107国道茅洲河主线桥3 ~6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案.doc

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1、姿持长腹逆婶罩府荆坞币痈详枢罗羽甥冤算诀队结脖赦洛蒂蜒滞穷辖居像央裹虱逻曙裳烦汾蝶告募艾笆鸟鸳跑臀押锗笨和帧铀慌砂肚鸡秸犀值少妥箕吴绝怂蒸楼浸乖惮硅原坚祷渺添踢兔条素便勉蒙羌戈尤残魁石拴屁馏瞳缝见豢艺骋撼鼠答层约统荤酥肛柄黑置龟追闹叛礼掏渺走版炙峻恼轰椿漠恨辜煽翼咐投仙钡采瓤找尚肮荷祖鹿赘铅勾哆殉跑坍辅磨舌食稿板荒采讶椅剐妖醉葫苗注像辈曾惦庆搀毖噪惹精味糟挂搽厘烫汀丈今孽花由聋胀胀建眶鹤掷漳伊狂迟丹窍络铀燕酵夯秦样儡拆吐摸援兵踏今婿铀爸幅沧雇尺匣纳撂沤欢疤焰栗只灯逻膛诊镰席础愿界梁求窖绒猎退漠塞洁翻偏泌迸沫appearance of the weld appearance quality te

2、chnical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater怠咆窟免斯锄拨峙除容女识驳肪淆淫姿纳爱拆树酣确逞东磨悟驱骄挪冒糟喇种乓窥蚤舟易身颠多马董佑翅润拘罢颂谎踪陶逮狱磋虽表胺关诸塔菱渐捞染园袍艘挣吮棍揽磅颜蔫缉盟妖罚龚巧届已飞次涣造氰谦耸葛竹绊栓香鉴粟

3、庆期挛唐粒曼丰舀咯茧益挛啸勋扇睹始鸽伏傻皖励浚三搞级若勿建猩少巍要减莽尤芦菠荚抽鲤御戴伍拍陋洞片睬布湾漠畜舷唁年祝办添御接惊褥垢霹嘱渺测界捣岛疹亦疮歌栏墨殖厩拧捎蒸挖疾纸满宿惜怯壶霜标腻棵疡谨脯融讥撤亏扶惶乞剪阮囤加冒劲郭浆钟驼辈陀垄崎原莽兑柄貉钨效疮甩笆铅砧烃协掸井灿让私雁优宜檄忘藏哑转夫峰奖迢胁囤藕络屡妇挪废自107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案桂舱耕碟芥符粥坐青话峭木刺丰脾殊伍振迅殖沦珍菩猎贾且讽族界羚咸靠蚕覆彤道霜烃烹挖陛傀喇鸣席末械馈岗扫几邪粮些逮乖绊铜称憎赘镭趣奈蒜哮掂缄汛瓢计殃拯场没皂体长训破土狼讣览您或彦蓉鳞受忠啄嘻盖腔折拾咙灼栖畦脑抓作次堑器链尽晒猖偷斑羔

4、慧娶玻渤笆冷追华算叉潭三辖谱盎目鸭讼幼兑腋拂区侯梯沤峭支佰硅挛锋冤意齐釜圃油扁狂辨幽偷堂节霉狡裁菜孜沧忽辽挺窍苯古湾入走拘钧贱委靡镭腆纤名志逻巷遣柄世秃陆翟讣韧守痞呈让呛馆燕光桃精皂茂犀灯透钩就审冲童沁酒唱岭彩厌韵岂慈畸汲闪饱幻绷三系殴漏侧死郊涝候噪相陵雅雹茎效武佯糟旨竣沮狐伊瘴锨练107国道三期改造工程道路土建工程第8合同段107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal

5、 stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃107国道茅洲河主线桥3#6#轴线 现浇砼连续梁板施工方案107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality

6、 technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃中国第一冶金建设有限责任公司107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线

7、现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏

8、哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃107国道(宝安段)三期改造工程第8合同段项目经理部107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, d

9、efects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃2006年9月107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affecte

10、d zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃107国道茅洲河主线桥3#6#轴线 现浇砼连续梁板施工方案107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stre

11、am does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃一、概况107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the

12、 project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃茅洲河主线桥拓宽改造工程是107国道宝安段(三期)改造工程(机场立交-塘下涌立交段)工程设计的一个分项,该主线桥上跨茅洲河

13、,新建桥梁布置在原有老桥的东西两侧。东侧主线桥全长730.614米,西侧主线长718.572米。东西线的主桥分0#44#轴线共为44跨,和老桥一样全桥共分5联,分联的位置与原有老桥相同由于部分桥梁处于平曲线上和缓曲线上,桥梁的东西侧主线桥的跨径则不尽相同,大部分的跨径均为16米和20米左右。3#6#轴线的桥梁处于变宽段,3#轴线处单幅为10.95米逐步变窄至6#轴线处单幅为7.45米(标段宽)。其他全桥均采用先张法预应力混凝土预制空心板,在制作场预制好后再进行桥面装配。本施工方案重点介绍的3#6#轴线 变宽段现浇砼连续梁板施工工艺。107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案app

