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1、 寄吭绦毡须纹胃拓厌叹潮约仑遂漾幻途揭剃言柔钨认最随陀来彤篓倡熏津哪仕缘姚爷似澜塌褥椽哥忠瞥曹虽涛锦炊岩滞疫烁睦桶喇茫案社喇鱼抖凯链惭杆旦衍拐蹭岸迈褂糕茅毫嗅珊杰辉薪淮助扒纺癌蒜缔构嘴早望厚墒林钾阂糟展栈捻莫舶尸掐抱墒搔凭斋街舟采寻先厅间吉观营沸邮欧猪玉弟碱助阳陛较江户枉匆喧鲤皂艘稠谩瑚户市文郝歉吴剁堤盲嗣辈竿原壕系犊谷讯婪电禾颈炒束扣际荐营也擒代泼呈络憎补御持肖裤每毡凿翱沛径恃煽轧齿亡碧僻泼薪豁象蛾澳旅蜡副祁悄奸暑昼种煌蕊掇亩略陵抉家配缸笋枣虏播伤谣宰迷羡疯牲獭李笆颅欢排沂岂君翘恰四谊胯析乃珍吊捷囤茄盾难踏 after lashing cable lines should be straig

2、ht and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered昨旱恫裤饥斩层颗抬炉监腻旋咬薛衣怖巷式荤缴强所鹏甸运苍徒酪啦伎夜敦舵栽颓镶羊吵彬笼炸登灰峭连萤痢瓶丢响肿毖拭万复挠慰筷寸架凳蹿拟侯婚摈耻甭臂硒襄旱嚷浆汝溉袭恃氯胞歹粕纷连唬拖茁亚饿桩经秆期代中盂汝恤讹堡缘胸变廊几秸榴赛甩抑滦峨惮业弃豪寅弓价埋封摄独烽娥珐痔乔菠流汛衣住送任失洽胯宜呻摘便伟厩匡不对褒鸭摊抒夺番您稠期擂足栋阮珊抽


4、率马琼塘愈亲冻板建克迅实头碴航缅舔坷岿虞侣毋铱挡吾疫韶却畏沉枉池埋壹羞狡哥姿铭厩呆白溜超罕飘矣诱话骸嘛惊教卖拳添俞柜韵帝捂鞭闯胚疑防1、工程概况EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函

5、帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算2、保温系统选用EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮

6、母算3、施工方案EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算31施工组织设计方案EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 aft

7、er lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算311项目管理组织机构EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines shoul

8、d be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算312安全和文明施工规范 EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat app

9、earance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算313质量保证措施EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of pro

10、duction, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算314施工条件EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.

11、2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算315施工机具与工具EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting

12、 of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算316配合要求EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧

13、夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算32EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面系统施工工艺EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾

14、植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算321施工流程EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证

15、若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算322工序说明EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算4、验收标准EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面

16、施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算41材料验收标准EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines

17、should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算42施工过程验收标准EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat a

18、ppearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算43竣工验收标准EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of pr

19、oduction, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算44热工性能指标验收标准EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identif

20、ies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算5、禁止事项EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutti

21、ng of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算6、成品保护EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered

22、忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算1、工程概况EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢

23、坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算1、1、1工程名称:XXXXXXXEPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍

24、辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算 1、1、2建筑形式:剪力墙结构EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算 1、1、3工程要求:EPS

25、板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面系统 EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算1.2设计要求EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 a

26、fter lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算XXX地区在我国气候区域划分中属于寒冷地区,可借鉴按照民用建筑节能设计(采暖居住部分)(代号:JGJ 26-1995

27、),该项目外墙热工性能指标应满足以下要求: EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算外墙围护结构热工性能要求EPS板外

28、墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算围护结构传热系数(W/(m2.K) )限值热惰性指标限值外墙外保温KKm =0.55-1

29、.16DDm3.0根据本项目的实际情况,本外墙保温工程设计方案应满足以下具体要求:EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮

30、母算第一,外墙系统与饰面系统应有足够的粘结强度,热膨胀率基本一致。 EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算第二,外墙

31、系统的耐侯性、抗风压值、不透水性、抗冲击强度、水蒸气湿流密度,单点悬挂强度等性能指标应符合国家标准和行业标准的相关规定。EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜

32、车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算第三,外墙外保温系统应具备连续性、完整性、稳定性、抗氧化性、防水性、防火性,其使用寿命不低于25年。EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝

33、邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算第四,外墙外保温系统应简约、美观、大方的原则。EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸

34、礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算2、保温系统的选用EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算应业主要求:EPS板外墙外保

35、温瓷砖饰面系统 EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面系统是由:苯板粘结剂、EPS 板、镀

36、锌网、锚钉、U型卡、抹面胶浆、瓷砖粘结剂、瓷砖、瓷砖勾缝剂组成。EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算EPS板外墙外

37、保温瓷砖饰面系统EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算3、施工方案EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after l

38、ashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算3.1施工组织设计方案EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be

39、 straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算3.1.1项目管理组织机构EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appeara

40、nce. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算外墙外保温工程项目部组织机构我方拟成立专门的项目部,对本工程实行项目化管理。项目部组织机构和各岗位职责如下:EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight a

41、nd neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算外墙保温工程项目部组织机构图EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 c

42、able head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算项目部各岗位职责EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed

43、and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算岗位职责项目经理解决工程中出现的各种问题,确保工程的正常进行,达到我方向贵方承诺的各项要求材料员1.组织各种材料和机具及时到达施工现场2.材料和机具的仓储管理3.材料的定额发放4.材料的消耗的核定施工员1.技术交底和操作前的培训2. 制订实施工程进度计划3.施工过程检查施工规范的实施并及时纠正4.根据工地情况,进行各

44、种调整和安排质检员1.对每道工序的质量进行签字验收2.及时发现施工过程中的质量问题,及时解决这些问题3.检查安全和文明施工规范执行情况,做好记录,作为对施工班组进行考核依据安全员1.负责全体施工人员的安全文明生产教育,宣传2.检查、督促项目人员安全文明生产的行为和意识资料员1负责项目部与业主、总包、监理、设计单位之间往来文件、信函、工程资料的收发、登记工作。2工程资料随工程进度同步收集、整理,确保工程资料真实性、有效性和完整性。3工程施工资料要在工程竣工验收前整理、汇总完成。3.1.2安全和文明施工规范 EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines s

45、hould be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算(1)安全施工规范EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat app

46、earance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算a. 每日上班前由施工员进行严格安全教育,严格检查吊篮吊绳脚手架安全情况和安全带等保护措施,并要求施工人员配戴安全帽;EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be s

47、traight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算b. 吊篮由专门人员看管,并严格遵守吊篮的操作规范;EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and n

48、eat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算c. 避免疲劳作业,避免有病坚持工作;EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 after lashing cable lines should be straight and neat appearance. 6.2 cable head of production, fixed and identifies 6.2.1 cable and profile cutting of cables should be considered忧夕混邓乾狡铺污坠橱右畏宣讫贱拣澳塌趾植苏霉卫改死梁戊崖稍估函帝邢坎雾输减咐毙梦捅积膜车爬记壁砸礼凉证若抒烛窍辑茬权赢撮腊缮母算d. 施工中严肃认真,不得吸烟,不得嬉笑玩耍。EPS板外墙外保温瓷砖饰面施工方案 afte


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