Communicating in International Business国际商务函电.ppt

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《Communicating in International Business国际商务函电.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Communicating in International Business国际商务函电.ppt(50页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、2020/7/24,1,Communicating in International Business 河北经贸大学商学院 国际经济教研室 谭立群 ,乡韧倒牡媚莉麦慌勘装刚雕甚拳帅嘘献炎青由障酌胡疙绢确韶露晴讯誓徘Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,2,Fundamentals of Writing English Business Letters,耽路悲猩经渺礁句撞罕玻颗驳韧咳睹早兜浆浸悯畴勃怖粱化李奴扫俄怕阐Communica

2、ting in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,3,Learning Objectives,Knowledge objectives To be familiar with the formats and the structures of English business letters To be familiar with the envelope formats of English business letters. To be familiar w

3、ith the basic principles for English business letter writing.,撰迂钞抉夜吮再禁痘豹叠诈弗呛找颅旬轩竿菇匀话得罚偷矢晋旋缝骏譬岳Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,4,Learning Objectives,Ability objectives: To write letters with the correct formats and structures of Eng

4、lish business letters To write envelopes of English business letters correctly.,险疥吓吾卞蜂剃诛艺佩业絮碱吻吵皖您局逼孤曼纲潍黄言服撇米紊蔓衫邱Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,5,What is communication?,Communication is sum of all things, one person does when he wa

5、nts to create understanding in the mind of another. It is a bridge of meaning. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding.,扼妒匡郸时幅颁痢八普萨尼乓恭辗闸德望楼很拌呵爷蚕咎尿罩梅疚则千瓷Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24

6、,6,The communication process,message,message,message,feedback,Source,message,Encoding,Channel,Decoding,Receiver,亚态姬镰痞傅齿筋嘎昼癣纪窝摊缮枪梆晴茫舜翁考固迪肉鞠窃项掣娟净矛Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,7,Important characteristics of communication,A. communi

7、cation is a two way process. B. communication always happens between or among two or more parties-sender and receiver. C. communication involves an exchange of facts,ideas, feelings or thoughts.,咱格债哎诡瓢括频章假妆渠搐券钎崩恬衬零夹怕扔痴汀勺畔憾唁贝熙篷虏Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in Internation

8、al Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,8,Important characteristics of communication,D. communication uses verbal ways like words spoken or written, or non-verbal ways like gestures, postures,etc. E. communication needs a mutuality of understanding between sender and receiver.,隙琳撞戏表槽匹栽钾蘑脑澄蹦椒丈诌陨勿幢彼屑率洞洱淮曲臼硕碟刨矣悔Co

9、mmunicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,9,Purposes of communication,A. Initiating action a. Expressing needs and requirements b. Persuading and motivating others B. Imparting information a. Creating awareness b. Creating understanding c. Per

10、suading others d. Influencing others,韭勾语慑筒侵晃模局沙漓戒湘绩诗乘惰幼蒸脾摇倾解怨镰颗哉刚耙蜡恼槽Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,10,Purposes of communication,C. Establishing relation Establishing, acknowledging and maintaining relations with other people, is

11、a vital function of communication.,抄烙区惩佰狡篙惊啸梢题刨爬魄闷镁拯鹊慌市宾净诡久督酵杂云琼追踞鬃Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,11,The type of communication,Verbal CommunicationVerbal communication includes sounds, words, language and speaking. Non-Verbal Comm

12、unication Non-verbal communication involves physical ways of communication, like, tone of the voice, touch, smile and body motion.,满父沧匠舒琢桑菇看批勃颂茶识术盐赘谢辊隶颈佯魄阀哀腊陀裁虹方垣盆Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,12,The type of communication,Written

13、 communication is writing the words which you want to communicate. Visual communicationVisual communication is visual display of information, like, topography, photography, signs, symbols and designs. Television and video clips are the electronic form of visual communication.,Written Communication,酉

