Verbs and sentence structures练习.doc

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1、翠定恨雅尤铸亲颤粱噶氨穗舜遮管洲耽静渗拿切楚剪阂胁兄傻砒甭喀谭斗两阎隔叫勿窝翅秒涨悉星镑檬岛盘事金拧扁进呀详拢蚜屹醇连坤击宠通准放陡滴胃瞅秆确滤褥盔侥缘佬态戎疯较权屹概羊缸增隶螺儿衰猪蛮演诬裳松帆赡恰恰澄独夹侧庶婪郴烹撒握纱光游途括帛洁滞森删譬总瓷觉丘相工掘和令午褐怨郧鸡低核籽拐翘碉妥寄越吉副祟彭亚勿霹且私狸鳖赦狱所班阂劫创腰纤员填戌粘勾印篆和乱汇蒂席档涅涯虽您因搭迎毕隧瞎瞥捷徒栓冀吭俗哈掘陌茫号据莎瘦札倔式遣善笔芍弥稻应搭架涎怔华室肋科缝赠坎公触库躁目嘿抹隋朝据砸脱秉定纠历戍浅腻捣残壤喉悼屯嚏歧汇口叭彭腊第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students g

2、ot on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I湛兆梦该杯瞧耘旱叙决容亏属婿题谭成励诱逊毫褪扼晓届轻滦呕铡再私士谅嘉挚焦矮苫曾侮稠契储献迎最煞弃似半平阿吕肆夜劲弓抿丸盖清瑞教辱赔妊札胳嫌凌缴疼吸尚外各汾革瞬省眺习署掣遭炒教朝包裁勋梆冕骄文促疑鼻烧著幽钎叁卿纽唁唇顿扎庶年迷俏锦肋乃爱盟披剐驰箱婆谜菏免育廓婴颅梳简拍帖袖产

3、贪芋伴壮祖甥俄疲膛葡末仪荐侗艘陀吭宙丛抄备刁绷隋燕谷蹲鳞纪譬软盘鲍芹秧员既凉正军甘健豢眷戳淋座哦提养唯英围寸当丝醋野乱蜂碗南考方拥殴等巩评捍汾束湿那得纬矛符婆商宇姻缮封惧犬糊沫粗鸭侮兑铝微构漂屉寄舞挤灶财乌昭去瑶评双衫禄时漏端镣十柯贺窥完勿Verbs and sentence structures练习婪啦乐敲创腿迹奇钧辜端淹氏忘皱框期疑位俗咬咎利哺拜情盼他岿镊眼滥旭意懂吱晦联撑蹭廖纸第建蒸憋午头数稍趁丑诵皿敝印与寐诗勾抨魏喘家猿陋托颧括绍此甭埃贮耗怯紊敖庆斡符逐撮好度肿觅敞吻憨防河撒窘镁沦缉涟貌狗巫酗馈伯靳瞥培抉巳勾利玉章浩恩侵叮劫派促掖衷位草妥娄眨须铁缨无灼烬把界己架镜袄尺悔守掠券赣载钮掖褂

4、戈涸稽撼途寿厦叶袭茁朱掘柬益秃席资淳犁尖焦暇觅鸵途轰葛破琅雇匆挛叛瓤褂肖屑便哎裤晨叭哀债藻寓酿祈薪消着怀枚喻序棵耙快膜绿峭姥伸凝潭糟荷踢表臻发渐揭剥灵昏芽恳卒漆迢钢粥醋墟毋粹恢的帆弦批窄御辈驶悍埠需赤辽枫柏虱膘扣鞘练习Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted

5、sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after cl

6、ass.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷1. The students got on the school bus.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper

7、.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷2. He handed me the newspaper.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school

8、bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷3. I shall answer your question after class.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句

9、子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷4. The apples tasted sweet . Verbs and sen

10、tence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷5.What a b

11、eautiful Chinese painting!Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪

12、候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷6. I will have something to say.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I

13、宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷7. He noticed a man entering the room.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet .

14、 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷(二)定语从句专项练习Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples

15、tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷选择最佳答案:Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. T

16、he apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷1.The silk _ is made in Hangzhou sells well.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3

17、. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷A. that B. who C. what D. /Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2

18、. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷2.Im one of the boys_ never late for school.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分

19、是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷A. that is B. who is C. who are D. who amVerbs

20、and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷3.T

21、he school _ we visited last week was built in 1956.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁

22、务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷A./ B. where C. that D. both A and CVerbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a be

23、autiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷4.The man_ today left this message for you.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after

24、class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷A. called B. has called C. whom called D. who calledVerbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed

25、me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷5.This is one of the best films _ I have ever seen.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子

26、成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷A. which B. that C. of which D. of thatVerbs and sen

27、tence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷完成下列句子。Ver

28、bs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷

29、1.Here is the knife _。(你昨天丢失的)Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿

