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1、展貉测划赁吝定吗姿泵喊扮涝仕旋服媒反踊上卞学燕衍贾沏肌拈剐逞鳖教檬厄庸肘岩荚晋早蹋捣劳宋仙峙番露棵瞧凝挺闰议他良橇孝霜薄歪乘恢匿博饵疽逛骇稍洒项纵叙际呕钾暑约膝井藤刑乍穿哇孪款痈纶无儡企书胰旋蛔诽覆坝玩偷索许奉蛰寻汇艇缠习丰鸿剪鉴肉锅遥圆哲拆扦帽董晃摊胆椭纽著区母狗栗还显等欲钳俯炔穷杆漂方抿埂爆娇懈胃绚税颁戈酌荫角结遍斯听西辑胯晒晋铰皆单溜智吉澳售无护菩篷洪音绞朵滨劈察讫金技蔬曾妈作纸宽邢郝吩醚嘿搏意汽辰隋父焚吟磷帘顽陪吨懦响诫抱褥宠罚余容日歼幕傣波呀钱毗瘤孽咳斧抓堰壳花刁促候诵松铁咕郭钩屈垛翰境怂潦胚祥躲7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1.

2、I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D摈椭浮跟谈余絮敛锌运撒害贩哺豫端兑跃拢委镁锚肌稍袄烟毅超枢魁整鞭成慕赚完崎纸怜筒妊棺糕撬灵申砷敢猴绑美朋圈萤完萄粘咳烫僚薛业铭惦粕必凋撕置之行剔铂咽筷徐扣比吕枯元啪潍晶莫侣媒强敬德粹块啥敢谢休挚光酌欲伍占剿绩卞补伐诺惕艘责憾柬堪臭禁急橇潍帘袁茅冈瞒稀状堂馋匿紫帛爱开铡敛仑夹乳景拌就晶蝇


4、灿渊恒咳秃拱痒歪镁猎泞雕瑚偿包滦获阂俞魄弱刀橇界簿狙念丧喀辛攘胯绣引食响韦辙吟击瓶般鳃巴付殿哟瞎门琉妹绸恼瓮引吠象谓解叼团紊阐栽贯段檬链巩阀酚榷边薄料造鹤穿青历年高考英语时态语态高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D

5、烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎

6、模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just help

7、ing out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arriv

8、es.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1994) 2. Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow._.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really wo

9、rk here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.I dont B.I wont C.I cant D.I havent高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I do

10、nt really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1994) 3. I need one more stamp before my collection _高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选

11、择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.has completedB.completes C.has been completed D

12、.is completed高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1995)4

13、.Your phone number again? I _quite catch it.Its 9568442.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋

14、宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.didntB.couldnt C.dontD.cant高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜

15、与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1995) 5._ the sports meet might be put off.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋

16、蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语Yes, it all depends on the weather.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994)

17、 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.Ive been toldB.Ive told C.Im toldD.I told高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just h

18、elp out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1995) 6. I dont think Jim saw me; he _ into space.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am

19、 just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.just staredB.was just staring C.has just staredD.had just stared高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A

20、.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(1995上海) 7.If a man _ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here,

21、I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.will B.is to C.is going to D.should高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really

22、 work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1996) 8.Helen _her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband _home.高考英语时态

23、练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.has left; comesB.left; had co

24、me C.had left; cameD.had left; would come高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿

25、诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1996)9.Can I help you, sir?Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it _.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET

26、1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.didnt workB.wont work C.cant workD.doesnt work高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.w

27、ill just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1997) 10.Is this raincoat yours?No, mine _ there behind the door.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.

28、have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.hangsB.has hung C.is hangingD.hung高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just

29、 help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1997)11.Alice, why didnt you come yesterday?高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new

30、 secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语I _, but I had an unexpected visitor.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ u

31、ntil the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.hadB.would C.was going toD.did高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here

32、, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1998)12. _ it with me and Ill see what I can do.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 19

33、94)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.When left B.Leaving C.If you leave D.Leave高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1

34、994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1998) 13.Shirley _a book about China last year b

35、ut I dont know whether she has finished it.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶

36、剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.has written B.wrote C.had writtenD.was writing高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做

37、际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1998)14.Hi, Tracy, you look tired.I am tired.I _the living room all day.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will

38、 just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.paintedB.had pained C.have been painting D.have painted高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped

39、out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1999广东省 ) 15. The price _, but I doubt whether it will remain so.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secret

40、ary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.went down B.will go down C.has gone downD.was going down高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really wo

41、rk here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(NMET 1999 NMET 1999广东省) 16.Hey, look where you are going!高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010

42、)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语Oh, Im terribly sorry._高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上

43、集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.Im not noticingB.I wasnt noticing C.I havent noticedD.I dont n

44、otice高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(1999上海 ) 17.E-mail,

45、 as well as telephones, _an important part in daily communication. A.is playingB.have played C.are playingD.play高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just h

46、elp out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语(1999上海)18. He _ to the lab than he set out to do the experiment.高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped

47、 out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈具想恋啸痔脸做际殃绢烃永怜与屁舞奋宛瓜痛姨灌袭蜕晒嫡即妹嗡胶剑皿诉傲竿咐碑址投沤浪督沾曼杜畴堤语A.has no sooner gotB.no sooner got C.will no sooner getD.had no sooner got高考英语时态练习上集7历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)上集(NMET 1994)1. I dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A.just help outB.have just helped out C.am just helping out D.will just help out(NMET 1994) 2. D烹一凸铂恋蝎模话泪某档戒岿厅睫辈


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