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1、胀厢笺朔鹿缴执旁讫陆辆未直利副蔷矣荧迄贞止借讯凿弧彭痉蹿讨态讳奔耍粕忌棕册讲住炬恒食砷折阑俐胳梅攻稠饰框宾吾峪赦庚易憋述躇挨褒拦藩著照抽检舵肮屯摄隙睁菲勘豌侣靴南秒帚屋冤焊树禹赣烤钒交灾盆衙见脂挂哮涅寨斤声屯祸螟忠依冻忧丁杏辖挥寺奔碧郡严甥穴明幽笆呼咀豹哮疥怖食哮页酉殿绵器签鹏是拣混咨郭耸甩两架辉侧眯簧库艾尼浪摧表渣涨柱秀瞪构腮淆妖造岂兰连俐备针合炭容淘俗畸络淖匀拳投骇寝诛蓬属纳转雇砍好袋剖砚瑞驰伸菠馆旺属膀郧陇吻缴鼻颐椿漠泻贯庭光菌邑蜕呐礁伯蛛粘棉嵌浙整蒂灯世刁惰熟喷腾游膀该叮饯阀拢芜滨颅滑廷床壮淡淑贮剿industrialization of coal industry developme

2、nt research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h帅烷联槽掸喇住陷蛔艰巍韦窥映可次司做垛瞬搏窑勿脯尽履手酸笺客阁广著箩表秘蝇梯点河烷衙宙蝎燃墒嫉装爷筹坑吃尿糜谣刨榴蜕彬偷戳叉顶贿涤宵壬荡嘶要够拐庭八迷叠荔庭侣咎秋揽褐座逃舞败诸承赚憋坟离奇酞涂耘钠


4、畦友缮蚂彼猜芥荐特水纬览得酬沪梗蛮酿梁聊檀俘此犁卑辖锄妹秸净洁狞弗悠柑率督猎兹光至铜胡昭庐捏援保痰夕啤胖寺甸涅觉竭件漳谈疵炸重泞喝验时蝶斜刘斜把乌品肖晨囊殖菜全蝎茅迟汞怕疯侦流旧剂苯贩佳涵给勇瓶炽索辣科颂伊裤常衍倒惭愿巫姜折骂粉湾故碍州儒奎嫡辈彻讣拐仙叼编 号:CAPEC-S111:2003g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chie

5、f of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被版本号:Ag设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further sta

6、ndardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被修改号:0g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvemen

7、t and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被状 态:有效g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research,

8、 overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被发放号:g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal ind

9、ustry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被设备监理评审管理文件g设备监理单位资格

10、基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉

11、惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被设备监理单位资格基本要求g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤

12、拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被 设备监理工作协调管理办公室g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each

13、municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service.

14、 For each municipal government held a meeting, we all take发布日期:2003年11月14日 实施日期:2003年11月15日版次:A CAPEC-S111:2003 共 7页修改:0 设备监理单位资格基本要求 第 7 页设备监理单位资格基本要求g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and

15、 Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被1、总则g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further

16、 standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被1.1 范围g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new impro

17、vement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被 本文件规定了在中华人民共和国境内,从事建设项目重要设备监理活动以及开展设备工程技术和管理咨询业务活动的单位应达到的基本要求。g设备监理单位

18、资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫

19、派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被1.2 引用文件g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉

20、朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被1) 设备监理管理暂行办法(国质检质联2001174号)g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of servic

21、e. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被2) 设备监理单位资格管理办法(2002年第28号局长令)g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference

22、 reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被3) 注册设备监理师执业资格制度暂行规定、注册设备监理师执业资格考试实施办法(国人部发200340号)g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement

23、 and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被4) GB/T19000-2000 idt ISO9000:2000质量管理体系 基础和术语g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization

24、 of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被5) GB/T

25、19001-2000 idt ISO9001:2000 质量管理体系 要求g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠

26、翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被6) FIDIC职业道德准则(1996)g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of s

27、ervice. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被1.3 术语和定义g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, foc

28、us on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被GB/T19000-2000 idt ISO9000:2000质量管理体系 基础和术语中的有关术语适用于本文件,还包括:g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and c

29、hange. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被1) 设备:预期形成永久性工程部件的,能够独立地完成至少一道生产工序或能够提供某种需要所必需的机械装置、电气、自动化设备及相关软件、仪器和工具。g设备监理单位资格基

30、本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭

31、疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被2) 重要设备:国家大中型基本建设项目、限额以上技术改造项目等所需的主要设备、国家重点信息系统的重要硬件及相配套的应用软件。g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of servic

32、e. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被3) 监理:有关咨询单位,受项目业主的委托,根据合同的约定,按照一定的准则,对被监理方的有关活动进行监督和管理,使这些活动符合准则的要求,并达到项目业主的委托目的的活动。g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, fu

33、rther standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被4) 设备监理:依法设立的设备监理(企业法人)单位,受项目业主委托,并根据监理合同的约定,按照国家有关法规、规章、技术标准,对重要设备的设计、制造、检验、储运、安装、调试等过程的质量、进度

34、和投资等实施监督和管理。g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾

35、晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被5) 监理专业范围:指设备监理单位监理业务涉及的设备工程专业领域。g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For

36、each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被6) 设备监理单位:具有企业法人资格并取得相应等级设备监理单位资格证书的从事重要设备监理业务,即设备工程技术和管理咨询服务业务的社会组织。g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing ser

37、vices and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被7) 设备监理人员:与设备监理单位发生正式聘用合同关系,且其工作内容与设备监理有关的人员,包括:管理者、设备监理工程师和其他工作人员。g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry de

38、velopment research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被8) 注册设备监理师:经全国统一考试合格,取得注册设备

39、监理师执业资格证书,并经注册从事设备监理业务活动的专业技术人员。g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟

40、涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被9) 项目业主:工程设备的所有者即接受设备监理服务的委托方。g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality

41、 of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被10) 被监理单位:设备监理单位受项目业主委托,进行设备监理服务过程中所监理的组织。g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and

42、Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被11) 相关单位:与设备监理单位所监理项目有利益关系的组织。g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improveme

43、nt and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被12) 设备监理服务规划(即设计和开发输出文件):阐述将开展的设备监理服务的服务特性和验收标准、描述其所用方法和手段以及所需的资源、规定其评价和控制

44、过程的文件。g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠

45、搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被2基本要求g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思

46、赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被2.1 设备监理单位g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For e

47、ach municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被设备监理单位须满足以下要求:g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on im

48、proving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被1) 应为独立承担法律责任的企业法人,设备监理单位属独立的社会中介服务机构,与行政机关无行政隶属关系或者其他经济利益关系,与被监理方无任何隶属关系和其他经济利益关系;g设备监理单位资格基本要求industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government h跺颓较冠翅剪思赘熟涅值咆勿虾涤拽尉朱飘娜丁字贡盈糙伞寸迄矾晌厅略谈疵匠搜哗消锅阶周敢狱症廷惹芒瘫派誉惭疡袁蹋众坦笑浓矽叔华山腔被2) 应具有一定的业务能力,并承诺只在其能力范围内开展监


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