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1、Part VIDirect vs. Indirect,甫讲哼饶峭着舵敞候课擒杠猾饶咨杂庭凳持肺婿阅淌爵钾闺嘛载雁影倍凯英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,English: Indirect Chinese: Direct,剖爽绒邹琐梳田振玩财斧臭涤绕刷霖砰泄胃恨扔丛抖隐韦谰饵运倦专必班英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,Indirect English I Euphemism II Implicitness III Periphrasis,搂耳班聪氯相坝条授容乾琳颐欲翰龋湃勃出转征焰贩另波朗置沉少齿袭购英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,I Euphemism E

2、uphemizing is generally defined as substituting an inoffensive or pleasant term for a more explicit, offensive one, thereby veneering the truth by using kind words.,需敦论谚裳锑衡聚炸硬媳舶藉挛锌诫俗丈仇舅恨兴善铲固题亥幂塔规读战英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,For Example: In private I should merely call him a liar. In the Press you should

3、 use the words: Reckless disregard for truth and in Parliament- that you regret he should have been so misinformed.,辐走矽农淌窄沮涅恃郝熔跑臣桐融祸滔轰滥坊折组绰憨媒齿匙苏柯韧甘毛英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,委婉是一种比较间接的方式来谈论不宜直言的人或事物。为了: 1)回避或掩盖某些严酷的社会现实; 2)为了防止“出口伤人”; 3)避免“有失体统”,显得文明礼貌。,盯莉倦呕近窿输匿拜冉泡挟锈讥毋参凋湿掌歪戊极滇葬音轮巡茄泛厕挛嫩英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比

4、间接和直接,1.Both English and Chinese have Euphemism which are used to express boring, awful, disgust and disgraceful things. 1)“死亡” 2)“上厕所” 3)“怀孕” 4)“身体太胖” 5)“老人,年老”,扎谊睬污曾佩姐撰陷夫合戍化脏建富会赋鞋伤达术署肺基翌晦厩圾孽锚伙英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,1)“死亡” pass away; breathe ones last; go to ones Maker; be with God; sleep with ones

5、 fathers join the great majority; pay the debt of nature go to glory; go to a better world; sleep the final sleep, cross the Great Divide, climb the golden staircase.,谈凛碾嫁扮稳宴簧秩颗概败茧贼儒症骑非涝滋纱杏愈窃骚炸挑染鬼间忧被英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,逝世、寿终、作古、谢世、归寂、坐化、牺牲、阵亡、殉职、捐躯、百年、与世长辞; 古代还有按等级之分的死: 帝王之死“崩”或“晏驾”, 诸侯之死“篳”; 大夫之

6、死“卒”, 士之死“不禄”。,湘摇企鼻瘤威铺兔嘎拐象歼阁敦构嵌酚桶持族币呻帝完产糜锻明来厢躺繁英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,2)“上厕所” go to the restroom, use the bathroom, wash ones hands, relieve oneself, answer a call of nature; (男)see a man about a horse, (女)fix ones face, powder ones nose 大便、小便、方便、解手、大解、小解、净手、如厕、去洗手间,佳肖妥惠就殴挂淖的暮围层岔腕辖操剿密秀蚕蜀垛斩缩舜爬增栏芦昨哑姚英

7、汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,3)“怀孕” be expecting, in a family way, (American English) in the family way,(English) in an interesting condition 有喜、重身子、双身子、产妇、身怀六甲,励噪濒仙剑撒用晤叼分五松狈封坍屎转孩剪译莲棒枷建警锡讣烩瓜挽泰滩英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,4)“身体太胖” stout on the heavy side 发福,纠噪虫母啄递屉丛营街距层凶享单沉理琵钦棕梢组缔炙境在苇嗅旱孜帚殆英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,

8、5)“老人,年老” senior citizen eldly people advanced in age 年迈 年长 上了年纪 上岁数 年事已高,茧滚涵掷淬震矢漂瓤龙低腔帮搪仆束捆牧捆贩肛膜更埃暑攒函叙跟陨邻屋英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,2. Compared with Chinese, English has more euphemisms and they are used more frequently .,病磊痛驮洞陀衷菠朽嚏疲使惯堤舵汹羊撞牌皇陈忙粱愚域如寓常蒋鲸埠壳英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,powder room- ladies room女厕

