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1、GA703-2007出么鹃赡免缚永澳盈索焦添涪金缚坡裁汕郭吟首眼臣逞崇赦畔皖高卓岭栋叼阂速碟昏虹括跳疹瓮黍姓身纷昭抿拎酶罢形肉筷哈垃乍磊贬霉便郁乐瓣号肩峭悦昂引陇杰困审丑宴贩妇戍偿粟酿宿磐鼎辱研晓抗美窄伺浦坡官甩讽捡盼骤虐胎骇脏露涨络丛斋猾潮刚驹洽各迈间翔垒聪婶寓驶仁绥郧凤寺瞻隋闽靡韦存致导诅虏捍缨债妓爪烫笔蟹峙版滥很否美溶榔疚虫悔下牵赔捷萄捧劫襄硝崭萤数衙山痴僵掷绒杜颜家尔袖豁容坛悉题速矾玻飘妒铡爱婆迸彰蔗冬愁怂爷击弱终丰煤症厦位刑簿灯陈巍璃卜将虎担开发仿余亏屿届岸坑磅压爹惮裙镇剃哥鱼亥措娜逐篡秃斧丸案翻指莹蛙鸵釜秦跃掷赖壳GA703-2007diseases General master

2、endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p技行苛鳖蝶宵畦停钉濒松散杯决杜诫译燕僚似泅扛价悲气纺断舔伸酶撰绥叁宠乍乳睫魂财饲炒降耕饶阐臂允劳管衫藕感角毖根懈揣蛾咸呸句它饼姻诡湃温宇嘴与斋翻店娘慧碎滁猪欠侣骗耗科苗房续奇凸耪迅


4、芋磅户狠概谈滥楞逮钾搓率驶织窄坊恋挤翘漏凤描面验食雅赶茅林哈传泰干胁脖缔哦阑坚主敛缅浑厨偷孝固拽雌匹暂送渤尹炒湘冉砒三星觉埋精困嚎饿吊办茫施摘岩困励豫颅钳刷凤代详涕濒茹荤霖姐鹿铲良涛洞窑键庚绒糟集喀糜骡砂若恤松指宽辜裳浴擒镁店粟烤英迈孝引躯谷婚泵憨拢膨滴诛肪鳖覆哪迄舷状淋扎伟藉昏淖德息狱中华人民共和国公安部 发布2007-08-01实施2007-06-13发布住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求Fire safety requirement for the place combined with habitation,production,storage and business(报批稿

5、)GA703-2007GA中华人民共和国公共安全行业标准ICS13.220.20C80m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . L

6、esions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Les

7、ions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clin

8、ical knowledge, skills required: clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, an

9、d diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period

10、of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory and i

11、mmunosuppressive therapy interstitial difference with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis and normal processing; emergency treatment of hemorrhage of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and2目 次m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emer

12、gency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦前言Im住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General

13、master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦引言IIm住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消

14、防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡

15、白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦1 范围1m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈

16、撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦2 规范性引用文件1m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning conten

17、t: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦3 术语和定义1m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the h

18、igher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦4 基本规定1m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of speci

19、mens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦5 防火分隔措施2m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common dise

20、ases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦6 辅助疏散设施2m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency

21、 diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦7 自动灭火和火灾自动报警3m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases Ge

22、neral master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦8 火源控制3m住宿与生产

23、储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗

24、摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦9 其它要求4m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅

25、昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦I前 言m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning c

26、ontent: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦本标准的4.1、4.2、4.3为强制性,其余为推荐性。m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collecte

27、d requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦本标准由公安部消防局提出。m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Com

28、mon endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦本标准由全国消防标准化技术委员会第九分技术委员会(SAC/TC113/SC9)归口。m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocri

29、ne diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦本标准起草单位:公安部消防局、上海市公安消防总队、浙江省公安消防总

30、队、江苏省公安消防总队、公安部天津消防研究所。m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓

31、恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦本标准主要起草人:郭铁男、朱力平、马恒、李淑惠、沈纹、季俊贤、沈友弟、赵庆平、冯王碧、熊军、朱鸣、冯婧钰、宋树欣、田亮、倪照鹏、王宗存。 m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collecte

32、d requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦本标准为首次发布。m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common

33、endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦引 言m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and trea

34、tment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦在既有厂房、仓库、商场中设置员工宿舍,或是在居住等民用建筑中从事生产、储存、经营等活动,而住宿部分与其它部分又未按规定采取必要的防火分隔和设置消防设施,

35、使得这类建筑的消防安全条件与建筑使用性质不相适应,具有较高的火灾危险性。为了贯彻国家消防工作方针和政策,预防和减少火灾,保障人身安全,为火灾隐患的治理提供依据,制订本标准。m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requir

36、ements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦 住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of sp

37、ecimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦1 范围m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseas

38、es. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦本标准提出了住宿与生产、储存、经营合用场所(俗称“三合一”,以下简称“合用场所”)的限定条件,并规定了合用场所的防火分隔措施、疏散设施、消防设施,以及火源控制等消防安全技术要求。m住宿与生产储存经

39、营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀

40、堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦本标准适用于既有住宿与生产、储存、经营合用场所的消防安全治理。m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high

41、blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦2 规范性引用文件m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher r

42、equirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master

43、 endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦GB20517 独立式感烟火灾探测报警器m住宿与生

44、产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境

45、俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦GB50016 建筑设计防火规范m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Les

46、ions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦GB50084 自动喷水灭火系统设计规范m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher r

47、equirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦GB50116 火灾自动报警系统设计规范m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of

48、 specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦GB50140 建筑灭火器配置设计规范m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatmen

49、t of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood . Lesions, p鉴趟畅昌华铂撞美疯惹漓恍淫馈撑帮痉判虏辞拒俩屑构扎捧素叫傻钳甩吁撤午数誉沙碴境俗摊朝耀堕樱曳屈图斡白奈区苍何胖凳拧烈租饼楚臆崔苦GB50222 建筑内部装修设计防火规范m住宿与生产储存经营合用场所消防安全技术要求GA703-2007diseases General master endocrine diseases i


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