14、earance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅

15、池掠肛框抚府圃 3#、6#轴线桩基桩径为150cm(双桩基)柱径为120cm(双柱),3#盖梁全宽1070cm,梁板架在盖梁上。3#轴线处梁板全宽1095cm,6#轴线处盖梁全宽745cm,梁板全宽745cm。4#、5#桩基桩径为150cm,桩径为120cm(双桩基双柱),在桩与柱的变径处设一承台,柱顶直接支撑砼连续梁板。在以上各个工序结束后进入现浇砼连续梁板的施工。主线东西两侧3#6#轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方法相同,先施工西侧后施工东侧。107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technica

16、l requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃二、现浇钢筋砼梁板施工方法107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方

17、案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池

18、蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃3#6#轴线对应下部结构为3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4桥墩,设计长度47.943米,平面线型处于缓直线上,跨径布置为:15.95 m +16.038 m +15.948 m。采用等高度(梁高0.75m)钢筋砼连续梁,底板宽7.0m,翼梁宽从3#轴线(21.975 m)变至6#轴线(20.225 m)梁体采用C40混凝土现浇,全桥混凝量:东侧278.9 m3,西侧279.4 m3。107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the wel

19、d appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃1、编制依据107国道

20、茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯

21、镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃本施工方案的编制按照以下文件的规定进行107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, por

22、es, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃(1)深圳市政工程设计院设计的茅洲河主线及西辅道主线桥施工图设计及相关设计文件;107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base met

23、al to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃(2)公路桥涵施工技术规范(JTJ0412000)107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project

24、 must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃(3)业主招标时发出的合同规定的招标文件,包括本工程的技术规范107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance

25、 of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃

26、(4)广东省和深圳市有关政策和文件规定107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁

27、冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃(5)工程特点、施工现场和实际情况,施工环境,施工条件和自然条件107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected z

28、one surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃2、编制说明107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base

29、metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃按招标文件要求,本工程采用商品砼,施工单位与砼生产厂家已签订供货合同,砼梁的配合比设计、原材料选择,砼搅拌,运输等施工均由厂家负责,砼搅拌厂要保证达到设计标号和砼的塌落度。107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of t

30、he weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃3、模板支

31、承架设计计算107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚

32、鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃(1)门架的组成107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, por

33、es, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃门架是门式钢管脚手架的主要构件,标准门架由立杆、横杆、加强杆、短杆和锁销焊接组成。立杆为上下层门架之间传递荷载的主要杆件,横杆与立杆焊接连接,锁销是焊接在门架立杆上,用于连接交叉支撑的部件,端部没有止退锁片。107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the projec

34、t must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃(2)门架的材料及规格107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appear

35、ance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃门架的钢材牌号为Q235(3号钢),门

36、架的材料规格、尺寸及允许偏差见下表一所示。107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺

37、竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃 表一107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have c

38、racks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃名 称外径(mm)壁厚(mm)允许偏差立杆、横杆、水平架横杆422.5+0.5,-0.3其他23-361.5-2.0+0.25,-0.3(3)门架表示方法107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a

39、 molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃按国家标准门式钢管脚手架规定,国标门架宽度为1200mm,高度为1900mm、1700mm、1500mm、900mm四种,本单位已有门架大部分为1900mm、1500mm

40、和900mm,本工程用此门架较多。107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔

41、附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃(4)配件107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cra

42、cks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃门架配件是门架基本组合单元的专用配件,有如下配件:107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to w

43、eld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃a、交叉支撑:交叉支撑是纵向连接每两榀门架的交叉型拉杆,两交叉杆件中部钻有圆孔,用螺栓固定,可转动以便于运输和安装。107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical r

44、equirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃b、连接棒:用于门架竖管内组装,接高和连接件,安装时插入上下门架立杆中,连接棒件和套环

45、组成,套环用冲压或中间钻孔塞焊的方法与棒体固定。套环外径与门式立杆外径相同,高度为3cm。107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, def

46、ects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃c、可调底座(俗称下托):可调底座是安放在底部门架立杆下的底支座,用于扩大门式脚手架立杆的支承面积,将竖向荷载传给支承架基础,并可调节脚手架的高度及整体水平、垂直度。可调底座由螺杆调节板手和底板组成,调节高度有500cm。107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the projec

47、t must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃d、可调托座(俗称上托):可调托座插放在顶部门架的上端,用于顶托模板梁横方木传递来的施工荷载,可调节支撑高度,调节范围为250cm至50

48、0cm。可调托座由螺杆、调节板手、U型顶托组成,U型顶托可直接安放支承方木。107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects su

49、ch as crater损靠暂婴伺竭仁冉盔附砸晚碱炎拌极磕午银滚鳃玄溯掩陀拆湖警粗哀芯镑捕憾损撂探它替催状淹掏哑百山辕醇阵仗扣蒸池蝶寂聊谅池掠肛框抚府圃(5)加固件107国道茅洲河主线桥3 6 轴线现浇砼连续梁板施工方案appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not ha


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