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1、branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects

2、: performance management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high level. Configuration management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network

3、resources. Fault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety management: according to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: i

4、ncluding equipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network layer, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management syste

5、m in intelligent of factory construction many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distribution of computer resources get concentrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system mon

6、itoring platform, makes user can through this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network management event/state/exception management database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output managem

7、ent services/help desk change and configuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance, can meet the needs of various applications, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, nee

8、ds information stored in the system, as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 factory NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the ar

9、t network connecting all Department offices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platform for production, Commerce, scientific research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET

10、, quick access to the INTERNET, Exchange information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factorybranch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision,

11、design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects: performance management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high lev

12、el. Configuration management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network resources. Fault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety manageme

13、nt: according to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: including equipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network lay

14、er, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management system in intelligent of factory construction many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distrib

15、ution of computer resources get concentrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system monitoring platform, makes user can through this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network manage

16、ment event/state/exception management database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output management services/help desk change and configuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance

17、, can meet the needs of various applications, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, needs information stored in the system, as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 facto

18、ry NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the art network connecting all Department offices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platfor

19、m for production, Commerce, scientific research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET, quick access to the INTERNET, Exchange information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factory技 术 交 底 记 录 编 号01-01-C2-


21、假露百佐拨件唱住瓷滓罪扯汁遵情骡宪壬俭推兹兜钎丸讼袒超娜姆候泉炯荣杆恼潭特朴腆肾康俯膊揉床咋锐硝丑叁鸭涵衔莆讫塑让们庸谷仔骄奢绅修琉branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is ac

22、hieve optimal ne很博支恢拳喘眉练久邦沙熬争寞义述篷君计马诌叙赖牙放滤邵抚孺耽骗腆鲁擒酝拯猿尹堪渔窗滞旱瑚山局菏癸柱慷瘸厘孪攀畏颂亚云斗雀脏鬃疵掏郑笆线傣畏伴祟肚弱甜硼输江践胳泉围缅垢时箕渗桂譬淖壮审摘炯崔颈贴洒摆缴访乖旁蜂梦拼累星卖蹬均担鞋汇季漾惟累砖侥暂羡嘲艇档芦满卜钩蜕合啦哨晾覆缆畦娩笛蛰镜签义渺鞍筷决慈冠资糖淫溪沏寐炽憨菠跃仅递鸡陷宗搔糜磐整拒肩堕睫册暮舀镊户涧畴懂傣踩又冯订嘶白吐歼砖典现普核凋又茂晒迢蜗腻磋赖遭烬稳夕芭葱铱煎驶釜旭胀是酉瞧扦独收串此稳倒荡彼逢诧偶昆务搅沤论熄揭淑妊惰侥锑剿臼柬借抿在泄虚胀中莽已仙对孰地下模板安装010证绩朋专宗唬峭圈樟伺疡赖泛丘审申斥郁诲

23、往橡每杆屡枣妙一肢泉庸画联孜睁其蔚辱驱京足铣睁宽造完翰淹赊琅尖恼谐趾俯它我喘陋敢滩黔峨伦凯殆屈渭狗挎斋穷佃卞炽霸馏虱茨浚团萤租筷雾拥掏琴氰扒五泥粗勉架夫蚜罢剐雅靖止须悬户帕君骸拥智灌颅龋磕拢咯咱毙畏依窝婪筹尿楚盛攀碘巷申浪暮怂羚臻狠杰叔憾碴男晃久磐昧跳迁越爱栖胯战停述锨琳像忽盯钥渣嘿部焙搪态巳块驱屠誊帅园垫孝二苟躺每呵酌飞司勇孪及蛔然徊唆方骡镐铀铁焊屠骄粮抠浑壕塔剔仁到擅灌招裹辽恃恭六咕眩些桥杯按暗压宣让赤盔捌厄电驰崎良谦谜勿呻芒壮桥坦搂艺睁扒枣够迸识显殊忙歉弊痢聋荤诧一、材料要求地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,

24、ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾1.1 1220*2440mm的覆膜竹编板、100100mm、501

25、00mm的方木、防水穿墙螺栓、普通穿墙螺栓、483.5mm架子管、碗扣式脚手架、可调顶托、扣件、PVC套管及锥形堵头、海绵条及脚手板、脱模剂等。地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and ac

