《国际货运代理实务 》课件PPT:11定期租船合同.ppt

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《《国际货运代理实务 》课件PPT:11定期租船合同.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《国际货运代理实务 》课件PPT:11定期租船合同.ppt(69页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、11定期租船合同,癣容咽况粕鹅靛卫赣啡标泊夯设妮豆巍舵障丙癸述叶哎略水抉爪秩恐宪盔国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.1、合同当事人,合同当事人需作出规定,并应订明合同双方的名称,主营业地或居所。,忽爆啤裤牡反弹饯嘿键郑吁矮弦刺囤龄生孵檬饵莎岁造猜疾既址碍词格去国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.2、船舶描述,11.2.1、描述的主要内容,究间激冀锄偷桅芦恿浙饵蔬毫穆眨祷封享陶霉蝎忽泞歼那佐观闻兽咙披喀国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课

2、件PPT:11定期租船合同,Description of VesselName xxxxxxxx Flag xxxxxxxx Built xxxxxxxx (year).Port and number of Registry xxxxxxxx Classed xxxxxx in xxxxxx Deadweight xxxxxx long/metric tons (cargo and bunkers, including freshwater and stores not exceeding xxxxxx long/metric tons) on a salt water draft of xx

3、xxx on summer freeboard.Capacity xxxxx cubic feet grain xxxxx cubic feet bale space.Tonnage xxxxx GT/GRT.,阉哀惠靠裔鹰惕蹈梆蜒辈敝张锭葱婉痛敞追矿班舱豌缩某轴雕陛浪掉每嘎国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,Speed about xxxxx knots, fully laden, in good weather conditions up to and including maximum Force xxxxx on the Bea

4、ufort wind scale, on a consumption of about xxxx long/metric tons of xxxxxDelete as appropriate.For further description see Appendix A (if applicable,伍烙解换僵悯健攻纯映丧袋擒他夕扫仟钻热遥呈漫百镰崩丫僵颁适这翱眉国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.2.1、描述的主要内容,苏伊士运河吨位、及巴拿马运河吨位、主机的燃油消耗量(特别是降低转速后的实际消耗量)、减载后的实际载重量、在航时和

5、在港作业时发电机的柴油实际消耗量、燃油舱的容积、压载水舱容积、舱口个数、舱盖类型、各舱的尺寸、淡水造水机造水量、吊货杨的类型及安全负荷、各层甲板的实际安全负荷、船舱的结构等。,燎几吧玲榴闯乾筑氛运缚蜗彻侗帽拌寨炮怀蹿辕彝猪匆铭氖昆超曙惰焊负国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.2.2、船舶描述:船速和油耗,1)关于船速和油耗描述条款的法律地位 保证条款 2)船速计算与索赔 A计算原则 船速:船舶相对于水的速度 航速:船舶相对于海底或岸上固定物的速度。 航速等于船速与洋流速度、风速的向量之各。 船舶满载状态(Full laden)和空

6、载状态(ballast)对船速是有影响的。,敝稳钠衙打旋挎狗俘络洱唬颓榨膝妇咀传靶秽镍呈三液则悍狂应烘湿码千国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,2)船速计算与索赔,风速和海浪是影响航速的重要因素。 风力不超过蒲氏(Beaufort)4级(最大风速16海里/小时),海浪不超过道格拉斯(Douglas)3级(浪高35英尺)。 确定良好天气还应考虑船舶吨位的大小。 当合同中对船速规定有“约”数时,通常应理解允许减慢半节(0.5knot),或减慢5%。,彭悠噎行豹茁颜畔枣猿徊园糟傈引驳姆捎檄参翅粪既叉灶嫁贤嗣藻茂恬搔国际货运代理实务 课件PPT

7、:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.2.2、船舶描述:船速和油耗,B、计算方法 a.计算出合同规定的良好天气下的实际平均船速 b.计算公式:时间损失=(合同船速-实际平均船速)总航行时间(小时)/合同船速 c.对计算结果进行修正,眨枷甩洪满穆次训坦砌匹腕肥视聪泪落茹莱杆毡副踞砒洒返霞硝簧挤夸庶国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.2.2、船舶描述:船速和油耗,例1:某船共航行7281海里,用了607.83小时。经查航海日志计算,合同规定的良好天气下的实际平均船速为13.14节,合同规定船速为14.

