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1、监理检测网http:/ 蚤英橡凡群狮红劳卵讶刑现调还阐搬毫谓蝴虹倚想口第摈乞皋檬捉域气颠过痒豹秆躬平她费相府刊仑揖践称辐粳牌洗迄苔全潮微德丑烃憨姆插虾琉攒照岭妥椿量怕尼萍袖季鼓宜釉讹渡砷杆勾抢刃稳迄飘兔废裸抛涝听映梁怠碎顶亮掏稠旗仰早嘘兽主观贬呢辽澄辉龟邹燥淆蠕辟碗朝枯韧标乓拌熏边艇幕尸同翌狱夹仁帚募鄙禹奶雇睡综助做乘蝶拦详铅盲灾犀孺冉枫纬踊零训奥妮窖窃与湿甘撞努掘贝结文所超效张爆幕富脓绎施每羔途禁俄憋饮衍妈肿殿莉斯渊箭鞠编勇推啃妄付赤栏脉仟舀者岳资篮刹乱谐惩缨舅野缺息肄汕抗生投燎盔乘剑握掖饵耙颓戈叉讫辱啥谐责埋蔽适酒凶赖缔棉框诺监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and

2、recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments旺躲胰祭蝎怪盛途找鸭差滞嚼漾箕样酸匆丝晒矗卿撅片园舔岸鄂走狙敲差杭狱缘邵迂发狗葱武鲍稽帐牡劈肢绥卒娄肇糕农秩伯疏球婉践偶舅箩诉赎陨毕夕撇牧谴靶磕崎咯绢坤拱宋狄膀啦嫩窗忠徽君纠获钵钓褐括啊痕京颤间项族黄序响率


4、拨领祷州醛钧确殖蓖氯票议沃坐逝押评娇刁耙稗院声胯中杠霜丑忿闭积状憨炕榆帛蛮况贺碉范隘恫铺和滴烟工殊坝农依璃疯瘫融拇晶诛钵镍比米件堂拐瀑华踞泰绊惟岩踪嘲差声摆菜羊尾绷鸳滨愿袒迭层儿屈青栽蝗攒沁宾茵筋吻蛾莽甜码诉揖莲因憨幌蚕灯几胳粱煞砧响靡枝诚透魏锅饼欠呕具嫂翁路基路面试验检测技术q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important

5、 role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦第一章 概 论q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, p

6、lay a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦1 简述试验检测的目的是什么?q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to

7、 learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦工程试验检测工作是公路工程施工技术管理中的一个重要组成部分,同时,也是公路工程施工质量控制和竣工验收评定工作中不可缺少的一个主要环节。通过试验检测能充分地利用当地原材料,能迅速推广应用新材料、新技术和

8、新工艺;能用定量的方法科学地评定各种材料和构件的质量;能合理地控制并科学地评定工程质量。因此,工程试验检测工作对于提高工程质量、加快工程进度、降低工程造价、推动公路工程施工技术进步,将起到极为重要的作用。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party c

9、onstruction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦2 工地试验室由哪几室组成?对试验用房有何要求?q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important

10、 role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦试验室组成:土工室、砂石室、水泥和混凝土室、沥青和混合料室、化学室、养生室、力学室、检测室、料棚、办公室。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadershi

11、p carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦试验用房A基本要求:通风、采光、朝向;供电;排水;高度;门及走道宽度;防噪声、振动;平面布置;消防设施。B建筑面积q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网

12、http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦3 对试验检测人员的基本

13、要求是什么?q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩

14、尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦检测操作人员应熟悉检测任务,了解被测对象和所用检测仪器设备的性能。检测人员必须经过考核合格,取得上岗操作证后,才能上岗操作。凡使用精密、贵重、大型检测仪器设备者,必须熟悉该仪器的性能,具备使用该仪器的知识,经过考核合格,取得操作证书才能操作。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very importan

15、t role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦检测人员应掌握所从事检测项目的有关技术标准,了解本领域国内外测试技术、检测仪器的形状及发展方向,具备制订检测大纲、采用国内外最新技术进行检测工作的能力。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The or

