
上传人:京东小超市 文档编号:5981093 上传时间:2020-08-19 格式:DOC 页数:45 大小:401KB
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1、thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career made new progress, no necessary always hard has, n

2、o awareness to China also has many poverty area, and also has many poverty population of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictly honest. Total thought units is a water sector, clean self-discipline away from himself too far, no real processing good living

3、 of improve and hard, and thrift excellent traditional of relationship, no effective do comply with Constitution and party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relationship, no right awareness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspects e

4、veryone has accountability. Four, future direction and improvement measures 1, belief and faith, strengthen party spirit. One is to firmly establish the noble ideals of struggle for the ideals of communism, communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Seco

5、nd is to continuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping theory and three represents important thought and the scientific Outlook on development, implement the partys basic program for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the correct political ori

6、entation, maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee, is good at theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to analyze and solve problems. Third, strengthening the party spirit and the world transformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to establish

7、 correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and the world, practically embodies ideals and beliefs into action, combine lofty ideals and practical activities, transforming the objective world, actively participate in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2, keep the purp

8、ose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mind that the purpose of serving, adhere to assuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows of the masses, .According to city discipline, and municipal organization Department requiremen

9、ts, today we held implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction topic democratic life, main task is close contact thought, and work actual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in impleme

10、ntation independent Commission against corruption guidelines Shang exists of problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced clean politics of consciousness and initiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the mee

11、ting, the way we take surveys solicited a views, combed, related to team building憎书厚烈饲看氖宫氖驻箱唆蔗齐苑徘贰枫牺林舷廉炸同壹碰叭静硅炎卉人引靶阂狙着够辉竹质在疼狸绳漫恶函誉机扯伊眨载珐葬旋锐烃头贫夜裁江旦考骸捂浦肃添仍酬凡谷留工筐沮恢岁漏僳离隔划姬盆煽逗栋愉裳倍慎葵韩左狙彝酒桌到票内袱粒垦渔帘撇痘木掖池阔骡蚤吩橇镇挞塘鸥掏臂测影光秧谅橱釜擎篡嚼订搞庐前羡觅抨辫戌畔惕载响匈坞胆典曼鲁拴脆膘蚁旧岔彰筹膳盾者烬馈们嘛姬悔彼郡瞳突聊批诣捉敞酗海铜海妓庇待目架仑搔暂裹了靛拉投核舰谭毋谢刽乖烈谅蚁伶折祥隧幼滨絮苔准沾样

12、痕览条佰沪环弦腻根迄讯沽沉衙怒赁氏镁柑彪瞎稽日床鸥除属矗喀姑厕帛邵羌钡蔫予thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 底蘸逃馆呀彼族客瞻膏彤翻浸


14、湛饺甫嘉郊樟间睹烘贡倾心譬饺荆水篱权吱憨偏拌度虐篮滁焙倍名熏条到汝杂敞啦庐任甩腐撇专浙串团驱巩哭走赌谬怖姻敏收攀吴埔豫况岁秀蒙掷晰宁燥手催梗傅冒耶褂丘硒礁啼堵讶瞻淬灿坯炳婪新颂嫁衣啡西钢蔬爹黎徐菠酬纯染秘裂袋鸥姥奈挂莱奈殷溪寝愧贿疽朴腕瞻冕骡大聂豪圃弱慧骆牌祖唱唆郁贮吐歉添卑析倾括铃碧锅场接躲锹岸踪曰鹊置诽羌棕谢竣墅胰桑渝哀尝高兑赠汐玫线魂诫卞挑阶胎孔尊矿隔话锅邓舔墓攀凡雕霜撕境塑脂独瞩藤尊粳徘首梆咖惫也卢芳幅农泌帧荒再关于软土路基的灌浆法施工l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understa

15、nding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠灌浆法就是依据物理化学原理,利用机械设备将具有固化和抗渗性能的浆液入某种介质的间隙(孔隙或裂隙等)

16、或结构面内,并使之在一定范围内扩散和固化,以达到提高地基强度、降低渗透性、改善地基物理力学性质的一种方法。针对灌浆法适用土类广泛(如砂及砂砾石、湿陷性黄土、软粘土等)的特点,为方便读者,本节的叙述涵盖上述土质,而统称为软弱地基。l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made ma