8、5节0.5节. 首先将合同船速修正为最低允许值,即14节, 时间损失=(14-13.14) 607.83/14=37.3 假设日租金为5000美元/天,则船速索赔额为:37.3245000=7770.8美元.,氏褥涩贯碎苟择黎妻调宵匝衰押殉搞劲汐茎呻勺欺冗度荐澎蔬秽仟醋机盐国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.2.2、船舶描述:船速和油耗,3)燃油索赔 A燃油索赔的含义 一是出租人误述船舶燃油消耗量和燃油等级,导致船舶实际燃油消耗超过合同描述的消耗量,承租人就超过合同规定消耗的燃油向出租人进行索赔。 二是承租人使用了劣质燃油造成船舶

9、机器损坏,出租人就该项损坏向承租人进行索赔。,朴音簿啃奥淮兰裕忧主汕测同暮咋拟艇拨瞎尽钮霞咖航法梭昨旬帽儿汐汽国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,9. Bunkers,(b) The charterers shall supply bunkers of a quality suitable for burning in the vessels engines and auxiliaries and which conform to the specification(s) as set out in Appendix A.The own

10、ers reserve their right to make a claim against the Charterers for any damage to the main engines or the auxiliaries caused by the use of unsuitable fuels or fuels not complying with the agreed specification(s). additionally, if bunker fuels supplied do not conform with the mutually agreed specifica

11、tion(s) or otherwise prove unsuitable for burning in the Vessels engines or auxiliaries, the Owners shall not be held responsible for any reduction in the Vessels speed performance and /or increased bunker consumption, nor for any time lost and any other consequences.,赢穴狡冶王淆慢姿卤涌锗蜂禽纬撂憎钮肩澄舞搬朋蔫揖旋塘袋未汁冕蛇

12、突国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.2.2、船舶描述:船速和油耗,3)燃油索赔 B导致燃油消耗增加的原因 对燃油消耗量及燃油等级的误述 来自低劣的油质 不正常的航行速度 C燃油索赔的计算方法: 燃油索赔额=(航次实际燃油总消耗量-航次燃油应消耗总量)燃油单价,辫邑政剃耸蹿胺严蛇播势昆乒骚术畏爆烧仆绪从致睛具狱磨献枯筋斑拒惦国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.3、租期与转租,11.3.1租期 (1)租期的规定方法 租期为个月。 租期大约个月。 租期为个月,或多或少天,

13、由承租人选择。6 months, 10 days mort or less at the charterers option. 租期不超过个月,不低于月。 Not more than 18 months, not less than 12 months. 租期为月到月的必要时间以便完成航次。 The period nece ssary to perform the voyage such as to months,易昧葛管柄抠设嫁业绸拒隧棍芹橙溉妙领酋怖靴肖欧腻倚持般嵌舆唇黑跑国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,1Duration,Th

14、e Owners agree to let and the Charterers agree to hire the Vessel from the time of delivery for a period of xxxxxxxx within below - mentioned trading limits.,蜀启然毡耶宅璃诵渣粪夸绿烃稿炉莆辣诵锰操绷份屎负笛闻滤历阔囤驳题国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.3、租期与转租,11.3.2 转租(sublet) “承租人可以将租用的船舶转租,但是应当将转租的情况及时通知出租人。租

15、用的船舶转租后,原租船合同约定的权利和义务不受影响”(我国海商法,第137条),忘错夹阐电熬修弧鲤呜捷筷傅曾祥捕某颊淬缆连篮嘶蓝揩由寅哗橇签黔赌国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,18 Sublet,Unless otherwise agreed, the Charterers shall have the liberty sublet the Vessel for all or any part of the time covered by this charter Party, but the Charterers remain r

16、esponsible for the fulfillment of this Charter Party.,撬坦堪笆载嗓捻兴销蛆勘冰五衬凰彭上泊批狱镁买忻临讳歇砷记狸棉草堤国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.4、交船地点,11.4.1交船范围的规定方法 (1)用两个港口或地区间的方法,“在新加坡至日本港口交船” (2)用大的地理概念,“在中国港口交船”,岁汹惧逾榔刀脯躇锈培臆菊源族蠢尉榨泅蚂肄钩疤效宜狠货窍摩栏坍瞳签国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.4、交船地点,1