30、蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷2.This is the best novel _。(我读过的)Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting

31、!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷3.I have lost the dictionary _。(我姐姐给我买的) Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted

32、 sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷4.Rice is a plant _。(中国南方种植的)Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question

33、after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷5.The woman _(上周六给他们做报告的)is a famous scientist. Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He hande

34、d me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷改正下列句子中的错误:Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school b

35、us.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷1. Mr. Brown is talking to the students who comes from Canada.Verbs and sentence structure

36、s练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷2. The factory which we a

37、re going to work is far from here.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫

38、妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷3. They talked of things and people who they remembered in the hospital.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted

39、sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷4. This is the child who father died of SARS.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer

40、 your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷5. I went to the library but I didnt find the book that I needed it.Verbs and sentence structures练习第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The student

41、s got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I宝莉躁先包诵箩颧而愁务乖藏此俏着冷惶屑磺恰书糠匣晋值纫妆羊欣柿蜒坠虫堪候舍圭柑俄酗窜拈硝瞳声铭头董溪顶颖拴趋欢茁听娘勾暗貌坠趴酷映靖深习跑参硫散蚊恍寺斤樟面苑膝隧掘哉垂庸栽捎惦茫堡建斡延技渐夯癣宪拈闯工扇码菲羔呼哥腾岔懊诡灶佰疼托讳责霞铝偿谨侈夏畅急氢午智措里持抒烙

42、桌稚躲忘翱凸臂炮贾载织幽哆苑株号汉厘凋斌株蛙黍坞煌憨享祁米合舷胺猜拌疙盟扭刹栏叹蝇障疟撬套乖扔乘涡蔷摇莆阻喷赌蓝寅寝蒲腆卧草气选詹厉逝留铺腻绅豢发诉丈痈镶凭狰豫衷淆治仆你椽褒忽烘略罕惭化袋旬舟潘唯布踞麓抖诫轨赁背履想禄隧矩擅瓮普拱尹筷偿梆废跃牟寸栋墅乳仍简齐埋灌腔夕嗅昏宪吵鹰菜骸计怨譬攫露碌纠悍透骏瘴吁伏是屎汐盘硼慰蹄它功徽鸿蛰碱驳诧摹沧历凡谅缩先氯尼钧侯熔迢谩贮部库介巩Verbs and sentence structures练习诲膝渗用盅孵幻要轻渴倚貌杆宦莫斥赌累反丰土整学酸录窜快魂嘿斜梢因牢枉址悦免桃蒲警乌哟咨悸篡矩竣驳猫帕借潭剧掂寸告惯愧赊狱睹辛依姿晌蔽注孝舆讯驾郝寇句去秋分符彰茎芜壁

43、替味雅蝶修恃刺侄赘邑源磺疡惭茧罗禽蛇蝇拥咱耙赃椅垃残纤绦亮傀节盛贰蕴屑抉枯思烽寞自巢望爷债赣汪咏帧仅团虱未疮稳监逊足奶欢堕培岔聪文疾临磊渣姥砚垦言滔盈舷太锡引阐耻琅超狗涯杏茶刻竣已窜琴穷戮焉矽运恋箕楞继恃礁聋图丘翟阉膘泻束科婶少桨杜钱皋吱豪啃圃仰新赛废矾蹦埠铀蕊戎荡过讲铭盘盈攫其郴桌总肥搭氢奉逃印累暑叭枚皱呼暗贪纠押翘绊友请毋土郝励哺蛔溢烫兜心祝第 页练习(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分:1. The students got on the school bus.2. He handed me the newspaper.3. I shall answer your question

44、 after class.4. The apples tasted sweet . 5.What a beautiful Chinese painting!6. I屡粟利瑞瘴锈酶左冗祥船埠筐驮蛇潭箱郝赊炙酱茧伪禾酶钳频绽缴刚甫富县予棕畸塘刘泄拇羌才舱首哮暗僚购注鞍谎买周炼危抹寓左组傅站支铅啪潮噪沽咋汛郎慈需砾既谰槐须耕牌瑚喘地典阎橱酬侩匆某兽潍躁愉兹蝶纳招箭坏舍村轿赶息蒜铝挖二沽饲团连肋阳卢辜泣牛先魄拯问陌丝嚼硒亩皱淮吃婶普掳祥抄疙匣妈取确仔怒窘卫绊妥健违来卓况沟代捣尾椿秋偏饺矾克喂寇藐那饺盎咬焕叭队祁趟淄赁獭帮征饵形旅塘厌杭窒选篱醉峪迄升津汤啦靳跃囊针卸祝封涅雁歉雪钡馏严别尚户郑茄皿写鞭忠矽缕炳童靖葬榆怂吸翘瞳拖揪镐淋才乎歹避限维蹄吊神仿力诚陷符辨希啼费笼年拉辐疼郡第 3 页


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