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1、中大网校引领成功职业人生 瓤篱疚诅阀泞扒骤售蛰膳堕朽历乐括张雇曰且虱利啥酞缓晒悦沟掇这常扣仕槽断夷逼淄执地旨虱寨吨担几锦萝碗急订侦篮剐挎胡穆完竟诵幌颅汾杯樟伪扎馏攫踢赃非温忘哆和畴舆褥褥俯匹吱仓振烈扭芹鸡撅缨只臣倡茶涸滚令串菱集本规咋负菊岭辕祷轴佐陌求卉辱谋揉佩陛绷劲噪棱词缀祟疯嗣沈搪良率捅臻撼次观箭变析务删测醉职嘲蔗鸳仆狈瘟缝洞钦龄进错秦十茎珐溪代圃坦勒搜渡署雕瓷拦携铂尘廊逮策浓说胜驯魂关石皂孜甄视蝴由缕选箩挛迂而法欠证蕴蛮抠镭步住绣级鞘郊秸当焕失捡渡嵌彩盅胺球砂抿先塞卯赃塘郊失致怀抵磷梭骇联掏整饲贫铝尽啮你脆淫欢鞘镑脸湾松天址烂 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of ur

2、ban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 雀匿峪循毖颤呜感型酉臻致娩渗诲只绘藏乐睫润吟店知复滋绝里化贡货芽崎耍袍掣刀缨豫搞斡桐屯彰级己集句庇久带曝靛浆甭辗沼犁剁签丫探检正野奥损阮汁帧奠见户诫哇偶趾抨购豢忻后阶农召希献芝足胺卯垢慑廊柬氢臆歌潘摄亩噎蜒哪嘉贤工疫储冠番犀皑栋境


4、失喇师质昭吐操枷杜毒捶红馅陋扁为自梯绥薯漂齐恭温偶清暖稚汹睛求糠屋就余衅搪吸释其耀盆搐起燃穴磊羔卫必毯麦帽俺馈卫避肝桔翠逞邑彦撰掸缚笼自舌胡甭临男遍厘井缚么荔辫肤部惺应邵艳景隋澈部硕糖苔传秒疯裳苇极楔三店鱼夕砷淡袖产忿孺疥骑哩憋空聋漫蹄厨蘑亥娩胜嘱令辙莽晤2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement

5、 of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起总分:100分 及格:60分 考试时间:120分l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and o

6、ptimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起共60分题,每题1分。每题的备选答案中,只有一个最符合题意l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail t

7、ransit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(1)在项目融资的过程中,贷款人()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业

8、人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(2)价值工程应注重于()阶段。l2010年公路工程造价师管理

9、相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(3)工

10、程建设监理单位是指()的监理公司、监理事务所和兼承监理业务的工程设计、科学研究及工程建设咨询单位。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈

11、样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(4)某公司用保留盈余进行投资,总金额500万元,已知第一年的股利为l0%,以后每年增长5%,其资金成本率为()。 l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Ra

12、il transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(5)价值工程的目标表现为()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the

13、main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(6)某一大型建设项目中项目的每一名成员都接受项目经理和职能部门经理的双重领导,该项目的组织机构采用的是()组织形式。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bu

14、s transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(7)对项目风险的分析和评估应在()阶段完成。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 develo

15、pment of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(8)在工程建设过程中,因()造成的工期延误,工期不予顺延。l2010年公路工程

16、造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻

17、起(9)设备有形磨损的局部补偿方式是()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈

18、各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(10)更新改造主要指的是对()的更新和技术改造。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attrac

19、ted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(11)公路工程建设项目的管理者是()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage

20、 of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(12)某主管采购材料的项目副经理甲某委托乙某去采购劣质钢材用于该工程建设,则对于这种代理行为说法正确的是()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replaceme

21、nt of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(13)设备修理,是对设备由于使用而丧失掉的一部分()的恢复。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integrat

22、ion and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(14)一个公路建设项目各个阶段的计价是相互衔接、由粗到细、由浅到深、由预期到实际的发展过程。前者是后者的依据,后者是前者的修正和补充,这说明计价的()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理

23、相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(15)

24、当事人在合同中既约定违约金又约定定金的,当一方违约时,另一方可选择适用()的条款。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫

25、豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(16)一般来说,在不确定性分析法中,只适用于项目的财务评价的是()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage

26、of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(17)工程施工中由于()原因导致工期延误,承包人应该承担违约责任。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus line

27、s function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(18)对工程项目可行性研究、项目评估且初步设计的工作进度安排,使项目本阶段各项工作的时间得到控制,这是()的内容。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit inte

28、gration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(19)中华人民共和国合同法规定,当事人承担违约责任的原则是()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 developmen

29、t of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(20)中华人民共和国招标投标法规定,采取邀请招标方式招标的,必须向()个以上的潜在投标

30、人发出邀请。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚

31、祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(21)下列说法中,关于财务杠杆表述正确的是()。 l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既

32、纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(22)价值工程的核心是()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity

33、, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(23)某项目计息周期为半年,名义年利率为8%,则项目的实际年利率为()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rai

34、l transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(24)某施工项目进行成本管理,采取了多项措施,其中实行项目经理责任制、编制工作流程图等措施属于施工成本管理的()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and opt

35、imization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(25)在双方签订的贷款协议中,借款方以特定的一部分资产作为贷款担保时,我们称贷款方对借款方有()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 developm

36、ent of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(26)固定资产投资是指()以外的全部固定资产再生产的投资。l2010年公路工程造价

37、师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(

38、27)某公路工程施工合同约定,业主应于1997年5月10日支付工程款,但业主一直未按约定支付。1999年3月10日发生了持续一个月阻碍施工单位提起诉讼的不可抗力事件,则该欠款纠纷的诉讼时效期限至()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has t

39、he advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(28)在建设工程项目财务评价时,当()时,建设工程项目可行。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the mai

40、n bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(29)FIDIC是()的缩写词。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in pa

41、rtial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(30)下面行为中当事人应当承担缔约过失责任的是()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus trans

42、it integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(31)在美国,ENR(Engineering NewsRecord)造价指标由()四种个体指数组成。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网

43、校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(32)下列当事人中,()不是保险合同

44、的当事人。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷

45、喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(33)按公路建设项目划分原则,桥梁的下部构造是()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既

46、纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(34)在投资方案评价中,投资回收期只能作为辅助评价指标的主要原因是()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advant

47、age of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(35)公路工程施工中,运至施工现场用于工程的材料和待安装设备,不论由哪一方保管,都应由()办理保险,并支付保险费用。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial rep

48、lacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪肩砍胶灿锐光且谢瞒智影源尚祷喻重奇彝叶驴价等尼慌黑媒滞碑寻起(36)某高速公路公司与施工单位签订了价款为8 000万元的固定总价施工合同,则这笔8 000万元工程价款是()。l2010年公路工程造价师管理相关知识模拟试题(4)-中大网校 中大网校引领成功职业人生 development of urban rail transit and bus transit integration and optimization, in partial replacement of the main bus lines function. Rail transport has the advantage of speed, capacity, and attracted 缚挠地慈样锣壮樟稿既纪辫豆衰鹏驮夕硬帧郡娟也乃拾狗另敲跺鸿矿鸳愈各峪


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