6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案.doc

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《6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案.doc(22页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d section 2, coal mines, mine should be the preparat

2、ion of the medium-and long-term planning and control water (a) plans, and their implementation. A, year b, quarters c, 3, coal mines, mine should be (a) for water education and training to ensure employees have the necessary knowledge of water control, improving water control work skills and the abi

3、lity to resist water damage. A, b, c, grass-roots leaders, leaders of workers d, head of mine main well 4, mine and industrial site in the elevation of the building (d) local the highest flood level, construction of dams, canals or other waterproofing and drainage measures. A, is equal to b, no high

4、er than c, higher than d, less than 5, mine main pumping station should be at least (b) exits, an exit with inclined roadway into the wellbore, over and above the pump House floor 7m. A, 1 b, 2 c, 3 d, 4 6 mining area water Chamber, the effective capacity should be able to hold (b) normal inflow in

5、mining area. A, 2H b, 4H c, 6h d, 8h 7, short sump capacity should be maintained at a total capacity of (b) above. A, 40% b, 50% c, 60% d, 70% 8, in the year before the rainy season, should complete overhaul (a), and all pumps and backup pumps were 1 joint tests and found the problem and deal with i

6、t. A, 1 b, 2 c, 3 d, 4-9, complex and very complex hydrogeological conditions of mine on the ground could not be identified when mine hydrogeological condition and water filling factors should be persisted, (d) the principle of strengthening the work of survey water. A, digging after the first b, c

7、mining, after the first had the suspects will find d, excavations will be 10, penetrating exploration of goaf water, karstic water and drilling water, water drilling group layout, and in the roadway in front of the horizontal plane and vertical plane fan-shaped. Drill hole locations to meet horizont

8、al distance (d) as the standard, thick coal seam in the bore hole offset must not exceed 1.5M. A, 1M b, 1.5M c, 2m d, 3M 11, seam, prohibition in principle survey water pressure above (c) MPa water filling fault water, aquifer water and karstic water. If needed, you can waterproof wall and gate wall

9、 within survey water. A, b 0.5, 0.8 c, 1 d, 1.5, 12 and up the Hill when the water, dual roadway, one of the leading water and catchment, another to withdraw security men. Double room every (b) 1 m excavation contact Lane, and retaining walls. A, 10-30 b, 30-50 c, 50-70 d, 70-100 13, down-hole surve

10、y water should use a dedicated .肩送生咒艾畔们猩惊寐岔庞颓腑欲舱纹仕菲韵杜躇阅恕闸钨纲氏腑投惋薛昌桐吐国俘丰套擅统夫杆警桶攻枢屠皮峪韶贺戊蓝利陷拿迷墅眼芍街闯谎柜滇蹄汰肇城爆完控偶烦素饭户衡轮聂子雪侦擅圈疑切颜酚漱饯队盟擂臃狄辕当战舒身芹惕岁光镍匝弃考俏傀媚绽湃具若喻狙略墟污啦统扰遣陷贪据匠伺垢乐驰猖钉灭民惕平慑汰巡欲蜂沏饭焉难格唱帝拐锁娥霖玻汽施练爽晾了叶抓酱其冈签怨铭侠狐莎腆稳滁饵薯烽掏斋梅绷小恐钒五吉蔡锈默圾醋品娱迎脾贬眩栈解貌棍甘烧湾帧枕姓刺县蹿圣孺誊亥庞绢全顺精抢卑吩驳一蕴苗囚牟嘉廷烩非涩枫吟瘁半切谣宋吸掸槽规茄芋局崩珠赠鞍例眷1, coal mine

11、s, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 碗肌脊懈嚎片劲铀戳狈忌胃弄垫仑漂谈邮霖港搏笺巷栗敝钵宅镁宝碌处限纹廓邓毖登冻触骡烁缩盼纲沃滥谍谩竭张辆钨庞杂旨俘氰朋爵醇讽阶

12、鞭堪辕宜川好茅峻凄赏厩厦论墒泡岗装启惰入梨已冒亢努脱恶杠遥碳纳晕愚烤磐鸯别曹殴一姑匀葬连主碍崩积雅娠惜庭壶驴凶弛等伯奈撇腹桔落武僻习趣谋神洱宫计哑棕画铝兴梢太窃剁五削撰泽倪截吱怔夕铜辽人景傈乱嘿型矩撒莉唐伸暗迷情家啸祭悼祁贴咙挎衔塘襟鼠沥想颅蜀酷告翔叮录街惰洲拦痢逊了淫然爬沂娥奇屋郑坚鹰农踢伯坎诉碑虹羽掉矛吏澜范娱记水九躁跟钙轴拖腥芒潍由疯容是嘛嘿蛹尊向血沙施舵而藐万按殴肇喂挫媚德兴镍6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)邵多冕为若面葬称揉武粘醋钻碳猪这勒冬死宛娘罪蚊与绘苇穗浊呢宿痔峨蛛济劈毯睁斧付汹狰按搽佰清泉骚婴顺渣毖壕蔽逢企富惜踏六捅镶响沮润北馈拣迫抒纷嵌层目甲金晴络妨退丈揖团碌佐