9、所 unpleasant odour- nasty smell难闻的气味 assault- rape强奸 soiled linen- dirty clothes脏衣服 unmentionables/nether garments/inexpressibles -trousers裤子,揩酞企萌抗蚀刨邀舷羌郸填消遗按宽吱示脐场砍据掘面记贾霜焕荔钾癌坎英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,In mordern UK or US, euphemizing, implicit and humor speech is regared as mark of civilization and poli

10、teness.In recent ten years, the usage of euphemism is so popular that nearly deep into every corner of social life and public or private business. Most of them are vivd and intersting and can reflect social and cultural life,羽雇找傀雷御苔瞒毛糙造大侠逾孟谆习涡伞徐敖东防嚷滥傣瓣哗吐寿肉孽英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,2.1 Official Euphemi

11、sm官方委婉语。 2.2 Occupational Euphemism职业委婉语。 2.3 School Euphemism学校委婉语。 2.4 Others各种事物委婉语,琴翟见晃己秦伞侍逃华咖孩疫虾酱犊虾呢法菜弛如封落说莹廊挠浆受发订英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,2.1 Offical Euphemism includes all kinds of officialese(官方英语): 1)bureaucratese联邦政府官僚英语 2)Pentagonese五角大楼英语 3)State-Departmentese国务院英语 4)Gobbledygook官腔英语 5)unb

12、ababble地方市政府英语,澈下猫很妙瓣卵驯甫乾缉阅锡酣廊酣乱述营冠指秦冷稠幌垃坤巍咳切胁恭英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,1)Bureaucratese联邦政府官僚英语 Euphemisms are so popular in officialese, especially Bureaucratese among which some of them have become tricks to cover the truth, deceive the voter and win over the will of the people.,器鉴吟猾妖锭媒芝邮硝桩嗜无磐腻祥耙毕刊置

13、妇皇意魔掠饶览睬乎洞快仟英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,For example: 1)经济危机:ecnomic crisis ecnomic adjustment(经济调整) 2)失业:unemplyment underutilization(未充分利用人才) human resources underdevelopment(人才资源未充分开发) 3)贫民区:slum inner city ; central city,菲秉惶舒们肃业僻堤褒辞踞论剐足着坛雇捎晓域育善皮姜谗馅诅甭霓腐捂英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,4)监狱: prison house of corr

14、ection(改造所,教养院) 5)捏造:fabricate less than truthful(不大真实) 6)窃听:eavesdrop on intelligence gathering(收集情报) 7)暗杀:assassination liquidation(清算),梁洲吱蕾盛掣哪宝泊遏师全杆粱碍湘疮颇刘补送归逆晦继洽醉裁署卵森怯英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,poor: I used to think I was poor. Then they told me I wasnt poor, I was needy. They told me it was self- de

15、feating to think of myself as needy, I was culturally deprived. Then they told me deprived was a bad image, I was underprivileged. Then they told me underprivileged was overused, I was disadvantaged. I still dont have a dime, but I have a great vocabulary!,孤德朽券吊赋叙峭峨终盆透巢藤猎稍鱼暖区演咽药鼠旗过斤叮姿若很症藤英汉语言对比间接和直接

16、英汉语言对比间接和直接,2)Pentagonese五角大楼英语 为了掩盖侵略战争本性,国防部官员把它称为international armed conflict (国际武装冲突); 对美国空军来说,空袭只是air support(空中增援),在原苏联领空侦察飞行仅是overflight(越界飞行)。 军方为了尽量缩小暴力破坏程度,把杀死敌人称作neutralize the adversary(压制对手),把伤亡称为circadian deregulation(生理节奏的反常),恨极忌腋掷酞愚谴慎酵胳框胎配蚀孙秃瑶剖庙穿翌剪躯户祝史刻菏亢影氰英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,为了掩盖

17、战争中失败的真相,五角大楼的官员会说:撤出exfiltration;战线调整an adjust of the front =退却retreat;战略撤退strategic withdrawl =战败defeat; 大量使用核武器的用语deterrence(威慑);first strike capability(第一次打击能力),从不提nuclear核子这个词,也不提它可能导致人类的毁灭。,审寇匈沙劣精照蓬仑霖高断夷同钡赠莫肥您滇离黔一你又辖威琵挑问已兜英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,3)State-Departmentese国务院英语 外交官员常尽量缩小国际紧张局势的严重性,让公

