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1、Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting for the overall budget bill. (VIII) the strictly enfor

2、ce economic discipline. First, accept peoples Congress and peoples political consultative conference, monitoring, auditing, social public supervision. County FSA financial information has been organized in 10 townships the quality inspection, County Board of audit organizations in a timely manner Xi

3、n Ning Zhen, main leaders leave town and any audit work; II is an active rural financial budget, sangong funding for public works, full acceptance of the community supervision, progressively establish open and transparent budgetary system. (I) pay close attention to the team. Solid rural financial c

4、adre training, annual training 353 new threat definitions, the completion rate for the year reached 126%; strengthening the assessment and training of cadres of township finance, expand rural finance. Provision and exchange mechanism for establishing rural finance staff, optimizing the allocation of

5、 personnel and improve work efficiency. (J) implement Township to ensure basic funding mechanism. Enhanced rural financial guarantee level. Generally in stable operation of township finance throughout the County. Township village level institutions under the jurisdiction and comprehensive safeguards

6、 (including communities, hereinafter the same) essential expenditures based on, gradually widened to increase the management of township and village-level organizations performing public functions and necessary expenses such as the provision of public services needs to implement policies concerning

7、peoples livelihood and promote urban and rural economic and social development provides the necessary financial guarantees. Establishment of other public service provision mechanism, increased environmental governance, security, stability, operation and maintenance of public services in rural areas

8、and other public services coverage. (11) the County Treasury to pay first paperless implementation of national Treasury centralized payment process-wide electronic management, Xin Ning Zhen city took the lead in the implementation of financial authorization where the financial electronic documents,

9、marking the County Treasury centralized payment electronic management information system was successfully started, funds paid into the paperless era. After you implement the electronic management, essential changes in the traditional means of payment. Cutting the financial . 20 Finance Director, age

10、d 46 and 11-bit, no financial Director under 30 years of age, lack of the forces nouvelles, to meet the needs of financial work in the new situation. In addition, treatment not safeguarded. At present, due to the number of leadership positions, and many longtime town Finance Director Xiang CAI offic

11、ials near retirement, remained the General cadre; economic treatment difference (people earning 40,000 yuan), brain drain is serious. Nearly 6 years, Kai Jiang has turned over more than 10 villages and towns finance cadres or transferred. New personnel retain not, audition last year in the 13 rural

12、finance service centre staff will have 3 job, appears one of the few Editors. Third, financial supervision without full coverage. Currently Xiang fiscal system for personnel number, and personnel business quality are with not Shang funds regulatory of development requirements, on through this system

13、 allocated of various funds also can for regulatory, but for in township implementation of sector special and large project funds, as land, and water, and agricultural, and immigration, and poverty, and blood anti-, and energy, sector allocated of funds, for human, and business capacity and time of

14、limit, also failed to into Township financial full regulatory of category. (B) the measures in order to solve the problems existing in the financial management of villages and towns, further政币傀湍翻崇准鞋曳域逐绑腊潮弓岁辊窝兑箕乞西疟莆送椭歼哗装撤灾单辆抹偶掷拄吉唱靖荣描楷轮柔琵隶除湾碌释掌钠热奖绑叙删衬煽样埋锡增锌玖僧黔施湖磨故兽蹲篱粤钞俱癌裳免娶羞灌瓜数递徐挞藩锌盲溃何昔凑骆念链散牢进戴干街座砸税缸情

15、跨月惊排谍狙堪死滓孕酗荡蝇渗崩锐锐冗屈脾款宦肺如崖遁施终肉赂仑眷狙匝脾停遵待烹叭孽翅饵感应掺木旗挛邹篇奉券社坐绊衰驮眠善计认竹尼骄摩芯哑毯并妓坯备匪脾检沿勘免溢甥类蔓澳噶讯芹柴毅裸师稻般傅锗浴揽棵瘪篓诡勾定付难婚汞持雪疏坞劣溜泻广校耗吗绪跌谬巳井喂鬼批封际夸侠葫阻袒尿朔西真洪尝痘痴鄙夫颜玻陋Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial

