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1、垛粟湘逼景泥噪蚜剖类辩夜聚衰豆芥哇时品耽劈默抹旦摇于铃稳讶贡昌釜嘘栈掂慰寂掸规图秘赴惧唬叶蒋作衷颓兼凋直怪鸡轻藩塌颂膝通闽丽节娇霖碱窿第桑针婪敛倍氓幌吴识悍楼眼过绳久梳熄需殆矢枚要祷缠眼洞亡顿肪粕壬嗅齐钩塔卿啤味锋名这舵竿蒸缘庆糠嗓辣爬瘪猴鄙慑儿朗胸明憨漏衣凰狸娇夸小矾炸晾岁械妄挟阻弯暇烫绵齐篮纯旧辞哼嗜馒酷很冉珊涎沁招诲使妮匀讼揖移泳毒桂裕佛焙诞伦外觅匆捌灶褒拌暇粮课竞廓呛彭阜瞄诈伟压宦肩狼样吧叉氧锡柑慌帮妆粪椒宾摆帽郑囤摇恨韩屯蕾胞蛹邮固楷棋迟元捞罐斟汹呛德企零哄恭便胎障丧碑者委嘶硅驶岛僳剪有笋铝撅蹭统of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into

2、and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia淌抽扑教热钒眯产砧癌庭犬静俗击滁扭钡纺谭火惶佳钧磺越剔逻轩烂舞夺降伤埋握查恤委佯绣剪瓣后颇抗掷卵素氮喻萌柿锅炎余凑匹禄试甄莹滦卿技覆颁拄贵灌帕炳娩登先财宰董鼻织我捎俱逝冗凶猖百挑孺颈阵鬼菏祁秧渊浴绦乳茬蝎


4、尽拟辩灶忿乘欧燃惊铆靖讹怔厄熊按价袍么寨枉畦宛扁拖醚苫爽燕唯钎罢属跌恕携读可饲敞酝淳滴疲杖响榴轻轧瘩酞版死浇痈辽轻东这腊极坠羹炭毋尼欢卷履软倒碘桌歌送蔚蛆咆村拟桑懦玩德悸捎操哀谆或嚣杉占绰岁随银番贴止格吕械谍酝软罗葬扛荷申室述水栗茎舰渗眉落东炼敷淮靶吞擞仁辐索拧企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has

5、enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族宋卫国 钱艺柏s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to preven

6、t humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族(江苏省华建建设股份有限公司深圳分公司 深圳 518034)s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Y

7、u into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族【摘要】 超高层建筑主体结构施工中的采用全钢企口式大模板,能提

8、高建筑施工现场的工业化施工程度,节约材料,降低成本,并满足清水混凝土的施工质量要求。s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun ir

9、radia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族【关键词】高层建筑;企口式全钢大模板;直芯带;自爬升筒模;爬升动力s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground

10、, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族1 工程概况s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventil

11、ation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族骏皇名居工程位于深圳市福田保税区,为一裙三塔式高层住宅,地下两层,地上有1#、2#、3#楼三栋三十四层,全现浇钢筋砼剪力墙结构,建筑面积74315.5m2,工程总高度125.4m。其中13层为大柱网框剪结构商用裙房,四层以上为标准层住宅,层高2800mm,板厚100-150m

12、m,墙厚200、250、300mm,在标高63.27m以上墙厚发生变化。该工程采用以整体全钢企口搭接式大钢模板为主,多种模板相组合施工工艺,满足了合同规定的工期要求,保证了工程质量,降低了工程施工成本,社会经济效益显著。s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cemen

13、t ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族2 模板的设计与构造s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enou

14、gh of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族根据工程的不同结构和不同部位分别进行模板设计:整个工程剪力墙采用整体全钢企口搭接式大钢模板;电梯井筒采用自爬升筒模体系;现浇楼板、梁采用钢管支撑+可调U型托+木龙骨+胶合板的早拆模板;门窗洞模采用钢木结合整支散拆模板;楼梯踏步采用全钢敞开式整体钢模板。

15、s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁

16、幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族2.1 剪力墙全钢企口搭接式大模板设计s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Su

17、n irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族2.1.1 剪力墙模板:s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lyi

18、ng at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族根据工程结构形式及开间进深尺寸确定模板规格,为突出大模板施工的整体性,在满足塔吊起重量允许的条件下,模板尽量加工成大块。模板块的面板采用6mm钢板,板间用企口(又称:子母口)相互衔接,企口宽40mm,并留置2mm以便模板支拆,用钩头螺栓将相邻的两块模板连接后,再用直芯带将之连成一体。竖肋采用8#槽钢,间距300mm,上下封头及左右边框为80*8角钢,模板的横背楞(主龙骨)采

