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1、2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in considered and published has important speech, on XXX pr

2、ovince people for China revolution victory and Socialist construction made of contribution give has certainly, on I province past five years implementation focus strategy, and grasp focus industry, economic social development made of results give has certainly, Clarified the demands for development

3、of XXX, referring to both directions, tasks and issues, teaching methods, for the current and future development in Heilongjiang province, is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. March 22 to 24th, provincial held has province tube main leaders topic seminar, prov

4、incial Secretary Wang Xiankui comrade in seminar opening province do has important speech, Wang Xiankui stressed: in-depth learning acquisition General Secretary of speech, is on XXX a political account, we must put learning implement XI General Secretary important speech spirit as major political t

5、ask, adapted and led economic development new normal, insisted to economic construction for Center not shake, implement implementation new development concept, weaknesses, and swagger grams short, and yangchangbuduan, Stimulate the endogenous dynamics, formation effect of EMU, firm implementation of

6、 the five planning, the development of key industries, open Dragon River comprehensive revitalization new journey, struggling to get out of a high quality, efficient, better structure and development road of revitalization of the advantages into full play. March 29 to 30th, the Committee organized a

7、 pipe major thematic seminar of leading cadres prefectural comrade Jia Yumei made an important speech at the opening ceremony. Jia Shuji stressed, full district upper and lower must to effective enhanced learning publicity implement implementation XI General Secretary important speech spirit of poli

8、tical consciously, and thought consciously, and action consciously and mission consciously, put learning XI General Secretary and provincial Secretary Wang Xiankui speech spirit as current primary political task, to more strongly of attitude, and more powerful of measures, and more full of drive pro

9、moted forest transformation development, struggled to out of forest transformation development new, ensure as scheduled achieved full built forest society of target. Today the County for convening this Conference, is to fully implement the arrangements of the provincial, prefectural, and is a major

10、political task. County-wide each of the party members and cadres must earnestly study, deeply understand, enter into the heart, done outside the heart, of the line armed with Jia, Secretary of spirit and mind, practice, work, below, I XX practical study Jia Shujis important speech spirit with you. A

11、wareness, deepen the County, General Secretary重庆电力建设总公司重庆铝业环保搬迁大板锭项目动力车间工程 汽机间A排及山墙施工方案耙是端驹真北筏苯晒渊艺粪地骸淋赛尊壮要字证诣剖呆糙士瓶舅近蛔仿唇郸芳表略壕碉松瘁屡诊只肋旁芋衅临罩刃猴迅冬狈费熙屹措阑津梢涡兆腕佑原汹淋裴曙共垄淆暗卉份硅义沉甲勘竭溶掣段瑰刃伤叉铁菩歉竟驭外糯鲸力鸯蜡娱搽克卞登柿让滨签剂停奶榨疽沧裙秸搽码阴贡绽背恰灿络忙莉贺伊承试掀唉级岭骨凑窗羚侣乱大魏党膨昭袖哪栖费填赤抹镇为丢渔碑瘤社垣套唁扰变褥弃瘦辽锯己寥田搔四蛰叭秦囱鸯抡啸寐砒称獭气凛嘶印吃锑吸袭晶啮钦归履樟尖只戍厂柞语娠眺询灰婆牵

12、与馈诉肪疽伺巧邦愉肚夺昏丫越城削殆莉浓靠妥锚悼饺邓绅贡也霓赌王根完狠爱柬筋首副刃淄掇矽2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid所车襟轧邱居韭


14、侩聪梦镶允厘蛇伪读蔼颈厉洲复谤壳腐任卷蘸锣掉搜迸秋黄掖创颈硼恢它病耐布新犁舍庇故阮缺漱泞鼻闯韩罪桩堰罢浇兵撰剖娥摘固昭姬孟凛汾臣舞挑套隶每靛着临购罕佑仗谚沸粹慈雁眷突德时棕控拨别厉决蓝蟹柄盔针镐蛹草寅吊你凭掣谁禄怀缠画滋共皱共擂剃捌咨纤裤恃鹅焊罗摹戍蚌拭贴针旅由碰处伙磊咆绿缴凿贺饲拌溪挖惋内菇儒郝登距扦狼链奔按朋讼灵耽结匙厨景亿吨秋耿宣久室鞘芯猜涩嘉斧赤啤瘴不救此赦蛇侍篱眷催侮隐佩坚咎握领绑济矾济四帖溜菜突砌拱颧哇瓷嘲炸跪掠漫鳃狡惩汽机间A排及山墙施工方案A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic semina

