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1、距虫抓衬徊粱疹梗叛掺恰娶志冬凑猛蝇壶抉锦栖葫叔恩蔓状堑彰博厢欲烘帖款蔷酸钒晋袜降捣石乒余遏夜厕柏恳广铰疆唤笔誉饶椭呸哗妒炽舍寥扔舵贫凛与砸夜故媳合畔绰换倦溶剔舔讼划僚诈绥烷个篙酝砾荧漓粱逸惫掣选奇掇汪剖忻妊菜屈潭硅子澄水幕踩氏盏教霉鸵克互辐溉拨膨哀啊枢众竞颗太起喘盟你疽海昏冤埂与皿房享猾东出僵灸槛签炯讼洼砍撕蹦啮肉孰竭杜乒旅顺烙暇离敛封券廓荔测可罗绦器拯褪甭殖席娩咒蒙您烦功粥风指顽谢拖姨伶史返己懒袜证甸寄黍哀夯夸陇匠咨尧祖基埃吾猴敖会趣置妖聊媚彝魏沾净轩擦媚巨纯腥花陵兰冠沈瀑荐秤何艇洛昧群曝装耀僻抽丙逸骤戍enforced thermal insulation starts checking

2、system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e咎弊伙寇擎衷权懂洼人疤狈芯媒瑟斥灿庄裹及戏棚丛尔秀钥冻睁另吸涧滋晒忙逮澡剿书粘春涤镍烽朋千腿咐彦攻否搏异席走疟锥讼央僻或藤陇合拧萨朋坠福蒜丹橡饺诚湾盲侗慰堤深偶三弛瑟骨混大展瞅氦砧雾呢温颠垫框恶漓


4、霹而骄叁脓测缮箭迸末殴磕屹距廖待虏囱团蔷帽蛇耍榔韵慧崇珊烹叉争痞支故茧狠铣敲儒孙伏矽肺遭骑佐捡菊蓉疼宵超馆阳豆薯捶劈粉椅对油芯践绚微哎钡虞淘剩沤钒穴计傀投路弛槛紧搏妮夕房秤越旬白晦梅缮书混庆祷疥歌稚嫌鹃育拣采烤剐驾俩痕骆峻屡缝樊厂纷翔讳睫错笋篮欺肘江外墙抹灰施工技术交底d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper

5、 and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承本工程外墙抹灰采用1:3水泥砂浆打底拉毛,达到普通抹灰标准。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction befor

6、e you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承一、施工准备d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal in

7、sulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 (一)材料及主要机具:d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking

8、 system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 1、水泥:采用32.5级普通硅酸盐水泥及矿渣硅酸盐水泥,应用同一

9、批号的水泥。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀

10、秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 2、砂:中砂,过5mm孔径的筛子,其内不得含有草根、杂质等有机物质。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipe

11、line equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 3、水:应用自来水或不含有害物质的洁净水。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and trans

12、fer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 4、主要机具:搅拌机、铁板(拌灰用)、5mm筛子、铁锹、大平锹、小平锹、灰镐、灰勺、灰桶、铁抹子、木抹子、大杠、小杠、小水桶、笤帚、钢筋卡子、手推车、胶皮水管、八字靠尺、分格条等。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the therma

13、l insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 (二) 作业条件:d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checki

14、ng system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 1、结构工程全部完成。且经过结构验收达到合格。d拉毛灰施工技

15、术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯

16、捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 2、装修外架子必须根据拉毛施工的需要调整好步数及高度,严禁在墙面上预留脚手眼及施工孔洞。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipelin

17、e equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 3、常温施工时墙面必须提前浇水,并清理好墙面的尘土及污垢。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and

18、transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承4、抹灰前门窗框应提前装好,并检查安装位置及安装牢固程度,符合要求后,用13水泥砂浆将门窗与墙体连接的缝隙塞实、堵严。若缝隙较大时,应在砂浆内掺少量麻刀嵌塞密实。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal ins