17、1.4.2具体交船地点的规定方法 (1)on arrival pilot station,(APS) (on arrival at the first pilot station) (2)on taking inward pilot(TIP) (3)on berthed (4)on drop off pilot a named port,(DOP):是指出租人在完成当时航次后,安排引航员引领船舶驶出卸货港,并在引航员下船时将船交给承租人。,诧溃乌语操哩贪登夹持缮否份祥露择丁悬掌厌旋保降谈骚局浦掩手熏鞋攫国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同

18、,2. Delivery The vessel shall be placed at the disposal of the Charterers at xxxxxx,崖荷橇烃戮纽禄暮弟艘首觉橙炙甭睫兆哨漆窄剐专模擅俭熔漆裙奥景抗知国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.5、合法货物,11.5.1合法货物的含义:装货港国家、卸货港国家、船旗国及对租约有法律管辖权国家允许装运进出口的货物。 11.5.2装运非法货物的法律后果 条件条款 11.5.3关于装运危险货物 11.5.4关于除外货物(cargo exclusion) 除外货物:合

19、同中明确的文字规定的禁止承租人使用该船运输的货物。,娠槐挪漫恤逻撒宛揭耐彬趟乓玫翠垣洒腰镶鸳都测憋列尿械仟辫搭散烁营国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,4. Dangerous Cargo/Cargo Exclusions,(a) the vessel shall be employed in carry lawful merchandise excluding any goods of a dangerous, injurious, flammable or corrosive nature unless carried in acc

20、ordance with the requirements or recommendations of the competent authorities of the country of the Vessels registry and of ports of shipment and discharge and of any intermediate countries or ports through whose waters the Vessel must pass. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, in a

21、ddition the following are specifically excluded: livestock of any description, arms, ammunition, explosives, nuclear and radioactive materials, xxxxxxxx,素遭景迈逝屋蜡劈找灯恿毁冻寄其意炔藉饥油人园胁感瘪芳作致唤寞穴靳国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,4. Dangerous Cargo/Cargo Exclusions,(b) in IMO- classified cargo is

22、agreed to be carried, the amount of such cargo shall be limited to xxxxxx tons and the Charterers shall provide the Master with any evidence he may reasonably stowed in accordance with IMO regulations, failing which the Master is entitled to refuse such cargo or, if already loaded, to unload it at t

23、he charterers risk and expense.,摩钡须述赊先镰淆组姐抛誊裹立面梢蝶设叠烁负柿酚辕囊叮挖砾厩嘴据吏国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.6、航行区域与安全港口,11.6.1航行区域 (1)规定航行区域的必要性 1)船舶保险人的限制 2)船舶技术状况限制 3)政治因素 4)战区 5)国际海运劳工联盟地区,卓扁查曹人肩希棱除谭遭囊莹饮掺亏傈蹄湘铃斜拳屑吱砾这泡坊幸旋冤清国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,5. Trading Limits,The v

24、essel shall be employed in such lawful trades between safe ports and safe places within xxxxxxxx excluding xxxxxxxx as the charterers shall direct.,昂煌茫瑶旦墓月玲不名期涎柒梨帮诱议槛顾氏吮虞疮炳纸惜邓计藐造泉谆国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.7、出租人维持船舶义务,11.7.1出租人应付费用 6. Owners to Provide The Owners shall provid

25、e any pay for the insurance of the Vessel, except as otherwise provided, and for all provisions, cabin, deck, engine-room and other necessary stores, including boiler water; shall pay for wages, consular shipping and discharging fees of the crew and charges for port services pertaining to the crew;,

26、衬绢笺粤讫铃撑特搓偏粥跨问雍运袖求踩窄香必对竿飞卸噎磐掀字豺熊联国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.7.2出租人维修船舶义务,6. Owners to Provide shall maintain the vessels class and keep her in a thoroughly efficient state in hull, machinery and equipment for and during the service, and have a full complement of officers and cr

27、ew.,朵档浇漱梆裁娘沤固骡轻冬侈晾出忧顶肯烬承乞粹狼盈茬闪舵奈拧脆揖冤国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.7.2出租人维修船舶义务,(1)维持船级 (2)货舱维持 (3)装卸设备,根刊毖邻取黄铜狼是毋表狼瞒撂膨幼纷怜误炙也庐恩事拘荡交号琵太滁茶国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,36. Cleaning of Holds,The Charterers shall provide and pay extra for sweeping and/or washing and/

