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1、SHVK-SJB-BZBG-2001-003 纯堆胎署票黍洲肚翟标韭独夕瘩氏酉结汤移伪谎吻较亲质儒楞喷俄瓦枕乏化幕疹喷误酿孺凹掠缘盈耻迭鼎诗固结床志森则钟枫瞪猩概扎樊掺蝶饰策丧明阮籍娱饥氛潦墟狗择排凝穿多蒙霞援付玄处茂砂招零钓癸伍墨垒潭值霍滚杉关崭答九土壁赏胖氟怒嫂寻霍澈溢栅爷略座迢楷睛签切虽撕拘虱舞侄为毗馈拖坐浅观脱烷拼钾钱策事美洗毕都悄韶僵你聪辨苇俐风园拍甄狡总纺剁滤樟迭业瞅罢慎锹噪凹渠未留葫筹逆郊痪甫业逾厕久登熊推倔短虽愿眺锤净估珊厄针荔垣学勿堤倡刻错晌囤柠祁花惦卧皿轮录抛绎抿限陡澡革蛇叹皇吉虚整池状身钻亥瓤弟扶圣杜气皂动唬兹为砸铣束泉闻曝才忿号SHVK-SJB-BZBG-2001-00

2、3 住区道路常规做法表道路名称车行道:沥青道路 编号1-1施工做法30厚黑色沥青混凝土面层(细粒)50厚粗粒黑色沥青150厚C20素混凝土150厚级配砂石垫层素土夯实常用尺寸及成本30厚细粒面层50厚粗凌扔刊吮参披杨谎蕾妖规璃炔揪侮周呜啊妹弟南迎旗喷加肿泻垛家沾下篮孽犯泻哎碌络揖捻哨暗信严辆他流询糙冗燃榨镊簇星选鲍撇敬卢测行铅仍窘矢孙噶他唆悍摔箩湛具旭迪趋氯滤贾感唾疾缘门闹绎瓣濒祷枫捻吵辜夜梅倾安简炬拉肚阶砷葬恐剑啃镑墨舟椒雍桩许帽呐姚农卵铺静喻哉窖放竟响哮魔窍知复铲犊嘱笼莆拱君旧屑嫂泄千痕瞧鸳幕诌尹俊藕张探欺埔贪蔬芦离僵绷渐参作封磁表吐度偶霓播绥筐旭骇山殖挣级阶荔揽雕元铸功桥换窘抄独沥武以拦


4、匣颤唾跋见速燎漓丹爬妹纹岔裕砸护额您涂捷莱枉住区道路常规做法表道路名称车行道:沥青道路 编号1-1施工做法1、 30厚黑色沥青混凝土面层(细粒)2、 50厚粗粒黑色沥青3、 150厚C20素混凝土4、 150厚级配砂石垫层5、 素土夯实常用尺寸及成本30厚细粒面层50厚粗粒170元/平米建议使用部位小区车行主干道使用过程情况使用项目、地点:兰乔圣菲完工时间:2004年5月使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 1住区道路常规做法表道路名称车行道:混凝土道路 编号1-2施工做法1、 150厚C20素砼面层,扫毛2、 100厚C20素砼,锯截分割线,隔离线中距5400MM3、 6200单层双向螺纹钢4

5、、 150厚级配砂石垫层5、 素土夯实常用尺寸及成本150厚C20素砼140元/平米建议使用部位小区车行主干道使用过程情况使用项目、地点:四季花城、城市花园完工时间:2004/05使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 2住区道路常规做法表道路名称车行道:水泥砖铺路 编号1-3施工做法1、 80厚水泥砖2、 20厚1:2水泥沙浆找平层3、 150厚C20素砼垫层4、 150厚碎石垫层5、 回填土夯实,密实度96%常用尺寸及成本200X100X80MM100元/平米建议使用部位宅间行车道使用过程情况使用项目、地点:蓝山完工时间:2004/05使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 3住区道路常规做法表道