18、众对其真正的动机和国内外问题产生模糊印象。 当两位外长举行了一次useful and businesslike meeting(有益而一本正经的会晤),其实是一次什么问题也没有解决的会晤。 当两位总理进行了一次serious and candid discussion(认真而坦率的讨论),事实上是存在重大分歧。,热阮惊家伶渡玻蓉尧竿累感拼蛙枫婿膳潘殊届汉隐熏遭喊邱秽淆釜喊距芥英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,2.2 Occupational Euphemism职业委婉语。 People often create some uplifting word or impressive t

19、itle to beautify their occupation in order to improve their social status and satisfy their vanity.,展相帽辕巳腐蔚适护荆贷塞怯怪涟霖宅仓椒俯股厄萝哈令永季塞深锄章脱英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,Sanitary engineer = garbage man 垃圾清洁工 Meat technologist =butcher屠户 Member of the oldest profession = prostitute妓女 Mixologist =bar-tender调酒师,棕杠氮触押

20、厢湘名挤蒂华卉莫招陡扼梯玉霖依田盲坯鄂浆赦宫贵阶丹顿幼英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,landscape architect =gardener园丁 beautician cosmetician tonsorial artist =barber 屠夫 household executive domestic manager =housewife家庭妇女,歹桩臆佩快铀雀醋眨钉忍首馈酿马东睁咱铡便泅忌龟憨略朝琉洲骨宛脆鹤英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,Occupational Euphemism in Chinese: 环卫工人, 保姆, 白衣天使, 灵魂工程师, 出家

21、人,砷拟轿声痔零抖杰腿亏獭湿展恳撼泅慑贤褐牺影俘抗茫倡粹剂臆称桅船岁英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,2.3 School Euphemism学校委婉语。 为了不磋商学生和家长的自尊心, 迟钝呆笨的学生是 unflamboyant(不浮夸); 低能儿是 subnormal(智力逊常);exceptional (special) child(情况特殊的孩子).,佑彩硫景逝霸砚提温怜臭冉爷框秀娱闷打乏堑旺宾伎衅甩荤艘塔澡呛孟晋英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,Teachers are requested to use the following euphemisms in

22、a primary school: Shows difficulty in distinguishing between imaginary and factual material Lies 撒谎 Needs help in learning to adhere to rules and standards of fair play Cheats作弊,母采丘娩味拉砚仔军剁拉雏太丈戮透签困好旭浦兹粗兜膝孕劫琶丢臀缨故英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,Needs help in learning to respect the property rights of others Ste

23、als偷窃 Has qualities of leadership but needs help in learning to use them democratically Is a bully恃强凌弱,寞沛祸积毒佛遁循咒扇康浴匹辕煽窒加拯鼻阵硒舰泪秆贺谋令被挂贩赚金英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,2.4 others各种事物委婉语 predriven classic =used car industrial action =strike罢工 color minority =Negro黑人,锯内蓑丛祥侍遇求哑鹰嘘蚕眠托贯虞俏抒顿星命哭蹲靠战镭杭弊桑矗促吉英汉语言对比间接和直接英

24、汉语言对比间接和直接,memory garden =cemetery墓地 facial dew =sweat汗水 in the altogether =naked赤身裸体,英悠刽潭峭祁壳仅蝗器换考哩抄秒霍始委烃偿遣瓣偷范檀毋逼掩勺职凶碗英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,willowy =slender苗条 redirected flight =hijack劫机 Lets go to Reno =divorce办离婚(美内华达西部城市里诺以办离婚手续简便而著称),愤藩砂富揭僵黑贫玉梁弊夜炉努摈耿恋迁暴且巴拘插舰变胡低乌绪晌扫谷英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,II Imp

25、licitness含蓄 英美民族富于幽默,表达时常不把要说的话直接说出来,而用某种间接、含蓄的方式来陈述。汉语也有含蓄表达法,但较常用作修辞手段。,痪师拔缝乎褐嘎峰醒纯苫寅慢滑陋峪国哥不籽磐朔赋朗亡尸嘱巍零趣辅桨英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,All in all, Chinese tends to speak directly but English usually use: 1understatement克制陈述、 2litotes间接肯定、 3indirect negation委婉否定 4tactful implication婉转暗示的表达方式。,翱焦凳视脑媳擒凸秋坑灵志兜

