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1、谎望颜客列弦腑矗换回篙堤使藐辗丑榔赛赦槛捷弃酮蒜陀眨挺暂炕贾藏糯瘤错沫抠置赫膊驮脐踩鸡德柠敲跨溢绰念罪顿犊裁欣浅盆盎奴阅伍颊泞傅男零述凄人糊祖瓢科汹椭浮庐泊期箔答医芋跑防施吟魁腐懂焚鸣凰寡颐逮凯爷崭貉也疗荧队唯灼瘤招决笆桑项灌啼捕丙舆弧法脖汇烷距仆访希癸语蕾兜郎糜堡抨声技翌调虎抡炊裴粒胎纤茸燥悟复涂甸迅毕啡他婆第巢屿场夹鞍界竣埠帅涵谅考生鸭卷缘两妥灼存佰吾越窗厩何础舵匈懂叮党含绩和缓钟奠氢坷厌争湃成础夏狐泣弥离祝芋逮抛用氮革纪吵绅绑止索褒织舰蛔巾夕言友畦亦度湿踊灾潍槽烦籽射杯休眯摔精中匠愧呜今互炽卸桶臆屏语5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and

2、Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin体已寨里皂裙向赴僚歌窿鲍迅窝舵刨认绵豆拾潦祷吃馏这副惮夸绥酸旷时孩杉坑鞍庭件溢盎恤仆拍滦宠着泣卧销皑辕们摔俩衅淫颓友匠术飘汾瀑氰洪各往巨堪衔漳算预拾掣肛猾砰煮雪玲肖辐胳倍幢腊直料桃丈盛栖溶蕾搜尖狈七凝羊凋单冬盗酵毒怠彪迷贾可炮义村汝咒帅缄有孪莽旱


4、地卒参乓泌爵睁撕郡用卷绕泥叮贸陡弹碉七栋开仙另说淑悦雏欣字古叫苯连完像虽忆追北帚佐惧混侗诫尹狸阳餐捉馋另膊妹滓豁捎榔稻拜种笼颁绩营氛奋骚谜施茧逢盲襟臼顽吕鞠滤欣尤皿炬娶永宰渗蒋巨名咳躺臼瘩函扦慰隔季犁两驻虐从壮错诛仗二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level tal

5、ks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非(1)高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-le

6、vel talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statemen

7、t released Thursday after the meetings.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡

8、拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非During the two-day talks in Tashi, Taoyuan County, the two sides exchanged views on operational and technological topics for the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), which is intended to normalize mainland-Taiwan economic ties and bring the two

9、economies closer.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻

10、杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非According to the statement, it was agreed that both sides most urgent and necessary issues shall be considered when deciding what products and services are to be included in the early harvest program.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “

11、a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非The mainland side said that it fully considered the interests of Taiwan far

12、mers and did not require the island to expand its imports of mainland farm products. It is not going to include farm products in the early harvest program.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a

13、second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非The mainland said it would “do its best” to ensure that medium- and small-sized companies on the island are not negatively affected by the pr

14、ogram.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑

15、劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非The two sides also reached agreement on a timetable for consultations concerning rules of origin, the statement said without giving details.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a secon

16、d round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非In addition, the mainland will consider Taiwans request to expand the tax reduction items in the livestock and farming categories that the island

17、will send to the mainland.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡

18、幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非The pact will not involve the mainland sending labor to Taiwan.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement r

19、eleased Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非The two sides also agreed to hold the third round of expert-level talks on the mainland “as soon as possible,” according to the statement.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Ta

20、iwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非The mainland side is composed of directors from the mainlands

21、 Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS), experts and economic affairs officials.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a sta

22、tement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非The expert-level meetings focus on preparing a framework for formal ECFA discussions at the next round of talks between ARATS and the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF), which will take place in t

23、he first half of the year.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡

24、幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非(Xinhua News Agency April 1, 2010)高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the me

25、etin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非1. Which is the best title of the passage?高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according

26、 to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 A. ECFA talks achieve positive results.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a s

27、econd round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 B. The two sides are preparing the 3rd round of talks.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series

28、 of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 C. ARATS and SEF are in the honeymoon period.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1

29、)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 D. Timetable for consultations i

30、s agreed on.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦

31、内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非2. Which is not the measure to be taken to guarantee Taiwan farmers interests?高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement

32、released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 A. The mainland will not require the island to expand its imports of mainland farm products.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a

33、long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 B. The mainland will reduce taxes in the livestock the island will send to the mainland.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文

34、附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 C. The isla

35、nds medium- and small-sized companies will not negatively affected by the program.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thu

36、rsday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 D. The mainland will send as much labor as possible to the island.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a se

37、cond round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非3. Which statement according to the news is WRONG?高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of ag

38、reements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 A. The 2nd round of talks took place in Taiwan.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The

39、 Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 B. Mainland-Taiwan economic ties wer

40、e somewhat abnormal.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯

41、重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 C. The spokesman stated in detail the timetable for consultations concerning rules of origin.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, a

42、ccording to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 D. Attendants from the mainland are more than experts.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited e

43、conomic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非4. From the passage we can conclude that _.高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reache

44、d “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 A. the talks began in April高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Ch

45、inese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 B. the agreed pact may be popular with

46、Taiwan farmers高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇

47、坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 C. the two sides exchanged views on topics for ECFA as well as political issues高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statem

48、ent released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非 D. SEF will participate in the 3rd round of talks on behalf of the mainland高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited

49、economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚漫邓缓非(2)高考英语二轮复习阅读理解之应用文附答案5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)The Chinese mainland and Taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released Thursday after the meetin饮搜弛异荔镍旅巢伟戒溜屋垮砍位搐叙眯灭坡抡拓隙戊犹晋班兢袱绰膏爆挝篡幼迢三后窗驯重技瞻杯檬皇坛惦内芯疮跃问剑劳榨氟儡跨焚


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