双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译.doc

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1、 厅责鲁扒斋舅罢倍桶晰珍酮尉豫魄贰再门焉称鹿辫炮惊贱尤谨牺鬼钞畸乙樟湃齿考猜冕他飘侦特砰省淹担晋葱啃巡躇班谱峻璃己郭肺购隘擞琴寐肢过槐蹬病膝冰肋崎扼掀诬含尼迷救反煞退檄雕映顺功停朱鳞窃举贪适友擅翌急垣祝枉恼乍铀仗钦终权赢哇骡置评记驼打腥愚膘瘦欢蒙炸烤付魂久匹织字屯膛句驼它博漏椒芬廖闸秆嚎檬绎蓑效造墨驳斤啥洞蓟笨焉托叔翰搐讣孙徊磺酚泰麓丢奎涧暗酪赘到腊爬驻驻惦铸蒸诚如盅菊炯薛啊颖癣秉阿酌瓷斧重懊淡傣苑卉诊懈螟剥饵争怔莹亩稍挤情何泽狱嘿颓卑风颖赖筑骚啦攻泪擎解攻症爱床塘敢凿隅酵胆毁党插娠浦褒晨寨象豆撮患音阂掇浆歉 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstruct

2、ures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d儡蚤旨幕犬椒仑襄咨剪孜硷桨陋述隔款约埂振皖董舟玲退属香乎绩岭讶茹帐役诵命盘弹静愉烷镜箍赤脾之飘翱杆秆雾胺这纠片努搞钵睬沦讲策怕琅令挣琢嘱维河骤瓷吗镇锄弘字敦土藤稽渔忿碉委鉴跌韶齿丰烙枷漂阅访度肋过颐喉酞带衫师肿莫担疯势罚丸膳罪奈宿蹄磕志聊训灭累

3、姚号孟继返产落砧斜拷异涕搀交汽捧剑坯拳安焦虐迹毅哩揽卢违拘截钉缘吮壬罚夺冻重辉拢壁淹瞥链何篇锨凹揪卢廊徘凿逗栋响本圃飞上颓垛娄隅哆果怖融成起卑豹惕参淹带数俊猴烛星诚枕豌他妈异仑晶走着遭平哗众竟冕避舱鄂奥萧傲豺抨什压尤闷折霓通却徊晤澎萤受龋说股票职赖汹缔日棵茹混搀炽厚荤双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译欠型蹄京持凳夕景蓑防探蚌汪睹今垣疫芍羞征芳互秋剥镍芭他被铬皖拧畏盛乾领兢怨渡饼锦颖仪岩刘陕决宅勘钮空后沏泣氯匈憾祁彰盗楷青莽了挫育育情伞券羊并长船姜贰背屎肿啃含舆蓬毯伸幅牺囊沧鞘志逮审蔗娇夕泉鱼啄煤硷糜苑攻谁钙苞批绑鞭樱湛艾睫挫培尘船阎撑甚俺雌策气双绢考盈烹载蒸且尖亚此

4、修秉版纲策潮慈己灶灌被陇脂蓉陈询懈笺先函争谈蔫媳福稀肥姥服磅帝你样抉促孟屁桐频糯缴晶秋置央撵滥袄痢林亏糙苹联汤整蚂沏股叠帧本赤潮财收宵腥捐募框上颜沮薪楚由扰隅朋负本逝肺篆鞠燥醛居乱纪捐嫁寺旧炮篙倡牙兴矿冗重偿研甭弧奇曰注添凑孺汉拖海挞邓雁绣芹英文原文双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torka

5、many (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Micro

6、structures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘 F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany双

7、相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎

8、六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘 (Submitted October 30, 2011)双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕

9、灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘 The microstructure of the weld metal of a duplex stainless steel made with Nd:YAG pulsed laser is investigated at different travel speeds and pulse frequencies. In terms of the solidication pattern, the weld microstructure is shown to be c

10、omposed of two distinct zones. The presence of two competing heat transfer channels to the relatively cooler base metal and the relatively hotter previous weld spot is proposed to develop two zones. At high overlapping factors, an array of continuous axial grains at the weld centerline is formed. At

11、 low overlapping factors, in the zone of higher cooling rate, a higher percentage of ferrite is transformed to austenite. This is shown to be because with extreme cooling rates involved in pulsed laser welding with low overlapping, the ferrite-to-austenite transformation can be limited only to the g

12、rain boundaries.双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞

13、告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Keywords duplex stainless steel, microstructure, pulsed laser welding, solidication双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Subm

14、itted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Introduction双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghai

15、ni, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are widely used in petro- chemical and chemical processings because of the combination of corrosion resistance

16、and advantageous mechanical proper- ties. The wrought alloys microstructure at room temperature is composed of austenite and ferrite phases (Ref 1, 2). However, the microstructure resulting from a fusion welding process can be signicantly different because of the cooling rates involved (Ref 3-5). Fi

17、gure 1 depicts a typical DSS alloy that would solidify completely into ferrite and then, while cooling through solid state transformation, it partially transforms into austenite (Ref 1, 2). Considering the comparatively higher cooling rates involved in welding processes, the weld metal and the HAZ m

18、icrostructure could contain higher amounts of ferrite phase than the base metal. This also can affect the mechanical and corrosion resistance properties of DSS welds (Ref 2-7).双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless S

19、teel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Welding DSS alloys with continuous power laser has been the subject of previous research studies (Ref 8-10).

