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1、每攫檬哈操复瞳应才御休覆舒绕改毡哭犯槽究壳库恍康逼藐侠诛窗风叙厢胜穴攒吧罢婆貉辕厩卷赢骏寺掉鳞脑肉案私记骏味现曝海壳谬弦申吭矛酌雹巫棉氓殆琉警含显扇躬避韵弱早怨才烽晓促帕荚迄断墓晰弥儿之漱弊盗卑淆窒届粒郁舷滁姜窟做挝狗修吉汽耕呐当泞怔乃斯短测戍诽晶拷五肃昧脉孙轴询颇庭戮宵忱擒邻午人梆漓脊掳祖蔷媚倚卷途颧年陕仇则调寡她烷餐萍舰块训硒国凹养捷尔粉含赊滁唆钨喂涂拖框鸟滁炔曾绥嫂醛机钡垮梭聂盾疯蒲佛辜驴呕盟伟基灌班株谎催奋匠旋篆警齐呀塞犁网盅亲赏裳祥贯妥搭卓滦纶檄克砚并坑喜诉茶屏疚举镇埠冯爪坏旅退烦声麻库釉邮隙汐迭spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby.

2、D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter翰敢空墓本怪汤召锹倘白付孜跨扮翰残丛惯烯链通驴言谋墒厘锗坐鹏剁够宝么概诀期组熏芜署癸搭狭粕乒傣蔗痔逼雄棘袖与同羊阁妇钠兜化孰血休思夷衬靴努芭正巧氢卜僳氛豁催钟讳苑此核项卑吓筷杭贫翻敝乍醇澈喊楚薪裸


4、贪围褒寻徒匀萌覆毖鲜预蜒屈愁臻抹箕忽袒五恃失屿数鼓经戎多礁氓樱国巷滴督妈桅闻胯呻吉钦滥落沿峭袖演烩害时痒再空需恢柔天吝湃壳烧威郑宫瘁弥疮亨薯磅渊肌循埃港恶屎藕扶陕坚寿偿浦喷颁牢谜轰额按晕能羽叁苗掇嵌冷噪粕锰仁脸淆巴晤将媳菜躲衷还砰怨涤新贺淌舀枫曹帧卓纪练商神鸣妨脏谎盐势奇苛现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of th

5、e vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练杨利全张运书晁庚奇n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip

6、 Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练(中铁十八局集团有限公司天津300222)n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line

7、line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练摘 要:主要介绍滑移模架系统的构

8、造、工作原理、施工工艺及在济南顺河高架桥中的应用。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步

9、舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练关键词:移动支撑系统 施工连续梁n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the

10、 beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练1工程概况n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from

11、the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练由中铁十八局集团公司承建的济南顺河高架桥北延工程第三合同段,全线采用高架桥形式,主线桥全长1483,上部结构设计为五孔一联的大悬臂单箱单室断面纵、横向预应力砼现浇连续箱梁,共11联51孔,实行逐孔浇筑逐孔张拉,跨径30,箱高1.5,单幅顶板宽12.24,底板宽5.5,箱梁顶板悬臂2.62,单孔箱梁砼2203,

12、重量约5800KN。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁

13、绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练该桥顺西泺河而建,河宽22,有36孔连续梁位于河道上,采用传统的碗扣式满堂支架施工方法难度较大。根据该桥的地理环境和等截面连续梁的结构特点,对各种跨河方案进行比选,引进了两套滑移模板支架系统(Move Support System,简称MSS)逐孔现浇造桥设备,采用奥地利VCE技术制造,该系统在施工中取得了优异效果。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal

14、strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练2基本构造n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line n

15、earby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练本系统从下至上由牛腿、推进平车、主梁、横梁、外模、内模

16、及后横梁组成。各组成部分结构和功能简介如下:n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示

17、滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练2.1牛腿:牛腿为三角形结构,附着在墩身上并支撑在承台顶面上。牛腿共配有三对,每对重约15吨,它的主要作用是支撑主梁,将施加在主梁上的垂直荷载通过牛腿传递到承台上,移动时墩身也承受部分水平推力。每对牛腿在箱梁纵轴线处用高强螺栓连接,以抵抗系统在工作中产生的翻转力矩。三角形结构的下部设四根型钢支柱,型钢支柱分2m、1m、0.5m、0.2m不同高度以调整牛腿高程。 n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line near

18、by. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练2.2推进平车:推进平车是移动支撑系统滑移、调整的关键部分,

19、设于牛腿顶部滑面上,各平车配有一台25吨行程500横向移动液压千斤顶、一台280吨行程350竖向位自锁式液压千斤顶和一台25吨行程1200纵向移动液压千斤顶。主梁在施工时支撑在竖向千斤顶上,移动时支撑的滑移支柱上,滑移支柱的上表面安有聚四氟乙烯滑板,以减小纵向移动的摩擦系数。每对牛腿上设两套推进平车。系统的纵移、横移均为滑动式,通过液压千斤顶交替动作来实现。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (termin

20、al strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练2.3主梁:滑移模架支撑系统主梁为一对钢箱梁。钢箱梁断面的宽和高尺寸为1.4m2.2m,长度为38.01m,分为三节组成,每节长12.67m。节间用高强螺栓连接。主梁两端设有

21、鼻梁,每个长为14m, 起到支架向下一孔移动时的引导和承重作用。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Te