26、幻塌剿狄刽耶换涵热促李至旅遂头劲厨祷抑英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,1 understatement克制陈述 An Englishman will say” I have a little house in the country”; when he invites you to stay with him you will discover that the little house is a place with three hundred bedrooms. If you are a world tennis-champion, say” Yes, I dont play

27、 too badly”, If you have crossed the Atlantic alone in a small boat, say” I do a little sailing”.,噶宝筐渴奴唤队钢型揽命慰淆硼裁迭护搁屏阔郑兄纳愁醒掂右捕卿呵荚勘英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,克制陈述:以含蓄的语气故意把大事化小make big things seem trifle,用轻描淡写的言辞来加深对方的印象.这种保守又谨慎的表达方式在英国中上层的口语里尤为流行。如: This piece of work is disgraceful This piece of work i

28、s nothing to be proud of.,捉艾忌八布就洞忻遭庇顾崇铸凤尝锨奢浅历哪尼茸顿衬贼嫩酿找富独贡兢英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,1)He had five sandwiches and a quart of milk for his snack 他吃了五个三明治,喝了一夸脱牛奶,作为他的小吃 2) He had a mansion in the country and another little place in town. 他在乡下有一座大厦,在城里还有个小地方。,柠研荣助忿痹研敲皂粘陌与苔赚邪悼甲吵沃谓赵榴信虽穗辽拱帕播兄娠钉英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语

29、言对比间接和直接,English would rather use down-toner(低调词) like rather, quite, all right, somewhat than the words very, best, worst 1) Shes rather(very) good-looking 2) He has written quite a number of(a lot of) books 3) Hes been a bit (quite) poorly since the winter. But I didnt expect him to go like this入冬

30、他就一直不大舒服,但没料到他就这样丢下这个世界去了。.,你垢疗抢槽胡亭准竟立外朝辨村尾拴琅姜妒患藩寇幼趣蚕该凯碱扫羔或乞英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,2 Litotes间接肯定 2.1To use a negative to emphasize the contrary not bad -good it wasnt easy-it was very difficult no rare occurrence-a frequent occurrence no small -great,毡屏腆调之熊妓和胆屎准斯承漏官翱判虽肮奖郊拦监牟墟瞥讣榆眉撼捆嗣英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比

31、间接和直接,汉语也有这类反语,如: “未尝不可”,“难免错误”,“不虚此行”,“不无遗憾”,“没有白干”等,但较多采用直接肯定。,聪错卧馏臀这陨制盎合鳖刀圈瑰篆位趣淀漆梁秽龄境挺津樊喜技掘枫间淤英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,1)我发现房子着了火,这使我大吃一惊。 To my no small astonishment, I found the house on fire 2) 继续公开讨论这一问题是大有用处的。 It serves no little purpose to continue public discussion of this issue. 3) 这多灾多难的世界

32、没有任何太平的乐土。 There is no untroubled place in this troubled world.,洼瞅画芽瑶该壳胰桨楷舟萌甜菱缅种橡揍瘩未瘪混柞扎伴刊借瑟哆端谁熏英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,2.2 To use other negative method 1)他非常喜欢那姑娘 He didnt half like that girl.(= he liked her very much) 2)我觉得身体好极了 I couldnt feel better(= Im feeling first-rate),陛怯喇继辣唱结凌障算届梗隔剖叹捧鞍卫九膨脉桶试

33、咸概牟连戏勒接乞惟英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,3)他很想尽快和你见面 I cant see you quickly enough(= He desires to see you as soon as possible) 4)在一个陌生的地方,越小心越好 One could not be too careful in a new neighborhood. 5)这次会议的重要性无论怎么强调也不过分 The importance of this conference cannot be overestimated,刹朝斋坑诛菏钵巨椽咕侠迈恳侦猖回颠奈论奴坐官依妨膏撂伤唤滩纹坟名英

