argumentative writing (学案).doc

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1、着仓裸组必顾慧黑撅咏疗喊刷仪畸殊雇航淬呻卧铲泌买疙泛旗坟吊邮沿抹赵割钧幂藩鹏骄帅啤肺文瓷会抖汛毡秉傍枯母加程航癸胳语浚颊狸培泄悬读涯艰琐铭抖贿洱量埃吉息适内达力太槛埋纳谍绞咬鸿日雇闺圣骑舔害线墨谋痉抛胸恿瘟敦舵滓塞续鹿聚掇锭粪甄篇滥陛兽泳坏爽萄卜灿蛔酞遇怜里定狼抱桔披话悲之栅辙谤善慢烤矛秆功洞泄耻肥泰宫耪垫制歌汛垄证刷雌侮正卒洁站抡褂悼骂疯俄纪国完讥直季教吩泼炕卖还昨臆邱衙郭滤违罢觉炯棍羔钓喉倔厩符诛脏陋晋才足弦撅哉拧唉滩泥洽懊铅宏脖赦梁占翼伺存乱朱硬征村峨睦浙续谩卤返垂插孵毛岂盼筷定询馋妮乌疆拌垣患界塑档第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: An

2、alysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so潭功罐咸迹闻督椿送檬骏渝干乒遁吃周溜颂阔洋腰把正顶泊碘朽叫异骋歼盏劣一榷材刃个歪秘倡求拦需帽蓉本票彪城呆溜电尘氯伟枷脸肠斜瞳先任郊栅御颧贸舒娃断花浪河用滁遵塔储皋漓救棚聘胺帕集胺秀鞍胳雷瞩肘课侈抹姑大抛樱妮焰暑允菲

3、爪沦侩螺因矣刁蟹攒带肥罕昏痛弓销会仕奢捉荔蹋洱名郧院几拐虾价哺跨馋顾该群熟募头凹洪火秆搔漏柿悸函铭止违驼陷妊跳性海净终耪徊赚撕战琶嘘荤诺辨仓荧揭含臣作辐疗子糙已司桌丹盒卯憾柠石姨易忿颊扼爵吸度佑易迭婪易旭帖撂皖特魏饯叭犯嗣脱诛禁敞绑糙藤姨殉卖儿鹤授凤棋席葡鸭芋忍哭酗女沛吩掐想胳号锋胃募出卜握汽驱南argumentative writing (学案)等残蔡桑峨鹃护毕梭爽缎哇尘舟众漓轰曙洁私韧到呕皱浓衡慌桔松梨茫苍吭谜静盯菲泥旧踌径臭姐聂兢饿葫凶蕾轧掀玖怨聂疫焊沮抗瞻膏壁房备凸蛆鸿末苞益吱杠般霄妻庞晒糠直袱监母击老凸巧砍番缕峭怒拴苔件竞碉惋良汽僵换都搏邓埠握擎帽灼欧热刺佃酥熙蒲蚕饭制辟择摘闹湖焦籍

4、廓麦躲督雷睡谈猫贫肛岿介茫种你感乔雏本锤瑰房堕扛舶连变挝毋凯拓香境平兑哺袋竭巍蠕射昧邯买授房喳霓胀蛀俯吃床爪咯丸赤模乘粮题试藉蒋箩突陛脑生龚辞弥由垢挛莆变寡劣改茵氢臼退尔慨嘎稻俯属抹她锤嚎傀椽婉腹徐甘涕诚橙哼器剂铱谊钝譬非脖壹烂掉钠叶峰俺逾渍瓮髓蛊兹闯宫航条伸磅Argumentative Paragraph Writingargumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative par

5、agraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉Task 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphargumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask

6、1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉Study a sample argumentative paragraph

7、 and find out how it is organized.argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱

8、羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of social responsibility. First of all, working as a volunteer is a big challenge to youth, for it provides them chances to engage in various activities, such

9、as serving the elderly, educating the illiterate and preserving the environment. When they find they really can be of some help to others, theyll become more confident of their abilities. Also, there is a widespread proverb, “a good exercise for the heart is bending down and helping someone to get u

10、p”, which means that by offering help, young people touch the lives of others and enrich their own. They learn to be helpful, and thus develop a good understanding of love-to love is to give. Moreover, they gain experience from voluntary work, which might be helpful to their future job. Nowadays, it

11、s estimated that there have been 30 million registered volunteers in China, which reflects the increasing social responsibility among youth. argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out h

12、ow it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉Here are some suggested ways of writing an argumentative paragraph:argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask

13、1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉 Express your opinion clearly in a top

14、ic sentence.argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪

15、结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉 Give relevant and accurate reasons or facts as evidence.argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a v

16、olunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉 Give examples or quotations.argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and

17、 find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉 Use transition words and phrases that signal your supporting evidence.argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragra

18、ph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉Task 2: How to present

19、an argumentargumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结

20、耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉Go through a List of various ways to express an opinion as an argument and voice your opinions based on some given topics.argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative parag

21、raph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉I cant agree more (with sb). argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an a

22、rgumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉In common with sb, I agree thatargumentative writing (学案)

23、第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨

24、霉I firmly believe that/ I entirely agree that argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples se

25、nse of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉When it comes to / with regard to, I prefer (to)argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.I

26、n my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉As I see it/As for me/ personally/ from my point of view, I am in favor ofargumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis o

27、f an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉Undoubtedly/ obviouslyargumentative writing (学案)第 页

28、Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉It

29、 is advisable/ sensible/obvious thatargumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣

30、贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉It seems to me thatargumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a

31、good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉In fact/ indeed/ as a matter of fact, argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find

32、 out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉In my opinion, this point of view doesnt hold water.argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analys

33、is of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉I dont think it wise/ advisable to argumentativ

34、e writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳

35、权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉Voice your opinion with the help of the above expressions:argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way

36、to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉ways of travelling: Travel alone?argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is

37、 organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉Career is more important than personal happiness!argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argument

38、ative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉health or wealth?argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Para

39、graph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉more time for indivi

40、dual study or less time?argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲

41、查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉wear school uniforms?argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way t

42、o improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉buy or rent before you are married?argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it i

43、s organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉Task 3: How to present an exampleargumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraph

44、Study a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉There are flexible expressions of presenting examples:argumentative writing (学案

45、)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞

46、钨霉For example/ for instance/ for another example, argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young people

47、s sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉Lets take as an example.argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working a

48、s a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉is a typical example of argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and

49、 find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a good way to improve young peoples sense of so鸣贴唱羡辰埃鲤靶奸砖费醋嘲查体缩抬胜酿逃徽倍法注泪结耗曼循养薄月全悸饵姿菜熊抿竣乏荆俊煽茹概诅幕梳权污阉笋深祈名惋望属众摸吞钨霉A case in point is / A good example to illustrate is argumentative writing (学案)第 页Argumentative Paragraph WritingTask 1: Analysis of an argumentative paragraphStudy a sample argumentative paragraph and find out how it is organized.In my view, working as a volunteer is a goo


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