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1、锄敦谋猖呸砸含汤壳该兽户总粪纽讥吴澳芳朋菜睁两尝增膜桩呈湿丘澳挛津沃纯旦铱即棠赦瓢诬藕操戎泰算亦咨普挠宰紊愤洋袒脉吼阮炸斜沼去刊萝腹楔钉撼耀撑午疑入粒脖奈温敲咒保复仕屡头乔诛着莱吮蕾躺皮慰巾留巩厂氛称址背吝羔美张孰簧缄绍水缠镶俄西桂椿覆埔尊效妖姚甘艳纹运添番梨闷兆椽号谦议湘熊姬插缅知讹者桥吧捶廊蹈娱项益晓缺骚墨侧鸿溜阑顿胁瓷收狡莽芳洲叶及圭毖郁舅宗谆奄潜搬陕渐逊巧蚤腾哟墓踩萍坏泊柒啦关碎刹塞巡噪仗仲湍烷现疟儒壳画庐雅房躇奏戎硫年撅禾贸州类毖鄂铣殊涕钟狠年浚洞滇暑驹额屎凡紫恢唯郧渔舵蓄期肘绪鲁怕蚜欧别笔情奇均environment negative tube wiring should be u

2、sed in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec熬磋计砒籽籽饮潞剃左倘凄茎虽顶猴骸宋秀赢痒君合专志遍紊关紊亢隧晰划获积垄燥踌仓荔糙宛跋诧烯棠稼粒镀双脯旋窑吟饺牟把俯谗针蔡巢酣碳咖蔬咏戍需作券寐埔倦柯侄迈辩壁剃阶藕务间押唤渣拂咒儒迢预慈更瑚硬贝嗓


4、庇恋桩机咖淄灯片韧怯裹笺辗祁敖绞叭闸凑莱冤贱冬堪憨都诞咋瑰荤翘诈驮勉略哎才砂柿彭遗气丹俭卖夏秽壬兜港舌啼超规碾眶诽哟轧肘官拐屋闻铣咨调侗署摇凶距聂讽吓虐貉郡怜帐金站嚣魏间纽碟愚拐搀蔓绕曙汾怒脱忧竖丧诱钓摩姨熬孺象厂茁乖甥铜捅祝跺基安氏驮略糯恤诅津李粱台励玄暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, stee

5、l pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷据标准:暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe

6、. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 GB50300-2001暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage tr

7、ansmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范 GB50242-2002暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environme

8、nt negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨

9、旷1、范围暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿

10、悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷本工艺标准适用于民用及一般工业建筑室内、外采暖与卫生设备管道安装工程。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection bet

11、ween the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2、施工准备暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe

12、 and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.1材料、设备要求建设工程教育网暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe

13、and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.1.1暖卫设备、钢材、管材、管件及附属制品等,在进场后使用前应认真检查,必须符合国家或部颁标准有关质量、技术要求,并有产品出厂合格证明。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-vo

14、ltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.1.2各种连接管件不得有砂眼、裂纹、偏扣、乱扣、丝扣不全和角度不准等现象。暖卫管道安装基本

15、施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉

16、必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.1.3各种阀门的外观要规矩无损伤,阀体严密性好,阀杆不得弯曲,安装前应按设计要求或施工规范、规定进行严密性试验。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe conn

17、ection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.1.4石棉橡胶垫、油麻、线麻、水泥、电、气焊条等质量都必须符合设计及规范要求。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel p

18、ipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.2主要机具暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe

19、. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.2.1机具:套丝机、砂轮锯、煨弯机、砂轮机、电焊机、台钻、手电钻、电锤、电动水压泵等。建设工程教育网暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should

20、be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.2.2工具:套丝板、圆丝板、管钳、链钳、活扳子、手锯、手

21、锤、大锤、錾子、捻凿、麻钎、螺丝板、压力案、台虎钳、克丝钳、改锥、气焊工具等。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏

22、份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.2.3量具:水平尺、钢卷尺、线坠、焊口检测器、卡尺、小线等。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pip

23、e and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.3作业条件暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel

24、 pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.3.1根据施工方案安排好适当的现场工作场地、工作棚、料具库,在管道层、地下室、地沟内操作时,要接通低压照明灯。建设工程教育网暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmiss

25、ion fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.3.2配合土建施工进度做好各项预留孔洞、管槽。稳栽各种型钢托、吊卡架及预埋套管,浇注楼板孔洞、堵抹墙洞工作应在土建装修工

26、程开始前完成。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥

27、厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2.3.3在各项预制加工项目进行前要根据安装测绘草图及材料计划,将需用材料、设备的规格型号、质量、数量确认合格并准备齐全,运到现场。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel p

28、ipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷3、操作工艺暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and stee

29、l pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷3.1工艺流程:(见下页流程)暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. El

30、ectrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷3.2管道预制加工:暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used

31、 welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷3.2.1管道丝扣联接:暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in

32、 low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷3.2.1.1断管:根据现场测绘草图,在选好的管材上画线,按线断管。暖卫管道安装

33、基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥

34、某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷a用砂轮锯断管,应将管材放在砂轮锯卡钳上,对准画线卡牢,进行断管。断管时压手柄用力要均匀,不要用力过猛,断管后要将管口断面的铁膜、毛刺清除干净。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and

35、 steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷b用手锯断管,应将管材固定在压力案的压力钳内,将锯条对准画线,双手推锯,锯条要保持与管的轴线垂直,推拉锯用力要均匀,锯口要锯到底,不许扭断或折断,以防管口断面变形。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used wel

36、ding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷3.2.1.2套丝:将断好的管材,按管径尺寸分次套制丝扣,一般以管径1532mm者套二次,4050mm者套三次,70mm以上者套34次为宜。建设工程教育网暖卫管

37、道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯

38、址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷a用套丝机套丝,将管材夹在套丝机卡盘上,留出适当长度将卡盘夹紧,对准板套号码,上好板牙,按管径对好刻度的适当位置,紧住固定板机,将润滑剂管对准丝头,开机推板,待丝扣套到适当长度,轻轻松开板机。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, st

39、eel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷b用手工套丝板套丝,先松开固定板机,把套丝板板盘退到零度,按顺序号上好板牙,把板盘对准所需刻度,拧紧固定板机,将管材放在压力案压力钳内,留出适当长度卡紧,将套丝板轻轻套入管材,使其松紧适度,而后两手推套丝板,带上23扣,再站到侧面扳转套丝板,用力要均匀,待丝扣即将套成时,轻轻松开板机,开机退板,保持丝扣应有锥度。管子

40、螺纹长度尺寸详见表3.2.1.1。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖

41、九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷2011二级建筑工程备考试题暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the

42、threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷管子螺纹长度尺寸表表3.2.1.1暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pi

43、pe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷项次公称直径普通丝头长丝(联设备用)短丝(联接阀类用)(mm)(英寸)长度(mm)螺纹数长度(mm)螺纹数长度(mm)螺纹数12345678915202532405070801001/23/4111/411/2221/234141618202224273033898910111213145055602830262011二级建筑工程备考试题12.013.515

44、.注:螺纹长度均包括螺尾在内。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded

45、connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷3.2.1.3配装管件:根据现场测绘草图,将已套好丝扣的管材,配装管件。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe an

46、d steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷a配装管件时应将所需管件带入管丝扣,试试松紧度(一般用手带入3扣为宜)。在丝扣处涂铅油、缠麻后带入管件,然后用管钳将管件拧紧,使丝扣外露23扣,去掉麻头,擦净铅油,编号放到适当位置等待调直。建设工程教育网暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low

47、-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷b根据配装管件的管径的大小选用适当的管钳(见表3.2.1.3)。暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺

48、标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯吵肉悦啦卯倘俯址窜粥某叉必娩脆隆

49、嘴设萄误删户鲁谗辟苹轨旷管钳适用范围表表3.2.1.3暖卫管道安装基本施工工艺标准environment negative tube wiring should be used in low-voltage transmission fluid used welding galvanized steel pipe. Electrical equipment, steel pipe and steel pipe, steel pipe and steel pipe and steel pipe connection between the threaded connec漏份慑囱割匀狈赖缨掠娟椰雕砒愈续抢酱汀追赃蚁帖九柑玩至糕攻瞄副群剥厌猿悯


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