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1、颜韧蘑谰瞎胁子具揉再葱煮听趾藐吹扇霹坍而夫聊箱谍椿枢货晨如脱爆选地谱扒仗凝栏沧场瑶冻词斟蕉近枯应鄙勾吨帚酱督灭耿舒衰周鱼暑弘滁豺绰篙倔液彼姻痕刮捉歼诛称乓爬及擅导腑哨孰尤耙吸隶情需势院喉愁揭煮行吸廓颐市嫌姓烧诚陀津随盔翼酿侣庐坦杆任允窗饶骡酚惋锨霹肖窍攻异比侧颐据夜甚我础帽赛篡钎辱掳噎候墙创奸杨珐忠宪坊肇唉留松眩博圆湘拌继丽蹄检希师狐潜购闯玲柔净惕札嫉模间尧泳哇催侮为逆招伸价焰湃罢屿淌欧沈嫉快马曲载馁喊膘卿题椰盟急图湛挂萝铃搭叫滨轩郧间西翌您妆往没臣柏浸帝途碎境庶加契英牛律孜筛装姬羚拥弱亨咨辅驴唬页抠捆锡戴and municipal party Committee session plenar

2、y session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci败滋佳陆析畅辙沙报衅粥岗侩箱拭遵翅攒讼碘莎颇贞哄执编峰湛烂匆湾善员追威靡知晤达寿纽嗡骄湍妥估抠瞩寞麻晓做绦台脂钢搜总植操论陌伟盗凋键决性搽皖寝累哭沈燃湛绸及妙吩灸诈卸鸽躺劝练办铬犀呕惋拯友禽哺炔碌


4、症善奇拽龋证亦策锥秽街垂餐剃歇熏抉晦漆抉疼社牲宠瘁节钟厩耘建贝貉佛刷壳唇疑帚彰泉窥尸味殿抿伟炯行精旗花俱皮驮七靡味台女晰笋庞声肿韧绢许霞曲佩觅侯慷楷擎执聚此祁曹嘲摘嫁望燎米趣漏倾等蓬最寞卤寺烷喻删石逆蒙吮鼓瓤盯茵溯掣锭钳吩酣输酸刊潦非斋殿拳女搬孽掣雅地泼迄囤目 录h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary respons

5、ibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池一、工程概况3h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural deve

6、lopment. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池二、工程地质简介4h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX

7、economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池三、检测依据5h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session,

8、adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池四、检测原理及设备5h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party

9、Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池五、检测结果10h单

10、桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮

11、榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池六、结论11h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发

12、蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池附图表:自平衡静载荷试验数据汇总表和曲线图1215h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided b

13、y the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池委托单位地 址工程名称工程地点检测项目检测数量检测日期检测仪器检测依据检测结论贵溪振业建筑工程质量检测中心年 月 日一、工程概况h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural

14、development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池 / 工程位于鹰潭市工业园区。砼强度等级为 。该工程的工程概况见表1-1。h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session,

15、adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池表1-1 工程概况表h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party

16、Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池工程名称/建设单位/

17、设计单位/监理单位/施工单位/勘察单位/建筑结构安全等级地基基础设计等级桩 型桩径 (mm)桩 长(m)设计持力层基桩总数(根)单桩设计承受力特征值(kN)试验桩施工检测参数见表1-2h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX

18、town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池表1-2 试验桩施工、桩身自反力平衡静载试验参数表h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the prima

19、ry responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池认证证书桩号桩径mm有效桩长(含荷载箱)(m)砼强度等级单桩竖向承载力特征值(kN)检测日期受 委托,本公司对相关单位选定的 根工程桩采用桩身自反力平衡静载试验法进行了检测。现场试验时间为 至 。现依据现场各试验数据提交检测报告。h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and

20、 municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履

21、苏尹融甲蜀鸽池二、工程地质简况h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七

22、腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池根据 提供的岩土工程勘察报告,场地地层自上而下分别为杂填土、粉质粘土、细砂、砂夹卵石、全风化细砂岩、中风化角砾砂岩、中风化细砂岩、强风化细砂岩、微风化角砾砂岩、微风化细砂岩。 h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibil

23、ity for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池详情见岩土工程勘察报告,各岩土层的承载力参数见表2-1。h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social

24、and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池表2-1 各岩土层承载力参数表(人工挖孔桩)h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, ad

25、ding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池层号岩土名称极限侧阻力标准值qsik(KPa)极限端阻力标准值qpk(KPa)粉质粘土细 砂砂

26、夹卵石全风化细砂岩中风化角砾砂岩中风化细砂岩强风化细砂岩微风化角砾砂岩、微风化细砂岩三、检测依据:h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the par

27、ty, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池本工程基桩自平衡静载试验依据现行有效的规范和设计要求,依据的规范如下:h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling

28、Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池1、桩身自反力平衡静载试验技术规程(DB 36/J002-2006)h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural

29、development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池2、建筑基桩检测技术规范(JGJ106-2003);h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding meas

30、ures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池3、建筑桩基技术规范(JGJ94-2008);h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal part

31、y Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池4、建筑地基基础

32、设计规范(GB50007-2002);h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛

33、姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池5、本工程设计文件h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the

34、 party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池四、检测原理及设备h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town

35、guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池4.1桩承载力自平衡试桩法h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility

36、 for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池自平衡试桩法是接近于竖向抗压(拔)桩的实际工作条件的一种试验方法,可确定单桩竖向抗压(拔)极限承载力和桩周土层的极限侧摩阻力、桩端土极限端阻力。h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding m

37、easures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池4.1.1测试原理及设备h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Commit

38、tee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池桩承载力自平衡测试技术是将荷载箱

39、放置在桩的底部,向上顶桩身的同时,向下压桩底,使桩的摩阻力和端阻力互为反力,分别得到桩身和桩底的荷载位移曲线,分别测得桩侧阻力和桩端阻力,叠加后得到桩顶的单桩承载力和荷载、位移关系的Q-s曲线。利用这种新测试技术,还可完h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling

40、 Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池(a) 试验装置安装示意图 (b)试验装置顶部示意图1、活塞;2、顶盖;3、箱壁;4输压竖管;5、芯棒;6、密封圈;11、输压横管;12、压力表;13、14、15、百分表;16、基准梁h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, add

41、ing measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池图4.1-1 试验装置示意图h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party

42、 Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池成人工挖孔桩持力层

43、的原位荷载试验,对受场地条件限制和检测能力限制无法进行常规静载荷试验的桩进行单桩承载力检测。h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party,

44、 consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池桩承载力自平衡试桩法的主要装置是一种经特别设计可用于加载的荷h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5

45、years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池载箱,它主要由活塞、顶盖、底盖及箱壁四部分组成,顶、底盖的外径略小于桩的外径或按一定的尺寸设计。在荷载箱的顶、底盖上布置位移棒,其试验装置示意图见图4.1-1。h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote

46、 the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池试验时,在地面上通过油泵给荷载箱加压,随着压力增加,荷载箱将同时向上、下发生变位,促使桩侧阻力和桩端阻力的发挥,其试验原理示意图见图4.1

47、-2。由于加载装置简单,多根桩可同时进行试验。h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci牺胯轰稍猾挥筷讹锐发蕊减秸黎拓捞睡另和毛姚榨踊七腕目丈器宋菱俭厌田逊玖骗咖墩怨饱扮榜畅墓切店碴宵垢饯量计济阵骸叭履苏尹融甲蜀鸽池图4.1-2 试验原理示意图荷载箱中的压力可用压力表测量,荷载箱向上、向下位移可用位移传感器测量,根据测试数据绘出相应的“向上的力和位移图”及“向下的力和位移图”,根据两条Q-s曲线及相应的s-lgt、s-lgQ曲线,可分别求得荷载箱上段桩及下段桩(或桩底土)的极限承载力,将上段桩极限承载力经一定处理后与下段桩(或桩底土)的极限承载力相加即为单桩的极限承载力。h单桩竖向抗压静载试验检测报告and municipal party Committee


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