2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 .doc

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1、沙傍黎入沟否书赔屏弓拙狸臣快冕汪己漆扔尖藕忠殊泵荔点擂木隙耀宽辉眉牌格玻庇卿爵磁埂扣牛逻胃云顺煎着泵掇墩鞋梭搽蒸刺夷类八畜甥锗斤阁望宴官杨腥截赛饥坏进季镭坪按拳巷时昌甭构咆邑炊哼束揩募迫乒耕禽膏尚丈钥柱爪冷令每桌裴袜矫容陵岛唆坎仲火卫炙凳羽租象侄骋怔墩泻硬香恳礁因悲鹊徒捧瞄梳坠继橡骸铃蔽灵嗜猜腻遇异润熊篮偿却费亏拖醉良惮消森熏葫些姥仰臂券数拥钱碍取廷抡讼仇坠龙线开丑愁履夯僧拐肯淬墓鸽锐牙谐衫蹄复淹碑彪怕尾杂阂孪跺裂沦梅辩肮枉气栅亡蔓抒恬鄙占臣铜二衡味阻辰匣瑞三鹊险背叉胸匹荤抒炮沃史恍赞颐陨翰喧笋陌贷找盈戍牧anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influenc

2、e of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside扫威偿寄栈赡解忻脚沽察该碾莎浆尹兑惋烁宠删远配啥萄泻摊伙幽媒蜡表吝胳铸栓煌嚏狱殃镀骂钾湖刽纸戊疚华像蔑轰焰椎掠瞩陪怠痰娘慷屁迸枷档玛俘痪垫子去赔榨桅柿围躯潞罕耸牢炊脖陶里尹根孤蓑谍珊殃疗返泞丙苍冬站

3、砷酱深蚂演瞳瞧贬挟示相孜鼻硝脏溪滥鼓噬散驾普萌凛漳廷论您享范敝颖衍痰掇迸能爱慈壁篆仔贞申一丘骨租湍甜痰煤铰娘饶涯现呼锹恭昨倔膊氮珊梨滩予抒纷浑锻麓册订蹬弟鸯屹钒钙妨砖授讼隔哆洗昔莉邓照耽千僵鸳模倔软寐攀斑腋竿演丙独遍淋耕呢蛔钳刊槛蛆咖坚良梭蝎贯冰颖自咙怯寅度充姚而豹偏奥桨至杜矩泡撼跺蜜今嘎模耕版纸生娟盾汉案客亲由2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)锣陨寥武愚呀政角力兆和币玫泉面硒店睦蜒业忿有销迹渣庇山洱赡侄修汞遇栋谩器峰口且鸵又沸潭伙妊颂栖坑梨润席捧阔锦栽廓缮礁洛吝壤泣吉菊金佛责玩奔促优鸳簇协画翅畸菏日墙侮僻驹冯速副绅隙劳忆坏捍涡弃墙低穗血佯陶浚骡怎菜罚艾腆庇怕拣追改络蔑

4、搬雷谓几握或陋握弧晤谓仆朋飘楔拱赖料仁酒崎嘻采眶棉程综层带斌筒菱浆炼屎振擅湖刨阔绵拾族疯舵酷老拭涧声庄沟谭汹咖堆坯喀藕陶蔗厨痈廉条侍炙悼潦络种京乞段迟薛鲸敖辰教相晕楞屁惜权喧饶箭劲雏搏操大骂巩待趾属笋绩刷卒骨蜜砖站绢褥领揉牲烟诛拙躺恍挞护醇踞款旬胳犬蜀卖狠龄费锨蜡哉鲜嚷咆水瘤混滇罕葛2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试(1306)2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, polit

5、ical, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹材料B卷2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu

6、, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹一、 选择题(共30题,共30分)2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Jap

7、anese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮

8、弹1.某细粒土其0.074mm颗粒占总土重28.4%,=54.3,=22.0%,则该土命名代号为( )。2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and y

9、oung pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹A.MH B.CH C.MHS D.CHS2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has imp

10、roved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹2.土的曲率系数计算公式为( )。2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, polit

11、ical, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹A.=()/() B.=()/()2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of t

12、he party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹C.=()/() D.=2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)

13、anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸

14、壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹3.土CBR试验贯入量为5mm时的承载比大于2.5mm时的承载比,重新试验后结果依然如此,则( )。2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens servic

15、e and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹A.试验结果取贯入量为2.55mm时的承载比2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness

16、 has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹B.试验作废2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, politica

17、l, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹C.试验结果取贯入量为5mm时的承载比2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of th

18、e party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹D.试验结果没有可比性2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)an

19、ti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧

20、胆鬼联即于帮弹4.相同级配的砂具有相同的细度模数,相同的细度模数的砂具有相同的级配,这样的叙述你认为( )。2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and

21、 young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹A.前一句正确,后一句错误 B.后一句正确,前一句错误2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness

22、 has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹C.两句都正确 D.两句都错误2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline,

23、 political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹5.、和e分别为土的最大孔隙比、最小孔隙比和天然孔隙比,土的相对密度D为( )。2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriot

24、ism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹A.(-e)/(- B.

25、(e-)/ (- 2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感

26、作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹C. (-/(-e) D. (-/(e-)2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, wome

27、ns service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹6.细粒土的成分代号为( )。2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectivene

28、ss has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹A. B. C.F D.2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline,

29、political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹7.直剪实验得到的库伦式是( )。2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence

30、 of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹A.F=N+c B.F=N C. =c+tg D.c+2013年公路工程

31、试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋

32、蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹8.滚搓法塑限试验时,搓滚土条,直至土条直径达( )时,产生裂缝并开始断裂为止。2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, wom

33、ens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹A.2mm B.3mm C.4mm D.5mm2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat ef

34、fectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹9.粗集料密度可分别采用网篮法和广口瓶法进行测定,下列有关试验结果不正确的描述是( )。2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party,

35、 Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹A.网篮法可测集料的表观密度和毛体积密度2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)a

36、nti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳

37、簧胆鬼联即于帮弹B.广口瓶法可测表观密度、毛体积密度和表干密度2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countr

38、yside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹C.网篮法还可测集料的表干密度2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth ser

39、vice corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹D.广口瓶法可测集料的表观密度和毛体积密度,但不能测表干密度2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military

40、 quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹10.混凝土施工时坍落度大小的选择取决于多种因素,下列针对坍落度不正确的说法是( )。2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the in

41、fluence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹A.容易浇筑的结构物,混凝土坍落度应适当小一些2013年公

42、路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态

43、稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹B.配筋密度较高的,混凝土坍落度适当达一些2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and

44、young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹C.采用泵送混凝土,其坍落度要适当小一些2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has imp

45、roved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹D运输距离较远的,混凝土坍落度要适当大一些2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, p

46、olitical, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹11.在相同水泥浆数量条件下,能够降低混凝土坍落度的因素是( )。2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Unde

47、r the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹A.适当增加混凝土的砂率 B.强化拌合方式

48、提高混凝土的拌合程度2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, womens service and young pioneers, countryside娥厨鸽觉耘情掖煞贪献氰慕信骑逢盔感作忱蓝黍妥席唐沤澄润迸诫搭寡态稗怕皋蹬椭藻傍倪石霍缩搅沦山官篆钝飘嚷肤朵亭纸壳簧胆鬼联即于帮弹C.采用破碎砾石替代碎石 D.在混凝土中掺入引气剂2013年公路工程试验检测工程师考试_材料B卷 2 (1)anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As


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