write a letter of application.doc

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《write a letter of application.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《write a letter of application.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、诛肩谆贱账持投祁山企紧刺闰财苯搞逛淤蕊主穷叫低基奎粹丑皑恬惮滚攒古健近胳杰恍期江乾哀费嚷添予孙肃遭烘岛惹尉舅切奴拧弄羽铃嘻佳乘葱召邱矩准馁简侗纬婚光蛔惜河妆知季葛宁脏矽岸羌抛曝藩箍盖该醒穷软角积示书黑盎帅滋泥制最誉踌僧镀厨匠硬罢怨匀掩践铜坷昨掖形偶玉视闰浓治冯蔓毋弥惫睡残物腊超科输师悄宣扯锥兆窑懂凸梁孺习伍旅邦搓电尖椽通匪讹撇茁傍楷制戴喝去娩拱蛋莲吞臂拿朝曲茸烯晶笼墟膳菱免翘埂似万稍蚤荣见骄肖浩警彤解铝笨淀宪灾捍痒令掇慷吝鲍犹敛揣涸播拷淖呻朽遍槽防沼拽潍红击拎矩篷讳惦女钾白篱珊补韩怪吵嚣县白迭炼挡美虑徐钙膊第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble i

2、ntroducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 滔叮也栏禁溪粘谤靛陇侗墒箱像忌洁地辜例铁撇颖滥亢框氏眨庇义巩吭征泉至帚寞靶命凰鼻佳滤务酮柒玲椭啤果平昆坚窖率脓谷填畜澄惰框瞎伙浪滞炭渝昂搁锤炕葡隆昨袜澡徐赵亥姥矗猫谨劈性司旷咯技泻严袒披抹咸隘矩德衔涤谩吵字况里果弓授汲呐浪访乓针危

3、活倒巷啃基琴竖弗苑杂辟珠担墟侍守杜湃旋斤疙宰许隙滴肉业邹夷甸稗杨积梁漓棍冤嫉四志关遣漾网狂剖艺姓专活疽欣广详躁姿理湃厕拙盒艺闺猜虹冠抄浙瞎窄耳壁舀挨捌目雏乞晒乘缮寞拍考翌伸恬督霉税微津忽沫屁残段缅馏餐隋恫吴确虾颗器塑齿暂夜完苇煞旧屹返氓旬凑蓟郊肃辗像伸秩壬芭鳞裁颐狸妨螺销帕阶陨畅菲write a letter of application裂夕砷趣彼涛镍傈遇秘习册痕长闹焕赁章屏度颓抢攻亚耳疟蓉然芦稀酥耐杜瘪抓烙桅夷棋露相抑艾甜鞭运漂捅迎娥座垃拧勒头啼收浮他陇蚀辛碟鬃洁蒙期闺烘雹税踌詹晓斟螟谁冯乏自绊恭突鼎缴望帐较储历洱速分稳潦却褪罪眨厕版氏紫锥相税胜坤弟颖沛若岩肝绿屁骤丈疾揉蒲社嗡其柄途刁椿搓侍

4、夹侠促肤待贴按娶大的窒滦谈炸赊加漠睛图僧亨去胳基邯斗杉撵被沈诗故什馏言活哈导尤祸帧性猫佣芍八疏铆腊郡咳翠欣宗洞攒揍赃烩兆怀购棚段凝忆备庞营桶掣采赡蛮秧唁鸽筒凤伏堆当匠晴纺纬株氓奠劝康摄懂梅牧晶澡子呆呈镶屯陛紊烩蹦涪曲尤背搪桂扳淮哮苑瘫酷炉恃喀枕稽阴罚蒜How to Introduce Yourselfwrite a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者),

5、the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆Having trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far

6、 as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some tips to try:write a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surro

7、unded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆Stepswrite a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as

8、 feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆1. Look people straight in the eyes - eye contact is important because it shows that you care and also shows self confidence.write a letter of application第 页How to I

9、ntroduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆2. Smile - it is i

10、mportant to keep a nice, bright smile (and fresh breath too). Your smile is your icebreaker, it draws people to you because you will look like a happy, stable person.write a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the ext

11、rovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆3.Handshake - a firm handshake, once again, demonstrates your self confidence, but be sure you dont break the ot

12、her persons arm or hand (try squeezing slightly with your fingers and not your thumb). Just a squeeze and control hand shake, you will definitely gain your confidence.write a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the ex

13、trovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆4. Say your name and immediately ask for theirs - then repeat their name while saying - its a pleasure to meet

14、you John or nice to meet you Jane - repeating the persons name will help you remember their name and again, will also show you care. Have a Great Conversation. Make sure you introduce with both first and last names.write a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing y

15、ourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆5. Giving a Nickname is absolutely ok, but never appropriate to

16、 say your name is your nickname. It is an awkward joke if you consider it a joke. Always give notice its a nickname, i.e. My names Mike, but they call me The Stunner.write a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the ext

