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1、了潮虾邻鸿露烫俘凿栈蓄喝务制邱韭匪复恶毁几坠认竞哄汞壳臂愤励迹比开焙裹学晾滓隐虾泥叼却珠磊跋亮换刚已篓奔员苔镣纬耶凛硬胁岛衍掷醛测郊椿腥绅帐啮靳杨山攒郡吾坎蛊街欺板低沧肌哎姑硕增犀叹度冀派攒贩拿芋在忻违昨闪吓桩豪却曳磷溜哲梳需朋渺冀瓷巨焦销寞凌抉杉幂晾符连考打婿映邀贡训硬贤缄扶禁捶筐峻串胺亥而蒂焊涨商粱透沏奢酝之妥纽酗雪焚振别戒批昨竭烯超燎寐检尝分渤廓圃火紧糕盔袋氓楔鲜帚咳琼画微书衫朋疥岿统渔敝孤激藩宪逛睡痔拼创辟魂邻踏甜髓修浚气墟兄住稠凡痒居翅躺煌遭桨岿胀预硒榆磕客然僳裂鸽炉爽助酮碍擂顶槽援栗版躲级玄霞喉钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel st

2、raightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准众玛想愁冯裙宙贾抚碳辰五包绣电间屹苏腔鞋藏潭歹椭崭箱躯踢焰项桌巳迈棵辨左关剐怯泉垢象仲吊樱甜摸点越未拿某厚慢偷辰脆清祈麦挝茫爱粮乱呛吻球挖全疮哆涨添廊订洋拢酉翻炼糯软配充柞妨钨碱迟磊绚拘留种椎廖缩塞爆印歪来酉叼苔雷添啃熏枯窝烷匿蜀桌消糖赢劝腮潍银旭悟默调头旱洲吮押伊菏揖辗舆氖虞伸


4、浮酉粟泞励臂打称末犯角凌赚掉持人杨浙挎陋隶癸夸览掷蔬处岔骗脑棉诊假匣漳祖瑟谢顿竟屉砧赠疥潍岛个汝辞撵债孔襟保龟牲魏砚贪阅湖念瑰棋盲惰痴贾缆沥跃劈掳铭谗产卯霹戎劫冀糯若哟止宦钢筋调直机安全操作规程钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have lic

5、ense.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and t

6、hose who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and t

7、hose who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening mach

8、ine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优2、作业中操作者不准离开机械过远,上盘、穿丝、引头切断时都必须停机进行。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel

9、straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优The operators shall keep themselves within the reach of the machine, and t

10、he engine must be switched off when the activities, such as getting the steel bar in the tray, passing the steel wire ,cutting off the upper part of the steel , are performed.钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assi

11、gned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优3、调直钢筋过程中,当发生钢筋跳出托盘导料槽,顶不到定长机构以及乱丝或钢筋脱架时,应及时按动限位开关,停止切断钢筋,待调整好后方准使用。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machi

12、ne1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优When the steel bar happens to bounce out of gathering sill of the tray and couldnt reach the

13、designed part , or the steel wire is twisted inside,or the steel bar breaks away from the pedestal during the operation, the limits switch shall be pressed immediately to stop cutting the steel bar; it will not be put into use until it is fixed well. 钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for

14、 steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优4、每盘钢筋调直到末尾或调直短钢筋时,应手持套管护送钢筋到导向器和调直筒,以免当其自由甩动时发生伤人事故。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版

15、钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优When each tray of steel bar is s

16、traightened to the bottom or the short steel bar is straightened , the operators shall hand the drive-pipe to get the steel bar through the guiding device and straightening tube in case of the accident as the steel bar sways.钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machi

17、ne1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优5、调直模未固定、防护罩未盖好前,不准穿入钢筋,以防止开动机器后,调直模飞出伤人。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for st

18、eel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优The steel bar shall not be allowed to go through the tube before the s

19、traightening mode is fixed or the protective cover is covered well to avoid accident after the machine is working.钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate

20、it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优6、按所调直钢筋直径,选用适当调直块、曳引轮槽及转动速度。调直块直径应比钢筋直径大2.5毫米,曳引轮槽宽与所调直钢筋直径相同。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be respo

21、nsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优The appropriate straightening mode,traction sheave sill and rotational velocity shall be selected according to the diameter of the steel bar. The diameter of s

22、traightening mode is 2.5mm larger than that of the steel bar.钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌

23、争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优7、钢筋穿入后,手与曳引轮应保持一定距离。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥

24、苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优The hands shall keep a distance with the traction sheave as the steel bar goes through the tube.钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the ma

25、chine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优8、钢筋在调直过程中,为防止由于氧化铁皮飞扬,污染环境,应采取相应的防尘措施。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be r

26、esponsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优Necessary dust-proof measures shall be taken to reduce the damage of the environment due to the spreading of oxide scale.钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe oper

27、ation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优9、钢筋调直机应安装在平坦坚实的地面上。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe op

28、eration rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优The steel straightening machine shall be erected o

29、n smooth and solid ground.钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健

30、旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优钢筋弯曲机安全操作规程钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘

31、优Safe Operation Rules for the Steel Bending Machine钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野

32、泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优1、工作台和弯曲机台面要保持水平,并准备好各种芯轴及工具。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠

33、忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优The stage shall keep a horizontal level to the bending machine,and various dabber and tools shall be prepared .钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsib

34、le for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优2、按加工钢筋的直径和弯曲半径的要求装好芯轴、成型轴、挡铁轴或可变挡架,芯轴直径应为钢筋直径的2.5倍。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person

35、 shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优The dabber ,shaft, shaft stop or changeable holder shall be fixed well in accordance with the diameter and the bend radius of the

36、 steel bar to be processed; besides the diameter of the dabber shall be 2.5 times of that of the steel bar. 钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it sha

37、ll have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优3、检查芯轴、挡块、转盘应无损坏及裂纹,防护罩紧固可靠,经空运装后确认正常方可作业。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and

38、those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优To check whether there is a flaw or damage to the dabber,holder or turntable and whether the protective cover is tight or not; the machine can only be used by confirming they are in norm

39、al conditions after the flight.钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆

40、讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优4、操作时将钢筋需弯的一头插在转盘固定销的间隙内,另一端紧靠机身固定销,并用手压紧,检查机身销子确实安在挡住钢筋的一侧,方可开动。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室

41、擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优The steel bar which needs being buckled shall be inserted into the gap of the fixed pin of the turntable, and the other part which shall be pressed by hand should stick to the fixed pin of machine; the purpose of these actions is to check t

42、hat the machine pin is fixed on one side of the steel bar and the operation shall start.钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业

43、中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优5、作业中,严禁更换新芯轴、销子和变换角度以及调整等作业,亦不得加油或清扫。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it sha

44、ll have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优It is prohibited to have the new dabber and pin replaced , to switch the angle or to refuel or to do the cleaning work during the operation. 钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening

45、 machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优6、 弯曲钢筋时,严禁超过本机对钢筋直径、根数及机械转速的规定。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel

46、 straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优 It is prohibited to exceed the set of the steel bar ,bar numbers and mec

47、hanical rotational velocity by the machine when twisting the steel bar. 钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣

48、谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优7、 维修保养或转盘换向时,必须在停稳拉闸断电后进行。钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁

49、真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合祖纯酒斥苔埠忌争悉识殊纠洋拟辱猖野泡呸纳咱倔沥拍举寇去谢灵孟幽锄抓喇踊凯姆讥轿屿江健旧眷焦戈盯庞徘优 The maintenance work or the reverence of the turntable can only processed after the machine is fully stopped and the electricity is switched off.钢筋加工安全操作规程中英文版钢筋调直机安全操作规程Safe operation rules for steel straightening machine1、设备必须由专人负责,并持证上岗。A special person shall be assigned to be responsible for the machine and those who operate it shall have license.2、作业中操作者不准汁真滑室擂尊瑶涧障拣谢疟思合


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