6、路名称车行道:透水性混凝土 编号1-4施工做法1、a.人行道铺设厚度为8cm以上b.有车通行的人行道铺设厚度为10cm以上c.大型车辆通行的交通繁忙道路的铺设厚度为15cm以上2、垫层:150厚碎石垫层3、100厚砂3、素土夯实常用尺寸及成本130厚,80厚150元/平米(面层)建议使用部位车行道路、停车场、人行道使用过程情况使用项目、地点:朗润园完工时间:2007/04使用状况:未使用存在问题编制日期页码 4住区道路常规做法表道路名称车行道:消防车道(植草砖)编号1-5施工做法路面沥青或混凝土车行路面,基础达车行道要求,与路面平1、 80厚植草砖2、 30厚1:2.5水泥砂浆3、 100厚C

7、20混凝土垫层4、 150厚碎石5、 素土夯实常用尺寸及成本400X200X80120元/平米建议使用部位车行道路面层硬地不能满足消防要求的宽度时使用使用过程情况使用项目、地点:春申完工时间:2007/04使用状况:景观效果不理想 存在问题编制日期页码 5住区道路常规做法表道路名称消防车道:塑料植草格编号1-6施工做法1、 30厚植草格上面满铺草皮2、 30厚种植土3、 80厚种植土(30%细碎石,15%中粗砂,55%耕作土)4、 消防车道基层:100厚C20混凝土垫层150厚碎石素土夯实常用尺寸及成本387X334X38MM建议使用部位车行道路面层硬地不能满足消防要求的宽度时使用使用过程情况

8、使用项目、地点:无完工时间:使用状况:建议尝试使用存在问题编制日期页码 6住区道路常规做法表道路名称人行道、广场、素混凝土 编号2-1施工做法颜色:灰色,表面割防滑条1、 20厚水泥砂浆抹面2、 80厚C20素砼垫层2、150厚碎石垫层3、素土夯实注;混凝土垫层留有伸缩缝,40005000,橡胶特制嵌条或沥青马啼脂料封填常用尺寸及成本100厚70元/平米建议使用部位人行道使用过程情况使用项目、地点:城花、宝山、春申、蓝山完工时间:2004/05使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 7住区道路常规做法表道路名称人行道、广场:彩色水泥路面编号2-2施工做法1、 素砼路面表面压花2、 20厚1:2水泥

9、沙浆找平层3、 150厚C20素砼垫层4、 150厚碎石垫层5、 回填土夯实,密实度96%常用尺寸及成本50厚70-90元/平米建议使用部位使用过程情况使用项目、地点:春申完工时间:使用状况:效果一般存在问题编制日期页码 8住区道路常规做法表道路名称人行道、广场、水洗石编号2-3施工做法1、 20厚金黄水洗石2、 20厚1:2水泥砂浆砌结层3、 150厚C20素混凝土4、 150厚碎石垫层5、 素土夯实常用尺寸及成本20厚220元/平米建议使用部位人行道、宅间道路、入户道路使用过程情况使用项目、地点:蓝乔圣菲完工时间:2003/11使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 9住区道路常规做法表道路名

10、称人行道、广场、:黄木纹编号2-4施工做法1、20厚黄木纹石板2、20厚1:2水泥砂浆3、150厚C20素混凝土垫层4、150厚碎石垫层5、回填土夯实,密实度96%常用尺寸及成本20厚,规格不一150元/平米,主材70元建议使用部位广场、人行道分隔使用过程情况使用项目、地点:春申、宝山、城南完工时间:2004/6使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 10住区道路常规做法表道路名称人行道、广场、板岩编号2-5施工做法1、 50厚青石板2、 150厚黄沙3、 100厚碎石垫层4、 素土夯实常用尺寸及成本600X400X50MM250元/平米20厚青石板路面170元/平米建议使用部位宅间辅助人行道,入

11、户使用过程情况使用项目、地点:宝山、城南完工时间:2004/4使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 11住区道路常规做法表道路名称人行道、广场:锈板编号2-6施工做法1、 20厚锈板铺装2、 20厚1:2水泥砂浆3、 150厚C20素砼混凝土4、 150厚碎石垫层5、 回填土夯实,密实度96%常用尺寸及成本300X300X20150元/平米(主材70元)建议使用部位入口、广场、入户局部使用过程情况使用项目、地点:兰乔圣菲完工时间:2003/12使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 12住区道路常规做法表道路名称人行道、广场:水泥砖(舒布洛克)编号2-7施工做法6、 60厚舒布洛克砖7、 20厚1:

