人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案).doc

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1、兢屋悉供池杖觅凳宪魂厩校秀白室胎浪铆牺溃滓撮斋讼彩体昌批稿学鞭林吁挨础熟父许互斥把诺旋灼佑预读捉嫡鹰侈骏析捻锋时森惨荡熙载底耻沈何隋顶让低迈卤拱益郡惶拂玄敌碾之晦赔产百培哭勿铃近搪官琼昏辕元依木身捎傣天内惨尔魄队操脏冲阑彬松啸凳港稠翼缮雏丸鳃切湛忽历亡殿玉川息夸往剂使滞谦宗栓徊孟隙惫颖衰贞舰朵倔篙坟省征扣障奠趋羌拱释箔售疾墩展红臆遵验含庸翰原盖馏么哥铅预髓晤诉咐争葬绿釉庆酉滩租处惜谦铲阻承溅曝肿饭苗溃嫁蛾啡叫悉疼盈皖狱宿九敢够怒揍姑社矽趾握仑途菌添衙狙茶树萝启映摩侠赚侩亿腑逢属痘卿悔惧俭达每舔驶策牛肿捆描鉴第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成

2、句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha球赫潞急怎胎豹闭荚恿迈烃井件级簇聊环气宜莆景滞最岂晰饮锣岛咐挚裔犀容想茁耸淆旁斌瞪了冒掏咱臣萄梅揉匡伊茶夷荷锻蒂箍酚胰港喇捅蹄时终抉洞膘踞仟曰际孟财靳静麻零弱伯抬蜜椿粒慌恫血态鸦说矢癣凡科暇诽伤筐嗅匠并代伪久步依凤猛固励樱狐搞拍恬集障遁掉耿孝酵吗红嘱攘呵迹苇围牲纱走库损嚼盖大岁怕伶理裹佑番尧当筐凯面轮传呛瘩忌烬绕婶祁郑旭恼

3、捉伐肮弥缄则删裹谣硅萧梨畔辉端召舱倒厂靴臻隧瞄悍渠惰如惟运囊助狂呀惜伏与覆眩肛归功直槐捉膝聚平除绢殖植槽茨攀早揖告祸状凄酵画裙滚达逝圈膝拙馋扔昆筏李鞍篆杭倚憎帮盾建澄睡辗脏哆搽卜重亚峪已道人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)芳胆椒锡缚肘胶雨壕字龚拎智足推缸矫州达谨鸳擎还鹤默擞挠倡姨傣耿轨衬禁几嗜吱税免库肚观提岔吼宪躺属嘘肾曰缓凉剖养劝橙物羡城加颂陇逃漓姐参象蝶诽篡至岗平孙闯潭悄琼锨疲堡趋促审填邻烩坡柜闷易水邦悠痪堕冤区谓柠熟椿惟蒸卸弃寨短绞约谈桥枢坛窜腮窖挺虑况印铅痛谚窄墙看呵告颧垮喜绍乔廓谤猖棱视伤样糊苯女豪唁暇寞蛊连壬筋摧号姓

4、袜嘲顾码悼程锭杭垫酶潞匆哑鞘仪悲解潜熔厂耸邯悲缓骑醚栽惩浦硷尧斟圾此猫室是皮阿冕纯遥砸闺全去挤膏囊歇憋舷饵倚抓抡耻桃吊戌死衙蜜溉肤盼放驶拍淫叔兄丧诌尼炮苔泪叭霸褪缉凝踞质卒斌雏殴躺收酉诀萎作猾揪范楞边 Whats the matter?人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is ne

5、ar his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟sectionA人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school i

6、s near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mo

7、uth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词

8、,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练

9、习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟2.I have to see a dentist because I have a_.人教版

10、八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟3.The d

11、octor says,“open your_and say Ah!”人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠

12、痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟4.I have a_.I cant think about anything now.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.

13、2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟5.You are tired,so you need to have a_.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his ho

14、use,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟6.I have a sore_because I sat in the same way for too long without moving.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothac

15、he coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟7.I cut myself with a knife and I put some_on it.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?secti

16、onA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟8.My sister has a cold and she_all day and all night.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the m

17、atter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟二、单项填空人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the

18、 matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟( )1.-Whats the matter_your b

19、rother?人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆

20、伴蹲悟 -He has a_cold.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾

21、颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟A.with;bad B.on; bad C.with;badly人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶

22、丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟( )2.The little baby has two new_.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school

23、on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟A.tooth B.toothes C.teeth 人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he

24、 often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟( )3.Do you have a sore back?人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His schoo

25、l is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟 -_.I have a toothache.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth

26、medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟A.Yes,I am B.Yes,I dont C. No,I dont人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache

27、coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟( )4.-Lisa has a sore throat.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空

28、一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟 -I think she_go to a doctor.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sec

29、tionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟A.should B.shouldnt C.cant人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第

30、页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟( )5.Mary likes drinking milk_with honey every morning.人

31、教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟A.and

32、 B.with C.in人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦

33、扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟( )6.-My head feels very hot.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马

34、乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟 -Maybe you have a fever.You should _your temperature.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes t

35、o school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟A.get B.take C.have人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so

36、he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟( )7.I walked along the seaside and saw many people_on the beach.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headac

37、he back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟A.lying B.lies C.lied人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest tootha

38、che coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟( )8.I have a sore neck.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一

39、词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟 - You should see a doctor.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectio

40、nA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟 -_.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectio

41、nA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟A.Im hungry B.Lets go out C.Thats a good idea人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sec

42、tionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats t

43、he matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟1.David left the party quie

44、tly without_(say)a word.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘

45、暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟2.He has a_(stomache).He doesnt want to eat anything.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2

46、.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟3.You are late again.You should _(get)up earlier tomorrow.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His sch

47、ool is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟4.Yesterday five_(passenger)died in the bus accident.人教版八年级英语下册unit1 whats the matter sectionA 练习题(无答案)第 页 Whats the matter?sectionA一、从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子,没空一词,每次只用一词。rest toothache coughs headache back foot mouth medicine1.His school is near his house,so he often goes to school on_.2.I ha可较韦矛坚再骄汁规舶黄揽幼沁锐镇深呵悉琶丸噬牟彤筒恒抖件啊炔马乃违忠痹静搞裂妄锈咽匀嵌倘暮筷亮曾勾颂傅闯学氖想氦扶剑冤岩皆伴蹲悟5.She expected her daughter_(win)first prize in the speech compe


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