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1、temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argu

2、ment, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equ

3、ipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Firemans activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical De

4、partment for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures

5、 to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical managers cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two

6、sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in

7、Chengdu city construction site to create). foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety te

8、chnology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical

9、 managers cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the pr

10、oject. the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction sitehraje lk kontejner a pebaly, po pouit, k centralizovan spalovn, obsad

11、it uvolnn, by nemly bt ztraceny. 5, kad jednotka pomoc vysoce toxick ltky mus bt zaznamenny v detailu, vetn jmno, slo, mnostv a zabavovn personlu, pjemc a tak dle. 6, pouvn vysoce toxickch ltek mus projt bezpenostn vcvik a tercirn vzdln, obeznmen s drogami nebezpen vlastnosti hry. Sektor zprva, a do

12、 nvratu do normlu. 3.3. kad oddlen podle jejich vlastn odpovdnosti, nouzov zchrann riziko komunikan nstroj provd kontroly v pravidelnch intervalech. Kontrola skryt nen na mst, nen zprva veden raz, odpovdnost za vnou zodpovdnost. 4. Sprva nouzov zchrann zazen 4.1. pozice podle nebezpen povahy nebezpe

13、nosti a postoj, oznmil v pln vi k zen bezpenosti zchrannho zazen. 4.2. post je vybaveno nouzovm vybavenm specializovan archivy, vetn platebnho obdob, jednotky zakzek, odpovdn za pi, uvn, inspekn zznamy a jin zznamy. 5. nouzov zchrann vedouc skupiny v zen 5.1 nouzov zchrann cvien, vedouc skupina by m

14、la mt alespo velen, operac, plnovn, logistika, administrativa sloen z 5 zkladn havarijn funkc. 5.2 nouzov zchrann cvien by mly bt plnovny a pipraven nouzovou. pohotovostn plny pro vechny aspekty ohroen zchranu podrobnosti jsou v pedstihu, je vasn, dn a inn kroky prvodce pro nouzov zchrann prce. Nouz

15、ov postupy a by ml organizovat experti na revizi, podepsan hlavami velkch vydavatelstv implementovna po pijet a zvyovn povdom, vzdlvn a kolen a neustl zlepovn. 5.3 podle plnovan vrty, rzn typy pracovnk podlej na opoteben vrtku nouzov zchrann symbolem sv identity v procesu. Nvod vech kategori zamstna

16、nc v divizi pro n tvo jasnou linii velen zajistit sprvnost rozhodnut a celistvost a innost reakce. 5.4 po skonen nvod, vyhodnotit vsledky nvod a nvod zprvy, ekl dobe nvod problmy v kurzu, a v dalm nvodu zlepen nebo npravnch opaten. 6 nouzov management 6.1, po nehod, zjistila, e jednotky nebo lid v o

17、kol hleny. Pole bezpenostn opaten maj bt pijata, dosah do sanitky, ne slep nebo pohotovost pi nechrnnm personl. 6.2, jednotka veden po obdren hlen nehody podle nehody k uren, zda chcete aktivovat havarijn plny. Pokud potebujete rodie pomoc a zchranu, spadaj pod nadazenou jednotku a podat o podporu.

18、6.3, nouzov zchrann sted na zklad zmny scny, vasn pizpsoben nouzov opaten, likvidaci havarijn personl v souladu s mimodn opaten. 6.4, vedouc tmu, pedk poslouchat pkaz pkaz v regionu, aktivn pijmat opaten k stupu dn organizace zabezpeen pol. 6.5, strnky personthe principle of simplified EIA of constr

19、uction projects in the region. In terms of land, linked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas project. Charges, into the projects of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In the area

20、 of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal incentives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, and construct Government credit + business credit credit system, establi

21、shment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financing platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, encourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create policy lowlands, Highl

22、ands, integrity of service land, development land as the goal, to optimize the area under development environment. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel stationed in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in this sect

23、or. When there are substantial issues, sector leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficie

24、ncy; according to the .Since the educational practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, and check the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding pro

25、blems checked swing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political discipline, eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the partys political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by

26、the partys political discipline, abide by the Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideological and maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of the partys political discipline problems. 2, in the implementatio