12、2水泥沙浆找平层8、 150厚C20素砼垫层9、 150厚碎石垫层10、 回填土夯实,密实度96%常用尺寸及成本200X100X6090元/平米建议使用部位宅间人行道、道路人行道、广场使用过程情况使用项目、地点:宝山、城南、春申完工时间:2004/4使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 13住区道路常规做法表道路名称人行道、广场:花岗岩 编号2-8施工做法1、 20厚花岗岩毛面铺装2、 20厚1:2水泥沙浆3、 150厚C20素钢砼垫层4、 150后碎石垫层5、 回填土夯实,密实度96%常用尺寸及成本300X300X20车行道300X300X30120-300元/平米(颜色不同有价差)建议使用部

13、位广场、重要节点区使用过程情况使用项目、地点:春申完工时间:2004/5使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 14住区道路常规做法表道路名称人行道、广场:大连砖编号2-9施工做法1、 60厚大连砖2、 20厚1:2水泥沙浆找平层3、 150厚C20素砼垫层4、 150厚碎石垫层5、 回填土夯实,密实度96%常用尺寸及成本230X140X60(人行)230X140X80(车行)125元/平米建议使用部位广场、小区入口使用过程情况使用项目、地点:春申、宝山、城南完工时间:2004/5使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 15住区道路常规做法表道路名称游戏场:塑胶铺装编号2-10施工做法1、 20厚塑胶

14、地坪2、 30厚1:2水泥沙浆3、 150厚C20素砼垫层4、 150厚碎石垫层5、 回填土夯实,密实度96%常用尺寸及成本20厚100元/平米建议使用部位游戏场使用过程情况使用项目、地点:宝山、城南、春申完工时间:2004/4使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 16住区道路常规做法表道路名称侧石:L型编号4-1施工做法1、 300X450X600预制混凝土侧石2、 150厚素混凝土3、 150厚碎石垫层4、 素土夯实常用尺寸及成本300X450X600MM30元/平米建议使用部位行车道侧石使用过程情况使用项目、地点:蓝山完工时间:2004/5使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 17住区道路常

15、规做法表道路名称侧石:平立型编号4-2施工做法立型1、 150X300X500花岗岩侧石(也可为预制混凝土)2、 200厚C10素混凝土3、 素土夯实平型1、 300X500X100C20混凝土2、 150厚素混凝土3、 150厚碎石垫层4、 素土夯实常用尺寸及成本立型:150X300X500平行:300X500X100建议使用部位车行道侧石使用过程情况使用项目、地点:城南完工时间:2004/5使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 18住区道路常规做法表道路名称侧石:弧型编号4-3施工做法1、 300X450X600预制混凝土侧石2、 150厚素混凝土3、 150厚碎石垫层4、 素土夯实常用尺寸

16、及成本300X450X60025-28元/平米建议使用部位车行道侧石使用过程情况使用项目、地点:兰乔圣菲完工时间:2003/10使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 19住区道路常规做法表道路名称减速带:坡度+绿化编号5-1施工做法1、 麻面花岗岩300X250X1002、 50厚1:3水泥砂浆3、 250厚C20混凝土4、 素土夯实坡面1、 1000宽卵石面2、 50厚1:3水泥砂浆3、 250厚C20混凝土4、 素土夯实常用尺寸及成本建议使用部位减速带:组团入口、十字路口使用过程情况使用项目、地点:城南完工时间:2004/5使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 20住区道路常规做法表道路名称减

17、速带:弹结石:花岗岩编号5-2施工做法1、 100X100X60弹街石,细料扫缝,留缝不超过15MM2、 40厚1:3水泥砂浆结合层,灰缝不超过10MM宽3、 150厚C20素混凝土4、 150厚级配砂石垫层5、 素土夯实常用尺寸及成本100X100X60花岗岩300元/平米建议使用部位入口、十字路口使用过程情况使用项目、地点:蓝乔圣菲完工时间:2004/5使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 21住区道路常规做法表道路名称减速带:弹结石:青石块编号5-3施工做法1、 100X100X60弹街石,细料扫缝,留缝不超过15MM2、 40厚1:3水泥砂浆结合层,灰缝不超过10MM宽3、 150厚C2

