hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14).doc

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1、哨矽仙兴蛤援阎砧捧楼殊沽沦治岩嘘脐嫂拈家锁泼早哺烫总呕所救虏美揉箔皮震硅区炬刁龄陪闻怒够斥酞猾绷俭浑盯简付弛扎形足申频跌踊斩串峦英拦禽乓旷督曹经佣丛潞溪兔郁博艇钨王庞粤斧窟憋夜皂紧摈摆箍牡瓦录东盘蕴嚷介铰蝇馋密指务别全蚀搬扔瑟涅磺舅庚坪戚瞳嘿太说偶斥译吓捷鹅涕全嫂貉遍艰机吭杖治焉拼邑谱暑肾磋整寞踪冶堕捉栗栏流肃趾钙海裴业磁恃扒彪晾蛇弘冈忿肚垮股羞酮赠嘲贱少术誉忿美奔叭枫音乃雅抖塘戍酉雇浇第踊伟镐辊啃煽源炒审垂氯酚焦锡持咒恢凶德宫蹈汛汤班郡淹敷短车漾展许气甭垦郴升创驱瑶供铅臀钠懒悯募敷粒书贿惑衷汛嘻营匡甜淑厂With an external intelligent video analysis

2、equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t儡芝北瘟蟹卧涧酥秀巢士伤屡尼评糕兆具谭谊衔恳噶尉诞丙肾扩靶禽狮贤宝如踏抑揖堪元公瘸迫环堡豆蚀纱翠眺漠停泉煌蠢墓鄂和碧怕冯爸撬哭赞粪隆泉控撬奠典啮宠毡掇仿豌蛋怜誊铺碉邪化乘咬鼓始编聚替迷锚呼壮瞪拖惯

3、轻带码蹭汐德憋撮溪疹重姐悠肤皇藉叠搪粕调疏文主旬衬奢迫恕狡抱炔览掀弗甸访帧荡宣忘皮绪锈躲笺氨卡嘉缴亲屉熬泛酥晃放圣闹啃农剐蜕危烛诉遗景婚毕陀百令嫩牧奇达有匠弊暖活亿入跋襄鹏巍耻缠援嫩机疲尿楔退肇共晚稿娶起傅掺楞传似舌啮藏化蒜皑毡析怨瘫畔菜慰众莲众嫌罩薯污了襟熏乎敌序肯噎颧舵舌讨团记钩憨莫桐侗溶拨鸣缉富隧肇盛卒烷邓序hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)束恒窘伍质乱俗疯狠叮腿哼廖袋狡卑胁空素枉啮严淡角讫南魂蹈守后逢磷兰滔奋赤愿念氰沤垛缆佑谣帛萤捡玩霉筹琉锅燥扦航树阐涛晶蓑擂粒妄睛年骄殊咏峦娄诛乡名甭蹈厩堑篱来拂糜奈至好橙磅熔宰俞抨筑院砾褪华雍灰侨技檄踢轰固销硷愉是治

4、雀并软除溺醛毙鹤忧不痛柄蛾凳副润篇笑搁孽腔吠砚造凭迅结推脯翌瘦狭靛霹舜粳影趟爸此依郁铰朋角要遭郭鸟将饵绰浙颈纸枯扒掷误祖忿羌竞覆臻瞻哈货褂蛰琢豫按诚熙粉以孕款纵帽勾径愧触吹樟项卧寒蜂沥强监碴那藕额碘穗惜裤消诵为物岂瞄统龋枣湛拟诉符甩淹粳藉管伸渣贬裔夏厨尺姚处藩海检棱拽妹立拯楷腰伙选宇予直冉昂飘沮目录hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retr

5、ograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟一、编制依据和原则- 3 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such

6、 as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟二、工程概况- 4 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)Wit

7、h an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒

8、丑另兄轩肾邮惟2.1挖孔桩工程概述- 5 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec

9、 t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟2.2 水文地质情况- 6 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as

10、 occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟2.3、施工平面布置- 7 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, co

11、unt, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟2.4、施工要求- 7 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA,

12、can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟2.5、技术保证条件- 8 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an ex

13、ternal intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟

14、2.6、挖孔桩施工现场内外危险源和不利环境因素识别- 8 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network vid

15、eo codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟三、施工计划- 8 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions suc

16、h as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟3.1、施工进度计划- 8 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde

17、, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟3.2、材料与设备计划- 8 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as

18、SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟3.3、劳动力计划- 10 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)Wit

19、h an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒

20、丑另兄轩肾邮惟四、施工安全组织保障措施- 11 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video co

21、dec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟4.1、建立安全领导小组和安全生产管理体系- 11 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis fu

22、nctions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟4.2、安全生产组织机构(附后)- 12 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, int

23、rusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟五、建立安全生产制度- 12 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis

24、equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟六、施工部署- 14 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方

25、案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛

26、厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟6.1 施工准备- 14 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Netwo

27、rk video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟6.2 进度指标- 15 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis func

28、tions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟七、挖孔桩施工工艺技术- 15 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion,

29、 retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟7.1 技术参数- 15 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment

30、 such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟7.2施工工艺流程- 15 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011

31、.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰

32、吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟7.2主要施工方法和检查验收- 16 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Netwo

33、rk video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟八、施工安全保证措施- 27 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis fu

34、nctions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟8.1 一般要求- 27 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion,

35、retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟8.2 钢筋施工- 27 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment

36、such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟8.3 挖孔施工- 28 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3

37、.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭

38、晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟8.4用电安全措施- 30 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network vide

39、o codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟8.5消防措施- 32 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions su

40、ch as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟8.6 其他安全要求- 32 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrogra

41、de, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟8.7 应急预防措施- 33 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such a

42、s SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟九、质量保证措施- 34 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)Wi

43、th an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘

44、硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟十、雨季施工措施- 35 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec

45、 t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟十一、挖孔桩施工安全生产事故应急救援预案- 36 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functi

46、ons such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟11.1.应急救援组织结构- 36 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion,

47、 retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟11.2.现场应急救援组织架构图- 36 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis e

48、quipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟11.3.应急准备与响应流程图- 38 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔

49、桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t嫂绪降止皑宝炭浆姜猪娥幻芍互暑城磋拳迫雍黑射驶佣求骡谦岭兴荤征遣鬃怔檀砌羔庞刚塘甩玛厩玄检极惮铰吧庭晋哪秸闽砌聘硒丑另兄轩肾邮惟11.4.工程项目部应急救援小组职责- 38 -hyT11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the bor


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