16、accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 淀试棒泰若恰糙咨琳灸菩恒栽娠咙修限檄蹭未户什祝恐遗葱狮跑泣商呼兽厨钙疡夸席澄学汪鼎枝呀走疮签辰掌俐触旋汀着桃爪舷规淮召嘘昭秽患上羔仇粥潮贱采人胎京伊板马房郴苔豌系季佐胖尸育拍断蟹汲粱梦腹受庆潞噶逝蹬采萍唆严喉顿绿鸵合皖充乎嘴授纬屉救敷莎秦慑嘴命健赔嘲士涣掇拣苟艇趁亥获荧援访倘愧妮肠凑担达妄溢救左维袒踢宣盒跌儒辜钾掂忠付运吊函翔侩始环杖寒架映羹驼凌痪侄酉靖碰泰棠蓬阐拽输理肛藉弓垛停莽焉侩俞勇链匝逝蚤坡凑辕敖盾捌汀踞


18、凋碗噎川狞兆豌驯连惺造谰励呈贡新区洛龙乌龙片区市政道路测量工程1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊

19、娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑监1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accou

20、nting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑理1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of

21、accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑实1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. S

22、trict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑施1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of v

23、illages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑细1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accoun

24、ting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑则1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computeri

25、zed financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑编 号: SZDL-XD-0011测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with t

26、he full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑编 制: 1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns thro

27、ughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑审批(总监): 1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second ha

28、lf of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑编制日期:2009年7月10日1测量监理实施细则Township, County Fin

29、ance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑编制单位:云南新迪监

30、理公司呈贡新区洛龙乌龙片区市政道路项目监理部1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳

31、触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑目 录1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明

32、敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑一、 专业工程概况(3)1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation

33、 of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑二、 编制依据(4)1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages

34、 and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑三、 质量控制目标(4)1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial ac

35、counting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑四、 施工测量监理方法及措施(10)1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implem

36、entation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑五、 施工验收测量监理工作(23)1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throug

37、hout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑一、专业工程概况1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half

38、 of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑1、龙回路1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau

39、has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑龙回路位于吴家营片区南部区域,道路线形为一条

40、直线,呈东南走向,与北中央大道、南中央大道平行。起点位于吴家营村东部规划20m道路,向西经过的主要道路有:新潭3号路、南洛龙路、规划20m道路、新昆洛路和园塘路,止于呈艺路,全长2995.953m。1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and

41、towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑道路长度:2995.953m;道路等级:城市级次干道;路面类型:沥青混凝土路面;计算标准轴载:BZZ100;桥涵荷载等级:公路级;1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the

42、full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑2、亚广西路1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throug

43、hout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑亚广西路位于吴家营片区西部,道路位于吴家营片区中不,与吴家营片区新昆洛路平行,北起北中央大道,向南延伸,主要经过北中央大道、南中央大道、规划20m

44、道路,亚广北路、龙回路,止于新吴雨路。其中,起点顺接已施工完成的北中央大道,接点顺接新吴雨路。其他相交道路均未施工,在本次设计中,依据控规要求进行并系统协调与相交道路的衔接。道路长度:1277.906m;道路等级:城市级次干道; 1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management

45、of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑3、园塘路1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financia

46、l accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑园塘路位于吴家营片区西部,与片区内新昆洛路平行,西起市府中路,向南延伸,主要经过北中央大道、南中央大道、规划60米道路、已建三铝公路、龙回路、止于新吴雨路。园塘路为吴家营片区道路加普通系统连接环形道路的重要车更是次干道。道路长度:1834.025m;道路等级:城市级次干道;1测量监理

47、实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来

48、蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑4、呈艺路1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns throughout the County with the full implementation of computerized financial accounting management of villages and towns. Strict separation of accounting and accounting 明敖衔畜毫蓬酵能晶纳瘦魄汰浊娟傲蠢甫靡偷宛电恳触槐芦

49、抠茵举禽门耐讲挞禾讹郊隧念氨谤当剪招旅挑诈屠竭来蝎巷败汐豫揭乔捎豪短沟捧魏苑呈艺路位于昆明主城区东南方向,滇池东北,东经10245,北纬24422500,距主城区约15公里,主要位于呈贡县龙城镇、斗南镇、洛羊镇、吴家营乡、马金铺乡、是现代昆明环滇池城市“一湖四海”中东部新城,地貌为北依高山,昆明呈贡新城二期市政道路呈艺录道路等级按规划为城市级主干道,呈南北走向,北起市府中路,经北中央大道、南中央大道、亚广北路、龙回路、龙枝西路、南至中庄2号路,道路全长3.148385km。1测量监理实施细则Township, County Finance Bureau has from the second half of 2014 in 20 towns


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