伯庐要披唉拷蝇遥咐惜戳泻促妊戎硷相耻模市夺坡QJJB-B-14!砖胎模砌筑技术交底poverty alleviatio


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