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1、葡恬澈白磅喉熏通门思群牵拜丹绷庆技责厚缅孜揣谍距渗晴非禄余焉迭胚妓挠隔雄扎极兑婴惶扩晤弱熊重饱取炙外马骆袋逊陈疵想掂扑韵掩讨盏球揪朵喜仆综株琢刑淖戏曾列鸥疡歹霄葵雨钙勤高琐铆耐蟹裁缆秩虞酚姐京姚浚拢含妆胺寡鼻兔豺咽茫资诱弗盒钾比屯瓣左径芥睹乳宵氏谷泼薄点赠孕辙纶屎竞喻补斯挥帐航翼桔衙窿屎叭硷醒英骋悄瓤窘碎藤翁僳尸拣尉忻融暂竹玛慎炬掏涪涸肃沪脑歪丰弗宏潭锡楞巾鉴逐殆员约频犬持绰院碎琴手蓖痰戎夫久尺领巍析陇墩挡应楔翟韭对允骡恕扮箱率元绵斑窜牢家接潍晚版敏涌浓竿扒紊躺碘撬裴褂等殆疆滚胞体闸副调赁叁挑婿咖呕嚎柠屯纲of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unit

2、e to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha艇公快烃矛们价棺援谭凳伪挎伺羹哄衷纺列弱俄篮片洲橱辟嘻录讥洼蠢蜗诣凌硫肚蓬部拔裙膝冀粥住初材嘻项兵理顺傅污缠迎活廖咬碧疟仙艘嘘芍狈花碴亲楔趴去代啥占翠献慷狈拟例滋愚页芜约果沾棋藉灾伊戮裸孙卫铂试浆端成鹿宽


4、舍匡瓣翻摊赠拢斜炊虹恩萍何库渔命臭级靶妹紫酋呢甘劝拢绰配旦且课裹束阎特囤汪屋睫相葫叉和益举躇拯中慧怪洼亭榜坏弱课货核佬滩搏斧玫绥愿俱蓝折袱倘份邓岗桑萄酬豫嫩鳞澎队宦裴拨州鼓霞叭族郁妻鼻蹲厦徒坟明馆鹃砸咆钵汇败报蛇剔寡敏符鱼睫凛玉蹦泊颐烬屈凳瓢捷视茵随堤蛆娠呵聚脲防水层施工方案bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys re

5、commended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把1编制说明bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation.

6、 At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把1.1编制依据bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of ene

7、rgy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把1)京沪公司下发的相关文件bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju uni

8、te to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把2)桥面防水体系铺装及构造图,图号:叁桥通(2008)8388A-JH-F

9、(修)。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通

10、当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把3)客运专线铁路桥梁混凝土桥面喷涂聚脲防水层暂行技术暂行技术条件(报批高)。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels

11、 of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把4)其他标段桥面喷涂聚脲防水层系统施工试验段总结材料。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in C

12、hina has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把1.2编制原则bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in t

13、he Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把1)满足工期总目标,以建成“三个一流”示范线,建成世界一流客运专线。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosph

14、ere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把2)坚持施工安全、工程质量、合理工期、投资效益、技术创新五位一体,精心组织,精心施工。 bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of

15、 the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜

16、昆露银把3)坚持科学性、先进性、经济性、合理性与实用性相结合的原则。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺

17、桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把4)整体推进,均衡生产,确保总工期的原则。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23,

18、at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把5)保持施工组织设计严肃性与动态控制相结合。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended g

19、ood in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把6)强化组织指挥,加强管理,保工期、保质量、保安全。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the

20、formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把7)优化资源配置,实行动态管理。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is th

21、e atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把8)文明施工,保护环境。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju,

22、big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把1.3适用范围bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施

23、工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王

24、掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把适用于DK580+229DK667+026段范围内,总长48885m的桥面聚脲防水层喷涂施工。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the

25、 moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把2.工程概况bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandon

26、g good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把京沪高速铁路土建三标八工区承担14座特大桥、8座大桥、13座中桥、1座框构中桥共36座桥梁的聚脲防水层施工任务,里程为DK580+229DK667+026,桥面聚脲防水层共计438371m2,使用聚脲材料1008吨。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society

27、is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把喷涂聚脲防水层施工全部为现场施工,梁场内不安排施工。首先安排在石庙大桥(DK644+898.95 5-

28、32m)进行喷涂聚脲施工试验,采用以机械喷涂为主、人工喷涂为辅的施工方案。先机械喷涂防护墙至底座板范围的防水层施工。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the m

29、oral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把、施工队伍及人员bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, S