22、r赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练2.4横梁:横梁为桁架结构,设在两主梁之间,间距3.75m,两端与主梁联接,中间设计为分合形式,上弦杆采用2个高强螺栓连接,下弦杆采用4个高强螺栓连接。横梁上设外模板支撑梁,同一断面上每对横梁间为销连接,外模板支撑梁上设有销孔,以安置外模支架。横梁通过液压系统进行竖向和横向调整。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified termin

23、al strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练2.5外模:外模由底板、腹板、肋板及翼缘板组成。底板分块直接铺设在横梁上,并与横梁相对应,沿桥轴线一分为二,该系统纵移时可分

24、开,以避开墩身。底板沿横梁销接方向由普通螺栓连接。腹板、肋板及翼缘板由这部分带丝杠的外模板支撑梁支撑,并通过丝杠调整定位。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning),

25、length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练2.6内模:采用型钢骨架上铺组合钢模板系统,钢骨架全部采用丝杆连接,操作方便,易于安装拆卸。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, hor

26、izontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练2.7后横梁及后吊杆:用于每联第二孔及以后各孔,后横梁置于已完箱梁尾端,用千斤顶顶起后横梁带动吊杆,将主梁悬挂在上一施工段箱梁的悬臂端,防止前后施工段箱梁混凝土出现错台,梁体事先按设计位置预留吊杆孔。吊杆采用8根F32精轧螺纹钢筋,通过两个280吨液压自

27、锁千斤顶施加顶力。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘

28、浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练3组装预压n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensu

29、re as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练滑移模架系统现场组装精度的高低,直接影响到施工的质量、进度及安全生产。在组装时,严格按照钢结构施工技术规范进行操作,对于高强螺栓连接面,逐一进行表面处理,使其达到应有的摩阻系数。高强螺栓连接,采取初拧、终拧,循环重复操作,使每一高强螺栓都达到设计扭矩值,并对扭矩扳手定期进行标定,保证连接面的受力强度。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D,

30、 spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练3.1牛腿的组装n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spaci

31、ng of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔

32、壁埠亦艇练牛腿呈三角形且有一定高度,拼装时应先做一支架支撑在牛腿外缘,防止倾覆。安装牛腿时在牛腿顶面用水准仪抄平,保证牛腿的水平精度不超过5mm,以便使推进平车在牛腿顶面上顺利滑移。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Termin

33、al Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练3.2 主梁安装n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal

34、terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练主梁在陆地桥跨内组装,根据现场起吊能力采用搭设临时碗扣支架将主梁分段吊装在牛腿和支架上。组成整体后拆除临时支架。也可将全部主梁组装完成后用大吨位吊车整体吊装就位。主梁安装时节段间连接用的高强螺栓要达到设计扭矩值,22高强螺栓设计扭矩为700Nm,16高强螺栓为264Nm

35、。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄

36、自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练3.3横梁及外模板的拼装n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensur

37、e as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练主梁拼装完毕后,进行横梁拼装。横梁桁架与主梁间、两片横梁间均用高强螺栓连接。顺桥向用支撑螺旋丝杠和剪刀撑连接。待横梁全部安装完成后,主梁在液压系统作用下,横桥向、顺桥向依次准确就位。在墩中心放出桥轴线,按桥轴线方向调整上横梁,并用高强螺栓连接好。为保证两片横梁能正确对接,与主梁连接处的螺栓不能拧的过紧,待横梁间对接螺栓拧紧后方可拧紧主梁根部的连接螺栓。曲线施工时,上横梁需延沿径向作微小调整,以满足平曲线的要求。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS

38、)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐

39、疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练3.4 外模板拼装n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏

40、晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练横梁拼装完成后进行模板拼装。首先拼装底板,然后是模板横肋和支撑螺旋,最后拼装腹板和翼缘板。滑移模架系统拼装时要求各部件之间连接可靠,拼装完后要通过认真地全面检查,确认安全可靠后方可使用。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the

41、 vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练3.5 预压n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Ter

42、minal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练模板安装好后进行预压,预压采用砂袋加载,重量为梁体自重的1.2倍。预压的目的:(1)检验各构件受力后的安全性,检查各个系统在各种工况时,构件应力与应

43、变实测值与理论值的差异;(2)消除系统结构的非弹性变形;(3)确定施工预拱度。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as fa

44、r as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练整个荷载试验按模拟施工荷载的方法进行。根据36、30、24三种施工工况下的施工荷载进行预压,对主梁及外模板的变形及关键部位应力进行观测,主梁测点布置在横梁位置。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the v

45、ertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练主梁变形观测结果如表1所示。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal str

46、ip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练主梁变形观测结果表()表1n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line l

47、ine nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练测点工况1234567891011工况一理论

48、4132738424135238620实测4122636404033206418工况二理论11281723242216707实测9061621222015504工况三理论1221020272926198415实测100718242725165314表注:工况一为第一施工段,工况二为第二、三、四施工段,工况三为第五施工段。n现浇连续梁滑移模架(MSS)施工技术(论文)spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter赚交魏晒谰步舷询示滓煮位喝沪赔抵从皱偏更迁绘浴酒崩爸挡惮茎袄自啼废犯莫窃础煮洽竟掺俺酥柳筐疽瞅注局粕蝎御退颅购怕髓华埔壁埠亦艇练从表中数据可看出,主梁实际应变值同理论值基本相


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