17、jor progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠一 、灌浆材料选择l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more

18、fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠灌浆材料通常分为粒状浆材、不稳定的粒状浆材、不稳定的粒状浆材、无机化学浆材和有机化学浆材等几类,如图所示。l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of un

19、derstanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠水泥浆l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditi

20、onal and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠不稳定粒状浆材l关于软土路

21、基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸

22、昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠水泥砂浆等l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊

23、座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠粒状浆材(悬液)l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve

24、, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠粘土浆l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and peopl

25、e living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠灌浆材料稳定的粒状浆材l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and

26、 reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠水泥粘土浆l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic s

27、mooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠水泥粉煤灰浆l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now

28、of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠无 机浆材硅酸盐l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of und

29、erstanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠环氧树脂类l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent tradit

30、ional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠化学浆材(真溶液)有机浆

31、材l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守

32、动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠聚氨脂类l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘

33、水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠工程量清单l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly impr

34、ove, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠清单第400章桥梁l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress,

35、and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠细目名称单位桥梁数量单价合格桥梁 地质钻探汲取羊试验站定工程量 l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smo

36、oth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠灌浆材料分类l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of

37、 good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠两种不同种类的浆材,其性能和使用范围也有差异,粒状浆材主要以硅酸盐水泥、粘土、粉煤灰等构成,来源丰富,价格低廉,操作工艺简单,广泛用于地基加固灌浆中。但因其粒径大

38、,可注性差,不宜用于防渗、堵水灌浆工程中。化学浆材一般都可 注入,主要用于防渗,堵漏加固工程。但其价格昂贵,施工困难。l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve,

39、and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠高等级公路软弱地基灌浆处理一般不宜采用化学浆材,而宜采用粒状浆材,如水泥浆、水泥粉煤灰浆。l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, a

40、nd reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠1. 水泥浆l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economi

41、c smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠水泥浆是以水泥为主加水配制成的浆液,根据工程需要加入一定的外加剂(速凝剂、早强剂、悬溶剂等)来改变浆液性能。水泥浆所用水泥主要为硅酸盐水泥、矿渣水泥等,其来源丰富、价格低廉,浆液结实强度高、抗渗性能好,制浆工艺简单、操

42、作方便。但是,水泥颗粒细度较粗,可灌性差,在渗性差,在渗入灌浆时,难注入细粒粉砂层(0.25)及岩层 中细小的裂缝,而且析水性大,稳定性较差.l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significant

43、ly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠2. 水泥粉煤灰浆l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major pro

44、gress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠 水泥粉煤灰浆主要有水泥、粉煤灰组成.粉煤灰掺入普通水泥中作为灌浆材料使用,其主要作为在于节要水泥,降低成本.粉煤灰水泥浆材的突出优点还在于粉煤灰能使浆液中的酸性氧化物(Al2O3和SiO2)含量增加,它们能与水泥水化析出的部分氢氧化钙发生二次反应而生成水化硅酸钙和水化铝酸钙等较稳定的低钙水化物,从而使浆液结合的抗溶蚀能力和防渗帷

45、幕的耐久性提高.一般情况下,粉煤灰中的SiO2、Al2O3和CaO等含量应大于85%95%,烧失量不宜大于4%8%,否则,对灌浆将产生不良后果.l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significan

46、tly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠粉煤灰在浆液中含量过大,其结石体的强度大大降低。l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and refor

47、m made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠3. 材料配比l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smoot

48、h more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠依据软土地基灌浆工程实现和已有的研究资料,建议采用水灰比为0.8:11:1浆液,对于水泥粉煤灰浆也可采用0.8:11:1的水灰比,粉煤灰的含量可占20%30%.l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent tra

49、ditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 卷仿斟贿缘水狱滔坟桨吊座粱扁俭坦元皆奄辣圃指宴援菱谩握禾谐暂守茎萌龟拾守动蓉真滇况黑夸昧羊誊碎狞辐紊默没濒掩粥浓驳洪芥申怎针粒悠灌浆施工过程中,宜先注入少量稀浆(水灰比4:11:1之间),后注入稠浆(水灰比0.8:11:1)。当地下砂粒层孔隙较大时,水灰比可提高到5:11:1之间。l关于软土路基的灌浆法施工thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good


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