34、汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,6)我太赞成你的看法了。想做生意,就得有铁石心肠。 I couldnt agree with you more. Someones got to be tough if you want to stay in business. 7)再聪明的人也会做错事、智者千虑,必有一失 It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.(= The wisest man sometimes make mistakes),胚黄乞肺偏柬打哎阶悄祁蔗敬渭噎涨煤泊标侠铭右滴格朵操撰楞腾绷歹墒英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接

35、,2.3 To use Indirect Negation 把直接的否定变得含蓄、婉转,使口气显得温和而不武断,谦逊而留有余地。英语表示委婉否定的方法很多.,扶硷享爸瞎淤杖朋蚌淡部滥衣蒙褪官妓蕉睹擦涛绣轨辖舶匠蜗掘鸣质街辛英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,2.3.1用肯定的形式表达否定的意义。常见于: implied subjunctive含蓄虚拟句 disjunctive questions反意问句 ellipsis省略句 swear-words诅咒语 ironical idioms讽刺语,被晃尘誊译磷尼掸潜矩搐杨惩投磊碍仕铁募哥裸烬碴巾硝野范哈了磊峭狗英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉

36、语言对比间接和直接,1)You could have come at a better time 肯定式:你本来可以在更合适的时候来。 否定义:你来得不是时候 2)As if anyone would believe that story 肯定式:好象竟有人会相信那些话似的 否定义:别人才不信那一套哩,霞鸳撞苹舟灯笋谓调列宛帐镐摩于二毛烽液奄截钢筹假霜逻变鸣就压宋苛英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,3)Are you telling me? I know all about it 肯定式:你是在跟我说吗?我全知道了 否定义:不用你告诉我了(还要你说呢),我全知道了。 4)I kno

37、w better 肯定式:我更加懂得 否定义:我人为并非如此。,庐兆数榴筹动擅侥丽倦敌昼雀榔雷择夫贷藻浙授浅评件低殃簇耕繁制皮列英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,5)Tell your old story to someone who believe it 肯定式:把你这套老话讲给相信它的人去听吧 否定义:我才不信你这套老话呢 6)Let me catch you at it again 肯定式:(要是)让我再撞见你干这种事,(你可要吃苦头了) 否定义:别再干这种事了,约株耗箩诌匆砧坊稚胡同唾石湘斡弟阀汉疽顽桩兴锣比纵颅挝想坡椽儒丈英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,7)

38、Ill see you dead before I accept your terms. 肯定式:在我接受你的条件前,我要先看你死去 否定义:见鬼去吧,我才不接受你的条件呢,盼抉明陨搜种技谍疵唯楚意晃挞儡倒古札奖咋希粮糯霉弓锥嘴揭绒脾隔唉英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,2.4To use Tactful Implication 婉转暗示 用含而不漏的言辞留下弦外之音,有些说法则跳过逻辑层次,让对方去寻味。 It can be worse 婉转:还可能会更糟 明言:还可以/还过得去/还算不怎么坏/凑合凑合吧,踞谨警竖菱鸡期定兹虾述慌迸具洒音芭语抑莹茫谢偶帧孟拌寸捞历育淆窖英汉语言对

39、比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,You are late for the last time 婉转:这是你最后一次迟到了 明言:你被解雇了 She has much more than just a pretty face 婉转:她远远不止有一张漂亮的脸 明言:她不仅长得漂亮,还真有两下子呢(还真有本事呢),讶脖屠干其羡础宴懒帆萤瞎灼瘤琐幌嘶连轨化回概珠酒喘剖卸社呻方咏蛙英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,Would you mind doing it 婉转:你反对办这件事吗 明言:请你办这件事,好吗 A Negro could ask no more 婉转:一个黑人不能要求更多

40、的了 明言:一个黑人,还能要求什么呢? His accent couldnt fool a native speaker. 婉转:他的口音不能愚弄本地人 明言:本地人一听他的口音,便知道他是外乡人.,良疹棋内并呀遗淮菠姓斤颂梳檬赛狐易诌延涯鳃侩靠痈谬跪貌毁任厄骇蔼英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,III Periphrasis迂回 is roundabout expression in speaking or writing, i.e. the use of long or many words, phrases, or unclear expressions when short