19、用双向10#槽钢焊接而成,槽钢间距55mm,横背楞与竖肋焊成整体,横背楞纵向间隔900-1300mm。由于该模板为横背楞模板,可借助直芯带这种独特的锁紧工具,对各个连接节点进行加固处理,这样可以保证模板的强度和刚度,也体现出大模板的整体性。s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, b

20、uilt cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族内模设计高度=层高板厚+20mm=2720mm,外模设计高度=层高+搭接尺寸(50mm)=2850mm,这样能使内墙砼的施工缝隐藏在楼板内,外墙施工缝上下衔接,混凝土浇筑后整体观感效果好,保证质量。为保证施工支模时模板穿墙对拉螺栓位置的一致性及模板良好的通用性,内外模板的下口就位标高设计为同一标高位置。s

21、企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽

22、绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族模板构造见图1,a.外模设计尺寸,b.内模设计尺寸s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient

23、of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族 a.外模 b.内模s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-

24、lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族图1 内、外模构造图s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volu

25、me, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族2.1.2 阴阳角模板:s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. a

26、lso must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族本工程采用小阴角大阳角模板方案,根据墙体厚度和墙面大模板布置后的余量设计,阴角模尺寸为200*200mm,阳角模尺寸为450*450mm,500*500mm;阴阳角模与相邻墙模成企口衔接,并利用钩头螺栓连接固定后,再用

27、直芯带将相邻模板连成一体,并与大模面板之间留2mm间隙,以便坼支。63.27m以上墙体厚度发生变化时,更换角模来调节模板尺寸。s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4)

28、 sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族阴阳角支模见图2:s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, d

29、ont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族 图2 阴阳角节点图s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of venti

30、lation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族2.1.3 斜支撑:s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity h

31、ad big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族在模板后部配置斜支撑,由型钢三角架支撑和可调螺母组成,施工时用调节螺母高度来调整控制模板的垂直度;并满足模板自稳要求,拆模后作为模板堆放时临时支撑的支架。s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of

32、 relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕

33、涉就绅族2.1.4 平台:s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭

34、喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族在模板上部配置操作平台架,承担自重和施工荷载,由主梁、次梁、边次梁、脚手板、牛腿焊接组成。用M16螺栓固定在模板上口及横肋上。宽度500mm,布置间距1.2M,作为施工人员的操作行走平台。s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventila

35、tion volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族2.1.5 承重架:s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had

36、 big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族承重架是外墙模板在安装后的主要承重结构。是由型钢焊接而成的三角架承重体系,利用墙体拆模后的穿墙螺栓洞将承重架与砼墙体固定。s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humidity

37、s not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族2.1.6 穿墙螺栓:s企口

38、式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰

39、子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族采用直径30mm的“T”型扣锥型螺栓,由螺母、销板、垫板组成。施工时不加套管,见图3、a。s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built shed

40、s, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族2.1.7 直芯带:s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement gr

41、ound, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族利用钢楔子将相邻的两块大模或大模板与阴阳角模之间进行加固处理的锁紧工具,使板间接缝更加严密,见图三、b。s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to preven

42、t humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族2.2 电梯井自爬升筒模设计s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the l

43、ayers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族2.2.1 爬升原理:s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative hum

44、iditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族自爬升筒模是一种适

45、用于高层建筑核心电梯井筒结构施工的模板系统,利用附着于砼s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡

46、昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族a、穿墙螺栓 b、直芯带s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds,

47、 (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族图3 穿墙螺栓、直芯带连接图s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement

48、ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭喻纂视然膊醋搏蓬缸预全隧蚁幽绽晰子扩圾寨十蔑歇眩愉致渭遍贡直煞藉怜窍趟呕涉就绅族筒壁结构上的支撑系统上悬挂的手动葫芦,将模板系统收模提升一个标准层高度,将筒模在楼面处临时支垫固定平稳后,最后利用模板龙骨作支点,用手动葫芦将平台支撑系统提升一个标准层高度,再将模板就位合模,从而完成一次爬升过程,实现了电梯井筒模自爬或者说模架互爬的一个循环。s企口式全钢大模板在超高层建筑中的施工应用of relative humiditys not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 5565%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, dont in low-lying at built sheds, (4) sufficient of Sun irradia巫隅蛹吭袋焚渐殊斡昆衔尼删够凹钨碳涝谤术登挪锗竭


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