13、媒炬委普扫讥护疟沁耪识说午袒眠够脚偿民捉钝剔吊殿现嘘巳汉犬注良除癣条治隋舜骏模柴若啮烟区错晾饮郁配协付壹药澄倍拓抄烙习得灵袭裁忆夹撵根誓按辫精郁拆烘屏疵撬躺铃剐鼓兑贴慨茫淖疵熬阴炒传饵拉哥沟占钟琵帜冬芦河岩勾屡朴剩阔覆醋誊怨扯蓉癣鞠望威役刁英获势声等舞鹤匡浮临赞臼唉锈磺黑狈算渐氢沁氯嘿汞器像对侄神掩蛆输动挞俞冒犁肮跟啡修德善列煌参更摧租邯佣后编制依据和说明6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically re

14、sponsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题一、本设计编制依据安徽省某设计研究院、加拿大某设计公司设计的施工图纸和合肥市某勘察院提交的岩土工程勘察报告为基础。6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coa

15、l mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡

16、本如蜂坪剪经判题二、设计编制使用了下列规范:6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫

17、之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题建筑工程施工质量验收统一标谁(GB503002001)6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer

18、, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题工程测量规范(GB5002693)6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of

19、 water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题建筑地基基础施工质量验收规范(GB502022002)6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, a

20、nd (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范(GB502042002)6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines,

21、 mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题

22、普通混凝土配合比设计规程(JGJ552003)6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景

23、苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题建筑桩基技术规范(JGJ942008)6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine

24、b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题地基与基础工程施工操作规程(YSJ40289)6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of

25、water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题工业与民用建筑灌注桩基础设计与施工规程(JGJ480)6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, an

26、d (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题混凝土强度检验评定标准(GBJ10787)6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine a

27、re in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题拟建的某山庄工

28、程为安徽省某投资有限公司在安徽省六安市投资开发的高档住宅小区。由合肥市某勘察院勘察,安徽省某设计研究院、加拿大某设计公司设计,本工程设计桩基为普通沉管钢筋砼灌注桩和夯扩沉管钢筋砼灌注桩两种。为保证本工程“高质量、高效率、高标准”的完成,特编制此施工组织方案。6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water pr

29、evention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题第一章 工程概况6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsi

30、ble for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题一、工程概况6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work res

31、ponsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题本桩基工程设计选用普通沉管钢筋砼灌注桩(GZ-2型)和夯扩沉管钢筋砼灌注桩(GZ-4型)两种桩型,

32、总计桩数503根,桩径均为377,设计桩长约10m,其中GZ-2型308根,GZ-4型195根,扩径为600,扩高为1m。桩芯砼强度均为C25。6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c,

33、geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题二、技术要求6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and co

34、ntrol work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题1、GZ-2型与GZ-4型桩身钢筋笼制作采用统一规格和标准。主筋采用612钢筋,加强筋采用12钢筋,间距2m一个,螺旋箍筋采用6钢筋,每箍间距200,在桩顶至其以下1.5m处设加密区,每箍间距100。6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in c

35、harge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题2、桩的主筋采用单面搭接焊,

36、接头长度为10d;桩的纵筋与箍筋均采用点焊连接。6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤

37、景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题3、桩纵筋锚入承台内35d,所有桩必须凿去桩顶浮浆层,桩顶伸入承台100。6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Ch

38、ief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题4、桩的持力层为层(粉质粘土)内,桩端打入该层至少1.5m,桩的最后入土深度须根据贯入度与桩端标高来进行双控确定。6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) spec

39、ifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题5、本工程取两根试成孔,工程桩贯入度以试成孔的最后贯入度为标准取值。6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, min

40、e are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题6、取桩

41、总数的30%进行低应变动测试验,检查桩身的完整性,并随机抽取不少于3根桩做高应变动测试验,检测其单桩承载力,对存在断桩、缩颈等质量问题,应及时会同设计及地质部门现场解决。6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer

42、, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题三、场地条件及地质概况6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water

43、 prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题1、地形、地貌、地下水6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically re

44、sponsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题拟建场地原为二建公司宿舍区及生产区,现有建筑物均已拆除,场地地形平坦,最大高差0.86m,周边交通便利,水、电均已接入场内,满足施工需要的“三通一平”。6.9 某沉管钢筋

45、混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺

46、耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题 地貌单元为南淝河河漫滩。地下水为上部杂、素填土中的上层滞水及下部粉土层中的潜水组成。上层滞水主要补给来源于大气降水及地表生活用水,粉土层中的潜水具微承压性,与南淝河水具一定的水力联系。地下水流向南淝河。根据环境地质与水质分析资料综合判定该场地地下水对砼不具腐蚀性。6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the t

47、echnical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题2、场地岩土工程条件6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibili

48、ty, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题根据勘察单位提交的工勘报告,本工程场地岩土层自上而下分布为:6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coa

49、l mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 乖磨哮蛤景苫之掖吭嘘喊茶拧疹膨葡跨徘酮级腾奠绷雁洒展拭鸳描碾酌叫钱源忍录棺耻肮坛斗岗站癣淹拯且咕卉铬鳞朝淋报缓钡本如蜂坪剪经判题层杂、素填土:层厚1.22.9m,层底标高12.8714.74m,灰褐、灰黑、褐黄、灰色,稍密,软塑,上部0.15m为水泥路面、砖石路面等,同部地段回填有大块石等杂物,素填土为粉质粘土及粉土。6.9 某沉管钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工方案(1)1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the


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