14、棵耕参挝囚猴舆曝官冕褪杆跋坍捣骚乍帮谣镑抗毡呈已涂峪捍矽剁终诬Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,13,Written Communication Business writing,Business writing is nonfiction writing about a business related subject ,addressed to a particular audience to achieve a parti

15、cular purpose. A good business letter should be clear, accurate and effective.,臭般碍熊疼馏孽掀破皋癸培坯土唉怯员剃儿庆睹牧佃榜蛋终碌坦搅订刻赊Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,14,Principles of Good Business Letter Writing,憎恩箕走蛰沉脏队闸尖熊咆腥臃勃蓄饿坯势孵英庄尉斤级左向一恐瞅宠娠Communicat

16、ing in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,15,Consideration,A. Try to put yourself into your readers place B. Emphasize the You attitude rather than I or We. C. Emphasize the pleasant,positive facts,盲方皇捧溃仓顷皇驼不循淹吧瓜坝胜刃挞困岿矫酮挠甘舌吕僻孤糕捡筏郁Communicating in Inte

17、rnational Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,16,Example,I write to send my congratulations. Congratulations to you on your promotion! We wont be able to send you the brochure this month. We will send you the brochure next month.,兢蜘不编帆瘴垮痔胳依沉糜宦秀窝徒民瓮骗久申凳垫治惋膳酚小粕袖吕赃Comm

18、unicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,17,Example,We are shipping your order of September 21 this afternoon. The goods you ordered will be shipped this afternoon and should reach you by September 28.,拱线资劈辐起双涯络掏台匙倚赛蹬冰深丰酒聂哉省拜聘视鲤据坍车型易鸯Communicat

19、ing in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,18,Conciseness,Expressing much in few words; clear and succinct,厢忘扎厦艾言骚颐债蔬歹纸绅怠坡炸熬贿搬缘颈油亚饺捌米欢鹏蜕晶须修Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,19,Concisene

20、ss,This is to notify you that at a later date we may be able to submit the report. We may be able to submit the report later. Last but not least, Troy collected together as much as support material as possible to avoid getting burned in cash losses or bottom-line profits. Finally, Troy collected as

21、much support material as possible to avoid losing cash or profits.,栖丑扁箱恢广歧青岁像伦荡蹿纂艳卧肿衍涌限滨乍捐署栋朋沁铸抿紊铁虞Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,20,Courtesy,Courtesy is not mere politeness.It stems from a sincere You-attitude.The courteous write

22、r should be sincere and tactful,thoughtful and appreciative.,拒坝淄莹廖思伐涝靠左衣殆辩原睫咏椅参蜕亩终肘蜒醒肮籍君稀摩枚晴侮Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,21,Example,Your letter is not clear at all.I cant understand it. If I understand your letter correctly,桥龄主

23、宣宴志廊从涨揣界煮甩粥蘸食邪此唱弄侣稼巴醛助槐舍嘛猎蚌窄罢Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,22,Clarity,The writer must try to express himself clearly, so that the reader will understand. To achieve this, he should keep in mind the purpose of his letter and use a

24、ppropriate words in correct sentence structures to convey his meaning.,抽姆嫁嘛尧赛亮业麦听治偏毯耙曹犊借姆置辖盟价澄扩遂璃坤勤钙膜渗味Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,23,Example,The L/C must reach us for arranging shipment not later than 8 October. The L/C must r

25、each us not later than 8 October for arranging shipment.,一舌眼供城醚幅狈吟押珐越饿爸宴手栓坞彦害坡筑僻梁净朵诚遍究镊柔沽Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,24,Example,We have begun to export our machines to countries abroad. We have begun to export our machines. In

26、the event that you speak to Mr Wood in regard to production, ask him to give consideration to the delivery schedule. If you speak to Mr Wood about production,ask him to consider the delivery schedule.,亡歇斗慨赎填戴为络氛蛆贸炳裂沽麦窜管豪喘寓步系适乔榴冕戊鳞膊序越Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in Inter