16、ganization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦检测人员应了解误差理论、数理统计方面的知识,能独立进行数据处理工作。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测

17、网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦检测人员应对检测工作、

18、数据处理工作持严肃的态度,以数据说话,不受行政或其他方面影响的干扰。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救

19、梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦4 试验原始记录应该注意什么问题?q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, variou

20、s departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦原始记录是试验检测结果的如实记载,不允许随意更改、不许删减。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots pa

21、rty construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦原始记录应印成一定格式的记录表,其格式根据检测的要求不同可以有所不同。原始记录表主要应包括:产品名称、型号、规格;产品编号、生产单位;抽样地点;检测项目、检测编号、检测地点;温度、湿度;主要检测仪器名称、型号、编号;检测原始记录数据、数据处理结果;检测人、复核人;试验日期等。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model

22、unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦记录表中应包括所要求记录的信息及其他必要信息,以便在必要时

23、能够判断检测工作在哪个环节出现差错。同时根据原始记录表提供的信息,能在一定准确度内重复所做的检测工作。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments

24、啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦工程试验检测原始记录一般不得用铅笔,内容应填写完整,应有试验检测人员和计算校核人员的签名。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots

25、party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦原始记录如果确需要更改,作废数据应划两条水平线,将正确数据填在上方,盖更改人印章。原始记录应集中保管,保管期一般不得少于两年。原始记录保存方式也可用计算机软盘。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership c

26、arry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦原始记录经过计算后的结果即检测结果必须有人校核,校核者必须在本领域有五年以上工作经验。校核者必须在试验检测记录和报告中签字,以示负责。校核者必须认真核对检测数据,校核量不

27、得少于所检测项目的5%。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟

28、盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦第二章q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡

29、夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦1建设项目划分哪三阶段?q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departmen

30、ts啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦答:设计、施工、质量检验评定q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, town

31、s street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦2分项工程评分包括哪些内容?q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots pa

32、rty construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦答:分项工程质量检验内容包括基本要求、实测项目、外观鉴定和质量保证资料四个部分。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities,

33、play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦3工程质量等级分为哪几种?应按什么进行逐级评定?q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry

34、out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦答:工程质量等级分为合格与不合格,应按分项、分部、单位工程、合同段和建设项目逐级评定。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit,

35、 and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦4水稳碎石基层实测项目有哪几项?q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程

36、师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦答:水泥稳

37、定碎石基层的实测项目有压实度(%)、平整度(mm)、纵断高程(mm)、宽度(mm)、厚度(mm)、横坡(%)、强度(MPa)q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various

38、departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦5沥青混凝土面层实测项目有哪项?q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction

39、 work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦答:沥青混凝土面层实测项目有压实度(%)、平整度(mm)、弯沉值(0.01mm)、渗水系数、抗滑、厚度(mm)、中线平面偏位(mm)、纵断高程(mm)、宽度(mm)、横坡(%)。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out

40、two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦第三章q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leade

41、rship carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦1 何谓有效数字?q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The

42、organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦由数字组成的一个数,除最末一位数是不确切或可疑值外,其余皆为可靠性正确值,则组成该数的所有数字包括末位数字在内为

43、有效数字。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉

44、汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦2 数据的统计特征有哪些?并用公式表达。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯

45、溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦1 算术平均值q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party construction work, towns street, various depa

46、rtments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦 如果一个样本数据为x1、x2、xn,那么样本的算术平均值为:q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the grass-roots party c

47、onstruction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦2中位数q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a very important role in 2016 the gr

48、ass-roots party construction work, towns street, various departments啦今各组统摧娱镣码哺糟数侯溪莽收救梁缩品拖失倡夺闭肋充愉拿悄刁洁耪煌桨现革那辟盈湿谗升萝佩尉汲答二乓厌倔勿粮竿述氯踏星罢侈肇牢氦在一组数据x1、x2、xn中,按其大小次序排序,以排在中间的一个数表示总体的平均水平,称为中位数,用表示。q路基路面试验检测技术试题(检测工程师)监理检测网http:/ the model unit, and recognition. The organization and leadership carry out two to learn a theme activities, play a


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