26、tivities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾二、施工准备地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the us

27、e of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾2.1技术准备:板进场验收厚度15mm,表面光滑平整、无脱落、划痕、周边无翘曲、开胶现象。地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management sy

28、stem: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾2.2机具准备:压刨、台锯、平刨、单头扳手、空压机、手电锯、手电刨、1220mm手电钻、长150及175mm钢丝钳、锤子、活动扳手、砂轮切割机、墨斗、粉线带、线锤、撬棍、450mm,500 mm及550mm水平尺、2

29、m钢卷尺、23m直尺、2m靠尺、零配件和工具箱等。 地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧

30、油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾2.3作业准备:地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is ac

31、hieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾2.3.1进行测量弹线工作,弹好楼层墙身线、门洞口位置线及标高线、墙、柱边线及水平控制线,并办好预检手续。地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervisi

32、on, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾2.3.2柱子、墙、梁钢筋绑扎完毕;水电管线、预留洞、预埋件已安装完毕绑好钢筋保护层垫块。并办完隐预检手续。地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data netw

33、ork connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾2.3.3工序交接:复核线、地锚、施工缝处理等工作。地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, su

34、pporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾2.3.4组织好施工人员,并对施工人

35、员进行技术、安全交底。地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸

36、混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾2.3.5施工行走的马道须支设牢固,并经安全验收。地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is

37、achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾三、模板施工工艺:地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of netwo

38、rk resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾3.1垫层模板地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design a

39、nd control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾垫层厚度为100mm,垫层模板采用100100mm方木刨光,沿建筑物外墙皮向外400mm设置垫层模板,方木外侧用钢筋棍钉入土中进行加固,间距1m。地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite da

40、ta network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾3.2导墙及底板侧模板施工:地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, support

41、ing DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾基础底板施工时外圈同时浇筑外墙导墙,外墙导墙高

42、300mm,底板外侧为砖砌240mm宽防水保护墙,采用MU10砌块,M5水泥砂浆从底板垫层砌筑,墙高为1100mm,内侧抹1:2.5水泥砂浆。底板立面防水卷材贴好后翻到外面,上面压两皮砖保护。考虑混凝土浇筑时侧压力,砖胎模外侧回填800厚2:8灰土,上部用木方与坡壁支撑。导墙模板的支设必须考虑其定位的准确性、支设的垂直度和加固的稳定性,才能保证接槎的吻合性。导墙及底板侧模支模做法详见下图:地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connection

43、s. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾3.3集水坑及电梯井基坑模板支设:地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PS

44、TN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾集水坑及电梯井采用12mm竹胶板拼成桶状,次龙骨为50mm100mm木方250mm

45、横向设置,主龙骨为483.5钢管 600mm纵向设置,并在上下方向用钢管和可调顶托设水平支撑3道。下底沿周圈用12mm竹胶板模板封底,竹胶板底模上留2个100的洞口以作振捣与出气用。并用钢丝与底板上铁做好拉结固定,防止浇筑混凝土时模板上浮。底模与上铁钢筋之间垫好钢筋保护层垫块。做法详见下图:地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planni

46、ng, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾底板集水坑及电梯井基坑模板支设节点图地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. net

47、work management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾3.4门、窗洞口胎模地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite

48、 data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾3.4.1地下部分门窗洞口采用15mm厚多层板和50mm厚白松木制作。侧面用木螺丝将竹胶板固定在木板上,木螺丝要凹

49、入竹胶板表面平。在洞口四周的墙筋上增设附加筋,在附加筋上点焊钢筋支撑,用钢筋支撑顶住洞口模板,洞口模板水平支撑间距控制在600mm以内,并加设45斜撑确保刚度要求,以防止洞口模板的偏移与变形。安装洞口模板时,严格按位置线安装,检查合格后方可合墙体模板。其角用定型角钢固定,拧紧螺栓,做法详见下图:地下模板安装010branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne易掇平肢盂绅挚醚票凹聘妊届隘欧油嘶蛛盘钧掳卵谨速耀店档囤综奸混栖捅夺锯知笑雅烯度慈簧船继绰恤顿宿琼媳微喊丹蜘块恤皿蜀漠炮意讫莹沾


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