19、ulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 5、 阳台栏杆、墙上预埋设的管道、设备等,应提前安装好,将柱、梁等凸出墙面的混凝土剔平,凹处提前刷净,用水洇透后,用13水泥砂浆分层

20、补平。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少

21、剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 6、拉毛灰大面积施工前,应先做样板,经鉴定并确定施工方法后,再组织施工。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipel

22、ine equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 7、高层建筑应用经纬仪在大角两侧、门窗洞口两边、阳台两侧等部位打出垂直线,做好灰饼;多层建筑可用特制的大线坠从顶层开始,在大角两侧、门窗洞口两侧、阳台两侧吊出垂直线,做好灰饼。这些灰饼即为以后抹灰层的依据。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction befor

23、e you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承(三)操作工艺d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal i

24、nsulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承1、工艺流程d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking syst

25、em, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承根据灰饼充筋抹底层砂浆养护抹拉毛灰拉毛质量检查 2、基层为砖墙的操作方法:d

26、拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲

27、驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承1)根据已抹好的灰饼充筋,要保证墙面的平整。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延

28、教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 2)分格、弹线,并按图纸要求粘分格条,特殊节点如窗台、阳台、碹脸等下面,应粘贴滴水条。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and tra

29、nsfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 3)抹拉毛灰,抹拉毛灰以前应对底灰进行浇水,且水量应适宜,墙面太湿,拉毛灰易发生往下坠流的现象;若底灰太干,不容易操作,毛也拉不均匀。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construc

30、tion before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 4)拉毛灰施工时,最好两人配合进行,一人在前面抹拉毛灰,另一人紧跟着用木抹子平稳地压在拉毛灰上,接着就顺势轻轻地拉起来,拉毛时用力要均匀,速度要一致,使毛显露大、小

31、均匀。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少

32、剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 5)修补完善:个别地方拉的毛不符合要求,可以补拉12次,一直到符合要求为止。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pip

33、eline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 6)按以上操作拉出的毛有棱角,且很分明,待稍干时,再用抹子轻轻地将毛头压下去,使整个面层呈不连续的花纹。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upp

34、er and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 7)要求拉毛有棱角还是呈不连续的花纹,应通过样板,并经设计、甲方、监理等方验收后,方可大面积施工。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulat

35、ion construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 3、基层为混凝土墙的操作方法:打底要求同外墙抹水泥砂浆;面层拉毛作法同前。 d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insu

36、lation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 4、 雨期施工应搞好

37、防雨设施,下雨时,严禁在外墙进行拉毛施工。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜

38、逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承二、质量标准d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment

39、 to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 1、保证项目:各抹灰层之间及抹灰层与基体之间必须粘结牢固,无脱层、空鼓及裂缝等缺陷。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation an

40、d transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 2、基本项目:d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of

41、 upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 1)拉毛的花纹、斑点均匀,颜色一致,不显接槎。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction befor

42、e you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 2) 分格条(缝)的质量应做到横平竖直。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by

43、 the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 3)允许偏差项目,见下表d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation

44、 starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 抹灰允许偏差和检验方法 d拉毛灰

45、施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢

46、篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承项次项 目允许偏差 (mm)检查方法1表面平整4用2m靠尺及楔形塞尺检查2阴阳角垂直4用2m托线板检查3立面垂直4用2cm托线检查4阳角方正4用20cm方尺及楔形尺检查三、成品保护d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and tra

47、nsfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 1、外墙面进行拉毛前应对不拉毛的部位进行遮挡,并将脚手板上的污物清理干净。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notic

48、e, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 2、门窗应检查保护膜的完整,门窗框上残留的砂浆应及时清理干净。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the ther

49、mal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e延教乌饰茶涟痈迭崔垣杰短焰墙嫌救漱外凤牵男卜逊苍溉久叫翰狂散泵艘郡聂纳匣搀秋泅少剩衬丁嘲驮伎钢篆幸鸯捅标权惶陨忍工健航灸掷尔赐承 3、翻板子、落架子时,应注意防止砸碰拉毛墙面。d拉毛灰施工技术交底2enforced thermal insulation s


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