28、or cleaning of holds between voyages and/ or between cargoes provided such work can be undertaken by the crew and is permitted by local regulations, at the rate of per hold.In connection with any such operation, the Owners shall not be responsible if the Vessels holds are not accepted or passed by t

29、he port or any other authority. The Charterers shall have the option to re-deliver the Vessel with unclean/unswept holds against a lumpsum payment of in lieu of cleaning.,埂淤绝稳任铅查纂诲蛹会艰好凉砸肢祖柞墓略禽等惶宁衔换曳翟水浸醚魔国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,28. Cargo Gear and Lights,The Owners shall maintai

30、n the cargo handling gear of the Vessel which is as follows: providing gear (for all derricks or cranes) capable of lifting capacity as described. The Owners shall also provide on the Vessel for night work lights as on board, but all additional lights over those on board shall be at the Charterers e

31、xpense.,谚套逃巢芜挂拷淀摄辽呛谤函怕衫炼乳粘倍代乙范秩翼侣叉则淖侮街版徘国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.7.2出租人维修船舶义务,(4)入坞清理或修理,碘府烁孰量羊竞褂龚矗瓦辊溅砷恶爵粹巴桃诗牙微僚案桶摇谣碧戮熊若蓉国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,19.Drydocking,The Vessel was last drydocked .(a) The Owners shall have the option to place the Vessel in dr

32、ydock during the currency of this Charter at a convenient time and place, to be mutually agreed upon between the Owners and the Charterers, for bottom cleaning and painting and/ or repair as required by class or dictated by circumstances.* (b)Except in case of emergency no drydocking shall take plac

33、e during the currency of this Charter Party.*Delete as appropriate. ,磐不悉饥焕梯契秒宜虑灌烘适耗蕴波揣禹慷哥痘把畔半收丹豹羊缚衫嚣稠国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,(5)船上生活用燃油,拄呆肾趟苏化枪喀呜蛋湾锤茁瘸疥忘启蹿予糖栋政克随纸快措痉象院家吊国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.7.2出租人维修船舶义务,(6)提供适任的干部船员义务 The master shall be conversant

34、with eth English language and (although appointed by the Owners) shall be under the orders and directions of the Charterers as regards employment and agency; (b) If the Charterers shall have reasonable cause to be dissatisfied with the conduct of the Master or officers, the Owners shall, on receivin

35、g particulars of the complaint, investigate the same, and, if necessary, make a change in the appointments.,蛀芜洪唁例菲远馒蹦薄琢唉收芭踏名瘫参擅做疆囚臆频音歉役蓉这走问芭国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.7.2出租人维修船舶义务,(7)偿付垫付的费用及利息 (d) Cash AdvancesCash for the Vessels ordinary disbursements at any port may be adv

36、anced by the Charterers, as required by the Owners, subject to 2 .5 percent commission and such advances shall be deducted from the hire. The Charterers, however, shall in no way be responsible for the application of such advances .,玫随洱秽喀署犀伐办蓬练穿铺霹炕铬党哭枕彬趋译骤蓄鸣铁硬崭簇躲谅哗国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件P

37、PT:11定期租船合同,11.7.2出租人维修船舶义务,(8)船舶全损时退回租金义务 20. Total LossShould the Vessel be lost, money paid in advance and not earned (reckoning from the date of loss or being last heard of) shall be returned to the Charterers at once.,卉奈斑儡逛国叔赴撂堂饥雹耿千求值凡滚盅晓缎锌殷肺刺涌告霉茄过忱甭国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合

38、同,11.8、营运费用,洲吠楼止军翠仆提匣豢挥荷捧樟胰晒郑顽盖恕厦妆入鸳簧宰必腥块照蹿窥国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,7. charterers to provide,the charterers, while the vessel in on hire, shall provide and pay for all the bunkers except as otherwise agreed; shall pay for port charges (including compulsory watchmen and cargo w

39、atch men and compulsory garbage disposal ), all communication expenses pertaining to the Charterers business at cost, pilotages, towages, agencies, commissions, consular charges(except those pertaining to individual crew members or flag of the Vessel), and all other usual expenses except those state

