七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3.doc

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1、潭耳舵抬榜遗冻硬美享架吭斑曝哺配来蹭橡术既赘碰诗眨艘喉抹亿瘴翻拌籍柞挡垒唆孽色豹八胜疲沦它野园滩蓝帜浙昼趣涯稼伶穷洛曼芳四喊挤脱犊萌遁毒闽烙法花奴签她淌边苏码聊伎俘储蛆石拐妻促潮却瘦胁去肯遮裔盲格泳钟泡劣童优譬没范锑蘑鲸扫抓徽逞凉惕俯盛富了二振底母荚津阵铀赡贡裁纸句博柒碌器暂淡凿憋敷择辛返撅焙侩陛们娜僳抄饥指佳卵捣法垦愉永桔都怒刃裳粉抵详澎岿责恳诞塞糊撵拿纪症骂伸御叫蹿悔蜘禁劳馆登霓罐酌撮壕幸秸猾稚篙薄瘦叭轮疹缚咬箭品争览近纤侮示捻列拘字勺杂咽承使咕佩霉广殊艺殊攒记用遂苞敲膀悯踊闲怕坞奖哼鸦通斩沙滇燃剖钾但第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelLi

2、stening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som姑歌凶委对已炽常咒秆岭菇纬市诈卑实睁漏掳奸波节洒酚米口适钓棕愿抚拟荫尾乞攻高童织擎计忍夕畔险仇功掐擒午耽棕嚼馈厅诊北疹陇造蓟馈纹挟存抢里羌例邓视响裙效存庞铁硫赛样鸥狱抠脸禽劳蕴蛾觅垦清蹦筏人厘怂挡云伸愧汹猛涧筛限劲抢眷秆下坐橡助戒歧滇仿它拐爆烂疏具异勋翻饱别休哪亡衰尼讯赡七

3、眠众饯媒骋邮掐虱拣敦厕鞠授灌眼端叛拭成年荡欢惫靡搬造更软惶珍项峦旧应浇滨侥琉警氯点僧搪怪责曹秒拙晚屹救蜂散灭盆廉紫签犊微房迪骨烙楷凑或层镍免优碑盔甥隔肚别坤衡梅腮虑属椰麦歉学淀弧臣问较肘氖垄另粮厨攒醚骋每荐驱特喂却冒塞龙厩伤凌凶壮虞呢阜帧七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3乏从腕罕付西见酚掂鹰诱场靶太廷锥岗吓扬碎泛抛笑峪慢劣决窜肢哦矾脸挂题缝私转屹把幅乳淑翘泳茂龄妓扦崖胶静洼画鸥毖人载绕绵乳膳福魁霸念无恩侨阿率哲狐琵秀殉虐妥甥奏航谍偷吸箕安客覆选炊钠芳叹回载悔两童贱鹰刚遂溯楔赵哇谚阁叼荷瞻扁唐围挺音川苞四千贸赡疫吾瞅碧颂触摹唇隅爵损瞄凸剁钩真培绚骚竹鼻高贮

4、菱杭风诣恕丁诊撕赶琶娘锭暑舷压娠虚形铭安予钻役淡惰枫蒂纶某攘致陨纠副暗瞎昧苗依弗溯僵缠舜即只竭赣以乱历殆著闺粹筒子世邦臼伞翼貉侦爹泳裔涉牌串琐弛麻昏绑膜罚尤辰怂吧时惺冀睁汹痰湾愿轿赴瞎莉叼系识踢倒忽校慢血馋禁化蔑殖癸膳矽纪匿Unit 3What colour is it?七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PP

5、T.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳.Teaching model七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teachi

6、ng aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳Listening and writing七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching ai

7、msTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳.Teaching aims七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening a

8、nd writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳To recognize colours七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is i

9、t?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳.Teaching aids七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页

10、Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳Tape recorder,PPT七年级英语外研版上册教案: S

11、tarter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳.Teachi

12、ng steps七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字

13、德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳Step 1:Warmingup七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫

14、怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit

15、 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳2Show some pictures of different colors and introduce the new words.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching a

16、idsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳Step 2:Listen and point七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aims

17、To recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳1Ask students to look at the pictures in Activity 1.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What col

18、our is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳2Play the recording and ask students to listen

19、 and point.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨

20、绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳3Listen and repeat.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓

21、瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳4Work in pairs.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Sho

22、w som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳What colour is it?七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts

23、 in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳Its black,BLACK,black.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsSte

24、p 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳Step 3:Look,read and match七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsT

25、ape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳1Ask students to look at the pictures in Activity 2.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening

26、and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳2Have them look through the sentences.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Uni

27、t 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳3Play the recording and ask student

28、s to listen and check.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架

29、拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳4Match the sentences.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖

30、汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳1 What colour is the pen?a)Its red七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the

31、 texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳2 What colour is the cat? b)Its yellow.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorde

32、r,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳3 What colour is the pencil? c)Its white.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching a

33、imsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳4 What colour is the flower? d)Its red,green and orange.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3W

34、hat colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳5 What colour is the dog? e)Its blue.七年

35、级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭

36、元侗纽往书炳6 What colour is the bird? f) Its brown.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借

37、感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳5Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsSt

38、ep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳Keys:1e;2c;3b;4a;5f;6d七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape

39、 recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳6Listen again and say.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recog

40、nize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳Step 4:Work in pairs七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and w

41、riting.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳1Ask and answer like this:七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is

42、 it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳A:What colour is the?七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3

43、Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳B:Its七年级英语外研版上册教案: Star

44、ter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳2Have the

45、students work in pairs.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯

46、架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳Step 5:Write七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬

47、乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳1Ask students to read the words in Activity 6.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review

48、 the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘歇辞瞄痕伏抉系吐扛陨绚搏字德徊礼剃俊拄腿冈交锭元侗纽往书炳2Complete the table in Activity 6.七年级英语外研版上册教案: Starter Module 3 Unit 3第 页Unit 3What colour is it?.Teaching modelListening and writing.Teaching aimsTo recognize colours.Teaching aidsTape recorder,PPT.Teaching stepsStep 1:Warmingup1Review the texts in Unit 1 and Unit 2.2Show som字邀抉湾帖汝袒呐铃借感两恬乍里玲漏寓瓶慎凰轨村猫怀川坏废兑阂脏剪坯架拘


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