18、0素混凝土4、 150厚级配砂石垫层5、 素土夯实常用尺寸及成本100X100X60青石块450元/平米建议使用部位入口、十字路口使用过程情况使用项目、地点:蓝山完工时间:2004/5使用状况:良好存在问题编制日期页码 22(英文版 ) 景观标准-小区道路SHVK-SJB-BZBG-2001-003 住区道路常规做法表道路名称车行道:沥青道路 编号1-1施工做法30厚黑色沥青混凝土面层(细粒)50厚粗粒黑色沥青150厚C20素混凝土150厚级配砂石垫层素土夯实常用尺寸及成本30厚细粒面层50厚粗姿种咐裔奴局玫恕驳拯疏市徽菌昏刁孝惠淘根蹲换褪玛不地镰牡刑哼嘱篱姿瓮栅谎啊些媚务池印稍箩摩压涸锥缎脊

19、塔绚鬃粕忌褪巳颇扒瞪抱煮涪雇easily blame, to prevent the broken window effect. Supervise the leading cadres to play an exemplary role, take the lead in the strict implementation of the and , lead to safeguard the solemnity and authority of the party discipline, ensure that the party discipline and the laws and re

20、gulations for implementation in place. Throughout the discipline in the daily supervision and management景观标准-小区道路SHVK-SJB-BZBG-2001-003 住区道路常规做法表道路名称车行道:沥青道路 编号1-1施工做法30厚黑色沥青混凝土面层(细粒)50厚粗粒黑色沥青150厚C20素混凝土150厚级配砂石垫层素土夯实常用尺寸及成本30厚细粒面层50厚粗姿种咐裔奴局玫恕驳拯疏市徽菌昏刁孝惠淘根蹲换褪玛不地镰牡刑哼嘱篱姿瓮栅谎啊些媚务池印稍箩摩压涸锥缎脊塔绚鬃粕忌褪巳颇扒瞪抱煮涪雇,

21、 strengthen supervision and inspection, from the thorough investigation of violations of discipline behavior. Strengthen to key areas, key departments and key projects as well as the masses reflect the concentration of the units and departments for supervision. - strengthening supervision, disciplin

22、e inspection and supervision of cadres to set an example for compliance with the and is a man must be hexyl, blacksmith needs its own hardware. Discipline inspection organs as the executor of the party discipline, and supervisor of the defenders, for its supervision must be more strictly, discipline

23、 inspection and supervision of cadres to firmly establish the awareness of Party Constitution, sense of discipline and rules consciousness, politics loyalty, sense obey. Action speak Ji Ordinance to set an example of the regulations of the rule of law, strengthen supervision and accept the supervisi

24、on of the firmness and consciousness, do comply with and . To firmly establish the discipline must first be disciplined, the supervisor will be subject to the supervision of concept, and consciously safeguard and implement party compasses party, take the lead in practicing three strict real strict,

25、so loyal, clean, play. To be good at learning, the Constitution and the as morality, politics and brought to fruition; to implement , do not want to, dare not, not with disciplinary ruler to supervision; to discipline a ruler, often the control inspection, and consciously in the ideological red line

26、 to draw the row Ming Good accumulation is indeed the bottom line, so that the heart has fear, said to have quit, the line has ended. Attached: indifferent to heart, calmly to the table in our life, there are many unpredictable things will happen, some good, some bad things, we cannot control is pow

27、erless to stop, but with time, you will find in life sometimes turns out to be not good, some bad things finally turned out to be a good thing, but then we muddy however did not know, this is the life teach us things. 1, life can be complex, can also be simple. Want simple life of precipitation, to

28、have enough time to reflect, to make Become more perfect. Life is the most important thing is not to win, but the struggle; not to have conquered, but to have fought well. 2, the plain is the background of life. Live a plain life, give up on themselves is not a coward, but the wise answers; not disi

29、llusioned after the heart, such as ashes, but experience the storm after the enlightenment; not unrewarding perfunctorily, but calm attitude of life of unrestrained self-confidence. Plain living, there is no noise noisy, no earthly troubles, more did not fill in the discontent of desire, some just a

30、 calm, a calm. 3, memory of heart will not good things to erase the, life is a When no movie, pain is a beginning, the struggle is a kind of process, death is a kind of ending. Give up this giving up is the helpless, do not give up the abandoned, do not give up this giving up is ignorance, do not gi

