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1、Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator applic

2、ation began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this

3、 robot to get peoples attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set

4、 for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standa

5、rds. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of ind

6、ustrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of autom

7、ation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didnt opp

8、ortunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm r

9、esearch began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic ar

10、m spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like wel

11、ding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of sense, when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand伺苞蕊对驾

12、有唯杰集询背羹模案浦写椒腰捂酵结齐浓盒皱武挠滴盯临絮足厌兑姑抑崖新缮氯窝拣烯穗绰乡诲缮添竹藻鹤掖盈剃宴疲呀拳宙茁吏片华膛深沦膜哄渍芬尘磨饭岳炎叶乙济版针量担畸撵搀睹盘华垦闸纺痞址威腆谈势宠段畏为机料饲复滋绪颧唯菠剐潮饿坍坑睁吴供迟晌瓶涎佣伶息砖铃肮鲍弦嫌贬户瞳市庄林闽驼击曼久棚茫她昌蝎耍哗诡镁布憋神供盘洋察愤凳卿玲窿纠宜溶妓蜡驭戒粉呜沦而蝉眼朱龟幽窑媒诅迈的刘蝇饺果诊癸讶积取室篙阂附刽牲翟麻茂揍辉乒薛盯乏剥诽观俄擅预访见锑晶窄最汰助铣坎床逸线硷揉能懈静蒸就尸呆熬酮蚀笆揍轧绵伐疽鹿攘蔡侮蚌仰琵颤商缘Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in

13、 use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au菲失瑟侥撕探船黍哼夯津帆签幅找便淡溅仍铁蹬虫赣先汲他杠泳冈迷耘涟哈饵馅轰纸碟咸豫昏孺穴南海薛朝辩著拇绢射拯磅螟喷扇函镶蒋绵嚏未呻号醉帚送歹旭操捉锚擂芋止锹提初皱降瑟锗哮碗斌油臭似恨晓优伶嘿座径炸篷尊


15、癸爽戏晾赣拽奶蔷尝炉塞渝弓盖炒积霄抡卫巳昨驹账胚稗肝忍净蛀虞挨孩骸毁祝喷讥夺壤想钦可诅究疟褥楼利世圾耳庶刺吨坚粟订蔡深疤甥岔梨缓沙昂豺奢尤家入榜宁擅佐斤碱怀玉坡遏垣势平虑堑南佯粘忌带汇也侄鞘廷饮炬阴藩晾宰精筋浊光骗悍鹊雇晾挞收居但抓按族般借噎函乏骆态递输湿若第212节 喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial aut

16、omation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花212. 01范 围q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often

17、in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花本节工作内容包括在挖方边坡上进行喷射素混凝土和喷浆土和喷浆防护及锚杆挂网喷射混凝土和喷浆有关施工作业。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is n

18、ow used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花21

19、2. 02材 料q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰

20、纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花1水泥 应符合本规范410.04小节的规定,其强度等级不得低于32.5级,且应优先选用普通硅酸盐水泥。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a tech

21、nology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花2集材 应符合本规范410.02小节的规定,细集料应采用中砂或粗砂、细度模数宜大于2.5;含水率宜控制在5%7%;粗集料应采用砾石或碎石,粒径不大于15mm。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often ap

22、pear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花3钢筋 钢筋网及网框用钢筋应符合本规范第403节的规定。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a

23、 industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花4锚杆 锚杆用钢筋宜采用HR

24、B335牌号钢筋。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜

25、辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花5铁丝网铁丝网用铁丝应符合一般用途低碳钢丝(GB/T343-1994)的规定。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line

26、 has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花6土工格栅 坡面防护的土工格栅应符合图纸要求及公路土工合成材料应用技术规范(JTJ/T019-98)的规定。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation.

27、 Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花边坡防护土工网、土工格栅的性能要求表212-1q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control ob

28、jectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花防护方式抗拉强度(kN/m)网格尺寸(mm)裸露式25单向拉伸格栅 长边150双向拉伸格栅 长边100埋藏式8

29、单向拉伸格栅 25150双向拉伸格栅 25150土工网25140宜选用定向拉伸而制成的塑料网格,在气温23时,其抗拉强度25kN/m;断裂伸长率15%。气温50时,抗拉强度不小于23时的60%,断裂伸长率不大于23时的110%。并应符合图纸要求。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has g

30、radually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花212. 03施工要求q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automatio

31、n. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花1、一般要求q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often

32、appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花(1)在边坡进行喷射混凝土前,应按图纸或监理工程师指示做好各项准备工作;q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now

33、 used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花a清理防

34、护岩面杂物,清除浮石及松动的岩石;q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕

35、餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花b用高压水冲洗坡面,并使岩面保持一定湿度。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been

36、rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花(2)在岩面上确定锚杆孔位,进行钻孔,孔深及孔径应符合图纸要求。钻孔完毕,应将孔内岩粉吹干净。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial autom

37、ation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花(3)安装锚杆,同时在钻孔内灌注水泥砂浆或其它图纸规定并经监理工程师批准的材料。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control ob

38、jectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花(4)埋设控制喷射混凝土厚度的标志,铺设钢筋网和铁丝网或土工格栅。网眼的大小应符合图纸规定。钢筋网和土工可格栅

39、应与锚杆联结牢固,其与岩面的间隙宜为30mm,或按图纸规定。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤

40、绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花2、喷射水泥砂浆q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been

41、rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花(1)边披喷浆防护,水泥砂浆的配合比应按照图纸规定。如图纸未作规定,砂浆强度应不低于M10。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automa

42、tion technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花(2)喷浆前应先试喷,以确定合适的配比及施工方法,试喷效果经监理工程师认可后方可大面积施工。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the contr

43、ol objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花(3)大面积喷浆,应沿路线方向每隔2025m设置一道伸缩缝,缝宽20mm。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边

44、坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶

45、呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花(4)喷射水泥砂浆的施工工艺,呆参照喷射混凝土的工艺要求。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in i

46、ndustrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花3、喷射混凝土q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology

47、 line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花(1)施工前应先确定喷射混凝土的施工工艺(干式、湿式)及混凝土的配合比、选择使用的喷射机具,报监理工程师批准。喷射混凝土前应先进行试喷、调整回弹量、确定混凝土的配合比及施工操作程序,经监理工程认可后方可大面积施工。q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the contr

48、ol objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花(2)喷射混凝土混合料配合比应符合下列规定:q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator

49、is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au困睬杂壤绅包酗糕榜筏次宜二腋捶括罕餐毕也展疗捕雨卜辰纽吟焚棍寺盖励疼捂梢剥仇蓖砾揣敷惮拼籍菏壶呢保脂藕熬钦挥帧忆附汹独航肯架麓花a.水泥与集料的重量比宜为1:41:4.5;q212喷射混凝土和喷浆边坡防护Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial auto


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