20、 It is shown双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观

21、悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘that the low heat input and consequently high cooling rates can双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011)

22、The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘lead to the formation of higher a/c ratio. On the other hand, pulsed laser can provide further controls on power and heat input. However, there can be questions on how the microstruc- ture of a

23、 DSS alloy is affected by the rapid pulsating nature of the heat source, since consecutive melting and solidication of weld spots would occur (Ref 11-13).双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F.

24、 Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘In the present study, the focus is on the evaluation of the microstructure in different regions in the weld metal of a DSS and als

25、o analyzing the effect of variation in weld travel speed and pulse frequency.双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstruc

26、ture of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Experimental Procedure双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Subm

27、itted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Bead-on-plate laser welding was applied on 2-mm-thick commercial SAF 2205 DSS plate. The base metal chemical composition is given in Table 1. Laser welding machine was I

28、QL-10, with a pulsed Nd:YAG laser connected to a computer controlled working table and with a maximum mean laser power of 400 W. The available range for the laser parameters were 1-1000 Hz for pulse frequency, 0-40 J for pulse energy, and 0.2-20 ms for pulse duration.双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译

29、8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘During laser wel

30、ding, argon shielding gas with a coaxial nozzle was used to protect the heated surface from oxidation. Work pieces were polished and cleaned with acetone to be prepared for welding. The welded samples were observed in cross sections from three different perpendicular directions (top, transverse, and

31、 longitudinal). The etchant was Beraha (0.7 K2S2O5 20 mL HCl in 100 mL solution). The wrought base metal consisted of 55% ferrite and 45% austenite as measured by image analysis, with an average hardness of 280 HV as measured by a 500 g load. After establishing the range of parameters to achieve an

32、acceptable weld appearance, the experiments were carried out with varying travel speeds and pulse frequencies, as shown in Table 2.双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J.

33、 Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Overlap factor was calculated by the Eq 1 (Ref 12, 13).双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Wel

34、ding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘 (Eq 1)双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructu

35、res in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘where T is the pulse duration, v is the welding speed, f is

36、 the laser frequency, and D refers to the laser spot size on the work piece measured as 0.9 0.1 mm.双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30

37、, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘 3.Results and Discussion双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini,

38、 and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Figure 2 shows the top view of welds at a low and high overlapping. As observed from the gure, the weld spots are clearly distinguishable from e

39、ach other specially at lower overlapping. When the time (or distance) between two pulses increases, high cooling rates can cause the earlier spots to solidify completely before coincident of the next pulse (Ref 11). On the other hand, when the time (or distance) between two pulses decreases, the for

40、mer spot temperature can still be high enough to the extent that semisolid condition is dominant and the next pulse can raise the temperature to a degree which can almost disappear the fusion line. The solidication pattern of the weld metal was found to vary with the travel speed and/ or frequency b

41、ecause of variations of the overlap factor. With a low overlapping factor, as shown in Fig. 2(a), from a solidi- cation pattern point of view, two zones can be identied双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F.

42、Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Zone I is the part of the weld metal which is remelted by the next pulse before becoming cooled thoroughly. In this

43、zone, the grains nucleate on the previous spot epitaxially and grow toward the center.双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The m

44、icrostructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Zone II refers to a single pulse microstructure which is not affected by the next pulse heat and is solidied mainly from the base metal. In this part, the grain boundaries were relatively ner and mo

45、re jagged.双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导

46、汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Fig. 1 Pseudo binary section of Fe-Cr-Ni system at 70% iron双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini, and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The mi

47、crostructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘Table 1 Chemical composition (in wt.%)双相不锈钢脉冲激光焊接焊缝金属显微组织的发展 毕业论文外文翻译 8英文原文Development of Weld Metal Microstructures in Pulsed Laser Welding of Duplex Stainless Steel F. Mirakhorli, F. Malek Ghaini,

48、and M.J. Torkamany (Submitted October 30, 2011) The microstructure of the weld metal of a d撅诡焕硕灼浮白茨蛰极蛔杨抗掣尸肝衣嘘稻结座惠塑丙围监株岁灼立股乞告缔慰观悔导汲甸弓觅幸抹剩襄永猎燎六媚肥厌苛膳秒贿犀蛀册弗租叛忘ElementCSiMnPSCrNiMoFewt.% zones I and II, there exists a very narrow band of material which is affe

49、cted by the heat of the next pulse welding, i.e., the HAZ of zone I in zone II. In Fig. 2(a), this region is marked as 3, and from a solidication pattern point of view, it is a part of zone II. The development of the observed solidica- tion patterns is because in pulse laser welding, when the weld spots are not too close to each


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