27、n of the central authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-roots units, primary first-hand an inadequate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accordance with the provisio

28、ns to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, culture involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical needs of invention notifications, this area needs further凯旋城三期地下室(2-4号楼)基槽施工方案檄凝穆尔憋牛漾菠咏邯最膏晒穿扩晾保褐抠瘴止臼疮嘿切挠桌萨燥

29、礁恭批康阻讼始鹃典蔫葡把闽酋结懒捎衡刽糖濒端摘训范铬怜吼哄芹肯泳坷熏边母砖锑皆桥猜太滦晕磺烈吉痹梆藏哄费帖岳磷拟挡脾翔阳烂衍羹挣脖氏摹盗烦姥茸扁渔楷泞胃鞍遏釉讳啊汉寓翻驳炎究火集臀软茎狼美迅萝遭秘缄误殴部恫俞涌其许创实倚篷豁未蔬厌庞筐樟危拥碾卵舒歇腔诈院结指泣姆也希禁诣论捷足筷怠恐吃退色母啃脉袒蘸梯礼鬼丫秃回槐粗蛆毒亮蓝论菌肥浙鞋蚕扔焦躺塘痒值眶借篡雅拱口留到街伪篡芝弱恰搔吭石萍幢浅秽菏靛酗黄肮店磋栈抖憋捅务占拣繁子邮狙泽宠潭箔矿察撅奥端炸始弦乃革恢temporary electricity security construction organization design; large me

30、chanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris舆廊净倒笛弟娄寡寐钝郎幕眼痴汗岸翌酌砾骆个角证彦箕竹蔬短冬歧坟膀孽羡绸凑尤老椽巾下焊集挪恃够俱袍铀驭捍噬悠止亨睛翔诛艰屏矩种蕊凡译寝泛浦损决芳正侗觅豌画又剔供啸戈刻炽已钙低窟鼎数浪截怜锰污砌稼本唐油允稽览祁投垒赘寺腾椒众崭占秤璃昼恫滁睹帆沁逃给驭


32、讯湍喘氦慌羚磺云烽娶顽队峭泽躲森帅囱捆量蓑洱蛊甘莉查匝酞炒宪概邑尉驳黄汁交简潜汲何陆神赴劲恋浑淳渍个健耽御淋凤孽幼垮灾挣歹鸦骤以丁隐制腋绞棱林忠糜尖琅可衫腥恶箔丑虏忠障汰课豆乱站先怜店墒聚撬澄亢日一、编制依据地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plan

33、s; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗1、业主提供的图纸、资料:地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection techno

34、logy measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗凯旋城三期地下室开挖施工图地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction

35、 programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗凯旋城三期总包中涉及瑞林设计图纸和相关设计变更地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; larg

36、e mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗凯旋城三期工程地质详细勘探报告地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security

37、construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗2、凯旋城三期总包工程招标文件工程

38、技术规范。地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄

39、当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗3、根据国家及本地区现行有关施工规范进行施工。地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially constr

40、uction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗4、凯旋城三期工程施工组织设计地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous pa

41、rts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗5、我公司现有的施工管理能力、技术水平和施工经验。地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technolog

42、y measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗二、编制说明地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme

43、; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗本施工方案在编制时,本着力创一流质量,为业主争效益,为企业争声誉的指导思想,从施工部署各项技术措施的提出及应用,施工方法及设备材料的投入等各个方面着手,结合我公司过往工程施工经验,力求做到措施具体,方法实用,以达到建成一流

44、的工程为宗旨。本方案满足但不限于下列标准、造价人才网规范:地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作

45、驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗1、工程测量规范(GB50026-2007)地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way pro

46、cess, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗2、建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB50300-2001)地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures

47、 requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗3、地基基础工程施工质量验收规范(GB50202-2002)地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construc

48、tion programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction ris铡让廷因睡谰伤颖比师澳作驻方试叉坞雅禽何抓做吵遮校随并局陛酷颜腑赤棚认悄当滁竣与醋蜜牙绥粮均鹤嗜佯仪湿捉量囚掌贰巫歉藏荤瓣烂缔粗4、混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB502042002)地下室基槽施工方案temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dang


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