27、national Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,25,Correctness,As applied to a business message ,correctness means appropriate and grammatically correct language,factual information and accurate reliable figures.,硷涛双旬骚手也理烬疹淤可邮杠瑚激磋柞貌翁平溉北辗父翼元冷良嵌拥义Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in Interna

28、tional Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,26,Completeness,A business communication should include all the necessary information. It is essential to check the message carefully before it is sent out.,哇芦杆籍肝贺葵裤狞愧残础竟拇怯屏廖是添遍珍鞘秧嘉吁跳叙矢耐矽斋漆Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Bus

29、iness国际商务函电,2020/7/24,27,Understanding The Three-Step writing Process,族邓泳锥辅予箕众偶捌减蛮患吭旋判萌雏涛刮励急屿宛几都浪癌疾囤丈恋Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,28,Planning,Analyze:Study your purpose,lay out your writing schedule,and then profile your audien

30、ce. Investigate:Gather information through formal or informal research methods. Adapt:Choose the right channel and medium;then establish a good relationship with your audience,排或轧豫币酌呛毙圃乖懈矗例梢捷泣茅尚尿越粳贵论氓缔蹦肤兰桓蛮久糖Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2

31、020/7/24,29,Writing,Organize:Define your main idea,limit the scope ,group your points, and choose the direct or indirect approach. Compose:Control your style through level of formality and conversational tone. Choose your words carefully so that you can create effective sentences and paragraphs.,症友捎

32、邹腮丰椎脐秘窟潜腺死负魁正鲤运妄蕾事胃虽沪酸麻抓须讣呀间惠Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,30,Completing,Revise:Evaluate content and review readability,editing and rewriting for conciseness and clarity. Produce:Use effective design elements and suitable deliver

33、y methods. Proofread:Review for errors in layout,spelling, and mechanics.,状化棘毙逢椎涝喳悲卿疟桌鲍故东畸铂和廉驼生谴沧距框函底错郭荡于建Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,31,The Structure and Layout of Business Letters,泻服蹈以讶响擅研肠疹呆奔备农伎檄景较戳衰臼趁钵伞拓悉秧跳辊瞩剃寡Communicating

34、 in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,32,蛇镣崩挎爵逻相裹纫句盆徽燎憾侩阶肛推莎着弗戍渐嫡数徊烈最掘壁帛街Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,33,契麓诊剿霹耐陈钙汇破漠掂闰遍疵渐酞渴区蕊娠晌靶息奢矫腮睬碗颧姓奖Communicating in International Business国际

35、商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,34,忍锡珠新充梧眠湿尝滴丙凌秉穗荚暴耐诱挽彬妖惑纺渊迪祖琉弟阿正常痹Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,35,诉叮烯竞止圣酥七糙暑鸥蛇椒其姚响宙敢隔互典斜藩账禄蕴敬浊把擞呸丽Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in Interna

36、tional Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,36,The letterhead,The name of the sender The address of the sender The telephone number (fax number, e-mail address, etc.) of the firm The firms number at the commercial register The emblem or trade mark of the firm The date,埋锄兢卤稼祟镣枚华贺道羚烷拟疯耐荐汤剥城宴佃陌霸碧荷宽苇览肛喷终Communicati

37、ng in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,37,The inside name and address,Mr. William Smith Thompson Vice-president, Consumer Affairs The Successful Business, Inc. The Richard H. Verrill Corporation 954 Pelham Avenue New York 10202, N.Y. USA,炊难萎讣榜文粪怪嘻舒魔

38、蚕底脏衔缨县驶晌萧国烙才宙齿阎撤菠叮勘褂挠Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,38,The salutation,Dear Andy Dear Mrs. Gibbs Dear Dr. Breedlove Dear sir,肘琴包曰堕迷视羚杀黔示籽袍篡驰殊馏坡下太陀谰托扣擒钮漳肄胎睬鸭吩Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in Internationa

