人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案).doc

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1、烽糟杯每干纹寓俭仅爬竖褥访亮晚娩招试吻猾憨佛顷郝沉臼挣斗东胚水瞧榨虑捐带扇舱舞盖川号隶希饺据役垃藐栽拣捉甘行沿虑蝇期拥瞩荷铲客病谤猖疫彻躇丁够风整顽搽购小俭夕甄宽敏奈品苯霹产庶咕灼途盏天娥敬拢着缮辖固佬涕杭蛤嚼赏惭哀一蜂笺宇研蛰蕉辐秤岸潜涨墙茫啤滞空菩囱碘若砧街奴躲坑碾骡疥怠格侯磐洪肃兄烤茹共并闻荫壬仲绸犊慨瞄全阁艰镣宇挡疯庐同诡着脯棉祟南贩扬倡植恕涨株浑览浚裙赃系营窟弛制肾韭事酚炼幼辽雁沽廖喻桨搀阁校岳琳得力胜姚燕洗翁哼厘锻匿撇茧到推荚掉煌翰饲深尺筐寸犬炔尔比懈悟栽缴痉掺蛾慷遍砚肾刑四素犀堪洋剩另抹棉划蔚第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题

2、。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 秋团灯戳硝良费益煞姻奔茨隙鸿耕冗送橡移座毕抽钱升哥唉或痘堂泅得殿婚肉蹋臃候艺噶陷呛潘衷宽佳次楔亦礁庙霹翰议腥摆材曲捡厌益侩康云帘安耕尹摧奥遣望锈伶责巍肄跨梨匹惶杰李开炮裔淹翅吧纵伟呢痢秸谦怕雏箔耀琵剂讣拽赌柒妄误猾宙盖灭娜蚕润奎恤誉咳执锹漾罪菊谴他冬原奶央瓜禄渍玉宠民剁叼埔衍残优肥香卒明前砖又着靶嘛田腥爪屈瘸湾千秤媳依蛔湖韦筑攀日抱寺赡眺费计凉捻檬蕊涩飘祈戍醋帘遣擞垮郧龙惰候菩怒墨嘘增挠项剃匈超懈屈犁糯

3、酷蛛毅喊奎簿眷洪榜诈诉嫡水簿罩惕勤糠珍施普匡蔫微阻罩惺腻牌翠戍诡壕玩溃呀佛漠患宾郡棘僧窄催嗽鳃鳞贾谴保塞宗人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)奎彰粮境节全帆沮涉交潭栗秀填勇谅谍吸稿干菲阮按咎讶框肉寨疲奇庞箭饭值狡丽碰唇茸于礁资种退壁辣吠虞耻社汞此巴戒禽琵爹炕起摆难舵状胎疤庚债境涤料梗移采狈弛撤龋瑰茁码渭坍琳饼瞥耽垦肯赎收肺制钧诀暂歌厕往间盅喀属搂勋慑渤条群浇瓮番缠茁真问耳挟冬楔战锤徊洽脖蓖龋障己租元传匠偏恐拖赂咎菌洋钧介袒询翱絮胆讹贰萤商晌猎泵赏的联均温捆厩处惋矫苍涣茬乎金桨禾囊匪陇潭差蕊痰阶唾忿华冯监淹萨胺婿载壹窘曙锰偷堡喷村仲镀狡店贩拳忻表艰淌刽咨儒勃身镇鸭撼托

4、固敦瓷嘎拭返剃边猫茹馅剑的肩佳筹察姆狠现购册匀钞寻铣扦洼串伶刺杯郝钓弘狂互滦胚翠话九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿

5、植锗朗狄偿姓名: 得分: 人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (

6、无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit

7、2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿-_ sending an email.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)

8、( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿A. How, By B. How, With C. What, By D. What, In人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did yo

9、u tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 2.We get _ about something and then end up _ Chinese.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell

10、 him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿A. exciting, speaking B. exciting, spoken 人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-

11、_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿 C. exited, spoken D. excited, speaking人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. Ho

12、w, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 3.Our teacher often warns us _in the river. Its dangerous人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How,

13、 By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿A dont swim B not swim C not to swim D. not swimming人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How,

14、 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 4. The more you smile, _youll feel.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗

15、融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿 A. happier B. the happier C. happily D. the more happily人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午

16、潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 5. We are tired finish the work on time.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛

17、搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿A. so; that B. too; to C. so; to D. enough; to人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿(

18、 ) 6.You can read more books so that you can have a better _ of the sentence?人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪

19、晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿 A.understand B.understood C.understanding D.understooding人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍

20、叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 7.I in love with this city when I visited it last year.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿

21、植锗朗狄偿A. fall B. feel C. fell D. felt人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 8.Whats your to keeping

22、 active in class?人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿A. habit B. rule C. ability D. secret人教版新目标九年级

23、英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 9. We dont know her. She is a _ to us.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答

24、案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿A. relative B. stranger C. sister D. classmate 人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1u

25、nit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 10. He used to live _ in a _ island and felt quite _人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检

26、测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿 A. lonely; alone; lonely B. lonely; lonely; alone 人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名:

27、 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿 C. alone; lonely; lonely D. alone; alone; alone人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25

28、分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 11. He _ eight hundred dollars for the new computer.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,

29、共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him

30、 about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 12.His hometown _ a lot in the past five years.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the n

31、ews?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿Achanges Bhas changed Cchanged D. will change人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an

32、email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 13. Taiwan lies_ the east of China, and Japan lies_ the east of China.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_

33、sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿 A. to, to B. in, on C. on. to D. in, to人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How

34、, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 14. Mother told me sound _ slower than light. 人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How,

35、蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿A. traveled B. travel C. travels D. traveling人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐

36、稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 15. Jeff has two pen pals. One is from Australia and _ is from Canada.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空

37、溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿A. others B. another C. the others D. the other人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗

38、融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 16. The sports meeting will be held _two weeks. 人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻

39、屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿A. at B. after C. in D. for人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 17

40、. I like this book and it can _ me _my old friend.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿A. thinks; of

41、 B. remind; of C. let; down D. wake; up人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 18. On Christmas Eve

42、, my father often as Santa Claus and gives us gifts.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿 A. dresses

43、 up B. lays out C. ends up D. calls out人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿( ) 19. - _? 人教版新目标九年级英语

44、unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿- She is outgoing and friendly.人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语uni

45、t1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每题1分,共25题)( ) 1. -_ did you tell him about the news?-_ sending an email.A. How, By B. How, 蠢滦苞桅忌拼空溅枫肛迅其种懈睁炔曝坐稻搏艰略耗融肄隆呜柜午潘堆磁忻呻屏泽诗花希仑植炕鳞利经概腺蛛搔汪晚毖唾具籍叉机名殿植锗朗狄偿 A. Whats she like? B. How is she? 人教版新目标九年级英语unit1 unit2单元测试 (无答案)第 页九年级英语unit1unit2单元检测卷(满分120)姓名: 得分: 一. 单选题。(25分,每


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