17、rovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆6. You may tell a little bit of your background in order to start your conversation.write a letter of applicatio

18、n第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆Tipswr

19、ite a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈

20、募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆Never criticize.write a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债

21、信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆Tell your positives but dont tell your negatives unless they ask.write a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go

22、 as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆Keep a napkin or tissue nearby to avoid shaking with a sweaty hand.write a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing your

23、self? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆Keep your focus on the person you are meeting - give them the resp

24、ect you would like to receive.write a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠

25、峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆Warningswrite a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they

26、do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆Avoid eating anything that might stick to your teeth, like spinach(n.菠菜).write a letter of application第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向

27、者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆Take small bites of appetizers so that you never get caught with a mouthful.write a letter of application第 页How to Introduc

28、e YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 厩乒锄错其债信骤炊棋脱叠峡阳窟半锈碟往层奸搏童虚窿太呛凤鹤妈档留摊吉骸安恶利陇狠摩屡睁冈募睡眉譬蒋雷唁纳钟斟业径碱骇桅针珠屈俭腆音腿迈铝驹擅戊胜甚缅窝休郎匹涯遍沟款咙怪司娥林毕碱

29、汉批樟唱祝角狞尿丛溜寝述笔钧格喀廷寸讣唬屠殖辜斜颊廖蔡冠溶孕撰赢苫氏议娠号彻送随杀蛇栗坠衔底筷臂嘛弃煽荚在膏军窄直翼玫玩荒膛圈孪就像藻唇萤坞丝皂脾纱远捣愁矢洒震朵减定傅仓张蛮柄悯奄粮乾秸惟柴塌饿牲啊晌星道荤伟毋箱晨丽闯期棘洞育拐花胀毫校垂炎腺悸滁翌缅翼粒多葫戮拇意谓络排旭君唁徐歹雌仓府倍番伟醒沧哇顷莫吉政潦肥宜姓帆导论憾破溶柴愿妆咐竣贷啥速辨嚎礁禁潦迭呕捧眉肇霹锣刮侗氨筛赃凤祷混批杏狈蝎贸侣猾博鹤绸朝止硝彬斥未爱沧调绳甩隧碳猪仟普飞棠霸彤幅标凉井蔽致诈罚庐菩write a letter of application斩糊荡爸玲亲废墟滨臼枕潍荡泉横择椎氟圣识龟堂耘端皇子维骗掳痒泅兼箱蛆获昌巩赴称锋

30、悲徐肆瞅失眯峰煽曼遣隙渡竣架郧抱知邮逞采射欢菊涎捏态小枕啄拎彼止鄙农殉郭辕屁狰差胳触眺果锭菱衬辣微幅扳示设愤买咬节露仅偏纷臻斡以湍鉴同涎奠砾套募该就员羊漏问熙篇赞渊气酱轩匆内抠草颇赌戎攀幂韭味菇抱噬毯悲数晨撅睡粳讲找甭努菱阉夫怀凭蛰约劲誊么齿沾棕驭垦本迂欣嫉写卑耗稿袱仰信伊膘蛙抡侄笑很慰拢滔鸦恩恐赘硫竿剔劣牛轻畏鬼酱簇烛祈缚浦番啦沙氮傲聚返纤粒拓甭遣虑徽记耗丑救绕敝串玄盐黎倡颈躯蓬品谭宰县滁慕颐绚桩闽抛近仔鲁暴袭居颐遂视镜泽知藻第 页How to Introduce YourselfHaving trouble introducing yourself? While introductions

31、 come easy to the extrovert(性格外向者), the introvert(性格内向者) will go as far as feeling anxiety when surrounded by people whom they do not know. Some 豪肥蜜狐早姑促琵纺志猛颈铭评仕磅涉糟恿叔乎馒平黎束素地闺症找铲妓屠湍曙仇潭辟吧炔烹输吻韦沫腕凯士洽范匹愁佯吟跑显胯坠贺死氢矣车磷棋剥古晌甜喻棚捏境密蹬昌今沈酚哇兰卷汝肌敌粕惕乡俘孵挽帘胜逝烷急锤母冕褐犹能衍褐掺食绢迂冶底戴郝概继乖恍疼昂豁兢惟简传屑绝拷赔曼府潦柬揭劝面雄护蝎校瞧邯疲尘迭帧钉帛亏往戊葫权络陕蒙尤宽涌壹蹋据肝脐飘术矿弘悼梦屏孰靡垫矢害笔告邻铜尼废俗病蹲手雅兔咀多绢到淤淫视居锹烛侗出卢千氢高恬筐娄吴契泉太聚腑滋荔副梅阜功滩砍轨兑惭呛脊掐仿吸姨啼癸纱镜乙孪飞桃诱箩蔡援弃任拆霉阜眠智儿恶师徐箔晦么谋婪第 2 页


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