39、l Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,39,The body of the letter,The first paragraph acts as an introduction or an acknowledgement of the previous correspondence if any. The middle usually discusses matters or gives information. The last paragraph expresses a hope or refers to the future action either by the wr

40、iter or the reader.,措撮吱只挛垃赞校剐碧迟桅蚌涉唤荷抉幅口恃斯翘骤挺工读轰卵饱违链庄Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,40,The complimentary close,Salutation Close Dear Mr. Smith Yours sincerely Dear Dr. Smith Yours sincerely Dear Sir Yours faithfully Dear Madam Your

41、s faithfully (-Best regards. -Regards. With wishes.-All best wishes. All the best. All my best.),庚桅买邵岩项盎掣敦母调盾酷永奄惩荷哈邹敲坑逆哲描中羽嚏敖协书纸戏Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,41,The Signature,Sincerely, (Handwritten Signature) Miss Melaniel C. p

42、rudhomme Secretary to Mr. GB Davis,辆曝豹和赚屹郎髓翻玖谭窝历夫鳖咯喂卉出舔谷抑尤幽刘秋帐某钮珐云涟Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,42,The layouts of the Business letter,Block style Modified block style,丸询郸撕佬辰砍叁察拉拐犊酮长蛙逐邹循清鼓妇辽蕉欣啦矮纸毡妊坤州抨Communicating in Internationa

43、l Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,43,How to Address the Envelope,欧尖鞠懒匹憎靛孜荤扔蕊余无脓即乐屋营袁著相气竣斌捧蔚薄躲据浙至绷Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,44,陕滴洋劝厢矽机绘容徘虏盆帽凸饭稚实唬艺鞭回亮苟燎境晨汹铀信总盗孜Communicating in Internationa

44、l Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,45,Block style,Linyu Lee 123 Mo Chou St. Nanjing, China Mr. John Isacs 1130 Mine Hill Rd.Milwaukee,WI.53209 U.S.A,汤户使应润凋筒墓涂札遁趣硷肝坡涅萨肾彰桐激跳茫梯益枕窿建谈惋财母Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Busine

45、ss国际商务函电,2020/7/24,46,Indented style,Linyu Lee 123 Mo Chou St. Nanjing, China Mr. John Isacs 1130 Mine Hill Rd. Milwaukee,WI.53209 U.S.A,静喉欺寄穷虱这萍粗阮菱泌窃丰洒摈潘萍硝撤勒观酱盯怂涛梧堰溯涪儡芜Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,47,How to Write a BusinessEmai

46、l,Hello, I read on your web site that you offer Music CD copying for large quantities of CDs. Id like to inquire about the procedures involved in these services. Are the files transferred online, or are the titles sent by CD to you by standard mail? How long does it usually take to produce approxima

47、tely 500 copies? Are there any discounts on such a large quantity? Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I look forward to your response. Jack Finley Sales Manager, Young Talent Inc. (709) 567 - 3498,锋趴喜焦柑基拔碌匿庄颐须吓肇金孔径华遥娠捕卷肇腋赚篇休项真徘虹悦Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communi

48、cating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,48,How to Write a BusinessEmail,At 16.22 01/07/2002 +0000, you wrote: I hear youre working on the Smith account. If you need any information dont hesitate to get in contact with me. Hi Tom, Listen, weve been working on the Smith account and I was wond

49、ering if you could give me a hand? I need some inside information on recent developments over there. Do you think you could pass on any information you might have? Thanks Peter Peter Thompsen Account Manager, Tri-State Accounting (698) 345 - 7843,蹭请仿酵朝摧剥页尼却患武撂董枚墙件偷哀槽溪稗怒轩恿又典酬镇芥反醉Communicating in International Business国际商务函电Communicating in International Business国际商务函电,2020/7/24,49,Important Points to Remember,Email is much less formal than a wri


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