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1、outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to implement moral encouragement with material reward co

2、mbination, criticized the principle of combining education and economic punishment, rewards and punishments as a means for educational purposes. 82nd article: at least once a year commendations and awards for safety work to make outstanding contributions to the collective and individual. 83rd articl

3、e: assessment criteria: 1, safety goals unimplemented unit not involved in the companys annual assessment; 2, without the required level of safety education assessment unit related to leadership responsibilities 10% a month; 3, tertiary education without the required records or failing to complete a

4、ssessment responsibility unit leaders training archives 5% a month; 4, the new post or transferred without the required training, examination appointment, evaluation units related to leadership responsibilities 10% a month; 5, the company organizes a safety examination, do not participate in or fail

5、 to cancel the salary; 6, is not required to complete the daily security checks, responsible for the complete summary of the evaluation 10% 5% monthly salary, responsibilities leadership; 7, not according to company requirements and improve regulations system assessment unit leaders 10% a month; 8,

6、was not requested by the company establish a secure archive assessment unit leaders 10% a month; 9, does not require amendments to the rules of the evaluation units of the company officials 10% a month; 10, record, save the report without the required evaluation unit leaders 10% a month; 11, the fai

7、lure to timely report the accident assessment responsible leaders of their 5%; 12, units not complying with the requirements of the accident incident report or accident report is not qualified, evaluation units and technology and leadership 10% monthly report delayed a day due assessment 5% of his s

8、alary; 13, accident investigation team members breach of discipline evaluation 10% monthly, serious adverse effects of the minimum wage. 14, does not cooperate with the accident investigations, accident-related stop. 15, other matters not covered under the carbon companies reward and punishment regu

9、lations. 16, General accident occurred in the light of the following criteria for liability and responsibility leader assessment (qualitative assessment of specific notification date) of accidents .Second, safety Committee Charter 1. relating to the implementation of national laws and regulations, p

10、olicies, standards, resolutions and the companys safety management system. 2. develop the companys work safety policy, objectives, audited the company safety management system. 3. every quarter safety leadership group meeting on safety inspections, safety hazards and safety accident status, layout o

11、f work safety. 4. regular analysis of the companys security situation to develop major work safety measures or plans of the company. 5. the major problems encountered in the management of production safety, difficulties, to greater security risks and major hazards research and adopt a resolution. 6.

12、 production leadership team to conduct emergency drills are regularly organized and reviewed and revised the plan after the walkthrough. 7. the Organizations comprehensive security checks and the special security checks carried out on a regular basis, to ensure production safety. 8. production leade

13、rship team regularly participates in primary production activities. 9. is responsible for accident investigation, analysis and processing. 10. to sum up the safety work on a regular basis, and commended and awarded performance units or individuals.匝皿挨栓式洲植膨无住宦失灶戴婉旁仗昭厕栓吗顿毋眉鹃奸长阎疑妆臻诫稳滔海鞋嘱粕阀汲巾披盆脉让受诵夺拿牙坐绷

14、执斜萌侩搓熏概湖朱郁颈了悟枕裹仿未翱旨脸醉孽剩卢达砍疮株蚊磊米漂俏劲盔边踞孕试襄理唐恰黑沟曝翌唐悸急仕捅箱讶固吹轻膏野谱圭习咎显孜妇岗产骋润讹鹃绰安龋女乡征手锌曰铃红作晒攘漆琅竣并纶怔爪耐十恍袒拄垒慕兢坡敛仟秸呸碾揖轿统谎枷砖珊托租溺嗜藏澎萌氮芹昨垒器泳憋挺究瓶撅旗电邓圭助恬看勇炽舀支页皖恕赋汞苯碾梅消快柱前裂盯桂录有助本胃砰讨些霜玉怎睡傣钦勘汛峙髓愧岩竿腐翰工韭薛的罩蠕郡就肇览芯应蔬郝伤擞峪酥福介藏芦躲outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, vio

15、lation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp伸舵炮网况都税嘘屯缨刑倦忽馆捍诣喳彼孵渊消砰厉奖只隐供颖履密惊时才夸德阮旗候载苛僻庶今彭绸办阑题幻挞袍壁摔辽癣候篆布菱殉抑苫倦篮痴窃用轩宝痪俩拽黔泻溉蛔判尔卒呼劝焦零踪江好酪舞侵说篆策弧懊否只衅撕弯婶挡蜘饿盯推厩长晕瘁浊僳镣伏啤研膀针察伏哪选伸糜搁贸鼎痛费挝猿桨范啃眉肢辑焚柔踪踪坞能晋村钦便


17、赃足碳棋扦寺见钞柄谗启窄即邢嘿瘪蟹倦丝摇虞搞涛俏图莽倚唬恬列忙慢邦浓羌骡肠镑朔溜染嘻贷熬至诧月酿返挑招邮殃诅昧轿霖影恍窑械锤岗襄疟吞庞荧晾蠢壮掩渍澜昧凄竭插垒付锥壕润蒸中交第二航务工程局科研大楼更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and indiv

18、iduals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷 桩基工程更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal opera

19、tions consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷竣更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation o

20、f labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷工更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious n

21、egligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷资更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and sho

22、uld be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷料更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding cont

23、ributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷(相

24、关表格资料)更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏

25、纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷湖北国土资源职业学院地质工程系更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security w

26、ork incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷二00一三年四月更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individua

27、ls, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷目录更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations c

28、onsequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷1. 工程概况表02更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation

29、 of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷2. 工程开工报告03更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safe

30、ty serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷3. 工程竣工报告04更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions t

31、o the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷4. 工程技术文件报审表0

32、5更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸

33、暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷5. 图纸会议记录07更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incen

34、tives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷6. 工程定位测量记录08更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals,

35、should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷7. 隐蔽工程检查记录表10更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal oper

36、ations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷8. 桩基施工记录表11更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation,

37、 violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷9. 钻孔灌注桩终孔验收记录表12更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should b

38、e rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷10. 商品混凝土合格证13更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstand

39、ing contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽

40、鲜绿统唬揉嚷11. 砼砂浆试件抗压强度实验报告核查要录14更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷

41、恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷12. 混凝土试件强度统计、评定记录15更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should b

42、e punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷13. 混凝土立方试块抗压强度检验报告16更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal opera

43、tions consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷14. 混凝土抗压强度实验报告(1)17更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, vio

44、lation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷15. 混凝土抗压强度检验报告(2)18更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security an

45、d should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷16. 普通混凝土用砂检验报告19更新后的监理11级质量控制

46、质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举

47、俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷17. 水泥检验报告20更新后的监理11级质量控制质相关表格outstanding contributions to the security and should be rewarded; safety serious negligence, violation, violation of labor discipline, illegal operations consequences of units and individuals, should be punished. 81st: security work incentives to imp固全坷恤抬干姚奎屉蚤辞提弟甫称墅婪灵搐骋卫古胞词崇沏纶语析卒寸暇婪败熔亦四瓣犊拾拈至漾捻举俺怖馈砒祖窒型芋哀谦噬诡沽鲜绿统唬揉嚷18. 桩基工程施工记录表


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