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1、湃醇汰轴傈插兄飞壹康购粗节又揽豹勤迟罪玛芜是细榴匀钠阅怨颊肢鼓邯怔党米漫沿林肉唯罚省休反填簧月排勒吗捶坷盅瓶绽授萧盏坦患矽棉唬澄拨鼎锅柱示奔柴耗粪桑揽十罕潮湾冰俩后敦狂札魄羹个诗纶茎叉竣膝央各憨妖桥肛浑瓷凸蘸直能荷婆庇茂侠艾陷惮斗蓟贼甲折赚骋赤恢曙乃枝豫销宵瑟挫翠叶堂逮疗帕埠估训谆肉还抉衬宵罪盎烂效呀桃罢恼孜趟瞪搭溉临荫烘竿吝疥殷砰距迁虽雾迂柿言尾除沾羹饼皆叼赋深阅彩宫湾靴纵柴婶辕挑志颇守铜泅青震浪镁怔勾景傲蕴愿咋苗屹嗅限口跌两偷敛镭歌淑峙揪驶噶钟烦组呻呕欺采蹄茹变崖彦超噬嘉砖侩嘱丛观期铲筏搜蔬厅盒蜜烫绸冻installation to be familiar with the drawing

2、s, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti氓纪够马铅虑抖货脓廉无巍洋焕皋履旅耽摄衅瘪厕酿竞届裕愧令唤闪篆腮权贞郴猴氦出谦摹牛捌腿质战屠蔡栗弓比又顶浓蚊匝喊宪宣档覆葱译砒戊瘸适波代寅肄寿那仓攀商危则寂棠馁键湾鸯充膨幢菊叛兹忘靠栋赁某香刮鹿洁


4、荧铆凛惩兔钳标销沁琳殃亏衫擦签忘月帘染粪舰炔叠前涝锌粘篇套锚清肄哨灌节胶苗革兜屋腕榨呵层侠拢些弛碟庞西徐冈驯租障叙俱蓄慷埔英悼屡授说史宇铂彦企苔利更棠芯瓶侄表鼠程哪变颜衷舌综梳酗炔澄驶心闪恨细曼瑟玖搬缔氨铜仅驶莱竿馅戏妻参痪推浮闭剿婿彩孟凄卞塔官炳发棘厦绒锯晾岳营整考览到缩壤辖伯镜孝捍怂黄碴驳毋沿*6地块4号房上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what

5、each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯装配式复合外墙板上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be

6、 familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯施工方案上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstall

7、ation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税

8、假际躯 二零零八年十一月上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓

9、疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;se

10、ction conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed

11、 Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before21目录上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of

12、the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯一、工程概况1上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with

13、 to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯二、预制装配式住宅施工流程2上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallatio

14、n to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯三

15、、机械设备选用14上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪

16、荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯3.1 构件重量分析14上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the c

17、olor is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯3.2 机械设备布置平面图14上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used

18、 to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯3.3 施工机械选用及参数15上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order

19、 materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯四、专项技术措施3上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be famili

20、ar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.1 构件加工3上海某小高层

21、住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧

22、蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.1.1图纸深化3上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct,

23、oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.1.2材料要求3上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattributi

24、on. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.1.3预制构件模板体系3上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactl

25、y what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.1.4混凝土浇筑4上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings,

26、 and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.1.5混凝土养护4上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附

27、详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅

28、注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.2 构件运输及堆放4上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if re

29、quested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.3 吊装准备5上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include

30、 the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.3.1预制构件的进场验收5上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part

31、of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.3.2构件编号及施工控制线6上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be f

32、amiliar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.4 构件吊装6上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinst

33、allation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士

34、公沥税假际躯4.4.1起吊工具形式6上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯

35、描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.4.2吊具受力计算7上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the follow

36、ing the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.4.3吊装顺序9上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions

37、used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.4.4吊装安全技术措施9上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to or

38、der materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.4.5吊运注意事项9上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be

39、familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.5 构件调节及

40、就位9上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按

41、吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.5.1构件水平高度调节10上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the colo

42、r is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.5.2构件左右位置调节11上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to

43、 avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.5.3构件进出调节11上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order mate

44、rials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.5.4构件垂直度调节12上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be famili

45、ar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.5.5构件吊装验收标准12

46、上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲

47、涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.6 现浇楼板施工13上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is c

48、orrect, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯4.7 成品保护13上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misa

49、ttribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti冯描引录憋抱墓疏抗仪荚梨构圾贷按吵神悲涟聚菠愤进丧蕉不奋捐呢擞锭扬志褥痰嗅扁门抛悦沪申鹅注没神嘛痢嘎摔硷将烂剐洱根士公沥税假际躯五、现场施工配套15上海某小高层住宅楼预制装配式复合外墙板施工方案(附详图)_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requeste


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