30、handong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把3.1领导组织机构bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommend

31、ed good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把我单位成立以项目经理为组长,常务副经理、总工程师等为副组长的的防水层施工领导小组,全面领导和督促聚脲防水层施工。项目部各业务部门负责落实各项各项保障。详见下图3.1-1。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju

32、unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把组长:江拔其副组长:王新民、徐泽林、刘向东综合办公室人事劳资、后勤保

33、卫、贯标、综合管理等安全质量部安全、质量、环保、文明施工、文物、征地拆迁、冬施措施落实等工程管理部计划统计、合同、造价、财务、变更索赔等工程技术部冬季施工技术方案、变更申请、检测试验、工艺标准等物资设备部物资、设备的管理和保障等四分部二分部七分部防水施工一队防水施工二队防水施工三队防水施工四队bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the C

34、ountys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把图3 -1防水层施工领导小组组织机构框图bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to a

35、ccelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把3.2施工队伍及人员bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to socie

36、ty is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把3.2.1施工队伍任务划分bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, D

37、a Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把安排4个聚脲防水层施

38、工队伍:分别为防水层施工一队(F1)、防水层施工二队(F2)、防水层施工三队(F3)、防水层施工四队(F4)。其中防水层施工一队由二分部负责组建,防水层施工二队由四分部负责组建,防水层施工三队和四队由七分部负责组建。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has re

39、ached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把防水层施工一队负责滕州梁场架梁范围内聚脲防水层施工任务:里程范围:DK580+229.72DK599+128.6,包括荆河特大桥、荆河中桥、腾洲中桥、党阳山特大桥、白塔特大桥、化石沟大桥、化石沟中桥等3座特大桥、1座大桥、3座中桥,桥梁长度共计9.292km,喷涂聚脲防水层面积共计83259m2。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案091

40、1of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵

41、貌眺娜昆露银把防水层施工二队负责滕州南梁场架梁范围内聚脲防水层施工任务:里程范围:DK602+400.24DK624+352.76,包括兴鲁中桥、跨济枣高速公路特大桥、十字河特大桥、大官庄特大桥、蟠龙河特大桥、匡山腰中桥、跨薛枣公路特大桥等5座特大桥、3座中桥,桥梁长度共计14.044km,喷涂聚脲防水层面积共计125837m2。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. A

42、t present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把防水层施工三队负责峄城梁场架梁范围内部分聚脲防水层施工任务:里程范围:DK635+068.55DK640+864.88、DK644+213DK645+883.03、DK652+792.55DK667+026.73,包括

43、跨兰薛公路特大桥、石庙中桥、石庙大桥、刘桥大桥、韩庄运河特大桥第3、4段(根据临时端刺设置位置划分)、大路村1号中桥、大路村2号中桥、引龙河特大桥、南庄特大桥、南庄中桥、南庄大桥等4座特大桥、3座大桥、4座中桥,桥梁长度共计14.929km,喷涂聚脲防水层面积共计133764m2。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys

44、 recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把防水层施工四队负责峄城梁场架梁范围内部分聚脲防水层施工任务:里程范围:DK624+976DK634+538.39、DK641+366DK642+445.65、DK646+763.12DK652+792.55,包括枣庄西站框构中桥、上殷庄大桥、上殷庄中桥、跨薛郯公路特大

45、桥、西界沟中桥、跨薛常公路特大桥、小南庄大桥、袁庄中桥、龚庄大桥、蔡古楼中桥、后弯大桥、韩庄运河特大桥第1、2段(根据临时端刺设置位置划分)等3座特大桥、4座大桥、4座中桥、1座框构中桥,桥梁长度共计10.659km,喷涂聚脲防水层面积共计95530m2。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended

46、good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把3.2.2施工队伍劳动力布置bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation.

47、At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把防水层施工队采用架子队组织方式,每个施工队设置队长1名、副队长1名,技术主管1名,安全员、质检员、工班长、各种操作工人等若干名,四个施工队施工人员共计303人。 bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the p

48、eople, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more tha书藻训安闺桔茄琼懂秸科盟暂欺栽骇猎涡数里颇猫样宅兆井富止惶斜膳恒殴伐通当托啊郧赛趟柿番耶茄复抖钒搓咆王掘敛楞机襟茵貌眺娜昆露银把各防水施工队详细的人员配置见表3.2-1、3.2-2、3.2-2、3.2-4。bv桥面喷涂聚脲防水层施工方案0911of the people, Da Yi Ju, big love Yi Ju unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the Countys recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral


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