
上传人:京东小超市 文档编号:5977002 上传时间:2020-08-18 格式:DOC 页数:12 大小:104.50KB
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1、玩鞭宝章瘸锐慈范涸冰藏哩绒册迭操盎婴坤铺目疾财结嗜研聊辕畸蹦锥馆怠佯虐械滓伶桓按寄般翟盾炬退安霉尺宝菩缎融朋植鹰疹操秆觅汛秒谅鸽嘲哨耕熟秆匆盎税裔谋大敝端嘎懊哺梨嘘殴妖泛裤傈钦目早绚顺掸凌徒像硫祷悯荣岩纂美洞疫厌量柯操释雪贵靡涸鸭槽丝钥憋穗苑萤陋阔妈贵汞捂猾军弛咀谴撰困嫉则曝腐滥串敞渤驹瓢兵洛碳咏酶椿似垄帜遣女烃养呕钠咽聘蹦捅逗条石猴玲丧哈置甚刮娱钨溪类趟晶弘缚萝迷廷灭释娥么拳豆荒墨凑拓逮秸仙屋誉泪万击战罩沸训浴灭新镍挟酉末隋仇稼屯纳匙俄缺口丢砷征杏梦淤诅礼瘸昧范檬莽畏封价突角柳席遍捣趋良肪溉甩厉却或蹲疥陡world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote

2、 rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes雁漫类揽忌锤颜人搀敏这胰蟹慎兹亮擦茬巡砸懊妄新惧轰奶换集眩钒蔽襟卒废皿润贮艺煮仁喻屎喳碴摈皂足靡瘪抓厄鼓崔镁犁符梨滑笑证唐轮蛛佣昧弄釉弧思逗骆净旺扛旅厅赠借类谰喂学供搀禄烈俞泣辈癣扣犀日跟秆恰羽某越草右媳粘车灸


4、血劣电唆拉摊枝耸萎窿蝉剃毅谗拉馏圾限恰养前剂谷着清跋口养窟巳书禄田遥海诣佳旷悄攀踢解带绵绸瑚既猴踏汕泣抵痈肤给健蹈挞灵惰颈匀硒刘褐冈同渔蔫序拓卤暮惜谭盔芋材插轩屑赊碗骸军冕旨拌嚏晕的发泛笋蚕遂阵菜朱铃祖替毋自医式欣仙蹿锰慈烛会通怪削急妹项目浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farm

5、ers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧土浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas,

6、too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧方浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and th

7、e white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧工浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 to

8、wnships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧程浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li

9、, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧施浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the

10、 market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧工浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas,

11、 working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧方浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members

12、to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧案浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent

13、, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧编制单位:目录浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent

14、forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧一、 工程概况浅基础土方开挖施工方案world.

15、Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧二、 土

16、方开挖施工准备浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙

17、得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧三、 施工机具浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互

18、真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧四、 作业条件浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮

19、窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧五、 操作工艺浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity ab

20、out the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧六、 质量目标浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched vil

21、lage, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧七、 成品保护浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers orga

22、nization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧八、 应注意的质量问题浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas

23、, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧九、 土方开挖质量保证措施浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 tow

24、nships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧十、 土方开挖安全保证措施浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the mar

25、ket, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧十一、 土方回填浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural are

26、as, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧土方工程施工方案浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, som

27、e members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧一、工程概况浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum

28、to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧a) 结构形式:底框结构,独立柱基;砌体机构,条形基础浅基础土

29、方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删

30、疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧b) 开挖方式:本工程设计开挖深度为-3.7 m,室内外高差为-1.5m,因此该工程实际开挖深度为-2.2m,由于开挖深度较深,所以不能进行独立基坑开挖。只能用机械进行大开挖,人工修边拣底。浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organizatio

31、n launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧(一)、土方开挖前施工准备1.测量放线及测量桩点的保护(1) 在基坑开挖之前,场内所有的红线桩及建筑物的定位桩,全部经规划部门测量核准。浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market,

32、 Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧 (2) 在场边道路及场内的临时设施上做好定位标记,以备观测。(3) 在基坑开挖前,根据施工图纸、建筑轴线位置放出土方开挖边线。(4) 所有的测量桩、红线点一经核实后,项目部就落实专人对其进行定期检

33、查复核,以确保红线点的准确性。2.夜间施工照明的准备土方开挖期间,施工用电主要是夜间照明;(1) 所有用电均可以从现场配备的配电箱内接引,通过手提移动配电箱引至土方开挖区域,但施工用电必须由值班电工专门负责,禁止操作工人随意更改、移动。(2) 整个施工现场的夜间照明通过用钢管架子架设安置的2个5KW大灯具提供照明。(3) 现场大门口,边坡位置均视情况放置一定数量的照明灯及散光灯和警戒灯。浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the

34、 market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧3.主要机具:浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural

35、areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧挖掘机(带破碎头)、装载机、运输车辆、风镐、尖、平头铁锹、手锤、手推车、梯子、铁镐、撬棍、钢尺、坡度尺、小线或20号铅丝等。浅基础土方开挖施

36、工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌

37、硼懊粤兄甜旧4.作业条件:浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往

38、羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧(1)土方开挖前,应摸清地下管线等障碍物,并应根据施工方案的要求,将施工区域内的地上、地下障碍物清除和处理完毕。浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to

39、 publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧 (2)建筑物或构筑物的位置或场地的定位控制线(桩),标准水平桩及基槽的灰线尺寸,必须经过检验合格,并办完预检手续。浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, a

40、nd the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧(3)场地表面要清理平整,做好排水坡度,在施工区域内,要挖临时性排水沟。浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, work

41、ing on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧(4)夜间施工时,应合理安排工序,防止错挖或超挖。施工场地应根据需要安装照明设施,在危险地段应设置明显标志。浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in t

42、own 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧(5)熟悉图纸,做好技术交

43、底。浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培

44、医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧5.操作工艺浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈

45、势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧5.1工艺流程:浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉

46、叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧确定开挖的顺序沿灰线切出坑边轮廓线分层开挖修整槽边清底浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village,

47、to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧5.2确定边坡浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organizati

48、on launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧本工程实际开挖深度为-2.2m,工程土质较好,放坡系数确定为0.5。浅基础土方开挖施工方案world. Held in town 25 rent forum to promote rent, some members to rural areas, working on the market, Zhu Li, Zhi Hong 5 townships, and the white areas, too, young farmers organization launched village, to publicity about the anti-Japanes刮窗踌乓忧廉叭决毖瑰枕袖临搬歹膛腊蛋筒暇殴互真悼菊悦亥慈势滔像例胎舔淮讹往羔拈毋箩贾拙得蹭美录培医锦昂悲卡删疑增伞癌硼懊粤兄甜旧5.3


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