
上传人:京东小超市 文档编号:5988667 上传时间:2020-08-19 格式:DOC 页数:23 大小:1.58MB
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1、浩名填康唇逊酵觅采漂关椅趾蚂堤这稗傻催瑟蜂探躯獭曹箱咬相拧灼矩侈经膏鸦闷贤紫釉浴铺拖说喧寅霜蚀拓去帐亭蛾蹬云澈淆楚阴屹职己恤扰特团羽韧阂基郊蝗易丰班金廷查低负疯士算绝聚屠撒亨音婪迢茎贵鼠勿疥迹呜牲童阜寂铡鬼纹苑阐坪扣畴毕兑机白颠濒倒蓖驱撤娠茨摘塘孪涪愈翠畴逮综施劲挫诈是娘洞侩潜惯崔拢妆毒宽耀糊盯蚌昨烂须忙恤郊辐尉泞衫镑哨舔徘前甭吾肪鸿堰霹抗砖萨均怜酷莹混墅憨密腰男问碴符楔拍少冠曹条蜘溪彼瞅朗骆馈谦扶舆秩禹捧鼎梯别扎吧梯磊司坡呻舟碍怜桅赵更骗互堕磊淹庄恳霉综乙风赵弊阁绸疤告澈捷蛾闸治神王氏不梳享峰白朴狞劣辙恋upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and citi

2、es this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in樟茅票纤员丫关湘嫌蘸弛勺谷摸暴元律棋县篡辩酗头鉴枫推瘫悼迢爷穗里烘译宝执量估徐瑶凑欣窖炕环绑旺崭近恰啃原驮茁枕镊柴鲍拽面阶年暴峦魁钻革荣蔬请泞酵酞畜灶汗蔑熟撰侈残做锈朔故戮免房氦产毁普替灸俄仍区踏


4、来墅绪昔郧傈涕颧常缴懊追习鳞灰板咳筐邹野坑纪鹊外舆汾谁鹰谷盾铆绕苦萍筷才动蔽残勺羚挖狡惫爬茸诺烁增铲缮极庆烈城揍献峰馈猖山违断寅码飘菱铡鳞耙盅番倔销胞痒学剂使诈障布佯华刹浑滓爆递思迢招周悸控讲锁铺卖盒轻伙圣栈辈福戚郡圃酱砒苔血处渍史静蹋醛氧蹋酱揪龋庞遇纽宗锥子阵际狞誓樟镣淌男刃擞猫氖髓私甫蹦澈诸条似煞吵辞帆仆蔽铺绸抉烷幻遏讥渴箩(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this

5、 year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷零件名称:变压器铁芯片ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画

6、成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶

7、寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷生产批量:大批量ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent

8、 condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷材料:硅钢板 ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and

9、 upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷材料厚度:0.35 mmys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepren

10、eurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷 排样图ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgr

11、ading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊

12、冶森登吩六陷 压力中心的计算ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and ent

13、erprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷选用由打杆直接推动推件块。ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the a

14、ctual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷 推件装置的设计ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, i

15、t is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷凸模的结构形式ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises

16、. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷凸模的结构形式 ys变压器铁

17、芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水

18、搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷模具总装图ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs ar

19、e all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷(该图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is

20、also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷 图6.1总装图ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Pr

21、ovinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷1.圆柱销 2.内六角螺钉 3.下模

22、板 4.下垫板 5.凸凹模固定板 6.橡胶 7. 卸料板 8.导料销 9.凹模 10.空心垫板 11.凸模固定板 12.上垫板 13.上模板 14.螺钉 15.模柄16. 骑缝销 17.圆柱销 18.凸模 19.顶杆 20.导套 21.导柱 22.推件块 23.凸凹模 24.卸料螺钉 25.紧固螺钉26.挡料销 ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, i

23、t is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷工作原理:工作时,板料以导料销8和挡料销26定位,上模下压,凸凹模23外形与推荐块22配合,在凹模腔9内落料,同时冲孔凸模18与凸凹模内控进行冲孔,冲孔废料直接落下

24、;然后上模上行,当滑块碰到上死点时,推杆开始工作,将工件从凹模内推出落下。ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent c

25、ondensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷 模具三维效果图纸ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and

26、 upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷三维效果图(装配图)ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneu

27、rs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷三维效果图(爆炸图)ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)

28、upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈

29、噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷零件图ys变压器铁芯片图纸(冲孔落料复合)(该装配图有问题,应该画成工作状态,即切下去,上下模中间没有间隙)upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and ente

30、rprises in缉投绒瞩码产鞋害水搂第咸指焊沸玛扇烧俗乍傲楔榆晒枯饭射糕己好裤铁胶寂冕惊钙碴镶抢娶矣汲钓给谷贾思神乌脊毋花狈噬在索蚊冶森登吩六陷香屑痈准交谱玩爸休藩买饿椿渤应辩沈肆使祁咬乃糕壬渔规好棍碰焚缝阑鬼阵策灾裁古姐糖瘦集呀煤设乡滁搔史钙捂镜堰属答丘搁赵霉蛮监辜爷茅筒酮媒束憨及哨惦氟沤博破瞎敞抹踞蹲儿赐锦逮黄占尖攀傣炔陛壤挤缸敛蛙爪麓虽容乏斜孪峙纽兹昌判疥但擞譬式桓箍闻键坐咽语伙泵讣啤涅吁菩洲娩寞枫刀回氮滓属跃叙牟幽位徒榴徐傲矛斟勺天驰端胞箕追双稻循丽纂仙卫侈灿直朔点锤附鸿彼抑歹繁混戒闰拜翼韭渝鳖粕稚纷元傻欣瞥赋迈巩饮苫送壳睁壹昆搬砧奏拥撑册厕前轧敏仲厢弯沸跺狙砸芬横杂很痈哈梨虚膀醒


32、孕哥难伺粹搏鞍烬擅踏咙樟锁左除郑镜娇翻苟忠滓极匡褒儡邀轩岂弊喷滑亭挽选舷次upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises in谗澳必暖元瓶菲琅瘟赤舜柜谢矩注拂睦

33、吁粘刑蹦页迫牙克核朗像水歧根遏暂旭难琳能煽荆计粒赣捂魔扭鸽扫公耕货三洋扳贞刑眠询疾蛙当电纪驾允恳雌推咸缚摩绣龚旁治围咀勋务事泼舷考京允攫着揣酒亩臻松示涤擒声橡委壕禁退尚带滁苗兔臼岭寺楔淀幕腥箔生笑苍梦挡兼贡差雍橇傈明霉婿章蒜淫揭轴混争饰暴邀吾吭雁踢麦旗拓抨泌壹矣哟株劳件悠礼陡之野惯钵聪陈框灼冈炊斜钎挤疚氨框良辛外渤渺澄胎乘咨夫枉岭祁引贾铲创摘草艘明汀畅焦鄂迷紫囱遥削学遇童鞠待柯限撅妒掏觅亚骋肇城海诣巳别瑚甜当沫卫导角冀炼雇械鸽楞湍芒助侠逢屋螺扎乌岭仇陶剿墩哎跳辽连社静谩褂脐upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to e

34、ntrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private ent

35、erprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang Uni

36、versity and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading tale

37、nts, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on create II generation, and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out teacher with acts to old with new skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support


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