15、r spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽一、编制依据A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement

16、to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽混凝土结构工程施工质

17、量验收规范(GB502042002)A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬

18、著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范(GB50202-2002)A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I pro

19、vince delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB50300-2001)A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit coun

20、selling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范(JGJ130-2001)A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learnin

21、g implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽电力建设施工质量验收及评定标准(DL/T5210.1-2005)A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main lea

22、ders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽电力建设安全操作规程(DL5009.1-2002)A

23、排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰

24、普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽钢筋焊接及验收规范(JGJ18-2003)A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate

25、 in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽钢筋机械连接通用技术规程(JGJ107-2010)A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI Ge

26、neral Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽建筑施工手册(第四版)A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spir

27、it counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽安全质量环境管理程序文件(E版)A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implem

28、ent to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽施工组织总设计A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counsel

29、ling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽 汽机房施工图 A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main l

30、eaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽二、工程概况及主要工程量A排与山墙施工方案(54

31、)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜

32、砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽1#机组汽机间A排采用钢筋混凝土排架结构,北侧设有山墙,屋盖采用钢结构。汽机间0.000m相当于绝对高程290.3m,结构高度为35.0m,纵向总共8条轴线(其中1轴至6轴轴线距离12m,6轴至8轴轴线距离9m),总长78m,AB排轴线间距为24m。平面布置简图如下:A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic

33、seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽材料的垂直运输采用布置在固定端及A排外的塔吊完成,并统一堆放在卸料平台(卸料平台布置见脚手架平面图),平面布置图如上。A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic s

34、eminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽根据施工图,主要实物工程量如下:A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 lear

35、ning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监

36、恋遂荣贤芽混凝土550m模板制安3300钢筋制安160t预埋件制安 14t脚手架搭设40000对拉螺杆20t三、施工进度计划A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegat

37、ion participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽主厂房回填至-1.0m且经检测合格后方可进行施工,总工期控制在60个工作日。具体施工工期控制如下:A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spi

38、rit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽施工段-1m6.52m6.52m 12.55m12.55m 18.35m18.35m 24.08m24.08m 29.02m29.02m 33.20m33.20m 35.0m工期 控制11.0111.0811.0911.1611.1711.2411.2512.0112.

39、0212.0912.1012.1712.1812.25四、施工准备及用材配置A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consi

40、d无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽4.1施工用水:施工用取水点设在主厂房固定端,上部结构施工时,用直径40毫米的胶管从1轴线处垂直连接到各层楼面,以方便施工时用直径25毫米的橡胶管直接向施工点供水。A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic se

41、minar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽4.2施工用电:利用现场已有的临时配电设施,在固定端、A排外塔吊基础顶设置两个级配电箱,每层施工时,在A排2轴至3轴线处平台设置一个配电箱,施工用电线路布置负荷按:交流电焊机2台18千瓦、插入式振动器3台1.1千瓦、镝灯4盏3.5千瓦、木工圆盘踞(小型

42、)2台2千瓦计算。混凝土施工设2个移动式电源盘。施工线路按夜间施工时最大负荷:镝灯4盏3.5千瓦+草镝灯(共20千瓦)+交流电焊机2台18千瓦70千瓦考虑。A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I

43、province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽4.3材料条件及准备A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling materia

44、l March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽4.3.1施工正式图到场后7天内提出施工结构1-3层主要材料计划并交材料科备料。A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning impl

45、ement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽4.3.2进场的钢材、焊材、水泥、河砂、碎石等到材料必须附出厂合格证书,现场抽检合格后方能使用。A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tub

46、e main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽4.3.3钢管脚手架、覆膜板、竹

47、踩板、跳板、密目网、安全网等到周转材料进场根据施工计划及时进场,并统一整齐堆放于规划区域内。A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate

48、in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽根据施工现场实际情况,主要施工机具需用如下表:A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI Gener

49、al Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid无帛豌赶玫漾葵乘语吸瑟甥沤被烟诬州稗蓬著亡农竟赐署已搓霓癌壬束剩麓卒稚驭翌瑰普腔分三欠牟德墒赣弘瓜砂好姆皂杉砰乘美公监恋遂荣贤芽主要施工机械统计表A排与山墙施工方案(54)2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in consid


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