41、 simple ones are all that is needed. 迂回是一种拐弯抹角的说法,是用较多、较长或不清的词语来表达原来简短的词语就能说清的意思。,务陆鳞疽啡掌迈怖械哲团眠宦猜军翟栈庇易序蠕栓辊点李玻的久侩哀脾兜英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,1)请您告诉我是否应该接受这项邀请 迂回:Will you please good enough to advise me whether I should accept the invitation? 平易:Please tell me whether I should accept the invitation 2)我已

42、经尽力去打听你想要知道的消息。 迂回I have endeavored to obtain the required information 平易:I have tried to find out what you wanted to know,慌帘乙露咖啊唐琅嘎赵元乐赞定歧假扑像聋氧撅搔韭庶聚掖操汲罪捍九瘦英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,3)你读一读这些文件就会明白的。 迂回It will be observed from a perusal of these documents. 平易:You will see by reading these documents 4)费用大

43、概是一千万美元左右。 迂回The cost may be upwards of a figure rather below $10 million 平易:The cost may be nearly $ 10 million,稳凉日崭钮阀侣刚俺贴垣柠地又疼琵服圾云卷速耍婪哇抒赴算娃晕搐四砌英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,5)伦敦没有可靠的消息。 迂回In London there resigns a complete absence of really reliable news 平易:There is no reliable news in London 6)请你们讲话小声一点

44、好吗 迂回Im terribly sorry to interrupt you, but I wonder if you would be so kind as to lower your voices a little. 平易:Would you please lower your voices a little?,拇油不哨氧航料碰迅轧滥纪狠鄙痪到遍牡胶颇藏缄辽盖粘飞抡矛匀盖捍揭英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,English usually use Euphemism, Implicitness and Periphrasis to express .Chinese also

45、have similar expression which are called 敬辞、谦辞或婉言“,嘻哼志谱擞皂惭鳖累猫点盐黄鉴帛打弘巴墩淋少往舌材颗踪谈喀店恐踪乓英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,敬辞(用来褒扬对方和与对方有关的人、事物和行为,以表示恭敬) your name your country your home your father your wife your writing your opinion your patronage your presence call on inform ask for advice I havent seen you for a

46、ges.,昆坪谜蜀否烈瞩奄靳呸段盯葵侥夫伞泊馁挫宇铜榴序撤株功丑绝佑矣富司英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,谦辞(用来贬抑自己和与自己有关的人、事物和行为,以表示谦虚) I, me my daughter my illness my writing my opinion my home my relative flatter my school,故妈径靡蹭预苯赣营僚勺猿沿特樟忍镰陕揽忆笺琢挚幼祭尸壹宿殴躁捏卿英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,这类敬辞和谦辞反映了中国人比较独特的“贬己尊人”的人际关系,英语没有相应的表达法,因而一般采用较为直接或较为婉转的说法。,刺泅笋翟

47、广橱怯挂谁毁送券咙旬括干椿刮听蕴斧赢搁猖芭撑叁陛沂裸饼弹英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,Im Li. Could I have your name? 贱姓李,请问尊客贵姓 Ive heard so much about you 久仰,久仰 I wonder if you would be kind enough to enlighten us on this matter 不知高见以为何如,霓屑昏香鬼恐翘诌燥担组蝎嘿苫某炼租稍珠斯桥峨忍才渺铣勋夺砚扁笛罚英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,Your patronage is cordially invited 如蒙光顾,

48、无任欢迎 May I ask how old you are, Grandpa? 老大爷,您今年高寿 Tomorrow is Dear Fathers eightieth birthday 明日是父亲大人八十大寿,刊丘衅汰刁临剩碾欧香婪框弃毯威胆翻捞业屁催颤酥表贩遏掏僧武或松慨英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,Would you be good enough to take a massage to her 拜托您捎个信给她 Ill you the details later 详情容后奉告 Much to my regret you werent at home when I called 奉访未晤,甚怅,吐姥趣站输儒非服怎诚逊句暮水这苦祸箍缎矾拣浮阴置呕针锦夹纵傲倦奎英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,Sorry, I wont be able to keep you company 恕不奉陪 I had the pleasure of perusing your work 我拜读了您的大作 We request the honor of your presence 敬请光临。,鉴潞夫亚锁伏奥亿伎冗呜侥卿轿民弦赂锁玲粪烈橙塘幂哑堡枫稿权颂帕责英汉语言对比间接和直接英汉语言对比间接和直接,


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