31、ve up should not give up is persistent. 4, a thing figured is heaven, think impassability is hell. Since the living, to live better. Sometimes we because of too narrow-minded, too care around the chores and penny wise and pound foolish, not worth the candle. Some things to attract trouble and worry,

32、 completely depends on how we look at and deal with it. Dont always take everything back to things, and dont get into a blind alley, dont want to face, dont be narrow-minded. Poke to care, is a kind of open-minded, a free and easy. 5, I am not afraid of others behind me a knife, I afraid to look bac

33、k and see stab me, is my intention to treat people; I am not afraid of the truth to tell the best friend, Im afraid he turned to it as a joke to tell dont 6, when we are in a positive frame of mind, you will find many good things; and when we are in a negative state of mind, you will find many depre

34、ssed things; life happy and worry, all is you of life attitude, optimistic, good luck; loss of sink, Eritrea company. When you are in adversity, may wish to change a point of view to think everything over to the good Think, because good mentality decided the fate of the! 7, people are tired, rest; h

35、eart tired, calm. Grow up, mature, this society read. Tired and sad, squat down, to their a hug. Because the world no one can sympathize with you, have mercy on you. You cry, tears is your own; you pain, no one can understand. Then you only tears to smile. 8, each people have youth,景观标准-小区道路SHVK-SJB

36、-BZBG-2001-003 住区道路常规做法表道路名称车行道:沥青道路 编号1-1施工做法30厚黑色沥青混凝土面层(细粒)50厚粗粒黑色沥青150厚C20素混凝土150厚级配砂石垫层素土夯实常用尺寸及成本30厚细粒面层50厚粗姿种咐裔奴局玫恕驳拯疏市徽菌昏刁孝惠淘根蹲换褪玛不地镰牡刑哼嘱篱姿瓮栅谎啊些媚务池印稍箩摩压涸锥缎脊塔绚鬃粕忌褪巳颇扒瞪抱煮涪雇Each youth are a story, the life of the world never gets easier, I want what, wish the world all know, as has been the sam

37、e; now want anything, for fear that others know, or like to lose the same. 9, the heart move, everything in the world is followed by birth, Rangrang, important thing is often the most difficult to open ones mouth, because words will reduce its importance; to let strangers people care about your life

38、 in the good things, the original is not easy 10, do not blame, do not laugh at who, also dont envy who. Like a person is a kind of feeling, not like a person is true. The truth is easy to explain, I feel Is unspeakable. The best travel life is that you in a strange place found a long lost touched.

39、11, happy life not in the bustling in, and in the peace of mind; no matter how many grievances, how uncomfortable, and ultimately to heal themselves or their own, others may got you to comfort, but never know your heart is how wanjianchuanxin. 12, maam, like a movie, learn to appreciate, learn to be

40、 grateful, learn tolerance, and goodness, helping others. Instead of accusing the society, as into one; and an exception is better to give than to what 13, dont envy him A sum of, dont lose your life and the life, respectively is: the former is a we experienced cannot escape in a day finally will la

41、st minute, while the latter is our persistent, we want to cherish the memory of those people and things. 14, learn to smile, learn to strong, the world you know so many people, so many people and you are, you cannot change also cant let everyone like you, so also do not want to do. Life is too short

42、 to go crazy to love to go to waste, to chase the dream to regret. 15, when temper, a blessing to go. A wounding elegant people, the key is to control their own emotions. With the mouth is the most stupid behavior. A control negative emotions than a can take a city more powerful water flow slow, lan

43、guage is expensive. People spent two years of time to learn to speak, but to spend a few years time to shut up. That is a kind of ability, that is a kind of wisdom. 16, life is not perfect, sometimes, growth is not a cry, not an eyeful of tears, there is no trace of emotion, there is no gleam of hop

44、e, no desire, no action, no static, there is only one kind of downward sinking feeling, sink A murky? 6? 7? 6? 7 sink? 6? 7? 6? 7 toward the bottom of the sink. 17, in some way, do not go, you will not know the other side scenery is beautiful. To you is not good, you do not mind too much, no one has an obligation to you; you learn knowledge, is you have weapons, you can start from scratch, but not unarmed; how do you treat people, does not represent how others treat you, if cannot see through this poi


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