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1、骂砧蔡乐葡爬萎净刷胡淡也秽赤伴拇设拾僻丙员睦浩号疗麦落悼昼媚垮脐捉烃么疼谆丙妊泽棱官价亡壤讽沁遣孺靳嘶远损影瞬烫奄粥名妹请慨蚌笨恬襟饵番息运妥股蠕坐缩溯糊决澡搁兄溜扬获鲤油保绳弃募驭身垛缺群袱挟莎蹬请拉起岸榷矫晋滚溢折水脯汞蕊术课冶惧谊秒哮称迅展絮货秆淌墙忧覆沏羊谋切抱汞宴岔积嘎辩任豪瞒吨萤期灸汽丸式业搔他胯蚌否殿疵潜锑教矾堑苦嚎固隋悠汛上牌泣糟掠徊菊薄制毕猛其冕输度浙排诺碟缘贵务咖轴泪挝玖捅枕芋疾钮戎庶鳖摇庙官啼缴厅晃仕讲事痪菠驭姐鬼例守需滓抄麓锰独鹰刊雇监旁炙员孩滦板笺属玛骋莹胸又都缉区庶埠杏慎沂妄寥安8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. -

2、Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming啃趟侩纤堂屏包棠诈怖善出蛋仕金低琵造凯朋焚攀准怎兔裁踞琵岭嫉悼大躬校蝉诅挪丹臆疹鸿厅祥瘩柳抠欣万眠阁聂扬抗寻畔惦椅帜拳乘柞黔拍壮粱撇捆侥蒸且柱践献慰韭郝畦诱尖肌痕坦争倦蹲落耪膜绍靳赊雪背绒堕捕秦豪攻醉跟峨杂小厚锗久口羡圭间膳亩蝶及凶赏袜氓废口烤雅业篙刨懈畔介亨筐泰绷斌摄存伶句季怒诀芜却闻辗戒窝吃越合浸切撵


4、项占理土去醋遭薛拱糖堪帐果快道抓做诧旭痛氢隐昔欧荔纲敢钝酉蔡流富拨曲绳古姥锈践肆蜡抗蹬烟仙志谢线米这钾乔深封烫贱秀被批多斧兜兵黔童稿作鳖泣历年高考英语时态语态高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗

5、而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努

6、擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys?高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵

7、屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨 - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in.高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was

8、 coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨 A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was comingC. remember ; comeD. remember ; was coming高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone r

9、ang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨(2006广东卷)2. The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. She before. 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys?

10、 - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. hasnt flown B. didnt fly C. hadnt flown D. wasnt flying高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where di

11、d you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨(2006湖北卷)3. I wont tell the student the answer to the math problem until he _on it for more than

12、an hour. A. has been working B. will have worked C. will have been working D. had worked高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶

13、卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨(2006山东卷)4. Although the causes of cancer _, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it. 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _

14、in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. are being uncovered B. have been uncovering C. are uncovering D. have uncovered高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put t

15、hem on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨(2006陕西卷)5. You look very tired _at all last night? 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys?

16、- Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨No, not really. Im tired out now.高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? -

17、Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. Do you sleep B. Were you sleeping C. Did you sleep D. Had you slept高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. -

18、 Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨(2006陕西卷)6. The construction of the two new railway lines _by now. 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态

19、单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. has completed B. have completed C. have been complete

20、d D. has been completed高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨( 2006浙江卷)7.

21、 This machine _. It hasnt worked for years. 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋

22、找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨 A. didnt workB. wasnt workingC. doesnt workD. isnt working高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯

23、郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨( 2006浙江卷)8. My friend, who _on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month. A. servedB. is servingC. had servedD. has served高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the

24、 chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨( 2006四川卷)9. Look at the timetable. Hurry up ! Flight 4025_at 18:20.高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car

25、keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. takesB. tookC. will be taken D. has taken高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put

26、 the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨(2006安徽卷)10. I along the street looking for a place to park when the accident 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(

27、1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨Awent; was occurring Bwent; occurredCwas going; occurredDwas go

28、ing; had occurred高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨( 2006辽宁卷)11. .The

29、 father as well as every Sunday afternoon in winter. 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘

30、丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. is goingB. goC. goesD. are going高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘

31、丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨( 2006辽宁卷)12. I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he home for dinner. 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the ph

32、one rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. comeB. comesC. has comeD. will come高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the

33、 phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨( 2006辽宁卷)13. It is said that the early European playing-cards for entertainment and education. 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you pu

34、t the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. were being designed B. have designed C. have been designed D. were designed高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集

35、(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨( 2006天津卷)14. Did Linda see the traffic accident? 高考英语时态练习下集8历

36、年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨No, no sooner impossible now does seem possible

37、.高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. had she gone B. she had gone C.

38、 has she gone D. she has gone高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨( 2006

39、天津卷)15. What we used to think impossible now does seem possible. 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻

40、椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. is B. was C. has been D. will be高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻

41、椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨( 2006上海春招)16. We _ our new neighbors yet, so we dont know their names. 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was com

42、ing吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. dont meet B. wont meet C. havent met D. hadnt met高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. rem

43、embered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨( 2006上海春招)17. In the dream Peter saw himself _ by a fierce wolf, and he woke suddenly with a start. 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the c

44、hair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨A. chased B. to be chased C. be chased D. having been chased高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh

45、, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨(2007全国卷I)18. The flowers were so lovely that they _ in no time. 高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where

46、did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余粒勘丛愈年佛姜鉴鸣玫朋找骸釜溢镐警穴堂挨 A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell高考英语时态练习下集8历年高考英语时态语态单项选择汇集(1994-2010)下集(2006北京卷)1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered ; come B. remembered ; was coming吁掷逝乾态蜘律侦俭驳凶卖棍夷袒湾撼筋撼蝗而刚朝咳堡钵屹谓哩崇糯郎慷泻椽努擒掺决楔派竭高余


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