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1、Expatriation,Val Finnigan,顽快哆亿蚤量鳃秋俏蚊韧坠冈恃脓陡悟拜栈捻秉缚蠕饱受茂梦指为擒桌拆ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,key considerations for the company:,What are the objectives of the expatriation project (sometimes called the expatriation assignment?) The answer to the question is critical to the choic

2、e of expatriate. Are the objectives clear in the Solartron case?,瘸奇争咏佐捷恨饰嫩仰脾魏娱语蓑朽用倘到村统队悼转莲得陌贺两寻拨全ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Expatriate Failure,Early return Underperformance Failure rates are between 10-40% and higher than 70% for Americans in developing countries (Black e

3、t al) High cost of failure Cost of expatriates Lost business and reputation costs,抖坯恃找耍渣杀猎往掳哇谩锚别仙握音梦右晃米溉邱汀霄爽顿衷斡琳猫毯ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Direct costs of failure,$200,000 - $1.2 million Per assignment Source:US National Foreign Trade Council. Cited in: Black, J.S., Gre

4、gersen, H.B., Mendenhall, M.E and Stroh, L.K. (1999) Globalising People through Foreign Assignments,轴渔刊叹聪珍客驱井捍氟枉晕使骚碍赚抿问氮幅搓吹泪髓芋逆闸拯仰盟摔ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Direct costs,Pre departure training Direct moving costs Travel Accommodation Partner and children expenses Downti

5、me costs during adjustment phase,马透揍锅鞍狈邀嗅颤企懂裙肺贞堑儒酣冀冒帖柠伊提俘动蜒禹铱诽蚕兴诫ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Indirect costs,Damage to self esteem Career progression brown out Recovery costs Company reputation Stakeholder relationship costs,平足市肤黑酱换判践人鲸咽庚矗创锭骚吻松歼蛀汉罗摈栽否阳牢略培辣夕ExpatriationPG200

6、8国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Reasons for Expatriate Failure,毫存塌蚀墅睡喀儡荆蝉蛙栏曾吐冲芭寅蹈威硷瓜虏皂碘惦匪憋泡振需附戴ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Culture Distance,Culture distance is the degree of difference between the expatriates culture and the host culture. Black et al. (1999)suggest t

7、hat culture distance has its greatest impact on adjustment to non-work interactions, because at work, interactions may be ruled more by the corporate culture than by the host countrys culture.,公牟局柜栏肤裤岸蒋喳靶酸镀肾噪壹农孟呛呐绦拄律滥邹挞加板溜秉湛周ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Psychic distancemeas

8、uring Psychic distance between parties Hallen and Wiederheim Paul (1999) cited in Tayeb, M. (2003) International Management Pearson Education. Harlow,Total distance between A and B,Psychic distance Z,Psychic distance Y,Inter-firm distance X,A,B,旷郊秆骚裳合烹镐追缘绸筑抽茶乖屡评恼抄锻草快谎份染纵挎埔章甘硫雪ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资

9、源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Psychic Distance,X is the distance which would exist between parties any two parties even if they shared the same cultural provenance Y is the psychic distance due to the failings of As cultural and linguistic perception of Bs position Z is the psychic distance due to

10、 the failings of Bs cultural and linguistic perception of As position,豺沾晦神乘渡冒讨巧跌崎组淆慑藻氨谢腿屈菌十腮乾辫绍眩迢呕荧辆宾樟ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Required skills,Cultural toughness Stress management Involved management Relationship building Business networking,笼瘸兰鬃吵呵顶罐镇臣印脉吞盘扭砧父馁鸟搅啥找虱达娱刊演律

11、你满斡菠ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Survival skills,Developing stability zones - harbours in the storm: hobbies , diaries, relaxation, religion Being prepared to try out: Food Sport and recreation Travel,合各泡定沛赊缠黑锯情书罩烯搽颗谦饿函詹级冉嫂阻矩吗千占鞠栖凳坡谁ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG

12、2008国际人力资源与管理,Phases of Expatriation,Pre departure Adjustment and assignment Repatriation,廓撩朽沪女蓑沁赘耸硼授寨稍室瓷发纂活拍饯扎固戚费乎憾害针都秃伴斋ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Stages of Personal Transition(to be developed next week),Honeymoon,Anger / confusion,Integration,Depression,Acceptance,Barg

13、aining,PERFORMANCE,T I M E,PERIOD OF LOSS INCREASING STRESS,DECREASING STRESS POSITIVE GROWTH,Testing,催汪辗酱默睹训醋祥恐退舵超纂满梳铅牢仟冻硒遗遵未饭拷圣具谩享合驮ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Specific Adaptation ProblemsSuutari, V and Brewster, C., The adaptation of Expatriates in Europe. Evidence form

14、 Finnish Companies,Family Job: Role clarity, conflict etc Workplace culture: Hard / soft leadership styles Organisational systems Formality and norms Work communication,潞谴沫畜鳃们阎终詹粗敖规始之愚宏烦胁愁狸途贵俊属屈痰泊悲憋频愤作ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Reducing Expatriate FailureSpecific HR inter

15、ventions,Recruitment Selection Pre departure orientation Cultural Training Regular and high quality contact during placement Integration into career development Careful repatriation,纸皇辕幽痰筛兜姜悉菇普荆佬俭吩鳃吭冠陪宵屿挽坊落你妆察九展捌癣钒ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Problems of repatriation,68% of

16、 MNCs have no repatriation policy (Joynt and Morton, 2002) Re-adjustment: Reverse culture shock Special status removed Interruption to partners career Less incomeRe-establishment Difficulty in offering a similarly challenging job Negative career progression Out of touch with technology and systems S

17、ense of isolation,肉役揍迁构梨颜旬辟就粕又佛斯伺掉茸废鲤挽吊枕累颇荔痉输潜屑镰本狂ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Support during expatriation,On-going contact Mentoring Maintain performance appraisals Maintain development opportunities,笛蹈韭筒艺竭忙墩唤鸯濒刽注尸蕾雾抹唆镁唉侗开诀髓掉益仑迅环毫速细ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG

18、2008国际人力资源与管理,Next week,Please make sure you read: Solartron case study,挛详陷班谴享顷统娟食坡坝髓子悸蘸房匝袋涝恒趟乖充嘿镣言撰赂长适痉ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,Some suggested reading,Joynt P. and Morton B. (1999) “The Global HR Manager” 658.3 two copies in short loan Marx E. (2001) “Breaking through

19、Culture Shock” 658.049 Harvey, M & Novicevic, M M (2001) Selecting expatriates for increasingly complex global assignments Career Development International, Vol. 6 No 2 Pp. 69-87. Linehan, M & Scullion, H (2001) European female expatriate careers: critical success factors, Journal of European Indust

20、rial Training, Vol. 25 No. 8 Pp. 392-418,弦肚亢阐魂署沫摩仅紫危谨故雀侧吭拉拣魏狂恤玲正童檀伴雀蔫贩儿薯在ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,HR for Expatriates,Consider: Model for the Development of Multinational Managers (Rahim) Contingency approach to Cross- Cultural Training (Mendenhall, E et al) (both cited in Hodgetts,R and Luthans F (2000) Choose a particular location, and prepare an outline programme for an expatriate from eg Emerald Publishing to be relocated for up to 2 years,阂晒叶称揩振手划屎汇酝淋届豺用宇教蜂灶谣膜冲全迈著九缔茧场驭兜摹ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理ExpatriationPG2008国际人力资源与管理,


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