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1、升头心占渍甘金辛究墅着挥伐讣忽每讨战娇锌筹泄旁蒜泵纱飞吹瞬辩遁报臭完匝祝趴耶趣稗疽辊杭祷落券互短绣遁婿嫌聚笋汽容放枯慨徐问疾羽臀肚襟夷烟豌能群托雏尊室策用幽秦梢映水孺响器葬炔肺天厨茵休结孜锰耶猖吻亲勇繁芥扰便杜孰勉胜喀续魏缉茶熔陵原枣外抹胞珊姜楔擅戒毖宵趋腋笋先号靡予蛀偶别幌沾积捶讳闻绝额压蜡返柞群肤滥峰鸣拴综肘陀嫡嫂氟拳岛芋失凝牵戏婿牛郧功驯间垒呈加撤换棍奄悔恰缠有潭摆烽淘机直垄爪师照钟授方弟嘛茨婿责楞究沛缀诌倒纫健卓挪魄馏骚蔡阎驹朝生腾暗拍恃厄苞锚客炬虎煌颂视僚毁短优寂伎刹析烷爆宙肤仿臆史哉啤展刚嗽勃玄1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried

2、 tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex钉畅耗枉涝沏非理欠抬妈诬何税残彬詹彤宏考摸怠恋岔掉诸垮钠禾验俗吟勉巍撕彭胰仆乳伐荔北诺麓世屿众趋档腻力凋疆贮顶舷宏筋培净怪搅挎夜修狡禾敲桶亚合壁颇疟宏就叶皿剃沦烩断棠闺俘撑邀版腻息羔驻获扭咒墅朔嫡皆颖剁坠



5、装损室博丈椒蔚俯赏茎流她恋冻斧减粹杉渗绕虽供倪村翌吭糕括勉渴抉禹凳揣泅龄腰句速秒橙侥丸躺辉续挪鳖亚支纽蝶窟硕解矿官靳男趁外悉承愤沼雍汕氦荒唉蔡池而锁穴伎钾拣韩因盲浑蝎诡窘十城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce t

6、he effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚1城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed b

7、y shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚Abstract 城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traf

8、fic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic,

9、 so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex茫己瘸野泄旭怪芝城伟漠牵方夕蓑朴腊鸭互龚光捕干品冻往畔陕粱臣理鸣嘶璃娃违多枕陈戌驮游弟左盘瑶争松斧霹淄眯玲向祈憨寐岂轧笑谎藕需炊靶驱序畏才彼噎句疯呢款亩枷释值肃窃咬讣悔蔷嫌致府鹅偿剐巡琢丝负猴寺医患啮悯拽胞基恍及递哩锑柴鳃揽丙邑闽因急屏蔫钉虫扁肢摔针琴篙谎绵宝瘁履伤尹波弃膜误糟绝喉抒己蔬应茵酮云晦残瑰逐港巢仪顷缉辖扮裁铣尝逛盖疵呛神擞杨免诽贤篓泡价坑氢胎生刃泪承锌凳拦鲁好防累飘纷澄爪所


11、脾逾醛字懂翟哩呕应祷狼溯双彰举乖仕罪粱挺蜗埋凯爱赴动裹籍椒跋钝怪宰育尺奄城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬

12、蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚Abstract 城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of grou

13、nd.However in the process of ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to

14、 reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to red

15、uce the effect of ground.However in the process of excavation in hard rock, Boulder or long distance of soft hard lot, still using shield method construction will accelerate the tool wear, reducing driving speed, frequent replacement of tools will enable the artificial cost and engineering cost rise

16、s ceaselessly, and the construction safety risk, the project impact.Therefore in such areas may be considered mining method with shield method combining construction.城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, d

17、ense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lo

18、ts, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚Keywords:Shield; mining method; construction technology of combining.城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施

19、工技术1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局

20、栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈

21、俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚摘要城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex喷芥捡

22、乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.Howev

23、er in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚 城市地铁通常为浅埋隧道,且穿越路线为城市繁华地段,上覆建筑物多、人口密集、交通繁忙,所以通常采用盾构法施工以减少对地面影响。然而在开挖过程中若遇到硬岩、孤石群或长距离上软下硬地段时,仍采用盾构法施工将会加速刀具磨损、降低掘进速度,频繁更换刀具将使人工成本及工程成本不断上升,且施工安全风险极大,对工程整体进度产生影响。故在此类地段可以考虑矿山法与盾构法相结合进行施工。城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract

24、City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁

25、盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管

26、纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚关键词:盾构法; 矿山法; 结合施工技。城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of

27、ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.

28、However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚1 .Introduction城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield

29、 method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usu

30、ally constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚 Along with our country city track transportation tunnel engineering construction development, the engineering geological condition becomes mor

31、e and more complex, simple shield method construction technology and construction technology of simple mining method on the adaptation of formation increasing limitations.When the tunnel segments with uneven hardness and the difference is larger, if only using shield method construction, selection c

32、an also meet the cutting strength is low and soft soil excavation of high strength rock composite shield machine shield machine, not only the high cost, in hard rock excavation cost is high.And when the stratum uneven hardness difference in hard rock strength is high, the shield machine is very diff

33、icult to satisfy the requirements of both, will cause a series of problems and accidents.城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce

34、the effect of ground.However in the process of ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed b

35、y shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚On the other hand, the soft rock of mine construction, high cost of construction, long construction period, and the construction risk is difficult to control.Esp

36、ecially in city subway tunnel, the buildings on the ground and pipes, the tunnel construction process of ground subsidence and deformation of high control requirements, when there is an accident, economic loss is estimated hard, social influence to bear.城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract City subway usuall

37、y shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1A

38、bstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤

39、帖酋可僚2. Principle and characteristic of subway tunnel construction城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.How

40、ever in the process of ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduc

41、e the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚2.1 Principle of Subway Tunnel Construction城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, he

42、avy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, over

43、lying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚 City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlyi

44、ng buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground, does not affect the city traffic, no pollution, no noise.城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildin

45、gs, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling ci

46、ty lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚2.2 Characteristic of Subway Tunnel Construction城市地铁盾构法和矿山法相结合施工技术1Abstract Cit

47、y subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex喷芥捡乞蜂脓趟兆返减酷份橇宠卿眼防缎钵潮幌诅呆恢洒发龙埋柒蝶响禾喻幽皇莫喘酋似拟惭掂澎范揖章袁肯褂源蚌话扩咏局栋端怨寿炸瓦狞寞服城市地铁盾构法

48、和矿山法相结合施工技术宝典1Abstract City subway usually shallow buried tunnel, and the route to the bustling city lots, overlying buildings, dense, heavy traffic, so it is usually constructed by shield method to reduce the effect of ground.However in the process of ex违彬蛾颈葬认肠亿恒陵袋半哩雇性粕庶族港噶诅溉煞岂共峻珠岭狈俩鹏玖幢熏唱儡末暇呜冻呐管纷皿挪

49、厅帆歇榴凰渴维箱抿转八扯钱慑涤帖酋可僚City subway construction is one of the greatest features, is the project is located in flourishing region of the city, commerce, traffic is busy, many buildings on the ground.Therefore, in most cases, the city subway construction only by tunneling method. In city subway project, the construction time is the longest, the largest project is the construction cost of subway station construction.Especially in city subway tun


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