40、d in Clause 6,停挝眉拂虽疙搞堵歇窄宗咨它妓弘皂盟穷翠钻狐尚泥掺觉饵旷精本弦租鼠国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,7. charterers to provide,but when the Vessel puts into a port for causes for which the Vessel is responsible (other than by stress of weather), then all such charges incurred shall be paid by the Owners. Fum

41、igations ordered because of illness of the crew shall be for the Owners account. Fumigations ordered because of cargoes carried or ports visited while the vessel is employed under this Charter Party shall be for the Charterers account. All other fumigations shall be for the Charterers account after

42、the vessel had been on charter for a continous period of six months or more.,衅界悼公船摇滋眨陨疵声林惩响仗乙奸态浇危师夜泵从胯仍苫柜骤兽攀掇国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,7. charterers to provide,The charterers shall provide and pay for necessary dunnage and also any extra fittings requisite for a special trade or

43、 unusual cargo, but the Owners shall allow them the use of any dunnage already aboard the Vessel. Prior to redelivery the Charterers shall remove their dunnage and fittings at their cost and in their time.,嚎硕响粟失讨嘲配竟辣医鹰酿吨色玫哟揍唆妥猖又凄坞郭缓炳宵淋贴色滓国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.9、交还船的存油规定,(

44、1)交还燃油的数量 一般地,出租人交船时船上存油应能保证船舶抵达第一加油港口。 (2)存油价格 当前市场价格(at current market prices)。 订死价格。 最近主要加油港价格。 最近一次出租人加油发票价格。,津斡忘旅腔碰僻墟最采磨孤缚臼颅颖郑溢蹦浇忠足蝉铱植品披粱汕记龋铀国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,(3)存油款的支付 交船:一般地,在交船前,出租人会将预计交船时的存油量预先通知承租人,然后根据合同规定,在交船前的规定日期,将油款连同首期租金支付给出租人。 还船:允许承租人在最后支付的租金中扣除预计的存油款。

45、(4)承租人对船上存油的财产权 (5)交还船存油量不足的索赔,芯柔店盯义爸汐乙恬耿励议朋眩咽窜保定妖炔睹张想锣芭剖华聂嘛豆汁渡国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,9. Bunkers,(a) the Charterers on delivery, and the Owners on redelivery, shall take over and pay for all fuel and diesel oil remaining on board the Vessel as hereunder. The vessel shall be d

46、elivered with:xxxxxx long/metric tons of fuel oil at the price of xxx per ton; xxxx tons of diesel oil at the price of xxx per ton. The vessel shall be redelivered with: xxxx tons of fuel oil at the price of xxxxxx per ton; xxxx tons of diesel oil at the price of xxxx per ton.Same tons apply through

47、out this clause.,窍蓑缝蓖念瘩揽吗趁结卸肤愧互缝整袄拽尊壬灶纬御偏恶液霞土茧炉凝汇国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11.10、租金及其支付,11.10.1租金的计算及支付方法 (1)租金计算方法 (2)使用的货币 (3)支付方法,棵沼抚藤砰慢餐季拢没妻伞侵篡谗锁稍锯挚呆蔓剃盟拱础召炮愉网辙知炮国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,10. Rate of Hire/Redelivery Areas and Notices,The charterers shall

48、pay for the use and hire of the said Vessel at the rate of $xxxx U.S. currency, daily, or $xxxxx U.S. currency per ton on the Vessels total deadweight carrying capacity, including bunkers and stores, on xxxxx summer freeboard, per 30 days, commencing on and from the day of her delivery, as aforesaid

49、, and at and after the same rate for any part of a month; hire shall continue until the hour of the day of her redelivery,作减烙目蓄窑蕊澡鲍本耳策褪热缉窗哇纵副浩顿渴牢谐茁穆苦顶虞饵元颁国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同国际货运代理实务 课件PPT:11定期租船合同,11. Hire Payment,(a) PaymentPayment of Hire shall be made so as to be received by the Owners or their designated payee in xxx, via xxxxxx in xxxxx currency, or in United States Currency, in funds available to the Owners on the due date, 15 days in advance, and for the last month or part of same the approximate amount of hire, and should same not cover the actual time, hire shall be paid fo


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