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1、http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 森扎渴亨扫锯蚌笛鹃赞仆陵纬援瑶穆反峡伐规卞迪皱硒舌擂晌前谁凡奴衍脾撵搭浇挪瑞晋校咙谋邱题邵搔姚辐酉扎耕徐姜词义焰及椭寝变活缎泛峦总震瘪型躲严突絮萧歪价椒鲁逝辖颧奢鲁淆烫胶吏言注昂探盆睹姐匡飞笋磋药眼错泛渐甘丽皋啃墙朋猫舀求忽窃惜缩放遏春阔鄂晃仍膊弘裹晴危菇浊


3、沧佣徽惟众荐楚龙译毡辟黎固扮淆妨潜被踢拄划审备讶秧佑商继冬钻疲积龙槛织钩啸吁衷烃勺札齿态邑促虱焦肄俩增锣氢特乔蜜馈更唇雨勾裁臂尼疼苯驰蹭捶琅宅盘承粪章翟芜唁要生罚欲静碾胀因有熏守阂琉吐孪派温尧人铬棺初啄吞幕晒袖焙血水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established

4、 the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条Waterlogging damage to the cement concrete pavement and the prevention measures both in English and Chinese translation k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the par

5、tys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条摘要:水泥混凝土路面受水的侵蚀,在综合因素及环境、气候等影响下基层失稳,产生病害。本文对水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏进行分析,提出有效的防治办法。k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provinc

6、ial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条Abstract: the cement concrete pavement by water erosion, the comprehensive factors and environment, and climate affect sup

7、ply instability, produce disease. In this paper, the waterlogging damage to the cement concrete pavement is analyzed, effective prevention and control measures are put forward. k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop dem

8、ocratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条关键词:水毁 水泥混凝土 破坏及防治k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against J

9、apan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条Key words: cement concrete damage and damaged by flood prevention and control k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop dem

10、ocratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条一、概述k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, establis

11、hed the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条A, an overview of the k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛

12、佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条水泥混凝土路面受水的侵蚀,在综合因素及环境、气候等影响下基层失稳,产生病害。近几年来,我县、各乡、镇修筑了大量的水泥混凝土路面,毋庸置疑,这对提高我县的公路路面质量,增强公路的抗灾能力,改善公路行车条件,提高客货运输效益均起到了积极的作用。k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop d

13、emocratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条Cement concrete pavement is eroded by water, the comprehensive factors and environment, and climate affect supply instability, produce disease. In recent years, our coun

14、ty, and village, the town built a large number of cement concrete pavement, needless to say, to improve the quality of our county highway pavement, enhance the capacity of highway disaster, improve road traffic conditions, improve the efficiency of the passenger and cargo transportation has played a

15、 positive role. k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条但是在重交通荷载、超载、水毁、其它自然环境等诸多外部因素的影响下

16、,近期修建的水泥混凝土路面行车后不久就出现了许多不同程度的病害,导致路面的使用性能迅速下降,严重地影响了车辆快速、安全行驶,而且给养护和维修带来了巨大的压力。通过分析水毁原因,从设计、施工、养护三个环节提出防治办法。k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗

17、筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条But in heavy traffic load, overload, waterlogging and other natural environment under the influence of many external factors, such as, the recent construction of cement concrete pavement appeared shortly after driving many of the different

18、degree of disease, rapid drops in the performance of pavements, seriously affect the fast, safe driving vehicle, and to the maintenance and maintenance has brought great pressure. Analyzes reason of waterlogging, in three stages: from the design, construction, maintenance, prevention and control mea

19、sures are put forward. k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条二、病害情况极其特点k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及

20、防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条Second, disease is extremely characteristic k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法

21、中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条现举实例:某一路段全长5.26Km。路面结构为:18cm325水泥混凝土面层,20cm砂砾垫层,30cm土基处理。到目前为止出现路面病

22、害如下:k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条Now for instance: a road about 5.26 Km. 18 c

23、m325 cement concrete pavement, pavement structure as follows: 20 cm gravel cushion, 30 cm soil foundation treatment. Pavement diseases so far are as follows: k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Fron

24、t against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条1、路面病害特点k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed f

25、orces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条1, the road surface plant disease characteristics k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed

26、 forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(1)板块连续纵向裂缝较多k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难

27、渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(1) plate continuous longitudinal cracks k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗

28、洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(2)板块角隅断裂现象较多,断裂位置接缝材料剥落严重,且积水严重;k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞

29、卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(2) plate corner fracture is more, jointing material peeling off serious fracture, and the water is serious; k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the a

30、rmed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(3)断板和严重破碎板较多,基本上都是在前两种病害基础上进一步发展而产生;k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces

31、 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(3) so and more severe crushing plate, are basically in the former two diseases on the basis of the further development and produce; k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys

32、struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(4)病害严重位置的接茬处沥青面层损坏较严重,由于积水和冻融作用使沥青砼松散。k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle,

33、 develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(4) the disease location of summer-planting asphalt layer damage more serious, due to water and asphalt concrete freeze-thaw action. k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译ht

34、tp:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条2、路面病害处治情况对照k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhej

35、iang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条2, the pavement disease treatment situation k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang

36、 Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(1)对混凝土板块凿除重新修复;k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the par

37、tys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(1) plate chisel in addition to the repair of concrete; k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of

38、 the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(2)对裂缝板和板底脱空的板块进行压浆灌缝处治达到规范要求;k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys strugg

39、le, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces 蹋头祟碗筛佛访嫉墟鹊炽纽屑熔膘官寡从喂摧外任待庚这悦难渠绵琅斧物百冗洪略甥门肠诊槽肆则充斋报彦鳞贞卵菊桶孤驼背允拓钾燎寨聂铜膛条(2) was carried out on the pavement cracks in the plate and the plate at the end of the plate grouting filling and seaming treatment meet the specification requirements; k水毁对水泥混凝土路面的破坏及防治办法中英文翻译http:/ http:/ http:/ southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed


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